Opening ceremony for new US Embassy in Jerusalem
Benjamin Netanyahu just finished speaking, praising Trump in the process.
Opening ceremony for new US Embassy in Jerusalem
Benjamin Netanyahu just finished speaking, praising Trump in the process.
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I hate the musical number by ZOG. The entire crowd should be blacklisted and eviscerated.
Israel is slaughtering protestors right now, I'm skeptical about how widely that will get reported in the msm.
It's on the front page of RT and Fox at least.
Speaking of super bad based genocidal antiwhite neocon jews
I'm skeptical about how widely that will get reported in the msm
Never mind the MSM, I'm skeptical about how widely this sort of thing will be reported on here on Zig Forums
NPR was kvetching all morning because trump brought an anti-muslim anti-semite right wing pastor to the event.
At the same time (((they))) are murdering Palestinian protestors who are demanding the return of land that was robbed from them. The same protestors also saw their homes destroyed by bulldozers from Israel.
I used to NPR for the lulz a while back but I can't bring myself to do it anymore, I get severe anxiety from it.
It was his choice to move the embassy, so honestly he does share blame. But it's weird seeing all these outlets admitting Israel slaughtered Palestinean protestors.
Someone give me a quick run down on how relocating the embassy to Jerusalem benefits anyone how isn't a Jew. I heard a lot of chess reasons, but seriously, is there a practical reason with a rational explanation why Trump did it? So far the only positive reaction seems to come from the Jews.
Even (((CNN))) is reporting it. Gee I wonder why wouldn't the kikes want to control the narratives of the both sides of the kosher sandwich.
It doesn't. Evangelicals unironically believe in the holy land, the chosen people and the return of the messiah and they, just like the Jews, want Trump to help the prophecy manifest.
You've obviously never played the game of intergalactic chess - Electronic Arts Triple DRM online Dreidel edition before
How much longer until the red haired calf is sacrificed in the temple and the goyim become slaves to g-d's chosen?
Honestly I can actually see some power plays on Trump's end if he's cogent enough to act on them. With the repeal of the Iran Deal and moving the embassy, even the far left is becoming vocally anti-Zionist. They're calling Netanyahu untrustworthy and scandalous and wanting to become isolationist and shut down the ZOGmoney. They're doing it for the wrong reason such as protecting their precious muzzies but Liberals hate Trump with such a passion they're falling for the simplest trick in the book, reverse psychology. To spite Trump they're doing the opposite of everything he is, so the more he appears Pro-Israel, the more anti-Israel/Zionist the far left becomes. You know shit is fucked when Cuomo even though he's a plant has to go after Bibi to sell the lies but even the liberal ZOGbots start turning on them. Look at their comments, they're eating each other alive to hate Israel because Trump "looks" like he's siding with them.
You mean the exact same philosophy the jews on Zig Forums used to trick the retarded tier goys into championing the isreali neocon jews into office, just to spite the leftists and muslims.
and here we are halfway through the first term of ZOGs agent and still Zig Forums bans any user who dares point out the orange kike in the room
Historic moment.
I wonder what would happen if European country or the US shot 40 shitskins dead on its border
I hope Hungary tests the waters.
Surely that must be a joke. No one in their right mind would name offspring that. Not a human
it would probably make (((Ivanka))) cry and Trump would have to bomb Hungary
Why would it with Bibi's second best mate [after Trump]in control?
This place is just one continuous gaslight on the goy
Oy vey.
According to Kikebart, none of the Democrats showed up. Not even the Israeli dual citizens.
daily reminder that all jewish senators in congress are democrats
this is just election year grandstanding
I wish the Iranians would just make their move right now. What better time than now with all these kikes and good goyim in the same place?
What about all the dual national isreali neocon jews in the equally jewish Republican party - Or don't they count because they are based neocon zionist jews?
did I say that?
Imagine the outcry if the U.S. border guards mowed down nearly 43 (and rising) invaders.
Er… yes you appear to have done just that
Sorry wrong image.
It's called fracturing the opposition user.
It's easier to defeat them if they're bickering among each other.
The alliance between the communists and the Rothschild Israel has always been shaky even though they followed their every order.
This democrat anti-israel bullshit was usually just for show but now that they were taught to think with their emotions, the dem voters are basically painting their leadership in the corner.
Remember that every move Trump until now was to win the midterms. This embassy bullshit being one of them.
Moving the embassy is symbolic but reinvigorating the white fertility rate with a successful economy is something that every kike dreams only in their nightmares.
where did I say anything about BASED neocon republicans?
the point was that not a single US senator is opposed to this move but they'll play good cop bad cop for the dumb goyim to keep the two party charade going
The jews just hate the Celtic people tbh.
I like this
Yes but it works like says. While people bitch about Trump they're also attacking Israel as well through Bibi. Plus as much as we would have foreign dignitaries at the embassy, we all know it's going to be target practice HAMAS and Hezbollah in the long run. Fill that embassy up with all the ZOGbots you can and let the muzzies deal with them for deniable culpability along with Israel making itself a bigger target on the center stage. We all know kikes play both sides but in the end, Schumer, Feinstein, Shapiro, etc will always cuck for Israel because it's their true allegiance and hidey-hole. Retards are going to retard but the left has far more obvious golems (GOYlem in yid which should be used to emphasize the goy, as jews have made them servants like the golem of lore) like BLM, Pussy Hats, Gun Grabbers, and mudslime apologists. Getting the left to eat each other especially with elections coming up isn't that bad. It's a flip of the script, instead of Israel using America as it's human shield, we will use Israel to deflect the shit they've flung at us. Have them eat the poisoned apple they tried to shove down our throats. For example, "Walls are racist and bad goy!".We can reply, "But Israel has a fine wall and it's been proven to keep people who would harm their country out. In fact I've hired the same contractor who built/upgraded the Israeli wall for our wall." Then we can watch all the neo-cons and liberalcucks try to spin it and then fall for the same traps of race bating, PC shit, and OY VEY muh 6k they've been trying to push on us. If their has been anything that kills the Jew even more than them being exposed, it's Jews jewing Jews.
