What's Best for Whites?

I was listening to a discussion on jewish domination between Luke Ford (a non-racial jew) and Age of Treason (a white guy who's had enough jewery), and about an hour in Luke mocks AoT's statements regarding the apparently conflicting actions of jews to which AoT responds by pointing out that everything jews do is in favor of the jews, because even when jews disagree, which they often do, their disagreement is only about what strategy is best for jews. It's hard not to notice the parallel between this internal jewish conflict and the source of many a conflict within the awakening movement against jewish power.

Here on this site most of us agree on the goals of the things we do, #1 of which is to get out from under the thumb of the jew. But it takes no time at all for people aiming at the same goal to start calling each other kikes over proposed strategies (I've done it plenty myself). On one hand this is a pain in the ass, because we are divided at a time when we are weak, but on the other it's a good sign, because it means we are developing a stronger group identity just as the jews have. The problem we have to solve is that one hand producing ass-pain. We need to agree on more.

Now, when I say "agree on more" I don't necessarily mean we all need to enact the same strategies. We can see quite clearly that jews have had great success attacking from every front, so their disunity may have actually helped them, whereas in full strategic alignment they may have collectively chosen a strategy that would have failed them. Furthermore, their disagreements have masked the fact that they have conspired against all non-jews, because every time you point out the conspiracy they like to point out how often jews disagree (while of course avoiding the one thing they all agree on: jews are #1). Hitler recognized the advantage of the multi-pronged attack in "Mein Kampf" when he relished the formation of many different nationalist factions forming in opposition to the (((powers))) degenerating western society. He noted that whichever faction won was a win for all factions, at least in regards to the goal they all shared, and that by having so many angles toward the same end it was more likely that someone would strike goldberg, at which point factions engaging in an ineffective campaign would dissolve and join those enacting the winning strategy.

While I fully endorse discussions on strategy, the main thrust of this thread is to point out that it does not necessarily hurt us to disagree on the best path to salvation, and that infighting at a time when the enemy is so strong is unwise. Germany lost WW2 due to infighting. We can't start battling each other until we defeat this enemy first.


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Other urls found in this thread:


To crush the kikes, have them driven before them, and hear the kvetching of their kikesses.

a what?

He converted to Judaism.

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True, just not in the way you think.
That's why you fail.

See, its not about tolerance. I know that sounds counter-intuitive, but long-term, that's the strongest - the only truly strong - path to take.
You must have a shared vision. You must have a shared ideal, a shared goal. Any movement built upon the absence of a shared vision, a shared ideal/goal, is like a fortress built upon shifting sands.

Point being:
Hitler said otherwise in Mein Kampf. Big tent movements are like hot house plants - they spring up, but cannot weather the storm.
Germany lost WW2 due to (((American))) intervention, and strength does not come from tolerance and compromise.

Don't ask what would work publicly, only ask what would not work. Anything that would work, you discuss only where your enemies can't hear.

But do kikes have to deal with subversive organizations that only pretend to want what's best for kikes? I don't think TRS and Thai Fuck Shack trying to screw over Patrick Little is good in any way, for a recent example.

A twin scroll turbo-shabbos.

Whites have a hard time internalizing Us vs Them mentalities, since it's a simplification and we are not a simple folk. The only way to get rid of that is to remove what makes us a noble people, our intelligence, wisdom and empathy. It is a mentality only fit for teenage conscripts that desire simply an enemy.
We're functioning in a low-trust society, something our people never have had to deal with before in their homelands for multiple generations but only in times of crisis. What we need most is to create a zeitgeist to push past this total spiritual war in an endless bad peace. We must build trust between our peoples and convince them that their existence is good again, because fundamentally what we're trying to do is to prevent Whites from committing unconscious suicide on a international level; we have all the collective power just not the will to save our civilization from chaos.

Do not think of our struggle as oppressor verses oppressed like a Marxist, but rather light of good verse the creeping darkness of evil; that evil is simply absence of good. We will not stop at zionists, our current oppressors are simply in the our way of our true glory: to turn the kindled candle of our civilization into a bonfire of legend.

