Why is criticizing Trump a bannable offense on this board? Even when he cucks to the ZOG and globalists, it's still off-limits to say anything bad about him. Is this board just an extension of T_D?
Why is criticizing Trump a bannable offense on this board? Even when he cucks to the ZOG and globalists...
enjoy your ban
1700 people can't be wrong
It's just Zig Forumss current zeitgeist.
Back in 2011, people were defending Bush as a reasonable and likeable fellow. AnClaps and Libertards were the norm. Things change over time, but the way basement dwelling neckbeards act doesn't. You'll just have to accept that as long as Trump sits in the white house, Zig Forums will obsess, just like they did with every single thing Obongo did.
I'm honestly just sad that the anclaps are gone. I miss hearing them try to make a reasonable argument for AT&T and the other telecoms giants to have regional monopolies. Or how socializing healthcare would be bad for the American people's health.
Anclap mental gymnastics were truly awe inspiring.
pics or it didn't happen
Happens everyday, in almost every thread.
I'm actually kinda sad I didn't screencap anything from back then. But I was 16 and fairly new to the internet.
So sure, I'm a faggot that can't back up my claims.
Fuck off aggot bush is a great man
He's a spirit cooking marina abrimovic supporting ritual (literal) canibalism practicioning piece of car shit and he can felate himself
Your bunkers are useless and full of kikes and r9k posts.
You're a liar too. Lips is not a great man.
Just enjoy the decay. I am actually glad i am no longer addicted to this butthurt ridden shithole in constant denial. Its such hypocritical communities that made National Socialism a fringe ideology. Because they aren't even true to their own doctrine.
A better question is, why are you here? You can go to Zig Forums and bash Trump all you like just like all the jews on TV. In fact, they will shower your threads with (you)s because they share your welfare-fueled hatred of muh ebil orange drumpf
Not in my fucking timeline.
No you.
That I can agree on. Like a fucking circus, leftypol doesn't even manage to sink that low.
Jews play both sides retard.
Not in my fucking timeline.
No you.
You got it backwards. TD is an extension of cuckchan pol
You almost baited me, I admit.
Back in teh days anons didn't ban each other left and right. Its nu shit to stomp on the free speech.
Except the "BASED right-wing jews". Trump is being attacked by the left the same way Bush was, it's all about creating the illusion of choice.
back in the day, despite the phrase "always do the opposite of what jews say," people realized that both left and right are two sides of the same coin. They also realized that they play both sides. They're not god, but it doesn't take god to know cover all your bases.
because if Zig Forums didn't shill for the republican AIPAC candidate the democrat AIPAC candidate would have won!
wew what a newtard lmfao
me too user, me too