British Pajeet Decapitates Baby During Birth

Baby 'accidentally decapitated inside mother's womb' during delivery
Infant's head 're-attached' to body so mother could hold him before saying goodbye

>The movement caused the infant’s legs, arms and torso to become detached leaving the head still in his mother’s womb.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>“As a matter of compassion the head was reattached so the appearance of the baby was not too extreme. The baby was shown to his mother so she had the consolation of seeing him.’’

>Dr Laxman, who was working at the hospital with a team of other doctors, faces being struck off. She denies contributing to the death of the baby.

Hello, I'm from Cuckchan! OF DIVERSITY!

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Death to the mods for that sly as fuck word filter.

Anything to make noise eh moshe? It's the jews' fault street shitters are delivering babies.

Was the baby white?

In fairness though, she did us a favor. They were niggers.

Ooough, thats rough, as an MD, breech alone is a reason not to do vaginal delivery… On top of that, prolapsed cord?? And at 25 weeks, that cervix is never going to open unless you actually abort the fetus, and even then, it won't be very wide.
I'm not gonna lie, I don't envy Obgyns because they are humans trying to do a superhuman job, delivering babies… Its the one job where if you screw up the rest of a humans life is shit.. That and OB shifts are brutal, 16-36hrs straight no sleep cuz you don't know when the baby is gonna come.


WTF do you think you are?
There is no such thing as a British pajeet.

My fault. I was mistaking the current event for this one:

What do you call a pajeet that invaded Britain? Since this is probably normal operations in India.

A pajeet? What do you call an african that has decided to make somewhere other than africa his home, other than nigger?

They make it sound like the head just naturally detached.
Welcome to third world medical care.

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Ban scalpels.

Came here to ask this.

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I don't get Pajeet doctors. How do they pass medical school, yet fail at even the simplest of tasks? I swear, a white LPN is better than these good for nothing Dravidians. The chinks aren't this bad. The kikes aren't this bad. The hispanics will pocket drugs, but they're not too bad. But somehow the Pajeets are worse than even blacks!

White or jewish, I don't know.
Indian? White?
If Indian (mixed or not), always remember, she could've been hadling your child (i.e. white kids). If she's white, we'll, don't give women hard quick and proper judgment jobs.

Because you pay for the piece of paper once you get into college. The paper says that you learned shit, despite not knowing about jack.

Truly a race of doctors and scientists.

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Rampant cheating and retaking of classes. You would not believe how much goes on. Muds have cheating networks at every university, and a lot of them are attempting to get into medicine.

Sounds like murder to me.

I just don't get how they pass medical school. I guess what happens is they learn just the bare minimum they need in order to pass. They also only become doctors for money, and don't actually care about others at all.

I wasn't aware you could retake classes in medical school. Also do you have any stories about muds cheating? In America I've only had experience with spics and nigs during undergrad.

How much did the pajew charge to put the head back on?

Just an example, I knew one guy from Africa who worked at some old person home when he lived there. He laughed about how he would take their medication and sell it on the side for extra money since since he basically worked there alone and they were all too sick to know what was going on. Talked about it like there was nothing wrong with it. He was here studying nursing, and he got a scholarship to do it because he was filling an "industry shortage" or something.

You think they pick up white credentials without some soft of reciprocity scheme in place? They get their "credentials" through the bindi catalog.

Pre-med stuff you can. Medical school I don't know.

Stories about cheating is just your basic networking stuff: Hit up the white people for their exams at the end of the semester so they can add the questions to their question bank with the correct answers. Having people work for the universities as assistants so they have computer access and access to the question banks the departments use. It's all kept very quiet on their end, but if you get to know people you start picking up what's going on. Everyone has a "friend" with a really good study guide that ends up with exam questions on it.

All of these minority clubs on campuses are designed to help these people network and be "successful" at college. Most white people have no idea what's going on, and the ones participating in it are what you would expect.

sounds like a horrible time to yank it from the womb.


Something similar like this happened in California over a decade ago but with a chink doctor knew him at the time. The parents, being typical LA trash, settled financially with the kike hospital and didn't make a sink about their child's skull being cracked open like a walnut. If any anons are expecting a baby, make sure the one delivering your child isn't a shitskin. This is more common than you think.

or make sure it is, for that sweet moolah

What's funnier? The fact Pajeet will still be decapitating babies after this with his LOICENSE intact of the fact that he probably was in a rush to find a designated shitting street?

You are better staying at home ans suffering through it if your doctor has brown skin.


Fuck off, yid

Just a reminder to never, ever do business with a shitskin, kike or nigger doctor. Demand a White doctor. It is your right.

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Jesus Fucking Christ

I hate these street shitters so much. I think I hate them more than any other shitskin. I mean really I don't even hate the other shitskins I just hate that Jews bring them into my country. But these fucking pooinloos are the absolute worst. Dunning-Kruger the fucking country.


Now all we need is calculate the percentage of non-Whites in medicine and compare it to, say, 1950s stats (if there are any) and we're going to have some sweet data on our hands.

The mother is probably going to get 15 years in prison for being a racist

What race was the mother and her child?

What did they filter this time?

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It's like 30k and that includes suicides

take a wild guess
if this was a white doctor and nigger/shitskin patient the doctor would be in prison and then executed in prison just like bacon on mosque guy.

the UK should be nuked right along with isreal.

this is also what happens when the hostpital is the government. i take it she can't sue the hospital/government. if this happened in an american hospital the doctors, and the hospital would have been sued for millions, which is why they would take care to avoid this. noticed in the story the doctors gave zero fucks and didn't bother to consult the pregnant woman at all, she was just an object they had to deal with, another faceless number on government paperwork.

They cheat their way through medical school

Because they cheated their way through medical school

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fucking visa pajeets are the worst

It also includes morons that forget to unload their gun when cleaning it. The actual murders with guns is probably around 8k a year.

Were they laughing at him every time he inhaled in a painful fashion? Fuck.


So basically she performed a late term abortion without permission.
What's the big deal, it's just a clump of cells right?
One fuck up by one subhuman pales into insignificance next to the general view that it's ok to kill White babies in the womb.
Which is it?

Nice strawman, TORfaggot. Nobody here is advocating for abortion of white children.

stupid jews
midwives deliver babies
obgyn is fraud like chiropractor
see how this lady had the wrong info lead to poor health lead to premature delivery, cord issues, and breech (since baby hadn't yet turned around because too early)
the baby would have contracted all the diseaes in the hospital and died anyways
or died shitting in the street and pissing in the tea

dont mind xyr, most Tor users are anti-child marxists who think baby is parasite
all Tor devs are

What the fuck did our jewish mods add to the filter this time?

Sensible parents should demand a white doctor but I assume that's a hate crime in Bongistan

I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the notion that a baby can be accidentally decapitated during birth. How would that work, exactly?

pajeeta had her hands in the mother and was pulling the kid by the feet, her cervix was too tight and the kid's head got pulled clean off

Even shitposting is a crime in bongland.
They already find people guilty for it, and want to increase sentences to 2-6 years for website insults.

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They actually used the word "shitposting" in the title, kek.

Fucking subhumans.

Lol, you can lead a horse to water, huh? Useless street shitters.

How the Brits didn't hang all the members of their government already is beyond me.

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She probably simply forgot which procedure she was meant to be performing that day, White women kill off more babies than they deliver. But go ahead, focus on this rather than the genocide of millions, that's the purpose of this thread after all, to shield the kike with a "look what pajeet's doing."

bump this is the reality the jews want to hide from you