UN Deploys "Specialists" to Tackle Africans Who Want To Spread Ebola-chan's Love

Stolen from Zig Forums, courtesy of >>>/ebola/
The Democratic Republic of Congo and UN agencies began deploying emergency teams of specialists over the weekend to try to prevent the spread of Ebola-chan's love suspected to have infected more than 30 people, they said.

>"We're concerned because this is a city of one million people who would love Ebola-chan," she said.

Spread to Mbdanka, Ebola-chan! We love you Ebola-chan!
Please help spread Ebola-chan's love through meme magic, Zig Forums. There's still time for us to revive her once more.

Attached: Perfect_Ebola.mp4 (640x360, 15.52M)

Other urls found in this thread:


For those who've lost the original.

Attached: Shingeki no Congo!! (Ebola-Chan's Return) (youtubemp4.to).webm (320x240, 5.53M)

tl;dr- Ebola-chan is mere miles from the capital of the DRC, two people who had contact with victims have already made it into the capital, and one loose case could result in half the fucking capital getting infected/Ebola-chan's spread throughout the world once more. She needs our love, memes, and support so that she can spread her wings and infect more niggers with her love.

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Ebola chan showing her undying love for the world.


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Take to the air, Ebola-Chan – we love you!

Can we meme the DRC's control efforts as a human rights violation or some shit? How do we make them stop?

Attached: Winged_Ebola-Chan.jpg (416x655, 25.18K)

I love you ebola chan

Maybe spread the rumor that doctors were sent by whites to render them sterile? They already half believe that for polio vaccinations.

Honestly there (((vaccinations))) against malaria don't work so why would they work against a much stronger virus.

At this point it's the WHO who's getting in the way the most, but last I checked the World Health Organization is playing games on the global level because they're pissed off at America right now and at the UN for not giving them more gibs. The DRC can't really do shit without equipment from WHO.

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I suppose we could flood WHO communications channels with a bunch of shitposting as a start, but that would only get us so far: who.int/about/contacthq/en/

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If I thought I could get Ebola-chan's love and spread it to the world without being stopped by the DRC police or WHO, I would totally tackle an ebola-filled bloodbag and then take a trip to India or China.

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First stop Mecca during the Hajj.

One ebola corpse in the ganges would be interesting.

Ebola-chan is a cute. She comes from bush meat.

Yeah both india and china getting hit with ebola is devastating to their economy due to the sheer volume of people. I could see the range from 10-50 million if we highball.

Would ebola spread in India, or has bathing in shit for millennia given them titanium immune systems?

Attached: India dog eats headless corpse.mp4 (1280x720, 3.03M)

While that would be nice, I'm a little to pale and unable to grow a proper beard. I think she'd be better in a wet environment like the Ganges or the Chinese cities along the coasts.

This is a good question, and I'm unsure. It would either multiply her effects, or end with no one getting infected.

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If we could just infect one of those jew blood rituals the entire world would ignite.

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As long as all UN and WHO workers have completed the proper ritual before going "in country" this Cure-chan should help spread the Love. Hopefully this year deaths are in the tens of thousands.

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I left this is the last Starbucks bathroom I used to strengthen the curse.

Praise KEK

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Very nice, user

Hope a nigger sees that for extra juicy reactions.


Attached: GO GET THOSE NIGGERS.png (1920x1080, 2.15M)

Well played but how did you make it out unnoticed?

Attached: IMG_4024.JPG (500x800, 86.42K)

You're playing with fire doing shit like that, you retard. That's a great way to bring literal demons into your life.

Ebolachan is the most unclean of all the spirits.
The word demon comes from an old story about an adult with an imagery friend; also it's a reference to the creation story of Marduk, who made humans from the most evil demons in the universe to see if he could make them good.

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Yeah, you are right, he no idea of the horrors, especially the female kind, that lurk in starbucks.

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Ebola-chan purifies the world through pestilence and death. My waifu is pure!

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Back to wish Ebola-chan good luck!

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Fight hellfire with hellfire.


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I love you Ebola-chan

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Actually wasn't there a bunch of lynchings over vampires from the black panther movie? Additionally we could maybe try to say that the doctors are spreading the disease. 11,000 Africans died the last time because WHO dropped the ball so badly.

Over vampires spreading disease*

Go ahead and use the monkey's paw while you're at it.

Imagine being a normie, walking into a public bathroom and finding that.

liberals get upset over me suggesting that the refugees in the camps who're in the camps due to being one meal way from expiring should be sterilized if they were to receive further aid.

What's the Ebola-chan/nurgle relationship like?

A lobe Ebola
Ah do

Lawd. What writing is that?

That picture is fucking disgusting. It's almost as bad as the shit American dogs have to eat.

I mean the bathroom should be safe, but I agree that some really nasty skags hang-out at Starbucks. Stay safe kids, once their biological clock activates those sluts go crazy.


You will never be white, kike.

Faggot thinks he is making runes.

You have no idea how bad.it really is



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Persuade the aidsniggers (all of Africa) that ebola and aids cancel each other out.
Maybe all they'll pull their dicks out of kids and goats long enough to stick them into the walking dead for a cure.

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Ebola is a cute meme, but it doesn't do shit.
If it did do shit, there wouldn't be more than a billion Africans on the planet. It kills about as many people as die in Tesla crashes.
tldr; Very exotic and fancy name, many more deaths from suicide than ebola

It probably could wipe them out if people would stop wasting money trying to help them, or at the very least put them back to pre-WW2 numbers.

These people think they are helping other humans while in reality they are helping apes and wasting large amounts of resources we should be actively killing there population to keep it under control. Its unfortunate that anyone who would suggest this would go to prison immediately.

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Much of the world is with you in spirit.

Good Luck, Ebola Chan..!

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She Reached Mbdanka, Guys!!!

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Some suggest they are intertwined/Ebola-chan is an aspect. Seeing as how she's my waifu, I don't really care.

Quads confirms the undying love of mai waifu

Confirmed death in Mbdanka!
This not only proves she's been in the capital, but that she's been in the capital long enough for someone to spread the contagion and die from it due to time passing!

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Honestly ebola isn't contagious enough to wipe out significant portions of African countries. To put things in perspective, diseases killed 9.5 million in Africa in 2015 which still doesn't put a dent in their rabbit-like reproduction rates.

That's the thing with extremely deadly diseases; they often kill so quickly that they wipe out hosts faster than they can reliably infect new ones. If you really wanted to hit hard, use something like the Black Plague or similar.

fucking hell, where I can get one of plush dolls?

tip of the iceberg user. But what the other guy said is true. Till food aid ends the africans will just keep on breeding like rodents

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Go, go, Ebola-chan!
Spread your wings!
Take flight!

Douse the world in your love!