We have that already. That's exactly what I said in the OP. Strategy is the point of contention, and Adolf himself pointed out the advantage of having various groups taking separate paths to the same goal. Nobody knows what exactly the right strategy is which is why it's important to cover bases.
Again, I addressed this in the OP. The faction with the winning strategy absorbs the others.
>Germany lost WW2 due to (((American))) intervention
There were many contributions to Germany's loss, but Hitler's war was thoroughly disrupted from within his ranks. As you say, a shared vision is what a movement needs, but the Third Reich did not have that until the end of the war, after Hitler had half government assassinated, but by then it was too late.

Patrick himself doesn't favor the infighting. He's said that he will likely ally with people who will betray him, but that currently he can't be choosy about friends. We need numbers more than purity, at the moment, and what I propose in the OP doesn't require working closely with people you don't trust, it only requires finding what works.

Kill all the kikes.

They are great parasites though.
To the west, steeped with animal husbandry and care they appeal with their mousish meekness and penchant to cry about everything.
The the bugs in the east they appeal with money and such things generated through whitey.

The best for the world is to kill all the damn kikes.

Nice wordsmithing.

I have to call it a night. Nobody get blackpilled.

Yes, this is a very good thing. And there is no putting it out now. CNN's viewership is bottoming out, and Facebook's fake news tag made people more likely to read targeted articles. It's only a start, but it's already too late to stop.

keep mutually masturbating on an image board while doing fuck all irl

If you knew what we were doing in life and organized private societies publicly, we'd be doing it wrong. I hope you believe we're clowns until the very end.

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The main thing that brings people together is religion. If you get people to convert to a religion then all the people in that religion want the main goal of that religion to be done. An example is actually the jews themselves they want to destroy Europe because they think it will bring their messiah.

That common set of ideas (religious or otherwise) is what we're building here. I hope you're not suggesting to spread (((Christianity))).

This place is not an army, this place is an information hub accessible by most people and a place to let steam out. A red-pilling machine.

Many of us have been organizing in real life. Most of us wait for the right moment.

These two got it right. Do not discuss strategies openly. Take as much information as you can from here and do as you must.

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USA is Groid factory 🤣

So where would you run if some kike writes an article about how the "future of National Socialism is subhumans"?
It seems like that's all it takes for you, tornigger.

This place is LARP central, Satan. Nothing gets done IRL except random church shootings or cars of peace ramming purple haired SJWs which do nothing to advance any of the political ideas you espouse behind the safety of your computer.

Dead jews.

Religion is not the central unifying force of jews, it's race. The religion is more an expression of their jewishness, just as building great countries and inventing things is a white expression. The "jew" I refer to in the OP, Luke Ford, is not really accepted amongst jews. He talks about being shunned by prominent members of jewish communities for his lack of genetic jewishness, and he has a habit of exposing jews who do things that conflict with what remains of his white man sense of morality.

Race is the key. Whites need to start seeing themselves racially, and recognizing common white traits, and celebrating the expression of those. In a way, this is the religion we need. Christians can stay Christian, but race must be conscious among whites for us to put up a proper resistance to jewery; and looking at the numbers, jews are fucked once this is achieved.

Luke Ford is in fact /ourguy/ and has successfully infiltrated the Jewish Order.

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One philosopher that has studied the internal conflict in the communist movement is Olavo de Carvalho, a brazilian philosopher, he synthesizes the aspects of several revolutionary movements. I don't know how useful this information is, but here it is. Brace yourselves, though, this is a giant ziocuck that spews holocaust propaganda like few others.

I have some doubts that that strategy of internal conflict is useful to us as it is not natural to whites. We live of our own work and build our own things, the jews on the other hand are parasites that slowly kill their host, grabbing power of different sorts and shaking the foundations from diverse angles is useful to them, but not to us. They are destroyers while we are constructors.

Sorry, forgot about the video.

It isn't useful at all. That's exactly the point I made with this thread.

