Colonialism was a mistake

People on Zig Forums like to try and pinpoint different times in the history of the West where things started taking a turn for the worse for Europe.

Our present problems really have their roots in what took place starting in the 15th century.

The Bible taught man only of the existence of three continents: Europe, Africa and Asia. As Europe became aware that America was not, as they had thought, part of Asia, but indeed a distinct new continent, a domino-effect was set off leading people to question ecclesial and royal (the two were closely linked) power.

The Enlightenment was propably one of the worst things that could have happened to Europe. It gave rise to dangerous Jewish ideas such as humanitarianism, equality, cosmopolitanism. The USA itself was founded upon these "ideals" and adheres them to this day. Communism and Socialism also derived from these "ideals". In essence, they provide a plebs' outlook on social-political topics.

As commies started tearing down one colonial governance after another, especially in Africa, the national power of Colonialism gradually began to shift toward a corporate approach in the mid-to late 20th century. International businesses expand their activities to every third-world shithole they can squeeze a few resources or cheap labour out of.
Meanwhile, Western nations struggle with unemployment and are left behind in terms of jobs.

The only people that truly benefit from this arrangement are the Jews.

No significant place on Earth has managed to keep their own culture alive and intact over the last millennium as every single third-world shithole you see in pic related has been westernised to oblivion. Sure, they might have some of their temples or traditional food, song and clothing left, but still their people all watch TV, they drive cars, they wear suits, and they use cellphones.

Do you really think it was God's or Kek's or whatever deity you worships' plan for there to be fucking skyscrapers in Botswana? Do you think there were meant to be universities in Nepal?
All non-European peoples have basically absorbed European culture in one way or another, and now they think they have a right to "reap the benefits" of their cultural imprint by coming to our land. Which brings us to:

The current waves of migrants that came to Europe would never have been possible without Colonialism taking place. Every brown person in the world has been westernised to some degree, and now us White people get to keep carrying the burden of removing that last bit of savagery in their subhuman hearts. Our "humanitarian" outlook caused us to tear down the walls around Europe, and letting the people we once controlled in their lands via colonial governance to flood into our countries and demand their "rights" (aka gibs).

TL;DR If you do colonialism, you need to genocide as well

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Fuck you earth is white mans clay then the stars.

1. Reported.
3. The only thing the colonial powers did wrong was leave anyone alive in the lands they conquered.


Yes, you certainly have low reading comprehension. Reported.

Confirmed for didn't even read the post. These shills are getting pathetic.

Reported. You had your chance.

Thats what the OP is saying

You see your problem is you do not understand that the world is ours. You assume we have to have our culture mixed with theirs, you know what Native America culture is now? Casinos and Alcohol and people claiming to be 1/64 Cherokee.

Our "humanitarian" outlook was bred by a greed, not us being magnanimous. Look at any nation of whites pre 1960's they had a well developed culture distinct but in harmony of European ideals, Argentinian whites, Brazilian whites, American whites, South African whites, Botswana whites.

Our only problem is us being soft on genuine threats.


Everything you said is wrong. I am not a shill, I do not support immigration of non whites, I do not support jewish financial dominance. I did read the post.

So what you are saying is that colonialism wasn't the mistake but in fact how we approach to withdrew from it. Completely what OP was saying.

This. We need to wipe out the third world, not do trade with it.

These things were made and built for White people, not browns and blacks. We must reclaim them.

No. Try harder.

Only mistake was letting the conquered live and thinking they could conform to civilization.

Wtf OP. You miss your own point. Colonialism was bad and evil for all parties involved. The reason why, is our altruistic tendencies. The point is, if we take land, it is OUR LAND, not to be shared with anyone else. That is the point of conquest.

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wrong pic

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No the mistake was to leave because of soviet influence. In fact Cuba, USSR and China fucked Africa and made the shitshow which we have today. The mistake was to leave, ffs look at the shithole and now they all want to come here. Fucking commies….

