”It goes with a people, just as with the individual man; none of them know their first origin. The distant past is...

”It goes with a people, just as with the individual man; none of them know their first origin. The distant past is, like the future, shrouded in darkness. But man wants to know what lies behind him, just as he questions what lies ahead of him.” (Adam Fabricius: Illustreret Danmarkshistorie for Folket,[1] 1853)

Danish man! Danish maid! and others who may read these lines!

Who are we Danes? And what is it that makes us Danes?

The Danish-Norwegian word os (Swedish oss, English us, old-English ós) means one of the Aser. Because the old-English word ós is the singular form of Ése (old-English) and Aesir (old-Norse) or Aser.

The Aser were the gods of the Norse mythology. Odin and Thor were Aser. The other Norse gods - such as Frej and Freja - were the Vaner. The word vi in Danish-Norwegian (we in English) is derived from the old-Norse word ver or Vaner.

Today, we say us Danes, and then them, all the others.

But perhaps not all the others. When the talk is of Danes and other peoples living in Denmark, I am sure that most Danes would not think of Swedes in Denmark as the aliens. Would you not, if you should be really honest, think of the Swede in Denmark as one of us, and not one of them? The word us does mean As, one of the Aser, the Norse gods, and Odin and Thor were just as Swedish as they were Danish. The same could be said of Norwegians, Faroe Islanders, and Icelanders. Aser and Vaner, Odin, Thor, and Freja, are just as Icelandic, Norwegian, and Swedish as they are Danish.

In the Norse countries[2] we even call each other for brother-folk (brother-peoples), as if we were brothers, the sons of one father.

We also have a close bond and feeling of kinship with the great peoples the Germans and the British. In several Midieval centuries entire classes of craftsmen in the Danish towns were all Germans, who entirely looked like Danes and today are in the Danish people. The nobility and large tradesmen in Denmark were also dominated by Germans for a long while. When the Reformation broke out in Northern Europe, the English chose Anglican Protestantism, and the Dutchmen, the Swiss, and many Frenchmen chose Calvinistic (Reformed) Protestantism. In the North we became Lutherans, just like most of the Germans, after the German Martin Luther.

The thing with the Catholic Church that really outraged Luther was his pilgrimage to Rome, where the Catholic priest-hood had sunk down into unrestrained whoredom. The peoples who fervently received Luther’s Christianity were specifically those peoples who 1000 years earlier had worshipped the Aser and Vaner, Odin, Thor, and Freja. Here in the North and in the Northern 2/3 of Germany the Lutheran Church is still the People’s Church, or the People’s Faith, however dull the spirit may have become for the last 40 years.

Why did we specifically accept Luther's Christianity? What kind of men and women were we back then? one could ask. We were, of course, exactly the same men and women of the same flesh and blood, as the ones who today make up the Norsemen and most of the Germans. Deep down inside of us there lies a heart of flesh and blood, but it is also a heart full of life, spirit, and soul.

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Around the year 80 A.D., the Roman Cornelius Tacitus traveled among the tribes in what he called Germania. He described the tribes of Germania as “a curious perfectly pure tribe”, who all had “the same outward, harsh blue eyes, fair reddish hair, and a large body.”

The memory of the Vikings is today seen through the eyes of the bitter Catholic English monks whose monasteries the Danish and Norwegian Vikings laid to ruins. During the First World War the British war propaganda also described the Germans as ’the Huns’: dirty, long-haired cave-men. Remains of this memory are still present in many British minds today, despite the fact that the British General Staff obviously did not make the propaganda to describe the truth, but rather to incite an atmosphere to make the enemy appear as barbarians.

The Danish Vikings of Danelaw (the Danish governed England) were known to please the English women, as the Vikings meticulously combed their long, fair hair, and bathed every Saturday. (It may not sound of being very often, but how often would you take a bath if the water rarely got very much above the freezing point?)

Other characteristics of the tribes of Germania, which Tacitus noted, were a conscientious and compassionate hospitality and a ‘blue-eyed’[3] naivety.

Already 2000 years ago these characteristics of the soul were a part of our inner self, just as they were in the high-Christian centuries. Only now they have withered!

There has been found remains of primitive men at dunghills in the Norse countries, but it was not us. It were men of other flesh and blood, not the ancestors of the Danes. And yet, around the year 80 A.D., there were these ’merry fair heathen’ in Northern Europe. The question is therefore: Where did they come from? And that means: Where did we come from?

Many modern history books are full of descriptions and analysises of potsherds, scallop shells at the dunghill, artifacts and eating habits. But they leave out one thing: The men and women of flesh and blood. Were they fair or dark? Longheads or shortheads? In other words: Were they our ancestors, or the ancestors of someone else? Johannes Brøndsted wrote the first volume of Politikens Danmarkshistorie (1963). From the Older Iron Age, i.e. 1500-900 B.C., that is of a period of 600 years, Brøndsted tells us that in all of Denmark there has been found skeletons and craniums from a grand total of 5 men! Of these 5 men, the 4 were shortheads, of a stocky Laplander type. Only one out of the 5 was a longhead of the tall Nordic type à la the modern Danes, Swedes, and Norwegians.

The people of Denmark of the Older Iron Age were not our forefathers! The Danes were not in Denmark 3000 years ago!

One of Denmark's most learned, most vivid and diligent historians, Peter Friderich Suhm, described in Om Odin og den Hedniske Gudlære og Gudstieneste udi Norden[4] (1769) that all of the ancient Norse lands, Poland, and the Baltic states were inhabited by what Suhm called ‘Finns’. (Suhm’s name for the stocky quasi-Mongolian Laplander, different from the modern much Nordic-Swedish Finns.) Suhm shew that the Aser and the Vaner from the Norse mythology originally were the very forefathers of the Norsemen, who had gone down in the mythology as gods.

At the same time, Suhm believed that the Dwarves, the Berg-Riiser, and the Hrim-Turser of the mythology were the ‘Finns’ whom the Norsemen had driven out of the greater part the Norse lands.

Brøndsted, on the other hand, could inform us that around the year 0 and in the 3rd century A.D. Denmark experienced two new immigrations. He wrote that

“These pure long-heads show Nordic type, as it is called.” (Politikens Danmarkshistorie, Volume 1, p. 495,1963)

Here we have us Danes!

But if the first Danes only arrived in Denmark in the first centuries after the birth of Christ, the question is then: Where did they come from? That is: Where did we come from?

In his masterly works Suhm more or less views it as a solid conclusion that it is

“reasonable that out Fathers have come here through Russia, and the Eastern part of Poland. Now, when they came to the present-day land of Livonia, they split in two great great multitudes, of which the first went to the north, and from them our Fathers hail, and the other went to the west, and became the Forefathers of many German peoples…” (Peter Friderich Suhm: Historie af Danmark, 1. Tomé, 1782)

In the monumental work Atland Eller Manheim by the great Swedish historian Olof Rudbeck, the conclusion is the same: The Nordic peoples were the Aser and Vaner from the East.