No, we don't.
No, its not.
No, its not.
No, he did not.
You're being disingenuous.
Hitler's final point in that context was that in-fighting is good, while you're arguing we need to infight less.
No. Hitler expressly spoke against that. The one with the winning strategy absorbs the people - the other movement must die.
>>Germany lost WW2 due to (((American))) intervention
There was one major contribution and it was the (((US))) getting involved.
You are a liar and you are my enemy.

The point is, Hitler argued in favor of a strategy counter to that which you are proposing.
He suggested conflict between movements was good, that the stronger would defeat the weaker, and, as opposed to absorbing the other movement, the members of the defeated movement(s) would have to be converted to sharing the same vision/ideal/goal.
What you say in the OP is that we need to agree on more, and I said you were right, but not how you meant, and its true: we DO need to agree on more… by having a shared vision/ideal.
Right now, we do not - we have a bunch of different movements who all want to maintain their special snowflake vision for the future, their own ideal, and who attack other movements but cry foul the moment they are attacked. The stronger movement never defeats the other movements, they continue on as half-baked sycophantic dog-piles.
Contrary to the closing statement of your OP, we can't start meaningfully battling the (((enemy))) until we've finished battling each other, but every battle seems to end in stalemate.

See also: youtube.com/watch?v=eKl6WjfDqYA

You forgot, pornographer. Do I really want to read on? Because right off the bat, I can tell you that the best thing for you, is to stop listening to jews.

Because there's plenty of jews here among other trash like antifa. Lots of agents trying to undermine the White man.

O'rly? You sure you aren't just projecting there?

Hear that guys? It's good to become like jews…

They have? You sure it isn't just the pillars of, finance, law and media?

Do you know of any conspiracy where the participants admitted to the conspiracy and while it was ongoing? How about jews and truth in general? Ever known a kike to tell the truth about ANYTHING?

And he goes full retard. I must sage you son. Get your shit together (think more) before posting again.

Sure thing moshe, go back to reddit.


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You guys do your thing. I'll not engage your spirited infighting further, except to say it's quite apparent that your understanding of history came from bite-sized propaganda that circulates the chans. Try reading books.

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They're not even trying anymore.

Yes. The reading comprehension on this site is absolutely abysmal. You guys really need to step it up. I clearly put forth in this thread there needs to be unity, but that there is an advantage at a time when no faction is a clear winner for there to be multiple factions working toward the same goal by different means.

Yea, and we clearly rejected that as divide and conquer, were National Socialists here and promoting marxist ideas alongside the rest of our rhetoric is treason, not a sign of an ally. If youre for faggots youre a traitor. If youre for based niggers youre a traitor. If youre a zionist or a bolshevik or an anti-nationalist or display anti-fascist rhetoric or are against openly calling out Jews or you want to vote with non-whites for mixed race candidates or you think we should sit back and vote for things that dont stop white genocide and wait another 20 years until were guaranteed to be slaughtered, you arent our ally, and we sure as fuck dont want you posting here, causing division. We are united already.
We are united already.
We are united already.
We are united already.

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(1) and done with fun on a bun

No, you're not.

What you clearly did was not understand what I wrote, but now you're just being contrary to protect your ego.

This reaction is exactly what I pointed out in the OP. We're obviously not united in strategy as evidenced by the people calling me kike for suggesting that infighting is not as useful as leaving different factions to their methods, and just promoting your own.

You arent a part of we, youre a subversive. Your last post suggested that we could have to submit to other factions and that they would beat us out, that say Spencer for example could achieve his bolshevik anti-nationalist dream and we would have to just give up instead of say getting rid of him as a threat. Youre an obvious shill, you obviously arent from here, you obviously are pushing this bullshit because Enoch and Anglin and all those cucks are getting excised from the group, declared unacceptable and anti-white. Youre a shill, I seriously hope the mods gas the fuck out of you.

You're the one sowing division by suggesting that even if someone you don't like has the winning strategy you should oppose everything they do.

Get this fucking filthy weasel subvert out of here, wasted 88 too. You people will hang.

How true is that pic? It's hilarious.

