
Can someone explain to me why transgenderism is pushed so much in the media? More importantly, why are some cities or even countries starting to punish misgendering as much as or more than other forms of (((hate speech)))?
(the California one is at least being challenged)

I know the (((who))) is obvious, but why? Fighting against (((racism))) makes sense because they just have to lie and say all of some minority face racism and make it look like 10% or more (or whatever said minority's population percentage is) of people are affected. The emotional appeal is easier because it looks like more people need help. With trannies, they're what, 0.1% of the population? Most people don't even know of any trannies besides whatever disfigured mutant is posted on the news or why misgendering is such an issue in the first place. Funny enough, explaining Body Integrity Identity Disorder to a few moderate friends and family members seemed to be enough to disprove gender identity to them. Is it possible to redpill liberals that aren't screaming about transphobia, or are they long-gone even before then?

I'm also looking for more links or infographs. I lost some of mine when a hard drive crashed.

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It's all about weakening western society ad human spirit/ depop/. its also an esoteric perversion a reversal

Anyone got that cap saying trannyism is caused by women having easier lives? its a long one.

Dunno about the pic but the book "The man who would be queen" is about exactly that theory and looking at WHO turns tranny the most, weak gamma males, it makes perfect sense.

Because the sexual revolution never ended. If you deny any *sexuals then you deny homosexuals.

the tranny brainwashing from the media also affects mothers, or soon to be mothers into pushing it onto their children. Ultimately its to trick people into not being able to reproduce. It's being pushed so much, along with anti-white brainwashing because (((they))) know that we know about white genocide. So (((they))) are going all out to speed it up on all fronts.

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basically the kikes want to turn every non-jew humankind into THE very definition of shithole (aka literally devolve humanity into that of mere animals/goyim in every definiton,way,meaning,physical appearance,character, and thought process)

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Whites or everyone? (((They))) seem fine with reproduction as long as it's interracial or among minorities. Look at birthrates of non-white countries and birthrates among ethnicities within white countries.

It's the next frontier in professional advocacy. First the primary focus was women, then it was blacks, then it was gays and now it's trannies and their ilk. Regardless of whatever agenda might be served, the progression is pretty easy to see and for my money, the next frontier is probably going to be mental illness and/or pedophilia. There is never any simple or single agenda or goal that is clear and present, but my preferred understanding of the unconscious motivations of the useful idiots (by far the majority; the genuine string-pullers are a tiny population and their lieutenants aren't much above the useful idiots) is basically Kaczynski's - leftists attempt to drag everyone else down to the lowest common denominator, but they do it by associating the more repugnant elements of society with normality. Political motivations are almost incidental. The string-pullers are by and large exploiting the tendencies of compassion in an era where conditioning that would normally prevent it is absent.

Population control , degeneracy , another group of faggots liberals can parade around as victims to the rest of the public. Its liberals bread and butter to sell sob stories.

kill yourself kike you know exactly what it's about

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It is a multi level social Jewing. Level one it gives the psychotics in public health and education governmental authority to exploit the sexuality of your child. IF YOUR HAVE CHILDREN IN PUBLIC SCHOOL IN THE USA, get them out NOW!! They can use it as a tool to threaten your relationship with your child, put you in jail even, if you don't allow them access to defile your child with these ideas. These fucking pieces of shit use everything they can to destroy the relationship and ties between child and parent. This tranny shit is another tool in these psychos kit. Trans gives them the cover to expose and then broach sex with small children. The FAGGOT brigade love it because it opens children up to the ideas of sex and sexuality when their brains are malleable and innocent. Thus making them easy prey for the pedophiles to rape and inculcate into the life of the faggot.
The media love it because of their sworn allegiance to Social Marxism and the destruction of all that is good and pure in the west. Almost every single person on TV is a sworn supporter of the degeneracy this entails and most are closet pedophiles and sex deviants. The family and natural relationships between parent and child the passing on of family values, beliefs and culture are an bane to their very existence. They feel it is their place to make society in their mutilated image. All media is dominated by the filth of the Jew and nothing goes mainstream in the west unless it is Kosher.
Feminist love tranny shit because it is almost exclusively targeted at white males. There are a few outliner niggers, spics and gooks but in the media the Hyper focus is on the little white boys. This dovetails perfectly with the feminist hate of the white male and their slavish devotion to Marxism and the destruction of the west, male-female pair bonding, and the creation of Men Of The West full of traditional values born and raised in a society of functioning intertwined relationships that all feminist are working with their whole soul to destroy.
The FAGGOT lobby loves and hate the tranny. They love the access to corrupt, confuse and open the children up to their sexual influence. It is the most successful avenue to get more people into their disgusting lifestyle. It wasn't enough that they were allowed to adopt or for the donation of sperm for low life lesbian scum to then birth a human travesty. They hate it because a tranny is ultimately the logical end result and a proof against the idea of faggot ideology in their religion of sexual identity as a real social group needing social carve-outs and protection. It is a faggot going all the way back to the natural binary existence that most animals exist in. They hate that.
All of this is being pushed by the Jew.

Thats what I recall from the cap, weak beta-beta/gamma males give up trying to compete and become alpha-beta males bitches since society rewards women more, it debunked the concept of homosexuality and explained it as natural dom/sub culture of a species.
I'm going to steal this content. But we know the jews and their talmud. When you hear Judaism and gender, you assume it's simple cut and dry shit, right? Incorrect, they've been pulling this kike gender shit for as long as they've had some sort of unifying religion, and as long as they created the talmud. The jew understanding of gender is rather similar to what is being pushed now.

