Found this before I was going to bed. I guess the Russkies are going all out to finish this once and for all. Don't know how creditable this news source is but to lazy and tried to look for others
Breaking: Skies above southern Damascus turn red after Russian forces unleashes massive night assaul
About damned time.
I wish I knew what was going on in this world. If Russia is kiked controlled opposition or not.
Why is this anything extraordinary?
The russian economy is kiked, they own it, putin is a strongman who is parcial to jewish interestsm he's likewise a billionaire
On one hand questioning the holocaust is a crime probably because it was the only justification for them getting involved that made them look even close to the good guys on the other they seem to be doing a bang up job of undermining jewish plots on their soil and just being a thorn in the kike's side in general.
Still though, jews even have neonazis and muzzies that honest to god want them dead on the payroll so who the fuck knows anymore.
I'm just pro-white and I think I wouldn't prefer being kiked by one kike over another. Supposedly Rothschild wants to control Golan heights and Russia wants to keep a monopoly on energy resources to Europe.
But I think Jews want to make Aryans kill each other in a WW more, and it would require two sides being kiked.
We already have the formation of those sides taking place.
It will be a war between pro diversity and pro tradition and history.
The UNlol no real power, but still they could at the very least rope sweden and france into a draft has even said so directly to Poland and Hungry under no uncertain terms.
It should go without saying I don't support Israel and the advancement of Assad against ISIS will be an advancement against Israel.
I just think about, after the Middle Eastern problem is solved, then what? If that's not just going to be pretext for the Aryan brother war.
parcel? oh you meant partial.
I have this to add:
Your source is probably correct. To me it looks like they boxed them in yesterday, hence the MP's patrolling the area (probably looking out for any suspicious persons). And are now finishing the job with artillery before going through the rubble to clear out any possible survivors. This is standard for Russian doctrine, maneuvers support artillery.
Because they're selfish first and foremost, they'll always do whats best for them personally. That's why everything's so convoluted. They all have their own personal game they play that meshes into some hideous whole. There may be a semblance of order but it's built on obedience, which is only kept through force. If that force lets up it becomes a free for all. Remember the game they all play is winner takes all, and we all know how greedy they are.
This is why Jesus said the Hebrews were vermin that needed to be eradicated from the earth forever, every last man woman and child, everywhere, praise Jesus.
Russian Kikes arent fully trusted by their Israeli/Western brethren.
Largely due to what the Soviet Kikes realized during the Holodomor and Stalins Purge. They realized that that they had actually fucking WON. That the people under their control were THEIRS. Yes, property, yes treated like possesions, like cattle. They learned what every ethnic minority ruling class learned and acfepted. You have to keep them alive and well treated, or you will have nothing. Its irony of a sort. But after the fervor and insanity passed, they realized they were burning THEIR OWN house down, that they were slaughtering THEIR OWN livestock for no meazurable gain. So after WWII, they settled down into the common business of running shit….then they let the Mafiya and corruption get out of control and Russia nearly suffered a total civilizational collapse.
Ruskie Jews are entirely foreign in their thi king compared to their westerly brethren, who still wont nothing more than to recreate the. Old massacre of Roman times.
They have relearned how to be something of a proper ruling class. For all the decay and crap Russia is going through right now, its nothing to the collapse coming for the West.
Yeah, Russia might be reduced to 90 million by 2050, but they will still be in a better position than Western Europe and America, which is in cinders
ignore the anglin shills, putin is a corrupt ex-commie globalist. half of russia is chinks/mudshits and the other half is drunken slavs. theres nothing special about them, if they didn't have nukes their country would've been torn apart by now.
Shit, that nearly happened during the 90s anyways.
If whites are ever gone, (((they'll))) have to pay for the brown hordes out of pocket because they're not going to get jobs.
Those kikes won't be able to leave their house without getting attacked and eaten.
That's how it should be now.
This is what pisses me off about the newfags. They don't lurk to learn or care about doing things properly.
>If whites are ever gone, (((they'll))) have to pay for the brown hordes out of pocket because they're not going to get jobs.
They believe that their messiah returns after Europe is destroyed. Thus they are destroying Europe with shitskins. It also means any of their own in Europe will be forced out by the backlash against them, and will cry "it's annuda shoah!" on their way out - gaining more sympathy for their Greater Israel project.
Pic related is chinks or drunks according to you, but it's unsurprising you put white people down, you being a nigger and all.
[complete and utter silence as in space no one can hear you cheeki breeki]
What the fuck are you guys talking about. Russia is bombing the fuck out of ISIS and is letting the Syrian state get full control of it's land back. Eventually that will include Golan heights (and all the oil Israel is currently trying to get)
Then Syria invades Golan Heights. Israel will fight every tooth and nail to defend that.