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People in here are more or less united in their goals. Problem is, we're less than promil of our societies. If you want to change the way people think you have to appeal to different parts of human soul.
Instead of appealing to race purity, appeal to diversity of beauty in this world and how every ethnic group should keep it's unique beauty
Instead of screaming for nazism educate people how easily freedom will be taken when immigrants will vote only for parties which let them stay, making both democracy and natives serve them.

Path is not important, output is. A sailor in the storm goes any way which leads home

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This is a great OP but you've answered the most important thing yourself:
Every argument should have at its central tenet "how to defeat the jews". For example, is white Sharia a good meme? What about the hebes that want to procreate with 16 year olds? What about the white knights for women? Or the ones dreaming about artificial wombs? It depends on how efficient it would all be at defeating the jews. If this is the center of those arguments, we will be together as one in that specific central aspect of the fight.

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I'm a huge fan on Taanstaffl (Age of treason), i would recommend every user to check him out. his website features an archive of interviews he has done

I never said compromise, I only proposed a different way of looking at things, and saving valuable time and energy by not infighting. Patrick Little has expressed as much in regards to cross-faction conflict. Much of Hitler's regime was comprised of people who betrayed him, so I agree that at some point infighting must commence, and brutally, but not while the enemy can sit back and say "Lets you and him fight!", and chuckle while we weaken ourselves

That's up for you to decide, but I don't encourage that kind of subversion. Luke has been an outcast his whole life, and it's probably because of a tendency to jew like a jew.

Which implies that we should make plans with the idea that we will lose out to other people and as if we arent the dominant force who already call the shots and lead the movement. If youre pro-fag, youre CUT. If youre pro-Jew or are pushing #NotAllJews youre CUT. If you think theres based niggers or are a civic nationalist or whatever, youre fucking cut. YOU are trying to divide US. You are NOT OF US and this itself is treason, you are attacking us, we will get rid of you.

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Yes, a recognition of where we are unified is, I believe, more important than where we are divided, at this time. There will come a point when a culling of the weaker elements among us must come, and I think recognizing that is important, too, because projecting that reality into more mind will help more to choose to get in line behind the real leaders when they come to power, rather than trying to assassinate them, like they attempted with Hitler.

Spencer and his ilk are already dead in the water and have been rejected by nearly everyone, but if someone like Sellner actually gets any weight behind him with his pro-Jew movement you can bet that he will be considered "fair game" and a threat to white survival.

I agree with all of this.

So who are you defending, because I guarantee if its not us they are for something like that.

Did you know Goebbels disagreed vehemently with Hitler on market freedom? Goebbels had more in common with communists. The thing that set him apart to ultimately side with Hitler was racial loyalty, and the fact that Hitler was better than everyone else.

I'm not defending any other groups. I'm saying do your thing your way, and time will tell if your path is best. Of course I don't agree with civnat faggots., and don't consider them an ally.

Thats a politician tier non answer. I asked who youre defending, apparently no one, so there is no problem. No reason for your thread to exist, youre a liar, you wont tell me who youre representing but its definitely not us. There will be plenty of time to figure out the individual distinctions that will make the unique brands of National Socialism in each individual country as National Socialism only works on a national level where it represents the unique interests of its own people. Rockwells version was not the same as the NSDAP's and he himself pointed to this difference. Our problems arent on issues like that, Strasserists for example get roped.

Also if you actually knew what you were doing you would know what tone this thread sets and what effect would be created by making this thread given the climate of what is going on. I can probably guess who youre representing, what provoked this thread at this point in time. Theres a lot of identitarians being banned, theres an anti-enoch thread, theres Anglins reputation going in the toilet, people are drifting towards anti-democratic means of resistance. You could be from several groups and maybe even a fed deradicalization shill, or maybe youre just not using your head.

You just want to fight, and that's fine.
Agreed, but they were integral to movement before victory was achieved. Hitler considered Strasser a friend, but did what he had to when the time came.

That's a reasonable argument, but the context of my decision to write the OP is in actually in the OP. Age of Treason made a really good point.