There can be a different approach toward imperialism in the future. One in which we don't cuck and end up letting brown people live in our homeland. But the approach we had in the past is what caused our present, dire situation.
Of course Earth belongs to Europeans. But we have to act like it, too. We don't make deals with negro tribal leaders. We wipe them out.
Thats the only way the Jew does not benefit.

Subsaharans would have never made it off Africa so yes, colonialism was a mistake.

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It literally is.

Globalism was born from colonialism.

No this thread is getting some direction.

Sharing western Medicine with them was the biggest mistake of all.

Africa is a fucking huge place and most of it is abundant in resources and very nice climate.

Read the book Amabulu. The whole premise of the book was that South Africa was going to become the second America. I don't remember the plan but if the British didn't intervene with their wars, the Boers most likely would have taken everything under the equator in Africa.

The boers being the "evil racists" that they are would still have segregationist policies meaning that half of Africa would not have had a population boom and white men would control some of the most resource rich places in the world.

I agree with what you say. When we conquer it rightfully becomes our land, no intruder should be left to live in a new homeland.

Globalism was born before colonialism. Any colonial power who still has a distinct culture is proof that colonialism does not automatically make it cosmopolitan

Colonialism works, only if you have the spine to actually govern your colonies. It all fell apart when we started ruling by "hearts and minds" instead of by lead.

The behavior of U.S. foreign policy is likened to that of an "arsonist of the world, as well as the fireman." Rather than saying that various regime changes and foreign aid web entanglements performed by the United States are wrong or immoral, his formalism actually gets him to say that they are often perfectly legitimate by the standards of classical international law (Grotius, Puffendorf, Vattel, etc.)

Rather, the issue is that the U.S. sees itself as a democratic universalist public charity, leading to the paradoxical situation whereby the U.S. is an empire, yet refuses to actually behave like one. It is too squeamish to actually colonize anyone directly and subject it to a seigneurial regime. As a result, U.S. foreign policy is interpreted as a civil war by proxy between realists and Wilsonian idealists in the state establishment, the latter associated with the State Department, the former with the DoD.

The recommendation then is either for the U.S. to start taking empire seriously, or to embrace armed neutrality in its fullest. From this perspective of hardened Realpolitik, he laughs openly at the delusion that governing a foreign country requires "winning hearts and minds," and quotes Victorian colonial administrator Lord Cromer on setting up a competent colonial regime.

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that their own are meaningless and barbaric and evil and that papa Moses and his crew are the real ancestors of your people.

Yes. Antibiotics in particular have become an enormous tragedy-of-the-commons, pic related.

I somwhat agree, but you have a strange style that makes it difficult to follow. Drunk moldbug follower?

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Get rid of kikes, niggers, abos, arabs, and chinks though.
Siberians and nips can stay though.

Moldberg doesn't have a monopoly on principles of sound government, but in this case he's on the money.

"Take the empire seriously, or embrace armed neutrality" is the position I've held since I learned who Ron Paul was, and it's the position that the US Govt seems to be deathly allergic to, regrettably.

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meant for

Slavery was a huge mistake, not colonialism.
White men should have picked their own cotton/sugarcane instead of listening to Schlomo's advice and buying his niggers.

user, we protect animals in this Reich. The abbo should remain in nature preserves in it's natural habitat, unmolested.

You really think those niggers were ours? They were schlomo's niggers from the start.

Everything that is happening is happening for three (one) reasons:
1) The kike religion states their messiah will be born into a multicultural Edom, AKA Rome and Western Civilization by extension.
2) Kikes hold a grudge against Rome (and the entire West by extension) for their exile.
3) Tikkun olam, Hebrew for "world repair." The idea that as their god's chosen people it is the duty of the Jew to right all the world's "wrongs."

These three reason can be condensed down to one reason, Jews.

It literally isn't. The Jews would be up to their tricks even if colonialism never happened. They were fucking around long before colonialism.