Basic shit, yes? Male and Female. This is what we're familiar with and what is natural. But the jew is not natural and doesn't stop there. The jew will continue to bastardize everything, because they are of Satan/Demiurge/the lower energy levels. It is their nature to defile.

In a sense, the weak beta/gamma males are the easiest to program, due to weak will and/or mind. But all this gender, agender, bigender shit is from jewish tradition. This has been a jewish thing for as long as there have been jews.

Come on people, dont se so hard on us, we have existed since decades ago… asian countries like thailand or dingapour where never infested by the jewish hand in the same way western countries did and yet they also got trannies, and also people never give a fuck… on thw west its not the fact that we exist but we are made to be a problem on both sides for distraction points, or at least thats how i see it

anyway, ask me shit if you want, i will try to answer as honest as posible

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So why haven't you committed suicide yet?
And what the fuck are you waiting for? Trannies are mentally ill, and if you honestly cannot or do not want to be cured of this illness then why are you still on this planet?

This 6 Gorillion times

There have always been trannies, but chemicals in the water really have turned frogs gay - well to be accurate, the pesticide atrazine turns male frogs into females. It's fair to conclude that a number of chemicals may be doing the same to male/female brains.

So don't hate trannies, hate the people that poisoned them.

Yes, this is also true. Once you learn how to guess who is a tranny by body proportion and various unmistakable features, it's surprising how many there could be in plain sight (media), and most of them probably did not transition as a result of having their brains messed up.

I have succesfully defeated gender dysphoria.

The part of the illness comes from the lack of ease the dysphoria gives you, it would be the same as having an heterosexual boy in a family of lesbians pushing him to be more girly and then the boy been anxius all the time, on this example is obious that the discomfort comes from making the boy act as he does not want or agreed to, and the part of the illness is basically what feminist will lavel the child for been outside of their expected norm.

now just exchange lesbian family with polakcs and heterosexual boy with trans and traps and its the same result, the illness its on the eye of the beholder, also, please remember that all the DMS from 1 to 5 have been written by (((profesional psychiatris))) so when volume 3 and 4 lavel me as mentally ill i dont exactly buy it, technically anyone who does not know the answer to V^2 + 5V + 6 = 0 with no paper and pen, much less a calculator, acording to DMS 5 you are matematically challenged and technically mentally ill

Another point to make is that it further increases the depth of the 'incel' problem especially in Gen Z where being a tranny is promoted as the new cool thing to do. This is more relevant in built up cities and suburbs where bugmanism and degeneracy is more rampant.
Lesbianism has decreased the number of girls even available for a relationship. Girls are naive and seem to not realize at that age that their actions have consequences. Most boys won't touch an 'ex' lesbian with a barge pole, similar to how most boys won't want to be known as the person who dates a very promiscuous woman.
Trannies outright flip everything on its face. Boys become girls and girls become boys… Though biologically this can never happen. The feminization of men and the encouragement for women to be more dominant and bitch like has helped spur this illness.
I've known a few people who turned out to be lesbians/trannies when growing up. One of them in particular, a cheery ruralite such as myself, decided one day that she was going to be a he. 'he' acted always like a female and always based 'his' logic like one. Girls can never truly be male, they lack the logical mindset and physical strength be called one. Just how males biologically cannot be a woman and in my opinion it is an insult to think otherwise.
A lot of trannies commit suicide. This is a fact. Why is this? (((They))) would have you believe that it is the oh so bigoted society that we live in that drives these poor angels to their graves but in reality it would be a mix of mental instability and hormonal imbalances that often is a leading contributor to this.
The whole LGBTQwhateverthefuck is practically promoting pedophilia next, look up Desmond Is Amazing and Lactatia… These kids are likely going to be dead by 20.
Such faggotry is promoted for a malicious purpose there's no doubting that. In order to destabilize and demoralize those few who remain sane in this world gone mad. The slippery slope will have no end.

Look at the trannies on tumbler et al. These subhumans aren't just content with chopping their own dickes off, they encourage and outright groom other mentally ill people to join them.

Gender dysphoria is a symptom of schizophrenia, pure and simple.

You found your own way in the world. Well done you special little teacup :^)

Jokes aside, you do make a point. If a young male is influenced by someone such as their parents at an early age to act effeminate then it will have some impact on their psyche. Similar to how a lack of a father figure affects boys but likely more invasive and aggressive to their mental state. Homosexuals should not be able to raise children.

However, Zig Forums is not your lesbian parents. If the illness is truly in the eye of the beholder then is someone who is say… A complete schizo but somehow still functioning to some degree mad? If a tree falls in a woods with no one around to hear it does it make a sound?
Someone with gender dysphoria could function as their biological sex and just want to be the opposite gender, they still have this condition and essentially they are still having delusions of being the opposite sex. Even if they try and indulge in this and make efforts to appear to be the opposite sex I don't believe they will ever truly be content.
This is unfortunate but it is NOT helped by promoting rampant faggotry in the media and putting these messages out to young, naive and influential children.
You do not go to someone who has sexual urges for minors and tell them to indulge in their urges to make the problem go away. I am sure this will be the next step of the slippery slope… Even if everyone decides to accept faggots and trannies… Part of me wants to believe normies will put their foot down at pedophiles. As lenient as a normie can be with the other things pedophillia is outright destructive to children, more so than faggotry.

