White millennial overdosing on fent in droves

White millennial overdosing on fent in droves

Turned into wiggers as only available youth rage music thanks to Jewish music biz control, hooked up with drugs laced with fent supplied by China / Mossad / CIA agents to distributors nationwide.

Eventually they die of overdose as fent is very strong and a couple extra milligrams could mean your death.

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Another one

How many of these deaths do you think could have been avoided if we still had a majority of people living in three generation households? I was raised in front of a TV and vidya, I can't wait till I finally repaint my walls red.

Paving the way for Gen Z. The good ones will make it, the rest will perish.
Remember, millennials are mostly boomer/late boomer era offspring. The likelihood of finding success in this group are almost nil.

I say good hope more retards die of fent. It's (((darwinian evolution))) at work culling the retard genes from the gene pool.

The family was stupid for not ego-deathing his punk ass the moment he asked for faggoty studs or anything relating to a drug culture. That's what you're objectivity trying to do when you're yelling and screaming, but it will never work and allowed him to keep his safety blanket, the media– as well as his drug pushing buddies. Never fucking forget: all art is propaganda.

They should of called me, I would of MK ultra'd him to point where he'd start vomiting if he heard rap music. God, I fucking hate druggies and wiggers, the only cure is ego-death camps.

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It's a combination of factors. Literary heroes were promoted to whites to make them think that doing heroin will make them an intellectual. That's what (((Alan Ginsberg))) and the beat poets were all about. Then you've got the breakdown of the family. Destruction of the multigeneration family. Then music scenes that promoted drug use to whites: beatles, rock, punk, rave, etc. Then you promote drug DEALING to niggers and other minorities through rap music. It all comes together and ends with white genocide.

You know what they say: Don't do drugs.
Social drinking is fine, but you shouldn't smoke because that shits bad for you. Or at least don't be a faggot and quit smoking once you become an adult

Natural selection at work.

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China executes drug dealers, me thinks it's the right approach now. Look at these fucking feral niggers and this idiot here would claim child prostitution of white girls from broken homes is payback bitch.

handcuffs mean your guilty

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OP, you pathetic retard, if it was wiggers it would be a good thing and nowhere near the numbers being seen. Get your fucking head out of the electric jew and try thinking for yourself.


I was raised in somthing like that, and it was the worst time of my life. dementia ridden grandparents, overworked constantly angry parents, hateful backstabbing sisters with endless criminal wannabe useless boyfriends, poverty, no privacy, no calm, shitty uncomfortable bed.

it was hell, and I wanted to kill myself almost every day.

fuck you, the only times I ever felt a bit of happiness was when I could get away from the madness and play my gameboy alone. (by hiding in the basement and unplugging the washing machine to use the outlet) but not for long as one of sister's boyfriend's nicked it to pawn for drugs. and when I called them on it, I got bloody nose and almost strangled to death.

anyway, fuck you and stop being an emo piece of crap because you got grow up watching TV and playing video games in peace. you lucky jackass.

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this, I wish we could have that. but I know jews would fuck it up, like they did with rape laws in 60s/70s. a bunch of jews (and feminists) said we had to take the death penalty out of aggravated rape, forcible rape and child rape cases because all that "unfairly targeted" blacks and (((other minorities))). what a crock.

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Fuck off reddit, either learn to post a proper fucking OP or don't.

Hi Zig Forums
im a meth addicted, white man.
used to be addicted to opiates.
ask me whatever you want, i've lived my life partying nonstop and i really want to hear what people would like to know about that lifestyle.

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I'm okay bugman

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Call me whatever you want, doesnt change that your sad and alone.
atleast i try to escape my problems with a race to destruction. me and you both know that its already over.
but i will say this, meth brought me back to Zig Forums because everything here makes more sense when on meth.
i just want to give information from the inside of this shitty life.
maybe you guys can use the information to help others in the future. make sure they dont get near this shit.

Side note, i know theres no saving me now im already an addict. and it'd be useless to try and rebuild from here.