Irrelevant, they had a racially homogeneous country which could easily be united through democratic means. We dont. Heydrich had one brother shot in his cell and left to bleed out while he contemplated his treason.

Elaborate a bit, that's an interesting thread. I've wondered at times whether the invasion of white countries isn't natures way of strengthening whites weakened by peace. Not that I'd advocate for it at all. We need to come up with better ways to maintain quality and racial identity.

Try deporting all non-whites after their resistance has been broken, through any means necessary, and we have ruled out voting as one of those.

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If you havent read siege its Revolutionary National Socialism as opposed to Political National Socialism. Rockwells time is over, its too late for that, the demographics have changed. Voting is no longer viable, not just in America.

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I think most of the so called infighting among the pro-whites since unite the right has been exactly this.

When it was clear pro-white sentiment was gaining ground everyone disagreed on how to proceed beyond memes and shitposting.

Clearly street battles with commies in a fully ZOG town isn't the answer. Nor is Heimbach's nazi larping. But let Nick Fuentes and James Allsup do their thing. Let TRS do their thing. Let Luke Ford do his thing. It all helps more than it hurts.

Memes and shitposting is a working strategy, everyone agrees on that. "It's OK to be white" was a glorious success, but it's not enough and no one knows what will work so we need to try everything that might work.

WW2 was lost because it was a country the size of Oregon vs pretty much the entire world. They could have won every battle with a 10 to 1 kill ratio and they still would have lost the war due to attrition.

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It's scary because it's basically brainwashing, but what if we had some system like in Total Recall, or the book "Armor" by John Steakly, where you could implant memories into people to make them have a genuine experience of why our heritage, traditions, history, and way of life matter? I think that would be an excellent way of maintaining a national standard.

I'm glad you get me, but on the point of Germany's loss, I don't agree. After reading "Hitler's War" it's apparent to me that the amount of betrayal and cowardice Hitler suffered is what lost the war.

I really like the tactic of simply getting non-whites to hate Jews. I've been doing it for years and it's seems to be fairly successful for Patrick Little. All you need to do is point out all the things they hate "white people" for was really jews. Slavery, banking scandals, war in Iraq, etc.

The non-whites can tear down jewry in a way white seem unable to do. Once they are no longer running things it would be easy to turn everyone else against spics while bolstering white unity.

From there whites and asians could get rid of the niggers. Then whites would be a supermajority and could form an ethnostate. All of this could be done through voting. You just have to divide and conquer.

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>a recognition of where we are unified is, I believe, more important than where we are divided, at this time
We don't even need to be "united" any more than we will be in the future. Think of all of the fags whose opinions are clearly wrong (it doesn't matter what you think is wrong/correct). If their ultimate goal is to advance whites and end kikes, you just have to tell them to fuck off politely disagree and either let them be, or counter their methods (rather than their goals), either through extended reasoning (if warranted) or banter and memes.

The greatest redpill is that there isn't a single objective truth. We don't know what the future holds. We don't know what we will create. We will always need disagreement, and so it better be constructive.

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There's an audio of Hitler near the end of the war it's not a speech, just a private conversation, he talking about how they achieved the monumental feat of building 12,000 tanks. But it was meaningless because the US built over 50,000 and the commies built over 50,000, not to mention UK and all the others. He said had he known what he was facing he would never have invaded Poland.

Against those numbers the superior quality of German men and equipment didn't matter.

Obtain power and use it to advance white interests, also have white babies. I think that covers it.

The "stop infighting" maymay is usually used in defense of philosemite controlled opposition like Dicky Spencer, GI, and TRS. You wouldn't be here to shill for controlled opposition, would you?

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Judge a tree by its fruits user.
It doesn't matter what those are doing. Do better yourself and lead by example rather than worrying about fags being fags.

that redpill was shit … i dont even know why you blacked it out

redpill becon action … your redpill was some sophist ass "it doesnt matter" type shit


It's a hard pill to swallow but objective truth is idealist. It's good to shoot for it but you will never hit bullseye.

stop posting and get out, cianigger

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maybe just because a guy is a great speaker doesnt mean he should make military decisions

I could just see the general saying "we might get stretched thin" and hitler saying "we are superior germans, are you defying me?" …. good speaker. but fucking idiot war mind, you have to think he was tricked by some jews to go as far as he did.