Shit, well then I'm a fucking madman :^)

I think we are in agreement that the SJW crowd who promotes the mind boggling multiple gender theory (a theory coined by a child abuser who drove a kid to suicide) and paints being 'transgendered' as a cool and fun thing with a community around it is a stark issue here.

Well most of the religions also share androginous figures from the abrahamic religions on both cute female like faces angels and androginous body demons

and on western religions is more noticiable, i would find it ironic how the only religion who does not does this would be those under the Religion of Cuck™ branch

yeah but that would be like saying halfchan /soc/ or /rk9/ is an acurate representation on all those who brose chans boards

read again, the terminologies on the DMS's where tainted since the beguining - any behaviur outside the norm would be laveled as illness from (((those in power))) just like today any opinion outside the norm is laveled as nazi hate speech

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What is occurring currently is the wholesale assault on Male/Female biology. Where we have fucking insane Marxist professors teaching that XY/XX is a social construct and that DNA and science is white male patriarchy forcing others to go along or be expelled.
It is also a gateway for the normalization of pedophilia and kiddie fucking in general. This is great for many in Power because they are almost all kiddie rapist/molesters. I hate that these fucking trannies are being used as a tool by these fucking pieces of shit that need to be mass buried.

I just wish to point out that pedophiles also groom… Not only children but the environment around them to be less cautious or even more accepting of their behaviors so they they can molest a child easier.
Being openly accepting of trannies creates the environment for further abuse for other mentally unstable people.
Mark my words, Anons… They're going to try and push pedophillia next.
Also can the thread's local tranny learn to type properly? Whatever shitty case you're trying to make is further invalidated by your hamfisted typing

>DMS is (((kike))) so this makes my behaviors completely valid

Did they try and put you on some mind altering medication, user? Is this why your brain is completely fucked? I am sorry for you.

Because it is. It's only been during the last few decades that the definitions got watered down so as to not offend the precious homos and trannies.

The slippery slope argument was correct. First they normalized homos and allowed them to indulge their fetishism, now it's trannies and in a decade or so we'll see a resurgence of NAMBLA.

Alright then.

>Have you considered offing yourself for being a tranny?

They already are. Have you seen articles about pedosexuals? Surprisingly enough even a faggot in one of my uni classes hates pedophiles because they hurt the LGBBQ movement and community. (If he did more research he'd find out most pedophiles are fags (or vice versa?) hence why NAMBLA was involved with them.) They both should be gassed, but at least pedos are less accepted than I thought among fags.

If it ends up that angry fags are the only reasons pedo are not accepted into Western civilization then we are further into shit than any of us know.
I do hope that will be the point at the very least that people say no to this shit. Everyone among us has a right, no… A duty to clobber and beat the living shit out of any known pedos or associates who accept and further encourage their behavior in any way.

Holy fuck, a fellow user who at least wants to talk with less shitposting™, respects to you,

Yup, so much this, but it goes multiple ways, on that alegory the idea is that the tree does both sound and no sound, so it creates multiple realities, those who will claim there was no sound and those who will cliam there was a sound and both will be objectivly correct

i personally think where the so called progresive agenda fucked up badly, tho i think (((they))) did it on purpouse, was on the part where you have to force the fucking world to agree with you on petty shit like pronouns and stuff, it may sound weird to you, but kinda like some aspects of manhood, the correct use of the pronoud is also part of the 'tranny inisiation' where is up to the individual to put effor on skills, apareance, makeup and voice to prove to yourself that you have consistency and skills to 'become a woman' (i know i know it sounds ridcukous to you), but by lowering th estandard to fucking zero it give this journy not fit for those mentally weak into a low hanging fruit status until they are in the middle of the trip, realize how much inner streight you need to finish it, realize they dont have it and then off themselves… true most of the curent trannies kill themselves, but that would be equivalent as selling the idea or forcing all the population to enlist into the army with no phisical exam, and then you have huge statistic saying how army is to demanding and +50% of trainees out or end up depressed

never had a reddit account and dont go there, i guess this is more like a FunnyJunk,com thing thats site was 2nd place on freespeech after Zig Forums in mid 2014, still i dont mind the dissagreement so please continue.

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To add, the fag knows of the NAMBLA association, he just doesn't understand the connection between fags and pedos, ironically enough.

I'm actually doing research on mental illnesses for a class. Anyone want to spoonfeed me some articles on body or gender dysphoria? My books at uni just mention accepting it or the stigma they face rather than discussing the issues of their disconnect with reality.

Okay, so don't hate trannies that aren't also into grooming others etc. Also, I think the increasing number of trannies really is from the chemicals (as well as the transgenderism push), not just higher visibility from greater acceptance.

Are you FtM or MtF? Do you feel there is a difference in the cause of transgenderism between FtMs and MtFs?

What did you mean by you defeating gender dysphoria? Did you defeat it by transitioning and becoming the opposite sex or did you mentally overcome it by retraining/rewiring your brain?

I am willing to entertain you only because you're not at the point of killing yourself.
You make it out that becoming transgendered is some sort of hard self journey…

The Army, being a military branch, has to be tough on the mind and body, weak people cannot be entrusted to defend the country. This is not the fault of the army nor the fault of the failed trainee, the Army should require strong people.