Fuck no, abbos should be exterminated to preserve better and more habitat friendly animals. At least if we're talking Aus abbos, you could probably let some other aboriginals live without cost but the petrolhuffers should be gassed.

Problem was whites losing WWII to the Jews and Communists. Vae victis.

Do you have the screencap of that book that goes into detail about how abbos perform worse acts of ritual mutilation on children and regularly rape kids like a rabbi on (insert kike holiday here)?
I saved it before but I have no idea where it is.

Giving your money to Jews was mistake not slavery. But Christians are hopeless against Jews here. Money is bad for Christians and good for Jews. You can't win here.

Slavery was also a mistake. The niggers should have been left in Africa to rot.

Fuck off commie. You can establish a prison planet of your choice when we GTFO this rotten shitskin infested shithole that you want to plunge into eternal darkness.

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Niggers are only problem when Jews feed them with your money. But you ignore the problem of granting every enemy of yours tons of your money.

Fucking wrong on that one nigger, way off.

The New World was doing well until the English took over and brought kikes… and subsequently niggers. Unlike the Spanish in South America we fought, killed, and exiled the local North Amerinigs. Almost all prairie nigs live on reservations as a consequence. Unlike South America some prairie nig isn't going to burn shit around people's necks and trick us into letting them take over what we've built.

Niggers and kikes where a mistake.

Sry user, but the biggest mistake for Western Civilization post Rome and the disastrous conversion to cuckianity, was the defeat of the THIRD REICH.


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Great blogpost, jew. Keep the salt coming.

Blame Oliver Cromwell.

Not to mention the population explosion in all of the Americas and Africa. Shit wouldn't be possible without globalism. Just what we need… more mouths to feed, plastic to dump in the ocean, and immigrants looking for find.

Hafta take issue with 'the enlightenment was the problem'. We had plenty of degeneration, tribal influence, secret society bullshit, incestuous, corrupt churches and monarchs, often very tight with the money lenders. In many ways the pre-enlightenment, pre=reformation church was no better than the other money grubbing political subversive religion.

This. OP's ideal world where things went differently would never have seen the birth of National Socialism and the words of Adolf Hitler.

I think there's enough evidence that shows that it's a bad idea to ever even allow non-Whites to take part in our institutions, never mind be in charge of them. Blacks in South Africa are full steam ahead on destroying their entire education system, doing things like burning all their classical paintings because Boers painted them, demanding the end of "White Science" (also known as, "science") and refusing to teach their kids Afrikaans (das raycis) so they'll have no way of interacting with the institutions of the upper classes or read anything written in the last 300 years. I predict they'll soon come up with the idea of removing Whites from the public schools altogether so the poor oppressed bantus won't be exposed to evil racist Whitey. Then they'll be mad that the White schools are performing well while the black schools are dysfunctional shitholes barely a step above prisons, they'll decide that it's raycis for Whitey to have their own schools, and the whole cycle will repeat. Our ancestors implemented segregation not because they thought it was funny or because they had hard hearts, but because it was necessary.

Colonialism was fine, not having a diode for the people circuit was the problem. Ever thinking most of the places you colonized were worthy of anything more.

Nigger be gone!

Daily Reminder had William the conqueror never got (((financed))) too fight England and allowed the Jews to come back and helped build masonry in England the "French" revolution would never had ZOG to come into existence.

That being said I agree to an extent OP but Colonialism is really apart of nature and has existed within mankind since its inception. Macedonia, Egypt, Persia, Rome, and the Mongols all practiced colonialism but too my knowledge I have seen no proof of Jews being apart of the leadership or influence in those Empires unless you have a source?