Haven't we all?

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I like your post, and that statement is perhaps meant for a specific context, but initial reaction is "Holy shit, no. Get your nihilistic relativism out of here."

Hitler ate the blackpill towards the end. I forget which of his staff said it, but they maintained after the war that had the field marshalls followed Hitler's orders to the letter instead of opting for a vanity rush straight towards Moscow while Hitler was sick, the war would have been won in 1942. There are many other factors that contributed to the loss, like Goring being incompetent, and wasting resources on stuff other than the projects Hitler demanded of him; and some bad decisions and tendencies on Hitler's part as well.

I don't like your effort here to paint Germany's fight as have been futile based on numbers. Whites are 8% of the world, and not unified, but our fight is not hopeless.

You're wrong. Hitler was an incredible warlord.

It's not Nihilism, it's Socratism. Of course I think I am correct, I have to. But I am probably not 100% correct. E.g., I think the "white sharia" fags are idiots, but can really I be sure? As whites we have to keep some level of individualism, so even if we have the same goal, there may be different ways to reach it. As long as they all have a kernel of truth, we should find middle ground.

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fuck off and die

The only ideal is truth, objective reality is truth. Truth is God. Faggot clown shill

Not being sure and believing that there is no truth are not the same thing. There would be no point to arguing if there was no truth. Be careful with how you word things, because your previous post comes off not as "seek truth", but as "there is no truth".

Pretty fucking absurd logic, isnt it?

Ok, I worded it quite poorly. There is a truth, problem is we can never be sure we're grasping it entirely. See my point? Your future self will be wiser than your present self.

Thanks and noted. I will keep it in mind.

I understand. That is why we strive our entire lives to enter Heaven so that we may know all.
God is the beginning and the end. Alpha and the Omega. Cause and the effect. Effect and the cause. He is one and one is all.

Math is also the only way in which we understand God for it is the language of our entire existence. What has not been explained will be should be our motto because it would allow us to be closer to God.

Just look at Galileo and his heliocentric model supplanting the geocentric model. Even then he was wrong and is supplanted by the helical model.

What we know as truth today may not be the truth tomorrow and likewise for the past. Which is why we ought to observe truth in its entirety. The only way to do this is to seek entrance into Heaven.

The answers we seek are in the stars and we will manifest our destiny. As it was in the beginning is now and shall be forever.

I knew you meant well.

It's details we have trouble with, but there are broad truths we can grasp that set us free.

You present a quite beautiful way to look at things, hopefully you're right, but try not to sperg out at anons with a more pessimistic outlook. Not everyone that disagrees with you is a shill.

OP not being a fucking faggot would be nice.

Was he? I don't see how discussion would ever hurt. Considering you're clearly not a massive faggot yourself, there's probably an argument you'd like to present.

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Learn to recognize shills, get paid, do something with your life. Then realize that only certain people have the ability to live up to our standards. If we simply had freedom of association like we had before the ((civil rights)) fraud, the natural order of things would reassert itself quickly. And if history teaches you anything, a small artificial change in the balance of things often results in a huge restructuring of society. But people naturally side and help their own. You'd be surprised how little it might take to undo all this damage, just change back a few laws that were passed in the last 50 years and watch everything self-correct itself.

I know i was rather rash thanks though

just like this

There was some infighting in Germany. This contributed to her defeat.
And of course America and the USSR were powerful enemies.
However I'd say that Hitler's primary mistakes were
1. His "shit on all Slavs all the time and rub their faces in it" policy. He could have destroyed the Soviet Union completely by causing rebellions and uprisings and playing on Stalin's paranoia. But he figured that Slavs should be shit on all the time and their faces should be rubbed in it all the time and they should be given no hope or reason to support Germany.
That was selfish and ultimately destroyed Germany.