But that's besides the point. I would make the case that tackling any mental instability or problem with the will and want to be better and live a well fulfilled life is a struggle every day. But you've already made the case that being a tranny is not in fact a mental illness… Then is it somewhat of a mere cosmetic choice that the SJW crowd would wish to impose? That changing your gender is like 'fluid'?
No. Yet you believe that it would be possible for a man to actually become a woman and vise versa if they 'put enough effort into it'.
Granted, seeing a 40 year old man with hairy legs and a voice deeper than my own wear a dress and put lipstick on is disturbing… But biologically a man who wishes to become a female will never be able to biologically be a female and will never truly be a female no matter how effeminate their mindset is. You could not possibly have a biological female keep up with the physical strain and pace of a man doing a heavy laborious job. They will never have the physical capabilities no matter how much hormones they put in themselves. It is not a problem that can be tackled by having people 'accept' it.

If I am to play Devil's advocate, I would say that most normies would probably be more accepting of these behaviors if it was not so open, like how homosexuality should be at the very least 'in the closet' and a not so talked about thing… In an ideal world we'd arrest them, hang them from the trees and forbid anyone to engage in such acts, but memes aside I would not accept gays or traps and they should not feel entitled to be accepted by society, it is wholly unnatural and abnormal. These behaviors shouldn't be promoted.
Gen Z has been brought up in the eye of the storm, in the worst cases, rampant faggotry and transexual ideas have become pretty much the norm to the point where being a straight white male is considered the worst thing to be. Everything has been flipped on its head and you know as well as I that (((they))) did this for a malicious purpose. I do not have the fantasy that people will hold aside their differences and work together to defeat the Jew. As much as Normies like to preach that everyone should be tolerant and accepting of others they are only opening the gates for the most bizarre and unnatural abominations to be created.
It would take more inner strength to speak against the decline than to indulge in it. Your woes will not be seen with any sympathy here. People don't see your situation as a struggle. I don't either.

It's part of the war on family and normality. Business as usual for the international jew.

i dont have to change chromosomes to have the closest experience on this planet as my desired gender (been honest i do agree with the shit about durr hur sex and gender are not the same), gender would be what im going for, not sex, and part of gender is limited to social interactions and how you do portait and be recived by your embiroment, as long as i have 1 single person as a partner who sees me how i also see myself thats all i need, if more poeple ether by friendliness, genuone care or just regular politeness also want to agree on interacting with me on a social level as a woman its a gold fucking plus, but not a nesecity

i wont do it for my but if thats what people want then sure… if it was in my power i would put them under a dark room with no outside interaction only with a mirror and perhaps some mmmm drugs? like LSD? the idea would be to kinda Force them to look at themselves with no help or interrtmption from anyone to see if they can withstand their subconcious judgement, if they dont 'survive' the test the whole trans was done in search for external aproval, and if they do survive, then they can do whatever the fuck they want with their bodies.

If they can? fuck yes, human mind its so weird to the point of absolute awesomeness and total uter chaos, if they should? well we go back to the idea of knowing who you are, what do you want in life and how far are you willing to go… the idea os for them to have freedom and if somehow they are able to stablish conections like friends who will agree on their ideas i guess its fine, but again noneone should be force to agree to play with them if they dont want to, and also again, for me this is about social interaction… stuff like medical records and stuff should still follow standard ether M/F for medical reasons

i would clasify dysphoria in general as an eveltual byproduct of not knowing who you are and let others take important desitions in your life for you, its your own body telling you something itd wrong and must be adress ASAP, those on a similar path like me are just focus on the idea of gender expresion and roles, i would claim that the idea of been trans its set biologically and the realization of not seen your body and what is requested by society Not mach to your innate ideal provided by birth its what sets the gender dysphoria

i think i already aanswer this before, its a plus and a sing of a kind person, but noneone should force anything to anyone, people should be encoraged to see that your happiness does not depend on the agreement or dissagreement of other people and be strong and bold to stand for your ideals by yourself, if poeple wont adress me as the atack apache helicopter i know i am then fine their opinions and waifus are shit anyway, i know who i am and thats enough (i could not avoid speng here a little but i said it with 100% intention)

this one is also kind of adress with the one about dysphoria, for me its normal, trying to experience things in diferent ways is part of human experience and i would also argue its part of how the universe expands, by expanding perspectives on what is posible.

i would need more examples and to be more specific, im from a place where people still expell their childs from 11-14 yrs old from comming ot ass gay and the whole comunity wont talk to them even to sell groceries at a store and so they end up killing themselves, so those type of places definetely need some sort of support groups, but i also get the unesesity in some places like USA where they fight for petty shit

nope, not even once

thanks for the questions, i do enjoy genuine exchange of ideas

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Freedom of speech means anyone can essentially speak their mind, rational people can disagree and still discuss things.
What's your thoughts on John Money?

