What if Hillary is seriously going to run again in 2020?
Yeah, okay, maybe, maybe not… but consider this.
What this says immediately is that they intend on running another woman as the democratic candidate. Why incels? Incels are the fasting growing non-racial demographic among millennial men/boys. They're hated by feminists and by creating an incel problem, they can rally and polarize more democratic voters, while thinning the ranks of incels who will vote for Trump through demoralization. What better woman to run than Hillary, allowing for all of the dems to get revenge against Trump by voting for her?
One thing I forgot to mention that will also be in Hillary's favor is that the kikes will try to pull the plug on the economy. This year, or next, or delayed until 2020, doesn't really matter.
Cameron Hernandez
Please fucking do. The DNC will be against it because they don't want to get fucking destroyed again so Hillcunt will have to suicide a number of them before they let her be a candidate. And then she'll get fucking destroyed again, about 10x worse than in 2015. It could only be funnier if !Jeb¡ ran as her VP.
lolno. He's wise to their kikery and he won't fall for it just like he didn't fall for their attempts to drag us into a conflict with Syria.
Okay, assuming he's not controllled oposition what about this scenario? US army attacks Iran without Trump's approval. He's the US president so he's gonna be the natural scapegoat. I mean he can tweet about it not being his orders and get a few people fired but you can only give the same excuse a finite number of times before it doesn't hold anymore, no matter if it's the truth.
Wyatt Walker
Owen Roberts
Didn't the FBI do this many times already?
Aaron Jenkins
you've gone full retard
Daniel Perez
I don't think anyone will listen but I think we need to throw a spanner in the works What we need to do is get one of /ourguys/ running as president for the Democrats, now this sounds incredibly impossible but if 2020 is going to be as close as it looks especially if there is both Maxime and Oprah and another Bernie than I think that if one of our guys polls 30% equivelent votewise as Trump in Primaries they'll become a major candidate and will become a major troll candidate afterwards and gain traction My personal pick would be Sam Hyde as he would be able to play the character perfectly as well as being from New Hampshire which as we know is the state when it comes to early primary campaigns, even a 2nd place throws it into the works, and of course they'll rig it against him but that would just be a rally to say that the Democrats are undemocratic, and Bonus is that if Sam wins he should be able to take Trump or at least give Trump a shocking realisation that America doesn't want Israel first
Tempting to make crude allusions to magic carpet. Uh, have you heard of top Clinton donor George Soros?
Justin Johnson
That would be the best possible outcome. It would fracture the DNC.
Elijah Richardson
So same strategy as last time, except now "white men" are narrowed down to "incels".
Cameron Hughes
They really did put all of their eggs in the Hillary basket. It's crazy they don't have anyone lined up at all. They thought they would secure permanent victory once they elected Hillary and gained that Supreme Court seat and pushed through amnesty.
Angel Hill
then they are fucked
Jacob Allen
The only way she runs in 2020 is if its full on Weekend At Bernie's style
Wyatt Torres
if you didnt take trumps 4 years as a buffer to get away from liberals you are complete idiot and get what you deserve
you have 2 years left … get out, stop being a supreme useless loser
im in a state now where even if hill dog get arrested im good. Im surrounded by hicks with guns , I dont even have a gun because Im not shotting it out with these guys. They protect the area like hawks.
damn im happy i left california
Lucas Morales
she looks like she is completely lost on that burger flipping
Michael Barnes
faggot, kill yourself
Ethan Gutierrez
Hillary probably won't be able to walk in 2020 let alone run for presidency
I don't want to sound like a sycophant, but Trump's presidency hasn't been that bad. He passed a major tax reform bill; has actually begun enforcement of immigration policy. He has withdrawn from the Paris Climate deal, yet still met the agreement's obligations. He has done much better in special elections than Obama did. He ended the war in Korea, and has cock-blocked the kike's attempts to start WW3 in Syria multiple times. Some people might point out that he signed that shitty omnibus deal, but there's a trap in that. That budget ends on September 30th, a little over a month before the 2018 mid-term elections. He's threatened to shutdown the government if he doesn't get funding for the border wall (another major complaint people are making); this will also boost republican turnout, and the media can't say anything because the democrats shutdown the government over their precious illegal spics earlier this year.
I don't think the democrats are going to have a good candidate for 2020. Biden is getting old and senile. The other figures they have all look like shit. A big problem the democrats have is that they're split between gibsmedat identity politics and working class whites. They have candidates that can appeal to one of those groups, but not both. I think that instead of worrying about 2020 we should (at least for now) look at 2018. Patrick Little needs all the support he can get; Nehlen too. A lot of states have already had their primaries, and Zig Forums is going to get blind-sided if it doesn't keep an eye on he mid-terms - an election which will make or break Trump.
