I'm confused wth
It's true. He was there. His prayer was pretty neutral I thought, as it obviously would be. He did refer to the nation of Israel as "her". Is it normal for Jews to refer to Israel as a female? Because when the Bible refers to Israel as female, it's as an idolatrous whore lol.
I'm not too sure this is thread worthy. He's obviously the sort of christcuck that needs to be shoah'd; however, it was pleasently surprising to read that he doesn't think kikes can be saved. A lot of this popular protestant priests will hold the kikes to a special status and say that they don't have to be Christians. John Hagee is the epitome of this type of christcuck.
Post salt if you've got.
Romney is such a faggot.
This is why the left attacks "Christian Fundamentalists"
The Bible pretty clearly says everything he does.
How so?
I wonder who would have been on that board had Bernie won.
Look up the origin of Jew Trek Spock's "live long, and prosper" (((Vulcan))) hand sign.
Don't reply to him, and especially don't encourage him to make more faggotous posts. Asking someone like that to make another post is retarded. Don't act retarded again. He said "christcuck" and asked for people to derail the thread with salt.
It's very safe to generalize mainstream protestants as turbo-zionists.
Hi Zig Forums. I don't call everyone a christcuck. Orthodox, Mormons, and Catholics are pretty good. Also surely you're aware that posting salt alongside news of "Trump doing something controversial" is a time honored tradition on Zig Forums.
sage for off-topic
Really trying with that bait aren't ya?
A lot of the Catholic clergy is on the rope list, but non-spic Catholics seem to have pretty good family values.
Apart from those wayward liberal 'Catholics' of Irish heritage who often become influential in American Catholicism.
Kek, is this some new form of proxy shitposting?
Shit OP but a good find.
This will be great. I hope he insults the kikes too while he's there. It will cause trouble between evangelicals and kikes, which means trouble for israel.
If Mormonism is so great why isn't he president?
It's nice to see a "popular" Christian that's actually read the Bible and understands it. I started to wonder if the only legit Bible believers could be found scattered across rural churches.
John Hagee is poison; thankfully, there's a growing number of evangelicals who are recognizing the heretical nature of his dual covenant theology.
I instantly though that Anderson was invited when I heard that he chose a preacher that condemned the jews to hell
Yeah, but he thanked Jesus at the end. And got a very mellow applause.
And he had his eyes closed the whole time.
Israel is referred to as "The Bride of God" several places in the OT. Likewise, the Israelites have been referred to collectively as a whore who has been divorced and given back to her father (satan)
Anderson is a Jew.
Imagine actually being a neocuck that believes in a religion more retarded than Religion of Cuckā¢.
gullible retards