Suhm worked with a great numbers of sources, but gave great credit to the earliest written source of our Eastern origin: Snorre Sturlasson the Icelander. In the Ynglinge-Saga in the Younger Edda (app. 1220 A.D.), Snorre wrote that he had “let write older stories of chiefs, who had kingdoms in the Northlands and the Danish tongue.” With the phrase ‘the Danish tongue’, Snorre the Icelander meant all the Norse peoples. Snorre’s knowledge seems to have been common understanding in the ancient Norse lands, because he writes that he has written the Ynglinge-Saga “after the accounts of knowledgeable men,” who “had told me.” Edda means great grandmother, and it is also the most distant origin of the Norsemen that Snorre began with: in the land of Svithjod.

“North of the Black Sea lies Svithjod the Great, or the Cold. … From the north in those mounts that lies beyond all inhabited land, runs a Stream through Svithjod, which by right is called Tanakvisl or Vanakvisl. It comes to the Sea inside the Black Sea… That Stream divides two of the Earth’s thirds; east of it lies Asia, but to the west Europe… East of Tanakvisl in Asia lies the land Asaland or Asheim, but the main castle which was in the land is called Asgaard. In the castle there lives a chief whose name was Odin; there was a great sacrificial place.” (Snorre Sturlasson: Ynglinge-Saga, Chapter 1)

This was actually also Suhm’s own conclusion, which he in 1771 summarized,

“that those peoples whom the last Odin came from at Tanais, and led with himself into the North, were actually called Aser, or Alans; in Hervarer Saga they are called Asia Men, but commonly Aser or Æser, which explains that those persons who came along with Odin, and later were made into gods, were especially called Aser, and himself [Odin*] the most dignified As, as the mightiest of them all; and therefore, the place where they dwelt was called Asgaard, which also is the name of the dwelling place of the gods in the Edda.” (*My paranthesis.) (Peter Friderich Suhm: Om Odin og den Hedniske Gudlære og Gudstieneste udi Norden, pp. 35-36,1771)

Odin himself was of the Aser people (folk), and the brother-folk (people) were the wise Vaner. In their eastern homeland, the Aser and Vaner had a close, but hard, brother-relationship. Much like the Swedes and the Danes had for many centuries. And yet, they were very closely linked, they intermarried, and yet stayed separate, and had their differences.

At what time Odin began his wanderings with the Aser and the Vaner, we can get a rather good idea of, since Snorre wrote that the Roman Empire was expanding forcefully at the time that Odin began the wandering, which means app. 100 B.C.-O:

“In that time the chiefs of the Romans went far across the Earth and subjected many peoples, but many other chiefs fled from their lands due to the turmoil. But because Odin was far-seeing and knowledgeable in sorceries, he knew that his offspring would dwell and built in the Northern part of the Earth. Then he set his brothers Vee and Vilje[5] over Asgaard; but he himself departed; and with him all Diar and many other people; first to the west in Gardarike, and then south in Saxland. He had many sons: across Saxland he subdued many kingdoms and set his sons as governors. Then he went north to the [Baltic*] Sea and found his place to live on an island. That place is now called Odin’s-Ø[6] on Fyn.” (*My paranthesis.) (Snorre Sturlasson: Ynglinge-Saga, Chapter 5)

Odin won Sweden, and settled in Uppsala. His son Skjold he set as king in Lejre,[7] and let him marry Gefion, the mother of Zealand. King Skjold is acknowledged as the first king of Denmark.

Many only remembered Odin as a godly being from the mythology, but originally he was a man. Another writer of old who wrote of the historical Odin, was Saxo Grammaticus, who in Danmarks Krønike[8] wrote:

“At that time there was a man by the name of Odin, who all over Europe falsely was seen as a god. For the most part, he dwelled in Upsal, whether this was so due to the noted ignorance of the people there, or that he found a special pleasure in that beautiful area. The kings in the Nordic lands, who were very keen on showing him honour as a god, cast a golden image, adorned it even with heavy bangles and sent it down to him in Byzans, as a witness of how high they in the fear of god honoured him.” (Saxo Grammaticus: Danmarks Krønike, Book 1)

Saxo wrote that Odin was his name. But I think that Odin rather was his title. Therefore, Suhm spoke of three Odins.

Snorre, however, pulled the thread even farther, beyond the Caucasus:

“A great mountain-ridge stretches from North-East to South-West, it divides the Great Svithjod and other kingdoms. South of the mount there is not far to Turkland; there, Odin has great estates.” (Snorre Sturlasson: Ynglinge-Saga, Chapter 5)

Odin’s great estates south of the Caucasus? Then it makes sense when Suhm refers to ‘Turk’ as a name of honour for the ancient Norsemen:

“Or it may also be that Turk has been a common name for all the peoples who followed Odin, both Goths as well as Aser, as Vaner, because I find in Langfedgatal that Odin has been refered to as King of the Turks, and Ingve, the father of Niord, is by Are also called King of the Turks, and this confirms that Turk seems to have been a name of honour for many peoples, or perhaps a common name for all wandering peoples or nomads.” (Peter Friderich Suhm: Historie af Danmark, 1. Tomé, p. 20, 1782)

How could such wonderful accounts of our ancient past and Nordic inheritance be forgotten by the layman? Not only giants as Suhm and Rudbeck, but Snorre himself vividly told of this our hidden inheritance from Odin, Aser, and Vaner.

It would be a long time before the dust from the books of old was removed.

The legendary Norwegian Thor Heyerdahl is of course remembered especially for his Kon-Tiki Expedition, but as driven by Providence, Heyerdahl went from the one discovery to the next. The book which proved to be his last was for Norway the greatest: Jakten på Odin,[9] (2001) where Heyerdahl re-discovered all these things. In 2003 the Prime Minister of Norway, Kjell Magne Bondevik, even visited the settlement of the Aser (Aserbygðjan), which Heyerdahl had discovered: Azerbaidjan. (Today, the Azerbaidjani are also a Turkish people.) For Norway, it was pearl of great price that Heyerdahl had found. It had laid hidden right in front of everyone’s eyes, forgotten, but not lost.


Aser and Vaner of the Norse lands: Aser and Dan of the Bible

Thus, we can trace Aser and Vaner to Aserbygðjan in Turkland. Just who were placed exactly at this place and at this time, were none other than two of the most important tribes of the Bible: Aser and Dan.

Aser and Dan were two of the so-called Lost 10 Tribes of Israel. Originally, Israel consisted of 12 tribes, of which none were Jews. Up to the year 721 B.C., 10 of the 12 tribes of Israel were deported out of Canaan, whereas others wandered to the north on their own. The 3 most northern tribes of Israel were Dan, Aser, and Naphtali, of which Dan was the Leader Tribe. Dan of the Bible became the Vaner under Odin. The Russian river Dniepr is called by Snorre both Vanakvisl and Tanakvisl. In 500 A.D. Jordanes called it Danapir, and today its name is Dniepr in Russian. On the Minor Jellinge Stone,[10] Danmark[11] is spelled tanmarkaR - with a T.