Youre clearly a spic

Brush your tooth , I can smell it over the internet

haha let's kill the drug dealers instead of letting people poison themselves to death haha

Why not both?

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Good projection, I'll pray for you friend

It's the quality of the people who are in the household that matters. Single mom household is almost a guaranteed failure. So people pray for three generation household thinking it gives the children half a chance.

Degenerate here.
I quit codeine on new-years.
My relapse trigger is when co-wokers listen to the radio.
When I hear song related, I can think of nothing sweeter than conspiring to violate the (((DJ's))) civil rights.

I only reserve a little sympathy for those suffering from severe chronic pain.
At a glance drugs resemble a eugenics program, but there are addicts that survive decades and poison everything surrounding them.

The overdose deaths I know of are of generation X, and it really seems like asians (arabs & chinks) involved in the trafficking.

Psychedelics should be the only psychoactive you consume, sparingly.

Drug dealers have lots of money laying around not in banks and if youve ever watched an episode of DEA, you know its not hard to find some shithead on the corner and "flip" him into giving up the next guy in the chain.
Prison is far down on the list of terrible things that could happen to someone.

Every time I hear shit like this I cannot be any more thankful for having been raised as an only child with just my parents with a wide, open field of a backyard. Perfectly spaceous and comfortable.


i snort my meth, thanks.

thanks for the prayers, maybe i'll be able to quit this time.

This. Millennials are double-baby boomers. Let Generation Zyklon take the trash out.

t. millennial

Are these somehow mutually exclusive?

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Goddamn, I'm Millennial/Gen Y, and my life is pretty much kiked up, but damn, at least I never thought that it would be cool to shoot heroin or fentanyl into my system. This kid grew up in an intact family that gives a shit about him, and the motherfucker has a wife! Fucking hell, I don't have a gf, yet this guy has a wife.

I'm pretty sure you could find an American tobacco product with a negroid head as the logo from that era. Yet more anti-NSDAP propaganda from the (((Allies))).


Good I am happy they are ODing in droves the fucking degenerate pieces of human shit. All of them are a waste of skin and flushing themselves is the best thing they could do for the white race. People so weak have no place in the white ethnostate and need to die since they are niggers already. Their only hope is a life of slavery to the Jew while emulating the nigger while they watch their mates and children become corrupted beyond all compare.

Isn't fentanyl extremely hard to come by, only prescribed when other opioids lose effect and naturally come with a higher risk of od'ing?
This smells like alphabet soup action.

Because of prohibition.
That is all.

Fentanyl is liked by heroin traffickers because a gram of fent is thousands of doses, where as a gram of heroin is from 1 to 10 doses. In a prohibition market, a high potency/gram reduces your shipping risk and expenses.
In legitimate medicine the good thing about fent is that its high potency means you can fit 3 days worth into a transdermal patch, can't do that with morphine or heroin (diamorphine).
Overdoses are generally caused by the recipient of the heroin "baggie" either not knowing it contains fentanyl, not realizing how much fentanyl it contains, or hitting a "hot spot" with a high concentration of fentanyl due to improper mixing by the dealer.
The only reason fentanyl is turning up in heroin is because of prohibition. Most street fentanyl comes from China, some say the Chinese view this as revenge for thehumiliation caused by the superiority of White men Opium wars.

While i'm all for garbage people dying here's some food for thought, what if that was a close relative, friend or your white and delightsome son/daughter? Bullshit all you want, you'll freak the fuck out just like the pieces of shit are now at the thought of their brats getting shot by some loony. Those of us without kids can stand by and laugh, we have nothing to loose but from a group of people who want a white ethnostate you're being kinda dumb. You guys should feel sorry for these people and find ways to remove them from the gene pool humanely and if possible, rescue their kids so they can be tax paying members of society. If you just turn your backs on them you're no better than Chicago niggers or druggie white trash. I came from a shit family life too and I chose not to be a nigger, you can too. Haven't you had enough of the burgerland shitfest? There are no winners with the fuck you game, only losers.

