Why this is normal in United States?
How do you react when people says "Yes, my newborn has a normal circumcised penis too!" ?
Why this is normal in United States?
Because Jews, quite unironically. Now fuck off with your low-effort slide thread.
Are you circumcised?
A better question: Why is it normal in SOUTH KOREA of all places. You'd think gooks would be reaaaally careful about cutting off even more of their dicks.
Great thread OP.
No, and I'm thankful for it - my parents were Christian, however. think of the plus side, you probably don't think about sex as often as I do
male genital mutilation: Mark of the Beast. Jewish beast that is. Americans are slaves, branded by male genital mutilation.
C1rcumc1s1on word filters to male genital mutilation.
It's really more subtle than that. It's camouflage for jews.
Is it not? Wordfilters are cancer but at least this one is accurate, also quit bumping such a shitty thread.
That's one of the least bad filters on this site, tbh
No, it’s not accurate. No, word filters should not exist. No, there is no excuse for supporting them.
op confirmed dick cut by j00000000000000s
sorry for your loss op
come on now
I think that his friendship with US(his allied since war korea) must to have a relation with all this…I mean, North Koreans loves too remove all that extra skin from his dicks?
Checked, but wordfilters are very useful in keeping newfags too annoyed to post. Consider the holohoax exposer wordfilter
Global organized Jewry knows no bounds.
I am just a bit curious about this phenom in Amerika, I mean, this nation claim itself be a Christian nation, therefore, I don't understand why they do that to their newborn, when such thing is something that only jews and muslims does. As far as I know, circumcsion in amerikan hospitals is a standard procedure by default, they even don't ask to the parents if they want that such thing be do it on his newborn.
I just don't understand this. Amerika was a British colony, right? therefore why they do that? male genital mutilation was a tradition in United Kingdom on era colony? Same shit I can notice in Australia.
Worst Korea is full of evangelical christians, that's why.
I think south korea have been highly indoctrinated by jewish books, but it's still surprising as they aren't christian. Maybe they took the christcuck and just left with the cuck.
nu-Judeo-christians follow fake dogma and falsely believe the Israelites were Jews, and as such they are Satanists disguised as Christians. The core of all Jewish behavior is sadism against goyim, and lukewarm Judeo-christians willingly fall in line to do Jewish evil, such as cutting baby dicks and giving money to nigger Africa.Things make a lot more sense when you realize demons and Satan exist, and that the Jews are the mortal embodiment of Satan, a sick parody of Jesus being the mortal embodiment of God. male genital mutilation was abolished by Jesus, yet the Jews continue the practice to maintain the LARP of "WE WUZ ISRAELITES". Any nurse or doctor who has performed male genital mutilation should be executed by gunshot to the crotch.
Would doing a live male genital mutilation on TV be enough to get it banned?
Because the Puritans had a major hand in the foundation of the New World. The jews originally capitalized on the Puritans disdain for masturbation. Claiming male genital mutilation would make masturbation painful, etc.
Really need to blame Oliver Cromwell. Because it was England that brought kikes to the New World.
Because anglos are the bestest goys in the world
For a lot of things, TBH.
Then why they didn't the same to woman chopping off woman's vaginal lips too?
I’m pro choice on this issue. Although the choice was made for me as a baby, I am glad I’m circumcised. If I wasn’t, I’d have the procedure done. Although it’s more painful as adult, I do however believe it should be a choice.
That said, it fucking pisses me off that this is widely thought of as a kike thing. I know Im not the only cut user that thinks so. I say we take this from (((them))).
Perfect world
Because of Clinton? Because of Trump? Because of Jews? Juden = nigger.
Babies don't have a choice. That's why it's wrong, and it's also why the mutilation is performed on babies en masse, because they have no way to protest, and parents go along with it because they were sold a lie that it is a necessary medical procedure, as though the healthy human body has some sort of design flaw.
If you want to mutilate your body in any way shape or form as an adult, be it with tattoos, body piercings, or male genital mutilation that's your choice. We can not claim to be a society that protects children while industrialized male genital mutilation continues.
Military industrial complex loves chopping baby dicks. About time to pay these bastards back isn't it anons?
You know who else didn't had mandatory circumсision? USSR. If you don't circumcise your kids and don't support Israel, you're a fucking commie and should leave this board immediately.