Daner/Vaner/Taner - three different pronunciations of the one and same tribe: the Tribe of Dan.

The two Biblical tribes Aser and Naphtali, I believe melted together into the Nordic Aser. Today, the DNA of the Norwegians and the Swedes are completely identical. The DNA of the Danes is as close to them as you can get, but it still varies just a little.

The 3 most northern tribes of Israel today are Denmark (Dan), Sweden (Aser), and Norway (Naphtali). From Canaan, they wandered to Asia Minor, and under the chief Odin they at a later date wandered to the North.

(There was also an important connection to Greece and Troy, but that I will mention later.)

Before I tell of the 3 most northern tribes of Israel, I must emphasize that none of them were Jews.

Today, most repeat without thinking it over, that the Bible is the Book of the Jews. This is not true: The Bible is not the Book of the Jews! No matter how often this lie is repeated, the Bible is not about the Jews. To this, the Christian Palestinean ex-Jew and dissident Israel Shamir answers an anti-Christian Jew:

“The Jews are not even mentioned in the Jewish Bible. Get that book off your shelf and check it. None of the great and legendary men you name, from King David to the prophets, were called ‘the Jews’. This ethonym appears for the first and only time in the Bible in the Persian story of the very late Book of Esther.” (Israel Shamir: Galilee Flowers, p. 186, 2003)

The Jews of today only trace their lineage to Judah, one of the 12 Tribes of Israel. How it may have entered the common assumption that the Jews should hail from more than one of the 12 Tribes of Israel, is uncertain. But one of the leading American rabbis, Shmuley Boteach, can tell us in his best-seller about Judaism, that,

“An Israelite is someone who is a descendant of Jacob… After the dispersion of the ten tribes, the Israelites were referred to as Jews because the remainder of the Jewish nation, those who today form the bulk of the Jewish people - all stem from the tribe of Judah.” (Shmuley Boteach: Judaism for Everyone, p. 387, 2002)

Ethnic names which are outright wrong can become so deep-rooted in the language and mindset of peoples that they are hard to correct once again, even though everyone, if they consider it for themselves know very well that it is an outright false label. When Columbus arrived to America in 1492 A.D., he believed that it was the shore of India and that the local tribes were Indians. Therefore, the local tribes of America were called Indians. It took a very short while before the Spaniards became aware that it was America, and not India, but the name Indian stood by.

When we read the Gospels about the Lord Jesus, they are about Jews (of the tribe of Judah), because none of them were of the 10 Tribes of Israel. These 10 Tribes had been far, far away from the land of Canaan for more than 700 years, when Jesus was born in Bethlehem.

I will now begin to tell of the so-called Lost 10 Tribes of Israel, but keep a focus on the 3 most northern tribes, Dan, Aser, and Naphtali.

The Lost 10 Tribes of Israel

The Bible is a family chronicle of the 12 Tribes of Israel, the Israelites. Two of the forefathers of the Israelites were Shem and Eber, and therefore, the Israelites are also Semites and Hebrews as well. The grandson of Abraham, namely Jacob, was given the name Israel by God Himself: “And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.” (Genesis 32:28) Jacob is, therefore, the first Israelite and the forefather of all Israelites. Jacob-Israel begot 12 sons, the forefathers of the 12 Tribes of Israel: the Israelites. One of the 12 sons was called Dan, today the Danes. One was called Aser, today the Swedes. One was called Naphtali, today the Norwegians. By skipping the remainder, one was called Judah, the forefather of the Judahites. Shortly before 500 B.C., those of the Judahites who were in captivity in Babylon were suddenly called Jews. In the back of the 1992 translation of the Danish Bible, as published by the Danish Bible Society[14], we read under the article ‘Juda’ (Judah): “The word Jew is derived from Judah.”

After having been the thralls of Pharoah in Egypt, the app. 3 mio. Israelites - men, women, and children - cross the divided Red Sea, and reach Mount Sinai, where they are given the Law of Moses. This is a most important event in the history of Israel, because the Bible refers to it as a wedding between God (the Bridegroom) and Israel (the Bride). This description of the relationship between God and the 12 Tribes of Israel as Man and Wife is used all the way through the Bible, right from the Book of Exodus unto the last book in the Bible, the Revelation of Saint John. The Israelites conquer the Promised Land of Canaan and drives out the Canaanites, and lives after the Law of God.

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Israel is now the People of God’ property[13] (or the People of God's Estate), but this also bears with it a great responsibility. If Israel follows the Law of God and worships Him, God blesses them and blesses other peoples through Israel. If Israel to the contrary breaks the Law of God and worships other gods, God will chasten and curse Israel, until Israel repents.

After King David – ‘a man according to the heart of the LORD’- follows King Solomon. Solomon is the wisest man on earth, but because he marries alien women, God punishes all of Israel, and 10 of the tribes revolts. Israel is now split into two kingdoms: The 10 Tribes in the Northern Kingdom, called the House of Israel, or simply Israel; and the 2 Tribes in the Southern Kingdom, the House of Judah, or simply Judah, and later Jews.

The 12 Tribes of Israel in Canaan

From this point and on, the 10 Tribes of Israel and the 2 Tribes of Judah have separate kings, separate prophets, they have each of their own history, and are often at war against each other. The 10 Northern Tribes are, however, more sinful than the 2 Tribes in the South, so finally, God punishes the 10 Tribes by letting the mighty Assyrian Empire invade the Northern Kingdom of the 10 Tribes, and the Assyrians deports all the Israelites of the 10 Tribes out of the land of Canaan in the year 721 B.C.

At this event God annuls His ‘marriage’ with the 10 Tribes of Israel, because those idols whom they worshipped (such as Baal and Moloch), were the ‘lovers’ in Israel’s ‘matrimonial adultery’. God’s ‘marriage’ with the 2 Tribes of Judah in the South, however, stays intact, and Judah continues being the people of God: “And she conceived again, and bare a daughter. And God said unto him, Call her name Loruhamah: for I will no more have mercy upon the house of Israel; but I will utterly take them away. But I will have mercy upon the house of Judah, and will save them by the LORD their God, and will not save them by bow, nor by sword, nor by battle, by horses, nor by horsemen.” (Hoseah 1:6-7) Concerning God’s ‘divorce’ from the 10 Tribes of Israel, the prophet Jeremiah specifically uses the word Bill of Divorce as pertaining to the broken marriage: “And I said after she had done all these things, Turn thou unto me. But she returned not. And her treacherous sister Judah saw it. And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not, but went and played the harlot also.” (Jeremiah 3:7-8)

The two sisters are Israel and Judah who both ‘play the harlot’, i.e. worship idols such as Baal, and are not faithful to their Husband the LORD.