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But the opium wars was the responsbility of the kike, (((David Sassoon))). They should traffic that shit into Israel, if they really want proper revenge.

Millennials should have realized 15 years ago that the only thing they could do right was to avoid becoming an inevitable statistic in a completely fucked economy.

My cousin killed two heroin junkies breaking into his house lastweek.

Ha. Good one. Haven't heard that bullshit red herring in a long time.

If you’ve ever been to a famous art museum or glanced around a prestigious university, you’ve probably seen a wing or building named after a member of the Sackler family. But many may not know that the family’s fortune comes from selling pharmaceuticals—most notably OxyContin, the addictive painkiller at the center of America’s opioid epidemic.

A new profile in Esquire chronicles the life and business practices of Arthur, Mortimer and Raymond Sackler, three brothers from a Jewish immigrant family who built a medical empire. Their descendants privately own Purdue Pharma, which was instrumental in using lobbying and advanced marketing techniques to convince doctors of the need to manage patients’ pain—and then prescribe OxyContin to manage it.

As OxyContin use ballooned in the 1990s and 2000s, so did addiction. Journalist Christopher Glazek noted that under the direction of Richard Sackler, Raymond’s son, “Purdue responded [to criticism] with symbolic concessions while retaining its volume-driven business model. To prevent addicts from forging prescriptions, the company gave doctors tamper-resistant prescription pads; to mollify pharmacists worried about robberies, Purdue offered to replace, free of charge, any stolen drugs.”

In 2007, Purdue was fined $600 million by the federal government for lying to doctors about the potential for patients to abuse OxyContin. No members of the Sackler family were named in the case.


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Dumbasses doing any drug harder than weed or alcohol.

Yeah. Dont care.

>It's (((darwinian evolution))) at work culling the retard genes from the gene pool.

Too bad you got the (((jewish slave revolution))) taking place in Africa where niggers are fed like rats to breed.

how do you feel on meth? is everything more clear?

wah wah wah, my life sucks, I wanna eat a bullet

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I was a meth addict, for about half a decade back in the early 2000's. You can get clean. The way I did it was to disassociate completely from the drug/party scene - which was, if you're anything like I was, practically everyone in my circle of friends at the time. I cut them all off, and I got clean.

I want to do meth.

You really don't. I won't bother giving you one of those stupid "if you try it once, you'll be hooked" spiels, because we both know that's not true. But if you do start using, and for whatever reason you end up hooked on it, your life will quickly turn to shit. Best not even go there in the first place.

What else is there to life?

If you truly agreed with what is said here, you would do something useful with your destruction rather than simply wasting away.

You foolish bastard.

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It's very depressing for a millenial because all that you've been fed your whole life is lies, while there's no job-opportunities or any opportunities at all to create a family of your own.

No, it's a soft-genocide that the kikes are pushing unto white (and other people) so that they get our numbers down. Those dead younglings could've made great soldiers if pushed in the right direction instead.

Where were the men of the family? Allowing drug-users into the house like that.

You just had a shitty family, doesn't mean it's not worth having a living and breathing connection between generations to learn from.

Fentanyl is so strong, it is dosed out in MICROGRAMS, fam.

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technically he's not wrong, then

Can't die from overdose if you choose not to use it. Anyone doing heroin deserves death because their decision-making skills are sub-par. This is eugenics, and it is how you make the white race stronger.

Seen it happen to families. Knew a mormon family, white and delightsome and all that, they shoved retalin down their sons throat and well, he fell to the wayside and discovered meth and what not. It happens……
Like I said, really don't care about garbage people dying, Just saying, that's all. Before hitler was elected Germany had huuuuge problems with substance abuse, they didn't all go to the camps. Labor parties like the RAD were created to help rehabilitate the folk. Before just letting perfectly good Americans die it's wise to at least give them a shot that their lack of parents and shit life conditions forced upon them. Look at these people, how many do you think were a depressed mess and homeless before they were tossed a lifeline that enabled them to not only get back on their feet but also rebuild the Fatherland. As bad as I had it I still chose to be better. Way I see it, if you don't choose to help your own you're no better than Chicago niggers, that's the kind of shit they do. Wan't to be little better than an animal? Sounds kinda like a Jew to me….