Looks like (((they))) are putting some effort into shilling this time. Sorry, we are not going to develop an ounce of sympathy for mentally ill human refuse.

kind of the second part, after years of inmersion on the self (it may sound silly but spirituality helped a fucking lot) the act of transition stoped becoming an obsesive nesesity and then it became a choice, kinda like… Well, i would love to live like that but if by social, economic, health reasons i am not able to give it to myseld i can also love my androginous-male life

ironically, by acepting my current self it give me more mental power and also more power of action, i was less stessed, more stable, could get better job, and shit alike so now i have more power to start HRT ans stuff (no such thing as free health care here, no idea how some of you burgers dont enjoy that, shits fucking expensive here in beanerland)

im MtF, and yes fucking lots of diferences and causes, like 90% of Zig Forumsacks arguments against trannies are based on MtF's and if applied the same logic to FtM, their theory will fall apart

Correct, because in todays standars, been a victim of opression is persived as good

i think i already adress this part on my answers here

Mhe~ personally i dont think anything should be in the closet, its only when you bring it into the light where you are able to finally see it more clearly and then deicide what to do with it, if you ask me most of the flamboyant stuff is a consecuance of been in the closet too much and now they have to act Extra Extra flamboyant as some sort of compensation… can you imagine if some country like perhaps germany, would force their nationalism to be in the closet? on the long run it will only explode in their faces and go in the polar oposite direction

Observe them well but dont put too much hope since i think it will leade to dissapoiment, it will be nether the durr hurr good old days 20's style nether the otherkin paradise the progresives want, it will be a weird middle point of -i just dont give a fuck- at least thats my opinion, on my work we have this intern and he is hapily monogamous with his first gf and only likes vanilla sex, but he also doesnt mind weird shit existing.

Msm always been crying about genderless bathrooms or allowing trannies in the girls bathroom etc. Thats fucked up if you are a parent and if you have kids dont send them to a public restroom.

My opinion for him as his general life as a doctor?
Mhe, just like froyd or whatever you spell it correctly, he was limited by his closed perspective and the god-like view regular poeple had on doctors… chances are he saved some good people and it build into a masive ego, ego is not that bad but boy some doctors on his era and the era of the asylums were fucking insane, but i dont denny the intresting discories due to not so etical experiments

If you ask me his experiment was a total succes HOWEVER for Total Diferent things he himself never saw nor i have seen anyone in the LGBT bandwagon persive

his concept on how he could force the inner been of David to be seen as a girl by acting and behaving as a girl and filling his life with outside sources confirming this was a fucking total mess and a complete failure that lead to the suicide

For me this 100% proves the following
-The person knows in their core who they are and more importantly who they DO NOT are no matter if you literally spend an entire life telling the person its something they are not
-This applies for both sides, you can never convice a person whith homosexual tendencies to tell them they are not gay and that there is something wrong with them, eventually they will realize that their inner core tells them they are gay and no amount of therapy or drugs or moral shamming will get them from that path, perhaps they will lack self aceptance and thus also kill themselves.
-the same goes for those who instictively know they are the oposite gender and want to live like that (again i said gender not sex) no amount of shilling will get them away from that idea… the reason for the experiment with the doctor faile its because They fucking never bothered to ask to the child what he wanted… just like how a doc will cut the foreskin without asking the child because durr hurr they know better

Forcing a regular person to become trans? = Will never fucking work, dont bother
Forcing a trans person to not give their best to transition? = Will never work, dont bother

on both cases chances are it will end on suicice if the person doesnt have a space to breath at their own speed.

Oh boy its getting late, hopefully this thread will survive and i can askwer more stuff tomorrow, but had to go since i need to sleep before heading to work

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A tranny is a patient for life.
Requiring a small fortune in drugs, surgey, etc.
Its all about the dosh

-2, well you almost scared me and I considet myself a retard

Because the jews hate whites and want to torture, maim and kill us?

You are suppoused to be under 30 seconds, if it took you longer then yes, welcome to the mental illness club… im not jockingm search for the marketing of madness to find more


What you get are serfs, living and working to uphold this lifestyle of endless drugs they need until they die. What you get is a castrated slave-race willing to do anything to uphold this fantasy. Even better, they are easy to manipulate into being useful for your propaganda while undermining nationalism by attacking the family at it's core, which of what is to pretend to be of the other gender.

Fucking doctors mate. They are pathologizing normality and normalizing interventions.
Fuck them all. If you need drugs to live in society then it is society that is sick, not you.

Nah, it's a fetisch.

Probably because so many celebrities are secretly trannies. You won't believe it at first but it starts to become obvious.

There aren't nearly enough Indie Game Devs to give them all jobs.

Because the jews who control the media revel in all things perverse and want to drag you down to their level.

can I /thread my own post ? oh well matters not

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simple really, media and academia will promote anything that lowers your birthrate or increases your mortality rate.

now…who calls the shots in media and academia I wonder?

Futanaria Penis 🤔

Juden = Nigger 😉

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Do you believe in Blanchard's typology, and if so, do you consider yourself HSTS or AGP?

A jew believes when they die, that's it. No afterlife. This makes a jew a degenerate. They do not think like a man.
They are also extremely jealous of whites and their God. This is why they killed Jesus, remember how they mocked him? "King of the Jews". Their whole existence is about destroying and tearing others down. It's who they are as a race and how they identify.
Finally, the jew male is emotionally crippled and absolutely ruled by the female of the species.

The jew is also extremely high strung, so the best way to fight the jew is to remind them they are going to die. There is no afterlife for them. Discuss this and fear will rise and overwhelm the jew because their own mortality makes them weak with fear. They constantly piss themselves on the battlefields because of this kek

The jew is also hivemind, and rules by planting ideas in the minds of men. jew thoughts are very easy to expose because the jew thought will always end up degenerate, without fail. If it's illegal, murderous, cheating or ANY degenerate thought, you will see it pushed out to media, and the media has already been exposed as jews.
People see this as harmless, but it is not. Act on degenerate jew thoughts and you become like they are - disgusting, self hating filth. Do yourself a favor and hold yourself above these vermin. Turn away from their filth and remind them than their death will help cleanse the world.