The actual deportation of the 10 Tribes finally occurs in the year 721 B.C., where the Assyrians forcefully relocate them to areas south of the Caucasus mountains. The Old Testament describes it as follows: “Then the king of Assyria came up throughout all the land, and went up to Samaria, and besieged it three years. In the ninth year of Hoshea the king of Assyria took Samaria, and carried Israel away into Assyria, and placed them in Halah and in Habor by the river of Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes.” (2nd Kings 17:5-6) “Therefore the LORD was very angry with Israel, and removed them out of his sight: there was none left but the tribe of Judah only.” (2nd Kings 17:18)

Besides the Bible itself, the most time-honoured historian on ancient Israel, is the Roman Jew Flavius Josephus (37-95 A.D.). Josephus described the same event, where the 10 Tribes were carried out of Canaan:

“… Salmaneser, the king of Assyria… was very angry, and made an expedition against Samaria, in the seventh year of the reign of Hoshea; but when he was not admitted [into the city] by the king, he besieged Samaria three years, and took it by force in the ninth year of the reign of Hoshea, and in the seventh year of Hezekiah, king of Jerusalem, and quite demolished the government of the Israelites, and transplanted all the peoples into Media and Persia… and when he had removed these people out of their land, he transplanted other nations out of Cuthah, a place so called, (for there is [still] a river of that name in Persia,) into Samaria, and into the country of the Israelites. So the ten tribes of the Israelites were removed out of Judea, … nine hundred and forty-seven years after their forefathers were come out of the land of Egypt, and possessed themselves of this country…” (Flavius Josephus: Antiquities of the Jews, Book IX, Chapter XTV, p. 24, 1960)

It is a great help to the understanding of the 10 Tribes of Israel and the 2 Tribes of Judah if you are aware of who the various books of the Old Testament are written to. The books of 1st and 2nd Kings are written from the viewpoint of the 10 Tribes, and speaks of the prophet Elijah, a prophet to the 10 Tribes. The books of 1st and 2nd Chronicles are to the contrary written from the viewpoint of the 2 Tribes of Judah.

When the books of 1st and 2nd Kings were committed to writing, app. 580 B.C., the 10 Tribes of Israel were far away from the land of Canaan: “For he rent Israel from the house of David; and they made Jeroboam the son of Nebat king: and Jeroboam drove Israel from following the LORD, and made them sin a great sin. For the children of Israel walked in all the sins of Jeroboam which he did; they departed not from them; Until the LORD removed Israel out of his sight, as he had said by all his servants the prophets. So was Israel carried away out of their own land to Assyria unto this day.” (2nd Kings 17:21-23)

What happened to the so-called Lost 10 Tribes of Israel after they landed in the area south of the Caucasus, many have pondered over through out history. Physically, they left the prophets of God in the Middle East, but they did remain in the future prophecies of the prophets. They returned to the prophets of God as the European heathens and Gentiles in the New Testament, and today they constitute the White Christian peoples.

The Hidden Books of the Bible

The early Church Fathers had a different Bible than we have today. Some of the New Testament epistles were originally not approved as Canonical, whereas they did acknowledge a number of other books as Canonical, among them the so-called Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha. Some of the Apocrypha which did not make it as the Canon which the Synods established in the 380’s A.D., were the books of the prophet Ezra - with the exception of Ezra’s first book. 2nd Esdras[14] tells of the exile of the 10 Tribes and their wandering to Europe:

“These are the ten tribes which in the days of King Hoshea were carried away… into captivity, whom Shalmaneser, King of Assyria, made captives, and carried beyond the river [Euphrates]; they were carried off to another country. But they formed this plan among themselves, to leave the heathen population, and go to a more distant region, where the human race had never lived, so that there perhaps they might keep their statutes, which they had not kept in their own country… they went by the narrow passage of the Euphrates River. For the Most High then did wonders for them, for He held back the sources of the river until they had passed over… it was a long journey of a year and a half to that country, and that country is called Arzareth*…” (2nd Esdras 13:40-47) (*Arsareth in the Danish translation.)

In the Hebrew, Arzareth (Arsareth) means ‘another land’. Sereth is also tributary to the Danube in Roumania.

The Beginning of the Exile

The names of some of the tribes of Israel, such as Aser and Dan, are easy to recognize in our search for the Lost 10 Tribes. But Israel would loose its name Israel, as Israel meant a Prince Ruling With God. As the 10 Tribes of Israel were rejected, no longer the people of God, they did not rule with God any longer, and their name Israel was taken away from them. Just as the rest of the peoples of the world, they worshipped other gods. In the eyes of the rest of the world, the 10 Lost Tribes would therefore seem like heathens and Gentiles. But God had not forgotten these lost Israelitish heathens. They were the same people of flesh and blood who were the apple of God’s eye at Mount Sinai and in Canaan. The other names that the Lost 10 Tribes were now called by, the history books can tell us of.

It was the Assyrians who had led the 10 Tribes in captivity. Gads Bibel Leksikon can tell us that the Assyrians called the 10 Tribes for Bit Humrija, meaning the House of Omri. (King Omri was one of the un-Godly kings of the 10 Tribes, spoken of in 1st Kings Chapter 16.) Other pronunciations were Ghomri and Khumri.

One of the greatest archaeological discoveries during the last 200 years was the discovery of the Behistun Rock, close to modern day Teheran in Iran. When the inscriptions of the Persian King Darius in the different languages were deciphered, it turned out that the 10 Tribes were called Khumri, Ghimri, and Saka.

In 1988, the Assyriologist Dr. Anne Katrine Gade Kristensen published her doctoral dissertation, saying “that the Cimmerians were in fact identical with Israelites deported from Northern Israel after the fall of Samaria in 722 B.C.” Dr. Kristensen’s dissertation was translated into English by Dr. Jørgen Læssøe, one of Denmark’s foremost capacities within Middle Eastern archaeology, and was published by the Royal Danish Academies of Sciences and Letters.

The Cimmerians were the same people as the later Celtic Cimbrians in Northern Jutland. Himmerland in Northern Jutland means the Land of the Cimbrians. Peter Friderich Suhm tells us that,

“Since the Nordic Cimbrians have, as I later will show, been one and the same people as the Cimmerians, as pertaining to origin and name, and descended from them, then it is very safe to assume that a part of them, after their first expulsion by the Scythians, have trekked to the north, and then taken the Cimmerian and Cimbrian name with them into the North…” (Peter Friderich Suhm: Forsøg til et Udkast af en Historie over Folkenes Oprindelse I Almindelighed, som en Indledning til de Nordiske Folkes i Særdeleshed,[15] p. 332, 1769)

Some of the Celts later wandered back into Asia Minor. In 279 B.C., the Gauls, the French Celts, reached and area of Asia Minor which they called Galatia, as Johannes Brøndsted writes in Politikens Danmarkshistorie. It were unto these Celts, Gauls, or Galatians that the Apostle Paul wrote his Epistle to the Galatians in the New Testament.