Know who else had a shit life and chose to be better? Adolf Hitler.



post damn it


This, having more individuals who could care and teach for a child in a household logically means that the child should have a more balanced upbringing in case of a mother or father doing a terrible job. Having more people connected to a child should in turn make the child's upbringing better. If you live in a bad situation some grandparents might just keep your drunk father lashing out/your single mom running around wasting time

USA is a Nigger 😊
Juden = Black Nigger
Burn and kill all Nigger USA Niggers 🤣

Sadly the most eugenic thing to happen to whites in a long time.

Literally kill yourself, human garbage.

This shit needs to stop one way or another. People with actual pain problems are being affected by this. The govt. keeps cracking down but they are just taking it out on doctors and patients instead of trying to minimize the import of illegal drugs. Whether it is monitored legalization or massive sweeps of trafficker arrests, something has to be done. Can you even imagine how many large drug traffickers are alphabet assets?

Meant controlled

Neither of you are lucky, and you need to focus on the (((source))) of the problem and not blame user.

Alcohol is easily 1000x harder than cannabis. Either way you're an asshole and I hope you crash your car drunk driving, or have a love one overdose on street heroin bought from a nigger.

Again, we need to stop with the whole fuck you i've got mine attitude, that's the shit niggers and jews pull, we're better than that.

Meth's epic tbh. You can only truly understand Hitlers philosophy if you take it (as he did), what it takes to be a superman (übermensch) that it makes you feel. You have to mold yourself with unnatural means to battle an unnatural world tbf. Cool song btw love The Smiths.

Body over,

Meth trip visualized tbh

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But that's the only way to win. Hitler essentially said "fuck you I've got mine" and took the German people with him. He won so hard the entire world had to stop him.

Yeah, he took the whole german people with him by fixing the nation. Read up on Weimar Germany, he fixed the problem by helping people, not by being a nigger. We could fix this shit in a few years if we pulled our resources, took kids out of shit homes and put them in state run institutions and drilled the degeneracy out of em and if need be sterelize the parents and put them in a work force of some sort, camp if need be. Hell if all else fails make the ones beyond saving conscripts and send em off someplace to remove kebab; they'll either pull it off or die trying. One way or another they're out of our hair.

He helped Germans and told every one else to fuck off and shove it.

I can see others have evaded the bans from yesterday too. Kill yourself Kikefy, you are an incompetent kike.

……That's the point i'm trying to get across user, like Hitler we help our own, we help Americans and make our nation great again. Fuck these god damn foreigners taking what is our birthright, these people need to be removed and not let back in, hell we need to stop all immigration period till we get our own house in order. No matter how much I hate soy boys and degenerate sluts they're still our people. We move in and remove all sources of degeneracy such as drugs and degenerate entertainment that would be a good start. A German equivalent of rewarding Americans for producing and raising healthy, degeneracy free children would be a good start.

*would be another good start as well.

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A national socialist revolution based on race like Hitler's Germany was, is impossible in America. Too many gullible faggots believe that America is a "nation of immigrants". So when you say something like "we help Americans" you are including niggers and spics. If you are suggesting that we purge all non-whites from America, I don't think that will ever happen. So I'm sticking with the "fuck you I've got mine" mentality, until we get an actual racialist leader in the US.

People who do this kind of shit are doing it for attention. They can literally stop whenever they want but they need the attention bad enough that they'll literally kill themselves over it. It's better to let these kinds of people just kill themselves. Giving them the satisfaction of feeling sorry for them is a huge mistake.

Then you'll sink with everyone else, esp if you have a family. Those with the ability are leaving the USA or buying a shit ton of land in states like Wyoming. That's my plan as well.