You're going to die, jew. There is no afterlife for you. When it's done, it's done.
I wonder if dying will be like when you go to bed and fall asleep? You feel yourself slipping away…
Do you think about death as you try and sleep, jew? Maybe you'll go to sleep tonight and won't be able to stop thinking about death and then you finally fall asleep but…never wake up.
The jew, thinking of their own death…it's so personal. FYI you die all alone, jew. All alone.

Do you ever start reading a post and think, "this retard is obvious a torfag"? I do.

a lot of people on here seem to think its a mass effort to disarm a demographic that is seen as a political threat (ie white males), but i have a couple problems with that. for one, its not specifically targeted at them, and if you look at the stats (and not what shitposters on /b/ will tell you) there are a ton of different people that are going and getting these (((treatments and surgeries))), it just simply isnt focused on any particular demographic.

i see this as a similar situation to how fentanyl is being brought into the states. on one hand, the pharmaceutical industry IS targeting flyover, but on the other hand, this fentanyl shit thats getting mixed in with the heroin is affecting a BUNCH of other people as well. there was a whole drug house of blacks down my street that got found dead. autopsy showed fentanyl was the cause of the overdose.

i surmise that this whole tranny phenomena is somewhat of the same thing. you got doctors whose job it is to keep folks on these medications, they are PAID to do so, and their career depends on getting more people to peddle their treatments and medicines to. while some of them must CLEARLY be aware of their (((treatments))) shortcomings, im afraid theres probably a lot of them who have no clue what the fuck it is that they are doing by giving preteens hormone blockers and HRT etc (they were told "oh its fine" and that was enough to turn a blind eye).

but ive yet to see any evidence of a massive conspiracy to turn all wh*Te mails into sissy prissy princesses fur stronk blakkkmens.
it reminds me much more of the way oxycontin was marketed as a (((safe))) drug when it got put out at first. they lied, did it anyways, and got a BUNCH of people hooked on it for life. this is literally the big pharma code of conduct, and i believe its more along the lines of this, and not necessarily a demographic thing

Watching other men fuck women you can't have (especially beautiful sluts that only want money) with their perfect cocks the size of a baby's head that never go flaccid eventually leads to thoughts you don't even know you're having. Add this to the faggots in this thread who blame it on women because they don't even know they've been psy-op'd by women hate that is inorganic mind control polarity of women who are psy-op'd to dominate men in every form of media (even forms that do not appear to be 'feminism'). Add this to the fact that you don't want to be a fucking obnoxious faggot yet slowly realize you've been watching cocks endless cocks for years and years and years fucking what you can never have. Screencap this if you're smart and want to troll the mind controllers in a later thread.

Old porn was you and a woman, alone.

Later porn was you watching a man fuck a woman, alone.

Future porn was you watching something you never thought you would be watching. But it was just a click of curiosity and it's everywhere.

Straight porn turns you gay.

t. Project Monarch level conditioning of a split sexual persona.
t. Animus/Anima projection

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1) humiliation sterilization fetish by soros tier Sociopaths
2) mentally ill people hate the healthy
3) pathologically altruistic people need more pity pets
4) normies only remaining eleigioua practice is extending more and more extreme tolerance

Furthering the weakening and degradation of society.

Attached: Lesson in Gender and its Origin.webm (1280x720, 11.19M)

evola talked about this tbh.

How experience is subjective and how some (mentally ill) men begin to want to be experienced as women and turn to perversions to achieve that
If only he knew how bad things could get.

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Just think, when a jew dies, it's over for them. Completely. No afterlife, no nothing. This is it. It's all they get, then it's over. Dead. Nothing. Forever.
Thinking this makes me happy :)

Now of course it's quite common to dislike transgender people.

But is it actually disgust? Or fear and awe?

Yes, fear, in the sense of seeing a beautiful lady who has muscle mass enough to rip you apart. That primitive notion doesn't happen these days, but in the ancient times, back when people had only sticks or spears at best, the transgender lady was a force to be feared.

The grace, beauty, feminine empathy of a lady.
But the absolute brutality and strength of mind of a man.

To be skilled at technology.
To understand the sciences.
To understand beauty and art.

The transgender person is in a shamanic position.

However, I wonder how easily it could be subverted into something non-useful by outsiders who don't understand. By (((certain))) religions that cast normal things as sin.

Of course transgender-type mentalities have always existed, and were nigh worshiped back in the most glorious ages of Greece. It is not a thing to abhor, but rather a thing to respect.

But who teaches you to disrespect a person who can assist your nation?
Who teaches you to disassociate with a person of your own race?
Who teaches you to look at your own kin, your own friends, your own community, and see enemies, despite these so-called enemies truly desiring to be useful allies?
Who spreads division, a division that is one-sided: It is you who choose to see a transgender lady and shun them.

Not the transgender person who is of your race, your nation, your creed. They do not shun you. They want to be useful to you and useful to their community. As an example, two transgender women wrote The Matrix, and introduced us to the concept of the 'red pill.' The concept of that entire movie is not one of closing your eyes and obeying. It is the transgender person who calls for absolute insurrection.

You are the one who is asleep and mindless, aren't you? That's why the world is in the state that it is. The social order is not as simple as you think it is. There is a part to play for transgender people. This part must be fulfilled.

It is you who points at your own kind, and sees an enemy.