In all honesty if push come to shove and there was no peaceful solution for the west too stay intact than I support what I would term white globalism as in only Whites living on the planet and by exterminating or walling off the other races from society and interaction. Statistically we all know that nonwhites pretty much bring down the level of this planet and if we want to push its true potential than we need to do what needs be done. Just look at Africa, the Middle East, India, Latin America, East Asia and tell me what they really contribute. The only people that I see worth saving are the Japanese and they can have their own empire of ruling Asian territories. Whereas the rest of the world should belong to us. The other races had their time in the sun and could've taken our olive branch of peace and harmony and they refused instead they chose the path of the Jew and it will bring them their downfall. ==THIS WORLD NAY THIS UNIVERSE IS OURS BY RIGHT AND WHO ARE WE TO DENY OUR TRUE POTENTIAL==

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I have it

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Colonialism was a kike project to get resources and shekels. Notice how it didn't really start to take off until after Cromwell let the kikes back into England.

It wasn't. What was a mistake was to leave the subjugated peoples alive and giving them access to modern technology.

No, we should have picked our own cotton.

That Roheim seems like a Jew. Is he? Is he a Jew, user?

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The Arabs thoughtfully castrated their niggers, so it never came back to haunt them.

Get a load of me, using past-tense about Arab slavery!

If this continued invasion of our living area by the Third World continues we will be completely swamped. We already have the Clintonistas counting down in eager anticipation of the day sometime around the middle of the next century when we will be a minority in our own land and a non-White majority will be lording it over us. And of course, it will be not only the drowning of America in a non-White tide, it will be the destruction of the last of the rain forests and the last of the wild animals everywhere, as the Brown and Black population explosions continue in their own parts of the world. It will be terminal pollution everywhere on our overcrowded planet.

How did this happen? What were we thinking of when we took our medical science to Africa and Asia and the jungles of Central and South America and reduced the death rates in those places so that their non-White populations could explode?

If we had just left them swinging through the trees and sacrificing each other wholesale to their various gods, instead of trying to get them to wear clothes and learn English or Spanish or French and wash their hands after going to the bathroom, they still would be happily making mud pies with their own filth and dying like flies, and their population density still would be what it was ten thousand years ago; the tropical rain forests still would be thriving, and the lions still would be eating as many of them as vice versa. Most important, we wouldn’t be carrying them on our backs now whenever we go to a hospital; we wouldn’t be subjecting our kids to them in our schools; we wouldn’t have them shoved in our faces whenever we turn on a television receiver; we wouldn’t be looking for parts of the country to which we can flee where there are fewer of them; we wouldn’t be watching our whole civilization being pulled back down into barbarism by their dead weight. We could be masters in our own world, a cleaner and greener and healthier world.

So why did we do it? Well, there are historical reasons, and there are current reasons. Historically, we always have had a surfeit of shortsightedness — or at least, the farsighted people among us were not in the policy-making positions. To a large extent, of course, we didn’t have any policy when we settled the New World. We just let entrepreneurs do their own thing, and that thing nearly always was based on individual profit rather than on the general welfare of the race. We let a bunch of greedy businessmen plan things for their own benefit: cheaper labor, bigger markets, more profits — those were their considerations.

And among the greediest of these businessmen seeking a bigger market for their wares were the Christian priests, hell bent on converting savages and saving Black or Brown souls. Christian universalism certainly played a major role in the destruction of our world. We should have lynched every missionary who had the crazy notion that Blacks needed Jesus instead of their own voodoo gods or that Mexicans needed the Catholic Church instead of their jungle temples, where they liked to cut the hearts out of their prisoners and eat them.

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Colonialism wasn't a mistake. Not depopulating the rest of the world of non-whites for the sake of white colonization was a mistake

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You are so wrong. The destruction of the white race and then the world or the enslavement of what is left has been the plan for over a hundred years. None of it was shortsighted or out of greed at its kernel although greed was paid for and rewarded in the works of destroying the White Race.The Jew works collectively tirelessly to accomplish it. The part of the Powers that Be, not explicitly Jewish work hand in glove with the kike because they think they will be the house slave of the Jew.
The Christian churches were infiltrated after WW2 by Jewish influence using the 6 Gorillion and $$. If that didn't work the Jew would destroy pastors who would not suck Kike cock with the IRS, the Jew Courts, and kiked Government pawns. In America we were going to get rid of all the niggers by shipping them back after the civil war-who stopped that idea the KIKE.Who is behind every fucking NGO, charity, agency etc. internationally or otherwise that is destroying the west…Jews.