I disagree, the whole nation of immigrants never included non northern Europeans back in the day, that didn't happen till the 60's. Nation of Immigrants included English, Germans, Nords and others of good Noble Germanic/Nordic stock. TBH the problem isn't the brown hordes in our lands, it's us, you nailed it on the head. Still my point stands, we need to help our own, sadly as a race of people that won't happen. We ruined the religious institutions that used to reinforce traditional American values long ago and keep sliding down the ladder of degeneracy.

I'd still be careful with the fuck you i've got mine attitude, have a few friends who went that way in life and now that their wives want kids it's dawning on them that having kids in a fuck you i've got mine society isn't exactly easy, besides the extra costs no one cares about your children. Once a society gets like that you can't just say something like woah! I have kids now let's all stop being selfish assholes and care about the kids, especially mine! Doesn't work that way. Universal law of life friend, cause and affect. Better yet something from Machiavelli, pic related….

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You're a retard if you actually believe that.

They start doing it to get attention from their parents. In ye old times the kid would get a guitar and cause noise. Now the only thing that is pushed through the media is drugs. Soft and if they're brainwashed enough continue to hard.
Then they get addicted. Usually they are eased in with ritalin.
Same with faggotry. They intentionally target rebellious teenagers.

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It plays a part, just listen to them talk with their fake stoner voices, smirking, yak yak yak about themselves, which their whole existence consists of them being druggies and the effects thereof, "woah."

What? Have you been sucked into the sob story of one of these large children? If people don't get enough attention as a child they'll find a way to get it when they're an adult. For a lot of people it's latching onto "addiction" as a way of being that gives them what they want. The only way to defeat it is to let them suffer alone. Sure you can park some blame on the parents for not nipping this sort of thing at the bud but at the end of the day there's no point in feeding their negative behaviors. Whipe the slate clean and try to raise the next gen right.

I guess I don't know what you mean in the context of America. You agreed that basing a NatSoc revolution of sorts of race would be impossible in America, so how do you purpose we help "our" people?

I put "our" in quotes because European racialism is very different from how American racialism could look. Hitler based National Socialism on the fact that all ethnic Germans shared a similar background and heritage, specifically as the German race. The same concept could work in Italy, or Ireland for example, because those places have distinct characteristics and heritage that make them a race of their own. America however, abandoned this racialist specificity in favor of the constitution and universal rights. Even though it is true that in the early years of the USA, the only immigrants allowed were from European countries, putting all the specific European races/heritages in one country such as America breaks the possibility of a large scale revolution based on race/heritage.

I hope that makes sense.

Yea it can stem from many things but to imply that addiction isn't a real thing is fucking retarded.

This is the same argument that niggers use whenever there's another police shooting. Good intentions good intentions he didn't do nothing he just a good boy. People make a choice to do this kind of shit regardless. You can just as easily make a choice to stop it. The reason they don't is because of the victim lifestyle that they can generate for themselves. At some point you have to be better than the person who needs to be a victim and expect someone to take some kind of responsibility for themselves.

We tried that once; let me elaborate:

One time we had a society filled with jews that owned niggers. As whites we decided slavery was bad, and even though niggers were barely sapient they were clearly superior in intelligence to an ox. Therefore we took up arms against one another and killed ~600,000 of ourselves as part of the plan to abolish slavery and… wait for it:
ship all liberated slaves to a country in west Africa that we literally bought specifically for that purpose.

The American Colonization Society was probably the most important group that *pooled their resources to purchase, found, and establish the infrastructure of Liberia.

It failed. You can't read in books why. It's racist to say all niggers in the US are illegal alien Liberians. No one will teach you about these facts.

I posit the reason Emancipation Proclamation failed was jews were not included in the plan. Therefore I suggest jews sabotaged the entire plan and went full Shut It Down! mode causing the plan to fail. The end result is we still have nigger and jew malignant cancers in the New World.

What you are talking about is Second American Civil War.