If they lose that, then it's fucking over for the kikes. GAME OVER
Still though, jews even have neonazis and muzzies that honest to god want them dead on the payroll so who the fuck knows anymore.
Those are just victims of an ideology they don't fully understand yet. It doesn't really matter who they are and what they want dead if they are brainwashed in the first place. Anyone who is brainwashed is just a pawn. Their puppet strings will change hands many times and they won't even notice
Kike detected
Russia has been dominated by Jews since the Bolsheviks won in the 1920s. Over that time period, they relearned the art of internal statecraft, and acquired a healthy distrust of their international brothers, even as they encouraged and manipulated them.. They accomplished their objectives of subverting and wrecking the West, largely because it coincided what the kikes here wanted to do anyways.
Then shit happened, and the Ruski Jews realized that they were very close to seeing Russian civilization collapse and fall entirely, and didnt trust their Western cousins.
So yes, Russia is dominated by Jews and is as demographically threatened by Muslim immigration as Western Europe. But they have little interest in genociding white people. They wont stop it from happening, why should they, once it happens, all their rivals collapse and the Russian sphere of influence acquires the White immigrants lucky enough to escape….just as climate adjustments make Russia more agriculturally productive.
Syria becomes the girl cashier.
Dern it, thought that was an actual photo of it from the thumbnail. Sleep smug, pepers.
Putin is doing shit.
Trump is doing shit.
Assad is doing shit.
Fuck off with your derailment
sage for offtopic
This is why Zig Forums is dying.
What really matters right now is getting a picture of the incident so I can do a Kefka edit.
Look goyim aerospage forces! In muh soviet Russia Moon jump over cow.
Russians are helping Assad, who's a major wrench into the Greater Israel plans.
Trust the actions, not the words of jewish shills on the chans.
You are a real faggot I regret making you that banner, bump because the gaza niggers are storming the border
Ha ha too late nigger
Russia is controlled and was created by Western European jews in the 1800s, just look at their flag and colors as a return to their foundation and where Putin was sworn in. Hell, Putin is a confirmed KGB racial jew.
It's well known in the intelligence community that the USA and Russia are actually allies, since they won WW2 together, at most they're rivals but they're all in on it. They're just playing good cop–bad cop dialectic to get what they want from nations not in on it. The rebranding of the Soviet Union was used as an excuse to arm the entire Turd World; that's what the Cold War was all about, controlling the 3rd world population through chaos.
This whole Zionism thing is a theater show, perhaps to get the low caste jews nuked in a real holocaust as a way to leverage global government and delete the old religions for good to trigger global demoralization. Because if (((they))) really wanted Greater Zion, they would just invade away and make up a story afterwards instead of waiting around for Arab nations founded by foreigners to build their forces. The dark lords of this world haven't lost control of their creation.
I wouldn't be surprised once Israel got nuked that USA, EU and Russia turned into a single union in a generation because they're all ran by the god damn Rothschilds, Freemasons and jews. I'm honestly starting to believe that all politics are fake and gay, to hide the fact we're under a single global government after WW2 with a few loose ends.
No, the Czar and his fellow German/Scandinavian aristocrats controlled Russia.
Lurk more shitskin. There is a proper way to make an OP and this isn't it.
I can assume you it's all much more complicated than we think
Jews were oppressed nation in RE prior to the 1917. Their commie atrocities were successful revenge against Russian nation, Russians are dead zombie nation that goes into oblivion.
Though prior 1917 Russians didn't know much better, as they were ruled by German Kangs. Ages old tradition, first Russian government was result of Viking conquer. Nation of eternal slaves who were born as slaves and would die like that.
Jesus said no such thing. Lying is a sin.
Russia has actually more-or-less fixed their birthrate issue, so it's unlikely they will have demographic issues in 2050.
Russian population TFR stays below 2.0 (if it tells you something though i doubt it) and there is no signs of changing.
Also one look at the age-sex pyramid tells you that Russia is gonna be hit by one demographic crisis after another in the incoming years. Actually one is in full strength, conscription crisis. After a years of "improving the military thanks hard Putin's work (lol)", Russia returns to the era of shitksins military and prison culture driven dedovshina as military drafts all subhuman scum they can grab.
Are you retarded? They didnt fix shit. They imported masses of Muslims from central asia, and those muslims had the kids.
Slavic Russians still have a dogshit birthrate.
Stay delusional.
Says the retard with earlobe spacing. kill yourself
how the fuck does it say earlobe