Who taught you this? Was it a religious book? A suspiciously irritating push by the media? Government entities forcing us to obey, out of some sort of sick social-justice movement? I'm transgender, but I have never condoned any of this.

I am quite familiar with Zig Forums, and imageboards are not new to me. There has long been a dark respect for "traps."

I recommend you take a look around and think about who is truly your enemy, and who is actually innocent of true wrong-doing.

You've been brainwashed by the (((gnosticism))) memes.
They polarity of gender was worshipped, not Trannies. It's the (((gnostic))) mono-myth New Age that taught you it was trannies.

Again, (((gnostic))) Jews who were actually teaching Transhumanism. Shunning is not the issue, it's only the issue for YOU. You feel shunned because you want to ignore that trannies are a psy-op for a specific purpose and that it's not an organic choice which is motivating so many men and women (and children who are forced into it) to become this way. It's military grade brainwashing. That's the point. Ignoring sex is a weapon because "sex is gooood" is ignoring sex as a weapon.

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Lurk more.

You're not talking about the transgendered people of today who have gender-changing surgery and are changed and weakened from their transgendered shamanic states with hormones are you? They're no longer or not truly "two-spirit".

Tell you a secret. All these "elites" that change gender (with or without necessarily being born transgender), aspire to what you are talking about - a hermaphroditic (Hermes-Aphrodite) state, but that should come naturally. Genetically, or even as you mention, transgendered and accepted in society like the Fa'afafine in Samoa. But I think true elites do not change gender and reserve it for those lower on the rung because it is perversion of the ideal you speak of.

The ideal for men and women should be androgyny. Not emphasizing male or female characteristics that humans are not born with, not socializing different functions and roles for men and women that should be available and natural to both. Not exaggerating the difference and sharing as much commonality as humans as naturally occurs.

gaze into hell

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kys kike tranny faggot


TOR is mostly comped

Really? Tell me what's wrong with what I wrote.

The concept of a being that is both man and woman is far more ancient than you might imagine: It is the tree.

The strong trunk, the beautiful flowers, the infinite roots.

There is no need for subjective human worshiping rituals here. The truth of nature is already known, and it is known by what I see. Most plants have hermaphrodite forms.

Indeed it is. But you cannot discount the naturality of transgender concepts. Mere humans cannot just invent this sort of timeless concept. It must already exist, and then be discovered.

A fool would worship it, just as a fool would shun it.
The wise person accepts it, and finds value.

Now indeed sex is a weapon, but I won't be fooled: Religions are not true, and it has always been Abrahamic religions that teach abnormal things about sex or sexuality. If you're going to tell me you actually believe in religions or gods, as if the mythology was actually true, then we have nothing more to talk about here, I'm afraid.

These religious cults deliberately subvert our human nature, and attempt to make evil out of good, and good out of evil, in such a malicious way that we end up seeing people in our own community, our very neighbors, as enemies.

But if you understand the actual flows of nature, the cycles of civilization, and the fact that it cannot be truly destroyed as long as humanity persists: Then you will know that these weapons of brainwashing are weaker than our human spirit.

A transgender person who is brainwashed into sissification bullshit, or children who are taught that they are something they are not, is most certainly abhorrent.

But I easily recognize myself as a true transgender person. So I do not even take the pills they so longingly offer to me. I exist on my own terms, thus I do not sterilize myself or long to look like a freak.

I dress elegantly, with class and awareness.

It is a thing missed by false-transgender people who don't truly understand what it means to see both sides of sex, and who do not understand sex for what it truly is: The writing of the code of life, and the key to evolution.

The mysteries of our species are unlocked when you see the wisdom of a person who is different from you, and recognize them as a friend or ally with something to offer that you do not. Both benefit when the strong can learn from the wise, and the wise is defended by the strong.

The strong alone will be a brute, and the wise alone will become an elitist fool or hermit.

It is propaganda that has society trying to force children into roles that they do not belong to. The worker must work. The breeder must breed. The strong must defend. The wise must teach.

This is an innate trait, and cannot be subverted, or else society as a whole will suffer as people try to fit roles that they are not meant to fit. The brainwashing aspect covers far more than I would suggest here though.

There are certain issues at hand, especially related to feministic or SJWistic philosophy that I can tell are deliberately meant to make men, women, and even transgender people weak. It sickens me as to what some would do to see society suffer.

As a transgender person who is at your side in battle, if you are transgender, then you must use your wisdom to aid your brothers in battle. If you are a woman, you must raise your family to be intelligent and strong. If you are a man, then you must be a man. You cannot allow weakness or femininity to enter your mind.

There is no other choice if we are in battle, and we most certainly are in battle.

This is the battle of evolution, and we must carefully understand that we should not lose. I just ask that you know your enemy and your allies.

If you view transgender people as your enemy because of sick propaganda that's been pushed recently, then you will lose the battle, in the most classic sense: You cannot win a game of chess without the feminine bishops, nor can you win a game of chess without the clever knight or the brave rook.

You must be truly aware of how the cogs of society spin, or else you'll be fooled into thinking every male-human must be a "Man" and thus lose out on the priestly-shamanic-scientific-philosophical roles that only the transgender person can fulfill.

The "Man" must be a warrior or worker. The "Woman" must give "Men" a purpose and reason of existence, and the transgender person must allow their wisdom to enlighten both, such that this battle can be won.

The blacksmith forges the sword, and the knight must wield it.

Let me be a blacksmith, who forges you an unbreakable sword.

