A robocall paid for by the road to power .com
On a related note:
Apparently, she received complaints that robocalls on her behalf were made at 2 a.m.
A robocall paid for by the road to power .com
On a related note:
Apparently, she received complaints that robocalls on her behalf were made at 2 a.m.
Other urls found in this thread:
link to the call
This dude is such an obvious plant it's not even funny. There's no subtlety to anything he does and thats why he's a plant.
Even if he is, nothing he is saying is a lie.
Made my entire week.
Possibly. But his platform isn't exactly Zig Forums. His platform, policies and campaign might seem intended to draw out dissidents. But, if he makes it to the ballot, it'll seem less fishy to me.
The Road to Power is a book about Stalin.
I am withholding the sticky until the audio is posted.
Are you fucking retarded?
It's also embedded in the OP
webm or gtfo, faggots.
No publicity is bad publicity if you can spin it. We should all understand this by now.
The easiest way to spot a plant is silence/cuckoldry on the jewish enemy. Other than a few minor factual errors, there's nothing wrong with his overall message.
A plant of telling the truth, I'll take it.
Don't need to spin anything, Patrick already provided the slam dunk quote: “Show me the lie, and I will consider renouncing it.” Game of find a lie to whatever is said on the robo call is afoot. Any listener who dares plays the game is going to get pilling.
Remember when an user said TAY's lovechild was coming and the robocalling AI was a big fucking mistake?
I fucking warned ya.
Good enough.
>"Goodbye Jews!" from Schindler's List
I don't give a fuck if he glows in the dark. He's /myguy/ now. And I'm a California voter.
Welp, there goes Jared Taylor.
And you still won't know how we spot you fucks.
The Road to Power is based in Orem, Utah, and updated on Cinco de Mayo.
Filtered, fag. Lurk more before trying to shit up a thread.
Fuck off.
10/10 robocall
Is there a way to mass text phone numbers anonymously? I'm sure anons know the numbers of many white commiefornians…
it would seem so.
If he gains traction and pulls ahead and then an heroes, with 5 shots to the back of the head while weight lifting, then I will be sure he was not a plant
This kike is such an obvious shill it's not even funny. There's no subtlety to anything he does an that's why he's a shill.
This is why optics cucks look ridiculous. Non-optics cucks just call you ball-less cucks and retarded; optics cucks call everyone a shill because they can't defeat the arguments.
Stop being a fucking cuck. Time is running short, and desperate. The election that Little is running in is less than a month away, it's on June 5th.
it should be cut at 1:20 IMO if anybody is considering spreading it, no need to link people to anywhere but directly to Pats site.
There is no "nazi".
There was:
1. Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
2. Wehrmacht Unified Armed Forces
stupid jews
Of course, everyone's a plant. Everyone is fake. Everyone is a fed. The only real people are those who do literally nothing but shitpost on imageboards. Better give up now goy.
I wan't fedposting to stop
It's probably a bunch of r/the_donald tier (((conservatives))) that think Israel is BASED.
Sometimes we need lack of subtly, look at where PR fagging got us
Remember little is not doing this to win
They need em MoonMan robocalls.
The thing is, shills are shilling strategies that are designed to fail. The solution is to think clearly, figure out what is shilling, misguided and what is legit.
I don't know if he's a plant, but I definitely know that you're a fruit
There's nothing stopping people from going under cover to get into power positions at the same time as others telling the truth out in the open.
Also, nothing stopping trs guys running for California senate against Little pretending to be some uber White hating zionist israel first liberal pro illegal alien pro pedophile while hiding his pro White power level.
TSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Is he a fuckin olive bush or sumthin? piece of fuckin shit
Yep. It was the perfect response; watching what unfolds will be interesting.
Fucked up formatting
Great to hear that we've got duke nukem on our side.
This is pretty good even if you only consider the lul factor.
w/e let's enjoy anti-semitism in the mainstream
Without fail, the first post on any PL thread is some shill screeching about how he's obviously a plant.
they're scared, goym
but it's not anti-semitism.