The Scythians in Scythia or Svithjod

Shortly after the 10 Tribes appeared south of the Caucasus, having lost their name Israel, a new people appears on the northern side of the Caucasus, in Southern Russia: the Scythians. The Scythians and Cimmerians are called one and the same people by the Russian historian Boris Piotrovsky from the Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg. Scythians may have been used as a name for several different tribes in the same area, but they still moved into the Ukraine, and were famous for supplying the Greeks with grain.

Historians call the area of the Ukraine and Southern Russia for Scythia. The Nordic name was Svithjod, and the Svithjod the Great of Snorre Sturlasson is identical with the Scythia of other European historians. Snorre’s name for Sweden was simply Svithjod - as different from Svithjod the Great, the homeland. Today, the Icelandic name for Sweden is Svithjod. In Atland Eller Manheim, Olof Rudbeck uses the heading of a chapter: On the Name of Sweden: Scythia.[16] Georg Stiernhielm - the most learned man of 17th century Sweden - simply called the Swedish language for Scythian.

The Kingdom of Judah

The 10 Tribes of Israel were definitively deported in 721 B.C. away from the Land of Canaan, and remaining were only the 2 Tribes of Judah, consisting of the large Judah and the small Benjamin. The House of Judah, these two tribes, carry on the sins of the 10 Tribes, and already in 701 B.C. Assyria attacks the Kingdom of Judah. The Assyrian King Sancherib writes in a cuneiform tablet that he deported 200,150 Judahites far away. These 200,150 Judahites of the tribes of Judah never returned to Canaan, and are therefore still in existence among the 10 Tribes!

The following great power is Babylon. In the year 604 B.C. the King of Babylon Nebuchadnezar definitively terminates the Kingdom of Judah when he captures Jerusalem. In the year 587 B.C. Nebuchadnezar then deports the 2 Tribes of Judah unto Babylon. Here, the Judahites of the House of Judah are for the very first time in the Bible refered to as Jews. After the 70 years of exile in Babylon, 49,697 of these Judahites, now known as Jews, returns to Canaan.

It is the descendants of these not even 50,000 Jews of Judah and small Benjamin who more than 500 years later are the main characters in the New Testament.

In the 1st century A.D., Flavius Josephus tells us that,

“… wherefore there are but two tribes in Asia and Europe subject to the Romans, while the ten tribes are beyond Euphrates till now, and are an immense multitude, and not to be estimated by numbers.” (Flavius Josephus: Antiquities of the Jews, Book XI, Chapter 5, p. 234)

The climax of the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is the crucifixion of Jesus. By the faith of the sinner that Jesus on the Cross was the Son of God Who sacrificed Himself in place of the sinner, Salvation is possible. The Sacred Name Jesus means The LORD Saves.

The position of each of the 12 Tribes of Israel as pertaining to the Crucifixion is a key that can make that book understandable for the many to whom it is a closed book.

At the Crucifixion, the 12 Tribes of Israel are divided into 3 groups:

The Tribe of Judah in Judæa.
The Tribe of Benjamin in Galilee.
The 10 Tribes in Europe.

Judah crucified Jesus.
Benjamin followed Jesus, and fled as disciples and apostles to tell the 10 Lost Tribes in Europe of Christ.
The 10 Tribes in Europe became Christians.
This key was found by one of Denmark’s best daughters: Anna Bjørner. Anna Larssen, as she was called previously, was one of the leading actresses in Denmark. She got the best instructions by Herman Bang,[17] and was for a brief while engaged to Gustav Wied.[18] However, as the star of Dagmar Teatret,[19] she was converted to Christ, and it did not make sense to the rest of the theatrical world. At the peak of the career, she abandoned the theatre, and was soon married to the YMCA secretary in Elsinore, Sigurd Bjørner. Together, the Bjørner couple launched their crusade, which was the birth of the Pentecostal Movement in Denmark.

Sigurd Bjørner was the pastor of Evangelieforsamlingen on Trianglen in Copenhagen, but founded the Apostolsk Kirke i Danmark[20] in 1924, with congregations all over Denmark. Their paper, Evangeliebladet, was sold from door to door in large numbers, and had an easy to understand, but straight forward and no compromise Gospel. The power of the crusade was great, and was warmly welcomed by many un­saved and Christians, whereas the Bjørner couple’s meetings in Apostolsk Kirke were attacked by the Young Socialists.

As early as 1923 one could read articles in Evangeliebladet on the subject that the Jews soon would form a Jewish state in Palestine. These articles were inspired by the Irish Bible teacher Grattan Guinness, who in 1887, in his Light for the Last Days, wrote that Great Britain would free Jerusalem in 1917 from out of the hands of the muhomo'd the pedo goatfuckeran Turks. Grattan Guinness saw Great Britain as the Tribe of Ephraim. Ephraim was the leader tribe among the 10 Tribes of Israel, and Jacob had prophesied that Ephraim alone would become ‘a multitude of nations’ (Genesis 48:19), i.e. a Commonwealth of Nations. At the same time - 1887 - Grattan Guinness had written that Great Britain (Ephraim) later would turn over the Holy Land to the Jews (the Tribe of Judah).

The Salvation in the death of Jesus on the Cross was the one and central thing in Evangeliebladet, and Anna Bjørner explained this according to the truth of the Gospel and without bending to the spirit of the day:

“There are so many Christians who cannot see that Jesus is the Redeemer of Israel. In John Chapter 11 we read that the high priests and the Pharisees have summoned a meeting to discuss what they shall do about Jesus, who does so many signs among the people, and if it continues like this, they say, the Romans will come and take away both the land and the people. But Caiaphas, who was high priest that year, said: ‘Ye know nothing at all, Nor consider that it is expedient for us, that one should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not.’ – ‘And this spake he not of himself: but being high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus should die for that nation (The Jews in Palestine): And not for that nation only, but that also he should gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad (The 10 Tribes of Israel).’ Christendom believes that these are the Christians who are spoken of here, but that is obvious that it is impossible - there were no ‘scattered Christians’ at that time. It was Israel that Jesus came to. And the high priest says: It is better that one man dies for the whole people, but not the whole people should perish. It is a prophecy, he knows not himself what he says; but he proclaims that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, should redeem not only Judah, but also the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel, the Ten Tribes who were in dispersion. It were ‘the Children of God’ who were to be gathered as one nation with Judah. But Judah did not receive Him, only a small band of men from Galilee - of the Tribe of Benjamin.” (Anna Bjørner: Kajfas’ mærkelige profeti. From Evangeliebladet: Organ for den apostolske Kirke i Danmark, 7th August, 1935, p. 1-2)

For each year that passed, the articles on the theme that the Jews’s state in Palestine would become reality, became more emphasized. In April 1936, Sigurd and Anna Bjørner left, for unclear reasons, Apostolsk Kirke and Evangeliebladet, and from the one week to the next even the slightest reference to the existence of the Bjørners vanished from the pages of Evangeliebladet. At the same time, all mentioning of Israel and Jews stopped in Evangeliebladet - for two years, but then it was diametrically opposite explanations!