Luis Lee
I think until 2020 they will perfect this technology
Lol user a man is never truly free until he has had everything taken from him. The moment they "officially" take women from us will be the beginning of their demise.
Jayden Collins
Have you been in a lefty reality bubble? The bitch has thoroughly ruined her image as possibly the biggest sore loser in history. She is associated with losing. Every new appearance she has new health problems. Everyone is begging her to shut up because she's radioactive. It would be easy mode for Trump to win again if she crawled back in.
William Flores
Please yes
David Perry
the dems will run Kamala Harris
Nolan Taylor
As Trump has said… I hope she does. Hopefully she's a convicted felon before then though.
(checked) Zig Forums should put all its efforts towards making Mad Max the dems obvious choice
Oliver Bennett
Kamala doesn't like Israel, the kikes that actually run the Democrat party will never allow it.
Thomas Barnes
fuck that … i just got to a good place … ill chill and make friends and give them heads up on liberal tricks so that this place can be the start of remanifesting destiny
if you want me dead ur going to have to kill me , but ur probably a pos liberal that cant do shit
ha fuck you ggs
Xavier Hernandez
You're infinitely retarded.
Tyler Edwards
You must be 18 years old and have an IQ above 110 to post here.
Adam Wood
I can't be the only one getting weird Orwellian vibes from this video. I'm not sure exactly how they did it, but it's pretty unsettling.
Julian Lopez
Kill yourself moshe.
Henry Smith
The next "serious" ticket is going to be Booker/Warren but they're going to save it until they think they have a clear shot at winning, be that 2020 or 2024.
Luis Ramirez
She is. She's already running. She's been hopping all over the world in her bid. It's totally obvious. And it's kind of a miracle. But she controls the DNC. So she will destroy the DNC and hand the election over to Trump. What an absolute fuckhead.
So this is good news. This is why we are secure in these years, at least.
Blake James
This shit still spoops me out. Alas, my body is ready.
Wyatt Powell
Also what is this? did that shit happen on the news? gotta link?
Bentley Russell
Oh, really? That's why he's completely useless? It's not because he's a Zionist puppet that serves as controlled opposition to soothe white anger. It's because CNN would say that whatever he's doing is bad, and that means he can't do anything- because a President's job is to look good for the media, after all. Ah, they're going to force him. It's not like he's hated on Iran for years or anything, he's a baste NatSoc that wants to destroy Israel, right?
There was already a revolt against the Dem's party leaders. Hillary has zero chance of winning or even rigging another primary, especially if she would have to go up against Trump again. "You couldn't beat him the first time" would be the only argument they need to make against her to shut her down.
At best you might see her aim for the VP slot on the ticket and then if they win the President can just suffer an unfortunate accident involving three suicidal barbells to the back of the head.
Cooper Gonzalez
< vote for Hillary, goy < see, I used that magic word "kike", see? I'm totally not a kike < despite acting in a way that shall achieve, if successful, precisely the desires of the kikes
Xavier Nguyen
Jason White
I remember when this happened. I can't remember the details but as it was being covered Hillary was doing a speech for the news rather than a large crowd spoiler alert, Hillary never got many people at her rallies and basically she seemed to glitch like that for a split second before coming back into frame… Which makes people believe it was some sort of automated hologram.
Owen Edwards
There is literally no difference between Trump and Hillary, they serve the same masters. The exact same argument could be made about the controlled Kushner shill mods that ban anybody that criticizes Trump because "kike" or "you'll never be white" or "assmad about chess" or "you have to go back". What, acting like Trump? He's POTUS. He could single handedly redpill the whole world in a day. He doesn't. He doesn't do ANYTHING.
Because they turned the board into /r/the_Zig Forums. It's a Trump board now. I hate vegans, they should be force-fed pork products. Are fucking gay Why not? One thread. The book board is dead, nobody uses anything other than Zig Forums, /r9k/, /b/, whatever, the big few. Call me a newfag all you want, I don't know what goons are Name one good thing that Trump has done. Try.
There is literally nothing. There is no reason to continue to support him since it became clear within a few months of becoming the most powerful in the world that he didn't intend to do anything good for white people.
Jonathan Perez
I'm sorry but you replied to copypasta. That was one of Kampfys(ex-mod) spergouts.
Charles King
< kike lying, particularly easily with slander, it being their verbs and their nouns, and their sign language is graft >>>/gaschambers/
And now I have proof you're either a kike or 99% nigger.
< don't vote, goys, it makes no difference.
It's also possible you're one of those homo loudmouthed sort of retard-social niglets, because you have not had any encounters with law.