>>>Zig Forums
How the fuck can you be so fucked in the head? I'm glad I'm uncut and well-hung, there's so much sensitivity in that area. Why the fuck would you cut it off?
Makes it easier to not fap which is cool.
That is completely untrue. the christian influence is massive in South Korea. This reverend Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church Movement have massive followings and often stage mass weddings of couples that have never met each other, also The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has a massive missionary outreach. In uderstanding Korean history, the kings of the Joseon Dynasty felt strongly that Christianity should be banned, hence one of the reasons it became the Hermit Kingdom. Also in Atlanta, GA the King and Queen buildings were originally funded and built by Sun Myung Moon. I find it highly doubtful North Koreans however are circumcised.
Christianity is outlawed in North Korea, and for very good reasons, it instructs it's followers to worship the One True God, and not the King as they have done since the beginning of time. Christianity supplants their traditional world view, one which had historically been one of Neo-Confucianism which was primary a belief of Filial piety.
Jews hate Filial piety, it's what we see here everyday and on 4chan with the attacks on "Boomer Cucks". Those who are old and wise, and educated, and experienced in the world, as a "Boomer Cuck" I have nothing valuable to add to a discussion.
Run out of scripted material? FFS, go back to half you lazy fuck.
So male genital mutilation really works to stop that gross habit?

Scene from the Song Dynasty Illustrations of the Classic of Filial Piety (detail), depicting a son kneeling before his parents. Chinese 孝 Hangul 효
In Confucian philosophy, filial piety (Chinese: 孝, xiào) is a virtue of respect for one's parents, elders, and ancestors. The Confucian Classic of Filial Piety, thought to be written around the Qin-Han period, has historically been the authoritative source on the Confucian tenet of filial piety. The book, a purported dialogue between Confucius and his student Zengzi, is about how to set up a good society using the principle of filial piety. The term can also be applied to general obedience. Filial piety is central to Confucian role ethics.
It's why we all enjoy being from broken homes, experiencing unusually high divorce rates, child custody and visitation laws, splintering our families and always being on the move. We can thank the JEWS for that because Filial Piety requires morals and ethics.
How does that even work is beyond me. Westerners need more than that for a one-night stand.
Thanks for the lesson though. I thought they were Buddhists or something.
Hey about that, the Best Korea part is false.
No one would have even known ur a boomer if you didnt bring it up
Otherwise a good post
You do realise we millenials also talk shit about our own generation though? Most modern problems can be traced to your generation. So eat shit I guess. Not you personally, just your whole generaion.
Mass weddings work because they trust in god and obey a set of traditional roles. They meet because it is Gods will on the day of their wedding, and Koreans are, how do I say, highly conditioned people, Korean society was never easy, and those who survived the centuries did so because they fit into a mold. That is why they are also highly Christianized now.
RE: male genital mutilation and Britain
I understand, but that is because you may resent it but you have been conditioned by the Jew since the day you were born, many people here have often expressed declining birth rates in Japan, and this is because of western influences, which are Jewish influences. Hell, in South Korea now there are hazmat services that come and scrape up dead single parents that have been dead in their homes for a couple months because their kids are too busy to even check in on them now. I can assure you, in North Korea the bonds of family are laddered over multiple generations. The Koreans haven't forgotten it completely, because they modify their beliefs to fit their historical norms but if you've seen recent fag/black influenced Korean Kpop you may see my point of view.
And I doubt that is anyone here is actually a NatSoc beleiver they would disagree with Filial piety and you may have never heard the term before, thank the Jews for that but read about what it means, and tell me what you think.
In more general terms, filial piety means to be good to one's parents; to take care of one's parents; to engage in good conduct not just towards parents but also outside the home so as to bring a good name to one's parents and ancestors; to perform the duties of one's job well so as to obtain the material means to support parents as well as carry out sacrifices to the ancestors; not be rebellious; show love, respect and support; display courtesy; ensure male heirs, uphold fraternity among brothers; wisely advise one's parents, including dissuading them from moral unrighteousness; display sorrow for their sickness and death; and carry out sacrifices after their death.
They planed teh same for women but then feminism won.
TFW the Jews have your foreskin. I won't do this to my sons.