The Bjørner couple, however, continued undaunted on their own. Sigurd laid great emphasis on the discovery of the Tribes in Pinsebevægelsen - en Sekt?[21] (1944), and Anna was translator for the evangelistic meetings of the British-Israel Pentecostal preacher George Jeffreys in Copenhagen and Slagelse in 1947 and 1949.

The joy of the Bjørner’s was great when they in 1952 got together with the church which they themselves had founded. After one year of illness, Sigurd unfortunately died in 1953. Anna, who was now a widow, was now expressly forbidden by the new leadership of Apostolsk Kirke not to mention anything on the Tribes of Israel or the return of the Jews unto Palestine, when she was speaking at the meetings in Apostolsk Kirke. Anna said that she felt that “they stabbed her in the back when she spoke about those things,” that is, the Lost 10 Tribes of Israel. (According to Johannes Rasmussen: Ægteparret Bjørners Liv og Virke, p. 32, 1969) Even in her final years she persevered on her own, and for instance spoke at Hotel Prindsen in Roskilde in September 1953 on the subject ‘The Tribes of Israel’. She passed away in 1955, two years after her husband.

The pearl of great price - the Tribes of Israel - which Anna Bjørner had found when she found Christ, was once again covered with soil at her funeral. Let Anna’s own words from Evangeliebladet stand as her memory:

“The 10 Tribes of Israel, however, did not return from their captivity in Assyria, but trekked north across the Caucasus, around the Black Sea, until they landed in Middle Europe and finally came to the place which God had given them as a refuge: ‘The Isles in the Sea’ (The British Isles), from where Ephraim-Israel at last shall come, whereas Judah shall come from the ‘four corners of the world’. The searchers of history tell us that Hebrew memorials, grave tombs, and other things left behind, marks the way which they had wandered. The Gospel of Jesus, which had been rejected by Judah, was there proclaimed for the Gentiles, and among them were the Ten Tribes of Israel as the ‘Lost Sheep of the House of Israel’. Here, the Gospel was received, and today these Lost Ten Tribes make up the core of the Christian nations of the globe.” (Anna Bjørner: Den store Pyramide. From Evangeliebladet: Organ for den apostolske Kirke i Danmark, 21st April, 1927, p. 1)

Kill yourself

btfo kike shill

The Gentiles and Heathens in the New Testament: The Lost 10 Tribes

The one Tribe of Judah in Palestine (the Jews) had, as a tribe, rejected the potential King of the Jews, as the Apostle Paul, who was of the Tribe of Benjamin, wrote: “… the Jews: Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men: Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.” (1st Thessalonians 2:14-16)

The Apostles, of whom 11 were of the small Tribe of Benjamin, called upon the House of Judah to repent of their sin, that the Lost 10 Tribes (the House of Israel) soon could receive the Gospel of Jesus: “Therefore shall all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye [Judah] have crucified, both Lord and Christ.” (Acts 2:36)

In the Gospel, Jesus lets the Disciples hear to whom He was sent: “But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” (Matthew 15:24) After the Ascension Day and Pentecost, the Apostles obeyed the commandment of their Lord Jesus unto them, and went specifically to the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel. The missionary journeys that we read of in the Acts of the Apostles, all went in one direction: towards Europe. Paul and the other Apostles journeyed to Asia Minor, Cyprus, Greece, and Rome. The epistles in the New Testament are written to the Christian assemblies in Asia Minor, Greece, and Rome.

The Apocryphical book of 1st Maccabees (app. 100 B.C.) and Josephus tell of a correspondence between the king of the Greek city of Sparta and the high priests of the Jews in Jerusalem. The Spartans told radiant with joy that they had found that they were of the same stock as the Jews.

“Areus King of the Lacedemonians to Onias the high priest, greetings: It is found in writing, that the Lacedemonians and Jews are brethren, and that they are of the same stock of Abraham…” (1st Maccabees 12:20-21)

The Jews, who still were the people of God and had the books of the Old Testament, answered the Spartans that they were already aware of this:

“… we both joyfully received the epistle, and were well pleased with Demoteles and Areus, although we did not need such a demonstration, because we were well satisfied about it from the sacred writings, yet did not we think fit first to begin the claim of this relation to you, lest we should seem too early in taking to ourselves the glory given to us by you.” (Flavius Josephus: Antiquities of the Jews, Book XII, Chapter V, p. 274)

In their exodus from Egypt, both the 2 Tribes of Judah as well as the 10 Tribes of Israel had all gone through the Red Sea and reached Mount Sinai, where they received the Law of Moses. In the 40 days that Moses received the Law while he stood alone on the top of Mount Sinai, a thick cloud covered the top of the mount, so that the app. 3 mio. Israelites below the cloud could not see Moses. After this, the Israelites continued their wanderings in the wilderness of Sinai, and when all the people were thirsty, Moses hit, of impatience, a rock with his staff, and there did pour out water and all of Israel had their thirst quenched.

When Paul is writing to the congregation of Greeks in Corinth, Paul tells these Greeks that they also hail from these Israelites from the books of Moses: “Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea; And did all eat the same spiritual meat; And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.” (1st Corinthians 10:1-4) (Please compare Ezekiel 20:36)

It did lie heavily upon Paul's heart that these Christian Greeks did not forget their Israelitish origin when they read aloud his epistle in the congregation in Corinth in Greece in the year 55 A.D. How much more are the words of Paul not addressed to the Christian Danes in the churches in Korinth on Fyn!

One of the most important of the Greek tribes was the Danites, who said that they hailed from slaves from Egypt. Suhm writes that the Vaner (the Danes) had a special connection to Greece, whereas Snorre tells us in Gylfaginning that the Aser had lived in Troy. (The Trojans were not Greeks.)

Specifically the Danes’s connection to ancient Greece was so important to Saxo that he, in the very first reference in Danmarks Krønike mentions the Norman chronicler Dudo who believed that the Danes hailed from the Greek Tribe of Dan. What Dudo actually wrote app. in the year 1000 A.D., was:

“Daci are by their own called Danai, or Dani, and commend themselves of hailing from Antenor, who fled from Illyria, after the destruction of Troy.” (Quoted from Peter Friderich Suhm: Critisk Historie af Danmark, Volume 1, p. 188, 1774)

The archaeologist Dr. Cyrus Gordon, who was called the greatest American archaeologist of the 20th century, wrote about the journey of the Israelitish Tribe of Dan to Greece, Ireland, and Denmark. This, the journeying Jew Eldad ben Mahli had already written in the Middle Age (9th century A.D.) in a letter to the Jews in Spain:

“In Jeroboam’s day, 975 B.C., Dan refused to shed his brother’s blood; and rather than go to war with Judah he left the country and went in a body to Greece (Javan) and to Denmark.” (Quoted from Norman Court: Old Ginger, p. 13, undated)

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if you read any of this with an open mind you should understand how important this kind of information really is

The ‘Gentile Christians’ of Rome = The 10 Tribes

Unto the Christians in Rome, whom he calls ‘Gentiles’, Paul writes that Abraham is their ancestor: “What shall we say then that Abraham our father, as pertaining to the flesh, hath found?” (Romans 4:1) The latest Danish authorized version of the Bible from 1992, renders this verse ‘Abraham, the ancestor of our people’.[22] Paul both calls himself (the sender) and the Christian Gentiles in Rome (the receivers) for the fleshly descendants of Abraham. The martyr apostle Stephen uses the same phrase of himself and the Jewish council in Acts 7:2, as Paul does of himself and the Roman Gentiles Christians.