Behold, the difference: 1. spics were emboldened and tremendously, under Obama. Indeed, there was little point to turning in illegals - I saw a few things myself, but I knew vouchsafe nothing would be done under Obama - they were very BOLD! That is changing, thanks to Trump. 2. You have never faced the difficulties involved with Obamacare. You have literally no fucking idea what a goddamn nightmare the ACA is. Try this one on: did you know that healthy people with good policies were kicked off their plans, as companies fled certain states due to various obscure reasons (such as the way certain health laws interfaced with the ACA)?
If the answer to that last question is yes, then you are certainly a kike.
But we may never know the truth of it.
… or from half chan, worse plebbit
Evan Barnes
If the cunt is still alive and not wheelchaird bound? Glorious lolz. The reason she hasn't said no is because it kind of keeps her relevant so she can shill her book and get those, sweet, sweet shekels from kevetching appearances.
Henry Wilson
I remember this, she was not in front of a crowd, it was fake like she was in front of a green screen live and the feed started to glitch. There was a bunch of evidence like peoples phones in the crowd recording an empty stage.
Justin Sanders
If ifs and buts were candies and nuts we'd all have a merry Christma
They definitely will after Trump's two terms are up. SInce Trump just pummels mercilessly anybody in his way, I don't the jews can bare to watch a minority figure get emasculated by him. They will most likely throw Biden at Trump, and save stronk mud personality for 2024.
Hillary cunton will be 72 or 73 in 2020. She was already falling to pieces 2 years ago when she campaigned. She couldn't go to public speaking events, she couldn't meet fans not that she has any, she could barely debate. You think that 4 years later she will be in better condition to? Lol. That's not to say she won't try to run, but I'm certain the Dems will try to stop her. Then again we saw the leaked Dem plan is currently to retake the white house in 2024 so maybe they just gave up.
The democrats are going to have a 35 year old latino man come from "out of the blue" and "rise in the ranks" of the party to run him against Trump. He'll be their new Kennedy. Young, vivacious, and appealing to their only voting base. The purpose will be to contrast him against Trump's age and whiteness. They've done this shit before. We WILL see it again.
Haha, holy shit. These people are so out of touch they celebrate an approximation of broad human behavior in an attempt to appeal.
Angel Sullivan
Depending on what Trump does with israel, let her win.
Samuel Brooks
I've really, really really, always fucking hated those weird abbreviations by using fragments of words mashed together. I know why commies do it, but I really fucking hate it.
Ethan Moore
It's almost as if each photo shows how out of touch she is though. Showing her in public being followed by at least 2 tv grade cameras….how normal. Tries to make her look befuddled as a normie "lost" with out gps in Current Year….despite her having Secret service following her and a plotted course already laid out for her as they are ones to do. "Iowa state fair"….Clear photo op for running for 08' Race….recycled crappy material Jesus christ….at this point does everything need a "!". Anyways… How normal of her to be swarmed by total strangers that even take out cell camera's to video and how nice is it that some slanty eyed brought a baby to a bar….so fucking normal. Another clear photo op with almost caricature type cult followers watch in aw as she picks tomatoes out that are going into the trash as soon as out of the media's site. Isn't she just like us?!?! she poses with CELEBRITIES in selfies lmfao rolf….
Colton Brooks
That was horrifying
Charles Bell
New obama you mean, watch he gets his own vague slogan and propaganda posters. For a bunch of people who hate nazis they sure love to take from their election playbooks. I see the neocons to run a black and/or spic younging too go against trump, perhaps one of them being a female.
Leo Lee
Shes less human than zuck and hes taking actual human lessons dammit.
Aaron Brown
Nancy Pelosi's RickRoll.
Jaxon Gray
where did they even come up with that term from?Insolent ?
Dems are fucked anyway, Trump's approval rating is through the roof despite constant 24/7 lib shit talking. Why not let her run and get her ass handed again instead of putting one of their actual prospects on a doomed campaign?
No, better yet, let Commie Sanders run. I'm tired of my idiot lefty relatives swearing Sanders could've beaten Trump.
picrelated, only change the Cat lady for the commie.
Nah, I doubt the dems are that retarded. It would be too easy to clip her wings by inditing her right before the first Democratic primaries (the last moment they can legally do it). An inditment usually doesn't allow someone to run for president, it can be overruled by the SCOTUS but it would still wreck havoc on get image, and throw the primaries into a tailspin.
Parker Gonzalez
God damn, what a bunch of retards. Actually getting that hype for Hilldawg. What the hell are you crying about and chanting at a screen for?
The only thing Trump has consistently done is backed Israel. If you look at things objectively the one and only thing he has truly been consistent on is sucking Jewish dick.
Maybe the real problem is all of you are not wise to Trump's kikery and are a bunch of good goys.