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The only mistake was *not* genociding the natives and placing whites everywhere.

And I can't read the OP's post lel. Disregard.

You can blame Portugal, England and Spain for exporting niggers all over the world.

Colonialism was a mistake, and it benefited only the jews. Jews ran the nigger trafficking ring known as "atlantic slave trade", jews sold alcohol and deliberately spread diseases in North America, jews bankrolled all the shit that happened in South America (read "A Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indies") and then stole all the gold and silver anyway (SA was a potential whitetopia, white people were welcomed with open arms, sometimes almost as gods, but the orders that conquistadors got from the jews were clear; kill and enslave everyone, steal anything valuable), jew run pirate operations sprang up in the Indian Ocean as soon as the portugese explores discovered it, dutch jews conspired to conduct massive genocides in Indonesia to sell more spices to the goyim, jews started smuggling opium to China and started the Opium Wars, literally destroying a continent sized country to sell drugs… I can go on and on about this. Everywhere the white explorers went, the jews followed like a shadow to commit genocide and loot everything. Also, the colonialism and moving of niggers for cheap labour in the (((plantations))) (overwhelmingly jewish owned) caused mass mongrelization of what was left of the American population, creating countless mixed race abominations.

TL;DR (((colonialism))) not colonialism

Accepting a foreign religion and it's foreign god was the mistake

>Daily Reminder had William the conqueror never got (((financed))) too fight England and allowed the Jews to come back and helped build masonry in England the "French" revolution would never had ZOG to come into existence
Nah. Richard exiled the kikes in ~1250. Blame Oliver Cromwell.

Legit. Cromwell and those we followed him cucked England with jew-cock more and more.

Reminder that the only time people run to the jews for help, is for a financial bailout and underhanded subterfuge.

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His name is Geza Roheim, a hungarian jew, he explored and researched matrilineal societies to prove the existence of an Oedipus Complex within them, a typical jew.

Ottomans did that too, the turkroaches imported a shitload of them to serve as harem guards, however there is very few black turkroaches walking around occupied Anatolia, most of the afro turkroaches are immigrants.
They only applied that to black slaves though, white slaves were either forced to work the ship oars, work in the quarries or if he was young enough, get brainwashed and converted to serve as janissaries.

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Ha ha ha, oh wow.jpg

Kill yourself so hard, OP. This is the most cucked thing I've read in quite some time.

It doesn't sound like you actually read his post.

This is a Spencer shill thread, hes promoting ideas that Spencer pushes on behalf of Dugin. TLDR: he sides with the blacks of Zimbabwe

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Colonialism is only a mistake if you let jews run the show and you fail to realize the distinction between you and the conquered.

Really, the mistake was allowing the technology and knowledge associated with the industrial revolution to spread into the hands of non-Europeans. We had a chance to make a breakaway civilization and we failed. We could have been the legendary White Gods to all of the various bronze/iron age (or worse) peoples around the world.

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However, in order to bring about that breakaway civ we need to classify the hierarchy of races and their respective iqs (equality) and allow for higher iq born folk born in lower races/iqs an ability to achieve higher socio-economic classes (opportunity).

Our founding fathers had the right idea just did not formally implement it due to the chaotic nature of politics. We (high iq/euro folk) need discipline and K-selected breeding strategies as well as 5+ children, healthy diet/exercise, spiritual foundation in Christianity, and genuine love for one another if we are to bring about this breakaway civ.

Christian influence on colonialism was a mistake, when shit was focused on le epic conversion and civilizing missions it got fucked. We need settlement.

You need high birthrates of white babies and natural resources to sustain them.

That's gross

It literally is.

Globalism was born from colonialism.

Yes, whats your point?

We had settlement. Your yiddish spam is irrelevant. Get fucked.


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Why do short people always insist on eating on the floor?