Know dem feels son … # metoo
I don't associate with those people. My son is uncircumcised as well. No medical reason for it, so both the wife and I agreed it was better to deprive kikes of their face cream ingredient.
I had an argument with my wife about it. She's pregnant with a boy, and I am circumcised and she said she wants to snip our baby. I told her that no child of mine will be mutilated in some sick and twisted jew ritual.
She got all mad and told me that it gets "icky" and will have to be cleaned. I told her I didn't care, he isn't getting snipped.
She finally caved and agreed not to do it.
It's infuriating that people just assume it's "normal" and that it's "cleaner." Who doesn't wash their twig and berries?? Fuckin a
Because kikes all have to die and normalfaggots love traditions that are bad and hate traditions that are good. Normalfaggots are dumb as shit, mostly because of kike plans, so both of these reasons are really just kikes have to die. All of the kikes have to die. All of them. Everywhere. All of them.
To give her perspective, you should've asked her to truly (truly) imagine having the outer flap/part around her clitoris flayed off. If people pull the "they wont remember it" card, then ask them about child rape/molestation and why that seems to have an effect.
I don't know if that's true. male genital mutilation takes away sensitivity but probably the most degenerate nation of the West is the USA, and Jews have a lot of documented disgusting fetishes such as fecophilia.
Of course it is accurate, c1rcumcision destroys the penis and thus the victim's sexuality and ability to have a healthy relationship. The only wordfilter should be D1scord to "honeypot".
It dates back to around WWII, it's done for profit. The amputated foreskins are sold to cosmetics companies to make wrinkle cream for old cunts.
I can't explain why people have it done to their children, I've never understood that. I will say that they all deserve an agonizing death, however.
c1rcumcision completely destroys the penis, it cutfags feel no sexual pleasure at all, there is no point in being in a relationship except for the sole purpose of reproduction like an animal, it ruins your life, there is nothing worse that could happen to a man other than castration and death (and the latter is questionable)
you are a retarded faggot and should kill your parents, then yourself
no, cutfags statistically fap more because they're sexually frustrated and can't be satisfied because there's no pleasure
gib shekels to make it available sooner and also to put you further up in the line
how could you marry a woman that is so horrifically ugly on the inside, to wish such terrible suffering on her own son?
The Korean culture traditionally teaches that the body should be kept whole and despise mutilation like male genital mutilation. South Koreans started male genital mutilation after the korean war when the Americans were there as they though that it made them good Christians like the Americans.
Agreed, this never happens to me because I refrain from casually discussing the status of baby penises in public. It's a winning policy this far, prevents many public arguments about baby penises that tend to ruin parties and family gatherings.
And how will that bring back any lost nerve ends?
It actually would, what Foregen is looking to do is take a foreskin from a cadaver, decellularize it, put you under, reopen the circ scar, attach the decullarized foreskin, seed it with stem cells from your pelvic bone, and give you a drug while it heals to temporarily prevent erections. Or something like that. It's weird, but the end result would be all of the dead guy's cells going away and you having a fully functional anatomical foreskin that is truly yours. Their goal is complete reversal of c1rcumcision and they intend to keep working until they can do that for people. I've followed them for years and they're doing a lot better with publicity, funding and progress. Check out the website. They estimate it will cost around $10,000 and have said it could be available in a few years.
They need money though to fund research, publishing papers, etc. It goes a long way. So if you can afford it, sign up for a monthly subscription (it will bump you up in the waiting line when the time comes) and tell as many people as you can about it.
HistoryFag here again, what has always had my interest and since writing was so uncommon during the Collapse of the Bronze Age the only thing that really comes down in the historical record regarding male genital mutilation is from Egyptian records
male genital mutilation is important here
Point is, certain groups of the Sea Peoples tribes were circumcised and some were not. I strongly suspect the Jews or shall I say the tribes of Israel were involved in the Bronze Age collapse, and why such deep seated hatred exists to this day towards the Hittites, and the Canaanites, and the Philistines, those modern day humans living in Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, the Kurds, etc. The Jews are going to genocide us all
Jews are psychopathic in their hatred and the grudges they maintain for thousands of years.
forgot to add, wikipedia doesn't have the complete records and off the top of my head I forget the actual Egyptian documents named. It list 324 men circumcised, 74 men not, etc, etc
it's an adaptation of Christianity of course, just like many early Christians in China were Nestorian Christians, and far to the east Orthodox Christians, Korea has deeply confucian values, so hence the Moonies.