In the middle of the Epistle to the Romans are the chapters to be found (9, 10, and 11) which in particular pertains to the 10 Tribes vs. the 2 Tribes. Paul describes that out of the 6 fleshly sons of Abraham, God only continued His covenant with one son, namely Isaac. And Paul comes with another example. Isaac had two fleshly sons: Jacob and Esau. But God only continued His covenant with Jacob. Paul then comes to the prophet Hosea in the end of the Old Testament, who concerning the captivity of the 10 Tribes prophesied that God would cast them away temporarily and call them Not-My-People. Hosea also writes that the 2 Tribes of Judah at this point of time would remain the people of God. To the Gentile Christians in Rome, Paul then writes in the year 61 A.D. that they are this Not-My-People, who have been found by God and (again) have become My-People: “Even us, whom he hath called, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles? As he saith also in Osee, I will call them my people, which were not my people; and her beloved, which was not beloved. And it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people; there shall they be called the children of the living God.” (Romans 9:24-26) In this context, Paul refers to himself, a Benjamite of the House of Judah, as a Jew.

The prophecy of Hosea, which Paul fulfilled, continues with a promise which should characterize the 10 Tribes of Israel after they have become My-People: “Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured nor numbered; and it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people, there it shall be said unto them, Ye are the sons of the living God.” (Hosea 1:10) The Christian peoples of Europe have always had a natural preference for the New Testament and the Old Testament (Paul and Hosea), and they are the Children of the Living God - i.e. Christians. The Christian peoples of Europe have always been numerous as the sand of the sea - hundreds of millions of individuals!

The Benjamite apostle Peter, in his First Epistle, uses exactly the same words which God gave unto the 12 Tribes of Israel at Mount Sinai, and which God expressly said were unto Israel, and Peter lets these words of God unto Israel be fulfilled in the first Christians. (Please compare Exodus 19:6 and 1st Peter 2:9-10)

The Apostle James writes in plain words to the 12 Tribes of Israel in the dispersion: “James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.” (James 1:1)

It surely is written in the New Testament, but Gads Bibel Leksikon can tell us that,

“… the ancient Christian congregation saw itself as a holy people of God who were the literal descendants of the 12 Tribes of Israel…” (Gads Bibel Leksikon L-Å, p. 1001, 1966)



The ‘Gentile Christians’ of Rome = The 10 Tribes

Unto the Christians in Rome, whom he calls ‘Gentiles’, Paul writes that Abraham is their ancestor: “What shall we say then that Abraham our father, as pertaining to the flesh, hath found?” (Romans 4:1) The latest Danish authorized version of the Bible from 1992, renders this verse ‘Abraham, the ancestor of our people’.[22] Paul both calls himself (the sender) and the Christian Gentiles in Rome (the receivers) for the fleshly descendants of Abraham. The martyr apostle Stephen uses the same phrase of himself and the Jewish council in Acts 7:2, as Paul does of himself and the Roman Gentiles Christians.

In the middle of the Epistle to the Romans are the chapters to be found (9, 10, and 11) which in particular pertains to the 10 Tribes vs. the 2 Tribes. Paul describes that out of the 6 fleshly sons of Abraham, God only continued His covenant with one son, namely Isaac. And Paul comes with another example. Isaac had two fleshly sons: Jacob and Esau. But God only continued His covenant with Jacob. Paul then comes to the prophet Hosea in the end of the Old Testament, who concerning the captivity of the 10 Tribes prophesied that God would cast them away temporarily and call them Not-My-People. Hosea also writes that the 2 Tribes of Judah at this point of time would remain the people of God. To the Gentile Christians in Rome, Paul then writes in the year 61 A.D. that they are this Not-My-People, who have been found by God and (again) have become My-People: “Even us, whom he hath called, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles? As he saith also in Osee, I will call them my people, which were not my people; and her beloved, which was not beloved. And it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people; there shall they be called the children of the living God.” (Romans 9:24-26) In this context, Paul refers to himself, a Benjamite of the House of Judah, as a Jew.

The prophecy of Hosea, which Paul fulfilled, continues with a promise which should characterize the 10 Tribes of Israel after they have become My-People: “Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured nor numbered; and it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people, there it shall be said unto them, Ye are the sons of the living God.” (Hosea 1:10) The Christian peoples of Europe have always had a natural preference for the New Testament and the Old Testament (Paul and Hosea), and they are the Children of the Living God - i.e. Christians. The Christian peoples of Europe have always been numerous as the sand of the sea - hundreds of millions of individuals!

The Benjamite apostle Peter, in his First Epistle, uses exactly the same words which God gave unto the 12 Tribes of Israel at Mount Sinai, and which God expressly said were unto Israel, and Peter lets these words of God unto Israel be fulfilled in the first Christians. (Please compare Exodus 19:6 and 1st Peter 2:9-10)

The Apostle James writes in plain words to the 12 Tribes of Israel in the dispersion: “James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.” (James 1:1)

It surely is written in the New Testament, but Gads Bibel Leksikon can tell us that,

“… the ancient Christian congregation saw itself as a holy people of God who were the literal descendants of the 12 Tribes of Israel…” (Gads Bibel Leksikon L-Å, p. 1001, 1966)

my hamster just fell to whoredom, she doesn't want to come out anymore

since when should you give your hamster the ability to disobey

It was rim tusser that was being mean to my hamster, I told them no go away, but they didn't listen

Jews steal, pervert, and destroy our culture for ~2,000yrs since this man:
stole, perverted, and destroyed Aryan (Persian) culture in first century.

whether they believe it or not, ((they)) do. good bread OP fuck the nay sayers.

the truth is stranger than fiction

the reality of our situation is much more complex than just the theory that we are battling something tangible; for we are rather wrestling with dark principalities, that of which would do anything to keep us ignorant and arrogant. Anyone who believes in God is a chosen one and those that worship the fallen are destined for affliction and repentance

The 12 Tribes of Israel Today

In the Old Testament each of the 12 Tribes had each their own geographical territory in the Land of Canaan. They had each their peculiarities, as described in the stories, prophecies, and symbolism of the Bible. I will try to give a bid on which certain folk [Danish] or peoples [English] who today constitute the 12 Tribes of Israel. There are found an abundance of identifications and references in the Bible concerning the individual tribes, as dealt with by W.H. Bennett in Symbols of Our Celto-Saxon Heritage (Windsor, Canada, 1976). Not a few have tried to identify each of the 12 Tribes today, among them captain Ole Jørgen Johnsen in Israel i de siste dage (Asker, Norway, 1924) and Steven M. Collins Israel’s 12 Tribes Today (Royal Oaks, Michigan, United States, 2005). Most of my choices as a modern nation (folk or people) as a representative of an Israelitish tribe, I myself think are reasonable. Others have differences in their choice of the 12 Tribes, but these are my best answers.