Is eating at tall tables a european thing? Is it because europeans are tall?

Tables and chairs are high technology for these fucking savages.

Funny thing that, if the blatantly evil ones have their way, that will still happen. All those who played the game of "blame evil whitey" will regret their loss as they die from disease, starvation, poverty, and other such ails of the modern world.
The entire world will feel that impact.
Warning to any honorary aryans in this hypothetical situation: they'll be coming for you shortly after, these creatures hate intelligence and things like integrity.

Yeah it would have been best if Europe didn't colonise the world. It was just an economic necessity so that they could expand into new regions and get cheap labour and resources to compete with other nations. Kinda like how imperialism is necessary today to keep capitalism afloat. If only there were a system where other regions didn't have to be exploited in order to avoid crises

Thank you been looking for this for ages. Do you know where this is from?

Criminally underrated post. Also, great WLP meme. We should have never interfered with nature. I can't recall which WLP cast it was, but he pointed out that white liberal suburban moms would still vouch for non-whites, even if gang-raped by them. Not trying to get off topic - but that's the level of cognitive dissonance we deal with today. We've turned our backs on nature. People are so indoctrinated that they can't see it. There's a kike-Matrix distorting their perception of reality. We've allowed ourselves to be (((brainwashed))) into thinking everyone is the same. That everyone is identical and equal.

No one is equal. No one is identical. No one is the same. We should have never tried to impress our values on sub-humans; they will never be us. They can only pantomime us. They know it in their hearts. We know it in ours, as well.

They all hold us back. Every time I walk in a store behind a nigger and they walk slow with no agency, no self-awareness, all I can see is how they hold me back. Every time I see a sheboon that looks like a gorilla, I'm reminded that it needs me more than I need it. Colonialism was not a mistake. The mistake was allowing the sub-humans to live long enough to need us more than we need them. We should never have accepted them into our standard of living, with our medicine and technology; I totally agree, user. We should have left them to their natural devices, where their natural handicaps would have kept them manageable.

Our empathy and higher consciousness did us in; this is something that sets us apart from the rest of the animals, and by animals, I mean non-whites. They do not share these traits with us. Unfortunately, some naive people thought that these groups could learn these traits over time. The simple, natural truth is that they cannot. They never will. It's impossible for them. It's not their fault. They can't help it. Their environments and genetics never necessitated spatial reasoning, consciousness, and self-awareness.

I'm under the impression that for the sake of the planet, for the sake of nature, for the sake of the environment, and cosmic balance: every single non-white man, woman, and child needs to be systematically eliminated and purged from this green Earth. They will always be dead weight. They will always pull us down. We are all parts of a hole; we must strive towards Godhood, as we as white men are made in God's image. If any race on this planet can continue to rise to the heavens, it is us. We must simply stay true to the course. We cannot, however, do that with them tagging along. We can only take ourselves.

I used to want them all to die out of hatred. But now, after some time, I realize I want them all to die out of necessity. It's a necessary evil.

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caucasoids>mongoloids>mutated mongoloids (amerindians)>negroids by RACE

mongoloids>caucasoids>mutated mongoloids (amerindians)>negroids by average IQ

societal disobedience is based on iq and race
the lower the iq the higher frequency of societal disobedience; likewise for that race ranking i provided.

Do not deny the nature of man, this is inherent knowledge/behaviors to be obeyed. Naturally as lower races have higher iqs they display more societal obedience as opposed to the lower iq counterparts within western civ.

Moreover, this hierarchy can be identified in the USA just not clearly defined. Higher socio-economic levels of minority races mongs, negs, mutamongs tend to be more conservative/K-selected breeding strategy and immune to the r-selected degeneracy that is displayed by the lower iqs of their respective races.

Obviously the high prevalence of minority races voting for dem side is due to tribal mentality and attempting to supplant the white majority race, typical political maneuvering for control and perceiving the white race as weak.