I expect you are very young or just have no actual knowledge on the subject. Do you know what drug withdrawal is? People can fucking die from stopping. I can't believe there is someone on this board stupid enough to believe that addiction isn't real.

Essentially this. A NatSoc revolution in America is probably impossible, not likely at best. The real "revolution" would indeed manifest as a civil war, and I would bet that war will start as this very conversation. One side will understand that race is real and so is in group preference, the other will insist that they are resisting bigotry with violence.

Yeah never got these threads unless some snuck up on you and stick a needle in your arm you have no to blame for your addiction but yourself.

I've literally dealt with these people on a personal basis. I think you might be projecting. These people will drive their own addiction to end without end if not forced to do so mainly because of victim culture. There are ways to come off of the drugs without dying but they are more interested with getting attention for their drugs use than they are saving their own lives. The only solution is to let them rot. Giving them attention is only fueling the fire. Clearly you're some kind of personal victim of one of these weird pieces of shit and I hope you the best.

>That's what (((Alan Ginsberg))) and the beat poets
I would be willing to bet your average heroin user under 50 has never even heard of them

I don't believe you. Simple as that. You come across as a lying child with no empathy.

You come across as a shut in with no real life experience so the feeling is mutual.

That's not quite true….

We didn't quite abandon our racialist ideas, we were Americans first, whatever else second, we just didn't make a big deal over it. Up until the war Lutheran Churches taught reformation history, culture and depending on the ethnic make up either German or Norwegian to the kinder. Hell look at PA, they still speak a special dialect of German. A while ago a German tv station came out to do a special, to this day the culture of the PA Dutch, food and all is still very much like that of say Heidelberg, I have family from that part of the country and the midwest and those tales, hell even values were handed down. Look at the symbol for the Episcopal church, what do you see? The standard of St. George with the US stars in the corner. Not all of us forgot our heritage, it wasn't until the 60's and the advent of abortion rights, the allowing of non northern europeans to flood our nation and no fault divorce that all this started to crumble. The moral majority did so much harm to us, tossing aside morals and tradition for muh shekels, damn traitors the lot of em.

Fun fact, up until late parts of the nation that were very Germanic heavy still had maypole celebrations, I remember hearing about them in Illonois waaay back in the day and other parts of the midwest, hell even in western states like CO and beyond. Again, it was the 60's and the liberalism it spawned that ruined it all. TLDR, we very much had a similar culture and were proud of our roots, we were united by the constitution and unversial rights for us, not a bunch of strange foreigners.

Here you go.

Ahh Liberia, shame we didn't follow through, would have been awesome. I joke with buddies, we should have used the momentum from black panther and meme'd Liberia 2.0 into reality, aka #Wakunda.

We get there by getting our own house in order first. Best way I can think of, fixing the churches and removing the degeneracy. Know not a lot of people may like that idea but hey, they used to enforce traditional values. We bring old school Lutheranism back it would solve lots of problems for people. That and social programs that actually worked towards removing the drug problems from communities and taking kids out of bad enviroments.
Once we fix that and have teeth again? Then we move on to bigger and better things.

Think the recidivism rate for meth and heorin is what, 90-95%? You're right, and thats the thing most people don't get about substances like that, once you're on you're screwed.
Funny, Alcohol is actually about as bad and has the added bonus of killing the user. Alcohol withdrawl can kill.

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Not that user, but that's absurd.

I'm speaking from a biased position as a burger myself, but white America made an absolutely massive impact on the world and formed a unique culture that can't be reproduced anywhere else. The concept of free speech being written into law is just one example, and gun ownership being written into law as a right is almost as rare worldwide. American culture, religion, music (not degenerate Jewish shit, actual American music), society, food, speech, and so on are and will forever be uniquely American.

This is the concept of "ethnogenesis" at work. The creation of a new nation which happened to involve mixing a bunch of European subraces together, but which resulted in a great new first-world country. You saw the same thing in South Africa too when it was still first-world.

It's a shame how far we've fallen but white Americans showing greater loyalty to whatever European ethnicity they think they're from is just a meme.