Your armor will not have flaws, and you will never need to bend your knees and beg for a god to save you, when you can cover yourself with a shield that will not be pierced. The ultimate light of utter truth can only be spoken by a person who has seen both sides of humanity, and that is what I've done.


Friendly reminder that those who want to discuss and be diplomatic are not on our side, for our side only needs one thought.
Kill the kikes.

With discussion about degeneracy you are not convincing the opposition of anything, you are merely buying them time and possibly even safety.

A person like you is worth less than filth, aren't you now?
If you've descended into the programmatic mindlessness of a mere machine, a tool, then you'll see yourself taken advantage of by political-cults over and over and over.

Don't you dare revert to the most primitive aspects of your animal mind, you damned fool.


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A person unable to reason or have discussion is unable to have civilization.

Who built the computer you're at?
Who built your house?
Who built your society?

Now I know why it wasn't you.

If you don't use your head, someone else will make your body into their tool. A little thought goes a long way, sir.

All pedos, fags and trannies are the result of child abuse and/or porn exposure.

Porn is (((psychological warfare))), the purpose of which is to get society addicted to deviancy, their instinct to reproduce rewired into degenerate lust. This means that they have an irrational attachment to defending abnormal behaviours because it's been associated with the dopamine hits they get from the porn they've see.
Sex/porn/masturbation is the worst drug there is. Why do anything else when it doesn't give as big of a dopamine hit?
Every time you masturbate to pornography you are recieving a dopamine reward (because your brain thinks you're reproducing) that your brain then craves. If you continue to do this you will need more extreme material to get the same dopamine reward. This leads to further and further deviant fetishes over time.
All faggots, 'asexuals', trannies, pedophiles are completely controlled by porn. When 'normal' material no longer gives the same high they look for more extreme filth.
Unsurprisingly, the porn industry is completely jewish run.

tl;dr: Sex is for the sole purpose of reproduction. Chasing after dopamine hits with (((porn))) leaves you a porn-addicted tranny/fag/cuck/pedophile.


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Child abuse I absolutely agree with but the porn is evil hypothesis doesn't work. Porn has been a thing since the 70s and free access to it almost seems nice the inception of the internet. We would have seen a rise in trannies way earlier if porn was a deciding factor. If anything the existence of echo chambers like Tumblr are a factor. As I said, trannies groom other mentally unstable people to join them as a way to justify their own failure to conform.

"seems nice" thanks autocorrect. I meant "since the"

more like recognizes that you type like a schizoid, I will admit that I didn't actually bother comprehending your rant

Actually there are plants that have genders and you're conflating your dreamy opinions with something that isn't a fucking mammal. There is a function to life and it isn't silicon tits.

Vauge platitudes
A man dressed as a woman is a man dressed as a woman. It doesn't change anything. Just like dressing as cat doesn't make you a cat.
The invention comes with hormonal manipulation and the conceptualization doesn't need to be "invented" because the sexes already exist. It's like saying you contact lenses that turn brown eyes into blue are somehow a natural concept. It's natural color manipulated to hide its nature.
Wise people don't accept everything just because acceptence has been sold as wise to the masses. It's called having judgement. I don't accept pyramid schemes even if they are worshipped in your cult of the Left as economic charity because I know the results.
Doesn't make it less corrosive. That's like saying I might as well let Monsanto poison me with some kind of nihilistic carelessness because the human spirit will outlive the company. The entire point of natural law isn't to subjugate yourself to violent acts by others or let children be sexual abused because someone says it's "OK now".
No you rap yourself in materialism to portray your delusions on the outside. It's meaningless. I only wear clothes because people leave me alone, or dress up for work or a date because its manipulation of others. I'm not subject to these illusions, I just have to live with their degenerate corporate brainwashing.
You're not. You're larping.
Blah blah blah. Only young people have something to learn from others. 99.99% of what people say is programmed responses and people who are different than me don't impress me with their "difference". That celebration of difference is just an anti-white propaganda that was true once, but has become false as difference is no longer applicable after a certain age when culture is mass produced and people are mass produced. It's over rated is what I'm saying. Trannies have nothing to teach my and are not special beings living in some spiritual oneness. They're as delusional as the preacher hiding his faggotry.
If you're not strong, you're not wise.
You may be an ally but you talk like a faggot. Gender manipulation is dis-eugenics. I don't care if you want to feel pretty. Just don't ask me to play pretend with you Snow White.

Retard. You think the kikes were pumping out the same gay/miscegenation/incest/pedo porn 40 years ago? Just like porn itself, it has been a subversive slippery slope.

you mean dysgenic, user

No I don't. I was rapping

Fetish porn existed since the Jews started a porn industry, so about in 1970. It's just much easier to find now.

I recommend you find some sort of solidarity with your own people, so that people who are truly transgender can be transgender without having to become outsiders or feel shunned, and so that people who are truly men can be raised to have honor, pride, and a desire to protect their own people.

The ratio between men and transgender people should not be this high. There should be more men who act like men. And this fault is not mine. It is outsiders, subverters, or others who attempt to manipulate people or society.

I can only hope that you know your enemy, and don't see transgender people as your enemy, rather than those who truly do wish to control and decimate you.

As for women, it is a shame that they have gone their own way. I have no idea how to reclaim female women. They seem to have abandoned their role entirely, so there's not much that I can do to help.

Transgender people have not ruined the family unit. It is women that are not forming families with honorable men. If there's any advice you can give women, I recommend you let it be known.