I just finished the debate between Patrick Little and Halsey English on Jean-Francois' Youtube channel, and it was a pretty one sided affair. Every time Patrick brought up jewish wrongdoing, Halsey would try to latch on to an irrelevant detail or try to steer the discussion away from it or outright lie in order to get away from the idea that Israel isn't 100% the good guy victim, only for Patrick to bring up more jewish wrongdoing. I really hope he doesn't (((commit suicide))) before I get a chance to vote for him.
Do you think it's possible to see California become a red state in our lifetime?
Nazi more likely comes from the first 2 syllables of National as it's pronounced in German. It actually does sound like Nazi.
Notice that the article does not use any of the text of the robocall, most likely because it doesn't contain any classic anti-semitism. The closest it gets is "traitorous jews like Diane Feinstein" and "nation-wrecking jews". While jews might see that as anti-semitism, ordinary people with half a brain will not. The word jew is preceded by adjectives, specifying a subgroup of jews, the traitorous and nation-wrecking ones. Anti-semitism would be something like "all jews are evil and we must expel them all". The article is smartly written only in that they expect their readers to be completely turned off from actually hearing it for themselves.
Corrected transcript:
Your comment implies non classic anti-semitism, there isn't any anti-semitism.
Would a good comeback to being called a "Nazi" be:
"so you're calling me a member of the (pronouncing it in German) Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei"
He's not a Nazi, or even a neo-Nazi. He's something new. He's not even pure Zig Forums based on his platform. What term could you use to describe him that would be accurate? He's an American, a patriot that has pulled back the curtain of the mishkon's kodesh hakadashim (tabernacle's holiest of holies) and has seen the forbidden, the holocaust, for what it is.
No, that'd be autistic, sticking to "What is a Nazi?" works because kikes use it in a billion different settings to mean anyone who is anti-israel in the slightest.
the little chad versus the virgin warmongering seditious virgin feinstein
my fucking sides. I can imagine the kvetching all the kikes that got this robocall did when they heard that.
Yeah, I fucking hate those "people."
I have never seen a shill release hugely damaging info about kikes or advance ideas that will totally destroy their power.
You may be right. But it doesn't matter. Let this inspire anons everywhere to do likewise; name the jew. Over and over and over again. Loudly, and publicly.
And when you hear someone else naming the jew, express loudly to everyone within your personal sphere of influence how much you agree with what's being said.
But most importantly, do not allow yourself to be suckered into a retarded argument with anyone that disagrees. Just stay smug and never, ever bother to defend the individual that is naming the jew when the inevitable ad hominems start to fly.
Simply express agreement to those around you whenever the jew is named.
This is how the Overton window shifts further right.
That's the point.
Create an easy target, then have him espouse the very real truths of your opposition, so you can make the connection in every case where somebody speaks the truth about you.
This is right from the playbook, and a tactic as old as the hills, the same as the CIA propagandizing ludicrous conspiracy ideas about 9/11 (death beam from space, nuclear bomb, planes were CGI, etc.) to ridicule ALL those who point out the buildings were obviously destroyed in a controlled demolition.
Guilt by association.
Those were all well-poisoning disinformation, Little isn't saying anything out there.
How is Little an easy target. Looks better than any of the crowd crying optics, same goes for background, ex marine, married, educated, high paying career, was pro-israel/jew lapdog, couldn't refute the evidence, goes over the evidence. Your dog don't hunt.
You mean:
stupid ashkeNAZIs
I'm not saying that. If you listen to Little, he's simply telling the truth. If he were to, even once, espouse unreasoned bias against Jews as a group, then I'd suspect he was a plant. Right now, I don't see that, but I'm still undecided.
Remember, I have never, in my long life, seen ANYONE point out the truth about the international Jew, because that group has a lock on media propaganda.