Congratulation, Palestine! Now America can watch from their window, watching the bloodsports everyday. But don't worry, losers are still the players.
Sure thing chesscuck
Oh no I'm fucking sickened by all this jew fellating in our current WH right now but it's a distinct possibility. Shit your fucking mouth, I'm not implying chess at all. The stupid fucking goldwater ad above this page says "maga stands with Israel", I physically feel ill
No, it's really not
Just repeating facts over and over again doesn't suddenly make them become untrue.
"I voted for you," cried Zig Forums, "and you betrayed me, but why?"
"You know your movement is cancer and now I'm gonna die"
"Oh, shut up, silly goyim," said Drumpf with a grin
"You knew damn well I was a kike before you took me in."
It's not a fact. There's nothing jewish about his genetics. His wife and children on the other hand…
It's just kikes playing both sides and controlling the dissent, as always.
He's a shabbos goyim, which is probably worse than being a kike if you think about it
"My presidency is so powerful it can make my enemies tell the truth."
Ok then fuck you then, I state I feel physically ill over seeing this goddamn fucking jew worship and you faggots have to chime in with >muh chess and your aspersions, mowing down invaders at the border is exactly what should happen and fucking jew land gets a free pass for it while every white country gets condemned for not opening their arms and assholes for invaders, it's fucking disgusting.
Notice how the shills didn't come out to play until after the stream ended lol. Time to get back to work in their shiny new embassy.
Are you writing some fan fiction or something?
And then this nigger thinks killing invading forces is historically wrong" and never been done and calls me a redditor what the fuck is going in
We are the hurt box. We are truth. We don't settle for anything else. Either post truth, shut the fuck up, or go kill yourself somewhere else if you can't handle reality. You are meaningless if you don't accept objective reality.
You shut the fuck up you stupid faggot, I keep advocating for killing at the border and being upset it's NOT HAPPENING HERE you ducking illiterate
Either you're actually attempting D&C or you're fucking retarded. He's against the kikes, what the fuck are you going on about?
Fuck, what's a more leftist website than tumblr… You need to go back THERE instead.
Sure thing, FBI. Reported.
Sure thing, blackpill. Reported.
Learn how to read, yidlover.
And again what makes me FEEL BAD is jews "defending" THEIR border while WE DONT, that's REALITY right now you fucking moron
Reported for what you fucking jew, do you think borders don't exist and shouldn't be defended? What the fuck kind of bullshit are you trying to preach? Or are you just trying to get your .02 shekels per post?
Yes, blackpill. We don't care. We don't want your delusions. We don't care about "wouldn't it be nice." Either accept reality or fuck off.
Kikes are doing the opposite. They're invaders mowing down the native population.
so is this a bot, a shill, or a retard? Just spouting misplaced buzzwords and literally empty, frameworked "rhetoric" that could be placed anywhere with the loosest but if context. Fellate a gun.
Holy shit, go back to reddit.
wew. Kikes in a nutshell.
"Blackpill" is the most cancerous concept since "purity-spiraling".
Speak English mongo.
Do you really think this will fucking work?
True, but from the perspective of most watching israel is supposedly a legitimate state and therefore is killing "invaders". Stating displeasure at border enforcement for they but not for me becomes relevant here.
das right goy, palestinians are the invaders
Are you just trying to fit in?
Read posts before replying to them, you fucking yid.
You are a retard.
What is demoralizing about being mad that jews get to publicly kill Palestinians crossing into their country but we can't publicly kill spics and shitskins crossing into our countries? It's not a fucking blackpill, it's anger you stupid faggot
Either have a coherent argument or go back to reddit.
We've seen it before. We're not falling for it now. You are a liar.
No, we're not going to help you hide better, paid shill. If you don't understand how is clearly a disingenuous post, you don't deserve to be here.
Came here during the election confirmed.
You are irrational.
We have ids here you fucking moron, you have multiple people calling you out for being fucking stupid and flailing about
Reported. You can't derail us.
Great going. Way to out yourself.
Cry more.
If you want to prance around like faggots and dream about "justifications" for your fordejezz delusions, go back to reddit.
You can't even follow the flow of the conversation. Why do you continue to post?
Lmao you linked two of my own posts as if they weren't mine, with my first post that brought you climbing out of the woodwork being a very simple greentext hoping for similar shit to occur in the us, its a simple fucking greentext good lord you autistic nigger
Lmao now he thinks I'm ip hopping while posting from the same ip throughout holy shit
Yes, your non sequitur is surely a natural progression of the topic.
Explicitly linked them because they were yours, you yiddish motherfucker.
Get it through your thick jewish skull:
I smell an attempt to derail the thread
Okay, but how does bringing attention to their killing of Palestinean protestors help the jews?
I'm posting from this Ip and this id in every post ive made itt, you seem to be unwilling to accept the reality of multiple posters calling you out on your autistic rambling. Answer this right now, nigger: did the holocaust happen?
Of course they're not sincere. But the fact that it's now fashionable for half of congress to snub Pissrael should tell you something about how well anti-zionism d&c is working among leftists.