Proper legal immigration sought the best and brightest minority races to contribute to our way of life not destroy it. Merit based immigration was to allow for this to happen but due to our current immigration policies albeit corrupt to the core have weaponized the higher class minorities to challenge "white supremacy". And this is where we find ourselves today.

Also, corruption/perversion/subversion will alter the frequency but i do not think it influences behavior as significantly as the nature of the races and their respective iqs.

Futhermore, in order to assist in understanding someones true nature let us assume that it is impossible for someone with an iq of 85 that he surely cannot become a nuclear physicist and someone with an iq of 100 surely cannot become a biochemist. Certain professions within civilization contain certain natural dispositions. Retards cant do math, negroids could not build boats hence why the saharan desert is a desert to prevent them from migrating into white territories.

Aside from the tangent I hope you can grasp my meaning. For those races with iqs on the cusp or with the capability of moving up the socio-economic levels should be allowed the opportunity to succeed and advance. This is the true purpose of the "land of opportunity".

This is exploited through diversity hires and affirmative action; sure discrimination existed in the past and was necessary for the higher iqs of lower races to be given a chance to succeed but it has now become fuck whitey. Let all lower races and lower iqs be hired instead of merit. Merit has been fucked for decades in the name of equality. We are not equals and will never be equals however some are capable of climbing the rungs society and should be given the opportunity.

I hope this clarifies the meaning. If not ask more questions.

I know OP is a troll but I tend to agree with him, although not for his reasons. If it wasn't for colonialism christian Europe, which was tempered by conflict with Religion of Cuck™, would be the dominant culture today. Now we can't stand against Religion of Cuck™. This is the franks vs. roman empire all over again and will have the same outcome.

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sweet 1488 get

You're talking like a Zig Forumsack, but you don't recognize the words of the great man. Therefore, I must reluctantly conclude you are a newfag. As such, you must lurk for an extended period before sharing your thoughts again.

Thank you.

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So, Zig Forums is always right then? Good to know.

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Before eating at a table, first somebody in your civilization must:
A) Get tired of eating on the floor
B) Imagine that things can be different
C) Conceive of a solution that doesn't involve sorcery
D) Devise a practical design for a table that isn't just a solid block of stone – don't forget chairs!
E) Gather resources and not be killed by the King's tax collector
F) Schedule adequate time and space for the work of assembly
G) Stick to it, even after a few minutes when a shitskin would get bored and wander away
H) Demonstrate sufficient humility to examine the mistakes made on the first attempt and commit to improvement later on
I) Persuade the others that the table is a good thing
J) Not be impaled as a witch

As you can see, user – Whites have privilege.

1. communism benefits jews, i'm shocked
2. sage slide threads

You also forgot heliocentrism, the controversy of indulgences sold for money by the Catholic Church, censorship by the Spanish Catholic Inquisition, et al.

mate, I am glad you are aware of all these things, but my huh was not to the concept of hierarchy. My huh was to your clinging to your civnat view. You have learned a lot, user, but you're not there yet.

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You know… The same people who enslaved white women..usually Irish to breed them with niggers to produce more economical slaves to sell, just happen to promote race mixing today

Obama's ancestors came from Ireland…

What a shitty cuck meme. You should feel ashamed for posting it without thinking of what its logical consequences are. That is, if you're not JIDF.

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do you mean (((british)))?
Because if what that book claims is true, it seems that britain fucked us all over by preventing boers from controlling africa and then fucked us again by preventing germany from controlling europe, and yet AGAIN by giving palestinian clay to jews which has caused non stop grief for us all ever since.
(((britain))) seemingly has a lot to answer for.
And interestingly, there were no jews there before william the conqueror, he brought them with him as tax collectors under royal protection and placed some in positions of authority.
Cohencidentally, less than 30 years later, good english men were sent off to fight and die in the middle east in a time when literally no fucks would have been given about that part of the world by the english folk, who mostly lived in the same village their whole lives.
Weird that isn't it?

It was mainly the Spanish getting their dick wet with the Natives. Blame them.