LMAO, Ignorant Jewed dope
please take the time to educate yourself
Perfidious Albion is basically responsible of anything bad that has ever happened in Europe.
I want them to make it work. fucking jews
Hitler's biggest mistake was to think he could ally with them.
Why do you think OP?
Because Jews won WW2 and best world-line did not occur where Henery Ford was President and Friend to the FUHRER and joined the Axis.
What fucking degenerate board is that?
Since it's filled with porn, probably jews trying to derail Zig Forums or a bunch of autists being so ironic that it becomes real.
No but killing people in the US military does.
Ford was a reptilian cuck who firebombed Germany.
Yeah yeah, and Hitler had a single testicle.
The sensitivity drop leads to people doing more extreme shit to get off. A decline of sex drive would be more reasonable to expect of being a low-test soyboy than of being a victim of genital mutilation, an otherwise healthy mutilated man just gets less out of the sex his body is still constantly telling him to have because the physical torture is only a small passing thing while the mental anguish the Jew inflicts carries on long after. Gas the kikes.
Damn, that's a good idea. And here I was considering slamming my dick on the table and screaming about how the jews mutilated my cock. Probably wouldn't get invited back for dinner again.
It probably was the jews though, I was born in NY.>>11581561
They did. It was banned in the 1990s.
False. It's a pernicious rumor spread by kikes, because then they meme that the royals are owned by them which they are as well as counter-semites, to meme that the royals are owned by them which they are. Either way, there is absolutely no evidence that a single member of the royal family is mutilated, from Victoria to today.
Not really because of (((the meme))), but because it's a cultural holdover from a retarded time, that, and doctors love to lie and get paid to cut baby dicks because of "hygenic" issues. It's dreadful.
>Not really because of (((the meme)))
It's not a meme.
It's actually just this:
孝=土 earth +子 child + an extra random line
Well, when I said it wasn't because of (((the meme))) I was referring to people doing it not because they wanna consciously mimic jews, but for other silly reasons. Of course, the kikes are still running the show, but from the shadows.
Threads like this always bring out the crazies… like:
The kikes pushed it heavily here for a long time. Yes, (((they))) like to blame John Harvey Kellogg for starting it, yet kike medical doctors kept pushing for it long after he died. It also made an impact in popularity to varying degrees in the rest of the Anglosphere, but not to the same level as in the USA, and now countries like the UK and New Zealand have very low rates of neonatal male genital mutilation. It's losing popularity here too, mostly due to mestizo immigration, and a growing number of aware whites who are refusing to put their kids under the dick-cutting kike knife.
If you were an unfortunate victim of this kikery, the Foregen Project is working on regenerative medicine to completely regrow foreskin for patients, nerve endings and all. As if it never happened. foregen.org
Fun fact: theres nothing wrong with male genital mutilation. I personally like not having a worm dick.
Bet you didn't know that it caused you excruciating paint as a baby.
Because kikes are sickos.
They believe Christ was a failure, and that Moon is the real messiah. They're not Christian.
Fun fact: that's what you tell yourself to not feel bad about your parents telling the doctor to rip apart and scalpel away the most sensitive tissue of the male organ.
Furthermore it fucked up your pain-pleasure circuitry, and so you share the same deviant neurological patterns as kikes, which is why they pushed it on Anglo society. So now all you can do is complain about the aesthetics of the human body as Nature evolved it to be.
Futanaria girls only have one testicle above their clitoris. 🤣
One: Christcucks who emulate their Jewish masters thinking that it makes them a good Goy to mutilate their son's in a meaningless act that signifies a covenant they have no part in. They are so fucking ignorant of their own religion that they don't understand that they worship a different God than the Jew. The Jew is bound to YHWH. The Christcuck worships a trinitarian god along with a healthy dose of disgusting idolatry of Mary worship. This makes the Jew recoil in horror and correctly so since they are faced with people so stupid that they cannot comprehend the most basic ideas behind their faith.
Two: Jews love the idea of selling that foreskin back to the traitorous Shiksa as a facial treatment.
Three: The corporate American Medical Complex loves to make money on this mutilation and the subsequent multitude of problems it creates thus feeding the medical Jew.