Just waiting and watching, for now. If I were in his state, I'd be voting for him, because, if he wins and WAS a plant, the message he carries will have won, nonetheless, and that is very important. The truth needs to be exposed, and he's doing a very good job of that.
Reminder the BO is not a turk but a kike from Canada. He used to post with the trip DownWithPatriarchy.
Nice 4 week ban btw you incompetent kike
He had been repeatedly interviewed over months by jew press and they never released them until the poll came out of him doing well which resulted in the jew piece that attacked him, that piece got noticed on voat, then here, then half chan, then more attack articles followed, so it was radio silence on jews' part and unknown online until the 18%, and the flurry of activity once he became known online forums, not jews. Once he became known, found the interviews he did with tiny audience boomer shows that no one has ever heard of and the recorded jew interviews he released.
jews changed california election laws to not only let non citizens vote but hold office, and the deliberately don't verify ID so they can run the gamut of election fraud, that necessarily means everyone in the world can vote in California elections and it has been pointed out can use a mail forwarding service where you can register and vote from anywhere. Everyone is a voter.
Holy shit, I knew it was bad, but not that bad.
This is one of the few times I think the Feds need to step in and take control of a state.
Either they step in and correct it or we use jews' tools to vote Little into office.
Guy keeps spamming whores and saying shut it down. Lel
Oy vey, he's not using "white taqiya" SHUT IT DOWN! Fucking kill yourself, retard.
Nazi means just Nationalist not even National Socialist, don't be fooled. The jew who made up the word Nazi knew exactly what he was doing.
You remember when Ron Paul ran to "draw attention to issues" and not because he wanted to win, thats what Little is doing and the issue is the Jewish question. This causes TRSodmites and Anglincucks etc heads to explode because they want to actually vote for mixed race candidates who have a chance at actually controlling what happens to whites, they dont want anyone talking about Jews because muh subtlety is needed for a black woman to be elected.
I could feel the love swelling in my heart for this man as I listened to that ad.
goy please
"classic anti-semitism" implies there's non classic, there's isn't any.
Regardless of whether or not he's a plant, we need to support people like him who plan on passing anti-censorship legislation. Even if they cuck out, we can finally get our memes back into the normie-sphere in full force again. That should be our main focus: hit them where they're weakest.
1. Post the link next time.
2. Not without some type of force.
You think they'd do this in a swing state.
We're coming for you kikes, not even your bastions of degeneracy are safe.
listened twice. Can't find the anti-semitic slur.
Patrick Little is pro Asian too!
And Apedre still won't endorse him?
Waste of trips. Fucking kill yourself.
Holy shit this can't be real rite?
He calls himself "counter-Semitic" First time I've heard that, and I like it. But he's not really "counter-semetic"…He is foremost a patriot, and anti jewish-supremacy. If this nation was built by Jews, and IF THE MAJORITY OF INHABITANTS WERE JEWS, then sure, let Jews rule the country. But the US is a mostly White-built country, with majority of White inhabitants. Let it therefore be ruled by Whites. And let the rule benefit the nation, not other nations! Let the taxes we pay benefit our society, and under OUR direction, not benefit other societies or go in directions we do not wish!! Patrick has my vote, 100%.
You can take your 'subtlety' and shove it up your ass. You think what you do on the internet is 'subtle'?
This guy is out there risking his neck, speaking the truth all of us are afraid to. Be a man, and be inspired by the deeds of better men. Don't be a jealous womanly faggot.
I got my ballot in the mail today. Not sure if it's a practice one or the real, bUT he's got my vote
Awesome! It is great to hear from happy voters who finally have their right to exist affirmed :)
No fucking way, does he actually? If so he's lurked more than you, I've seen that term used frequently here on Zig Forums. Remember when we were making threads telling anons to run for office? Here's an example of one actually following through.
This guy is controlled opposition to rally leftists to the polls. He exists for no other reason. Dig into his past and his connections. you'll find some red flags somewhere. Same thing people did with spencer etc.