During Israel’s trek in the wilderness of Sinai, they went in a formation around the Ark of the Covenant, with one Camp in each corner of the world, and with 3 tribes under each Camp (See Numbers Chapter 2). Take this order, and place them on a piece of chalk paper over a map of Europe, and then you roughly have where the 12 Tribes are today.

To the West: The Camp of Ephraim, symbol the Oxen (the Bull), with the tribes Ephraim, Manasseh, and Benjamin. The two sons of Joseph, Ephraim, and Manasseh, got the birthright in Israel, and are therefore the most numerous today. Ephraim was the Leader Tribe among the 10 Tribes in the Northern Kingdom, and the Tribe of Ephraim in himself should become ’a multitude of nations’ (Genesis 48:19, KJV) or ’a group of nations’ (Genesis 48:19, New International Version). Ephraim is the United Kingdom of Great Britain, who are one people, and yet a group of folk or nations: England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, united in the British Commonwealth of Nations. The personification of Great Britain is John Bull.

Manasseh was the actual brother of Ephraim, whereas the other of Israel’s 10 tribal patriarchs were Manasseh’s and Ephraim’s uncles. America, who today is Manasseh, speaks the same language as Great Britain (Ephraim), while Manasseh should become ’a great nation’ (Genesis 48:19, KJV). The first Americans - those who made America great - had huge cattle herds; and America is still the largest cattle nation in the world, and still feeds the world.

In South Africa lives the little Boere-folk (or volk) - or the Afrikaaners - only 3 mio. people. I believe that the Boere are the Tribe of Benjamin. The Boere became a folk (volk) in 1652, at the same time as the first English pilgrims went ashore on the coast of America, and 150 years before the first Australians arrived to Australia. Boer means peasant or farmer in their language Afrikaans, and the history and folk-soul of the Boere is full of oxen carriages which the Voortrekkers drove through wilderness, mountains, and desert. Of the Boere’s European ancestors, app. 2/3 were Dutch Calvinists, and 1/3 French Huguenots.

(In Zimbabwe, the democratically elected government of Robert Mugabe have ethnically cleansed all the White people of the country. Whereas this never was of any concern to the United Nations nor the European Union, the ANC government of South Africa have been Mugabe’s most brotherly and faithful supporter. After many years attempt to grab hold of the farms of White farmers through less or more economical methods, the ANC government finally announced on 10th February, 2006, that they are now switching to downright confiscations - seizures - of property which belongs to White South Africans. And still without causing the slightest bother to the European Union nor the United Nations!

Crimes across the colour line only goes one way: Black against White, and South Africa is the country in the world with the most murders and rapes per citizen. The Boere, however, do not want to leave Africa, as they are just as much Africans as the Danes are Europeans.)

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To the North was the Camp of Dan, symbol the Eagle, with Dan, Aser, and Naphtali, who today are Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. Characteristics of the Norse folk are freedom and independence, but also biting strength, despite our small sizes. As an instinct, the Norse golden eagle does not want to walk on the ground among the Oxen, the Lion, and the Man. Up in the air, that is where the Eagle is dangerous and is respected, when he does not land on the ground with his two legs. Should the eagle get sedated, overfed, or get its wings hocked, he is no longer of much use when he drools around on the ground on his two legs. Only then does he realize that his equal terms among the Oxen, the Lion, and the Man are not to his advantage.

To the East was the Camp of Judah, symbol the Lion, with the tribes of Judah, Zebulon, and Issachar. In the Bible, the Lion symbolized royal might, and the Lion is most supreme in a struggle. Judah was the greatest single tribe, along with Ephraim, whom Judah often competed with. The legitimate royal line of Israel, the House of David, was of Judah. A Latin document from 1404 by the name Österreichische Chronik,[39] which is said to be based upon ancient traditions, tells of the Assyrian King Sancherib who deported Jews (i.e. Judahites of the Tribe of Judah) to Central Europe along the Danube. These Judahites should have beaten the local King Gennan, and the Judahites should have ruled in the present-day Austria and Hungary until the year 227 A.D. This must be the previously mentioned 200,150 Judahites whom the Assyrian king did deport did deport! Just about every European royal house is of German origin.

The Netherlands (Holland and Flanders) are Zebulon. This, Helene van Woelderen wrote about in Nederland-Zebulon: een stam van Israël (1971), which was made into a movie, starring the Danish actor Freddy Albeck in the leading role. This was also a major issue for the Dutchman C.F.P.D. van der Vecht and his Bond Nederlands Israel. They were outlawed in 1940 by the National Socialist occupational power, and they had to resort to underground evangelization. The manuscript to van der Vecht's main work Israël: Daniëls Laatste Koninkrijk was seized as ’dangerous’ and was only published in 1946.

Who Issachar is today, I am not sure of. Switzerland perhaps? Finland? or Lithuania?

To the South was the Camp of Reuben, symbol the Man (the Human), with the tribes of Reuben, Simeon, and Gad. Reuben went awhoring with his father Jacob’s wife, Bilha. A loose sexual norm is, in Northern eyes, a characteristic for the Latin nations. The Man (the Human) would mean Man-centredness more than God-centredness. The Catholic Church has, as I see it, certainly had its good periods, but Man constantly seems to be the focus more so than in Protestant Christianity. The Pope over Christ, the priest as a mediator of Christ, a focus on acts and rituals. In its most gruesome shape Man-centred Catholicism could be seen in the Spanish Inquisition. If the symbol the Man (the Human) entirely rejected God, it was Humanism, Atheism, and Socialism. The French Revolution in 1789 rejected God and the Church, and paved the way for Communism, National Socialism, and the European Union.

The Germanic tribe of the Goths especially settled in Italy and Spain. The tribal name of the Goths meant God's folk (people), and I believe they are the Tribe of Gad, and today possibly Italy.

Simeon did not spare the sword, when he together with Levi (the priest tribe) slew an entire Canaanite village, because a Canaanite had abducted and violated their sister Dinah (Genesis Chapter 34). I would guess that Simeon is Spain.

give a tl;dr idiot
and learn to make threads



nice blog

Futanaria Penis 🤔

WTF is "this" OP?
You blog posted without a fucking source!
Learn to greentext while you're at it.

Learn to read. Sources are all named.
Fucking burgers