Some say that his alliance with Italy or Romania was what doomed the Axis, but I disagree. They played their part as best they could and while they certainly made blunders, they were not as bad they're made out to be. Others say that Hitler made bad military decisions and that this cost him the war. But this too is incorrect. Many of the times that he overrode his generals, he made brilliant decisions. Blitzkrieg was actually mostly Hitler's doing. Obviously he did make a few flaws, as any mortal would. But he came within 1000 meters of total victory in WW2. 1000 meters from Moscow. That's pretty fantastic given the circumstances.

No, his real second mistake was investing too much energy into overly specific "miracle weapons" like the Mous tank that ultimately did not have the potential to significantly change the battlefield and simultaneously cutting funding to real miracle weapons like nuclear technology that would have won the war. This always baffles me.

Honestly though, his worst mistake was in shitting on Slavs and rubbing their faces in misery. He could have entered Russia as a liberating hero but he found a way to piss off everyone and give patriotic Russians no alternative than to fight for communism. This was a tremendous mistake and Rockwell was absolutely correct in pointing this out.

Slavs, Germans, Saxons, French, Italians, Danes, and Irish. We are all in this together.

Is there an argument you would like to present? Or would you rather complain about someones opinion and spam shit tier ecelebs that dont do anything but waste our time?

Those guys have not done shit in their lives.

What good is listenting to an argument of someone that is clearly desiring a different end than you?

If there is no standard of agreement then there is no reason to argue. I dont want to agree with you. I like my ending so fuck off.

Now if you agree with me on the ends but think you have better means, then please prove it.

Go back to reddit with your shit tier pics

Yes: that disagreement can be a cooperative endeavor, and that it worked wonders for people against us. Case in point: jews who disagree on many things, but always in a pro-jewish manner.
Patently incorrect.
Many reasons - such as developing better arguments yourself.
Here's a standard: "does it work?" Clearly no one here has put GTKRWN into practice so we all have much to do.
Kikes have lots of organizations with vastly different points of view. Right vs. left, Soros vs. Civcucks, Feminists vs. MGTOWs, etc. It works for them, and it would work for us. The only thing we need to agree is our hatred of the jew. It isn't that hard. Live and let live, except kikes.

See if you like this one best, my dear non-jewish not-a-shill heterosexual user.

Attached: the final argument.jpg (1217x845, 162.59K)

Stopped reading right there. Nice try, kike.

Attached: 1504916039669.gif (500x332, 1.8M)

I'd have to go back to the books to argue against specifics (the only thing my brain effortlessly remembers is useless cinema trivia), but I came out of my reading wholly convinced that the war could have been won at many different points if not for failings and betrayals by people with the Reich.

I know the Luftwaffe was not in good hands for most of the war. Many of Hitler's production demands were frequently not meant, and he would find out only when it was too late, so he'd have to change his strategy to accommodate incompetence. His field marshalls consistently defied him on decisions that would later prove to be correct. Even if one can say that it was some external matter that would have changed the outcome of the war and be right, I maintain that the most important thing to take from Germany's loss is this: we need to fight the enemy before we fight each other.

Russia could have been defeated by 1942 without the power struggle in the Reich, even with Hitler's harshness. It wasn't just Hitler's attitude, though, he left people in charge of operations who were particularly hostile to the slavs, which of course was his decision, but he couldn't micromanage everything. He believed in putting competent people in positions to prove themselves, and by the end of the war he had pretty well filtered out the failures, and had a strong command structure. Too late at that point, though.

Understandable heuristic, but it doesn't serve you here. Nice digits.

Unfortunately this is a frequent pitfall of and I do not mean this in any sort of disrespect dictatorial, single party states. Unfortunately, in such a system it does not pay to be the bearer of bad news and powerful underlings have a tendency to keep the leader in the dark rather than risk upsetting him (and possibly being executed). Hitler was a great leader and not nearly as bloodthirsty as most of his contemporaries or even our own contemporaries. Stalin for instance would execute people left and right while Hitler generally exercised restraint. However he was not an angel and made mortal errors.
And please don't misunderstand my criticism of dictatorial regimes as shilling for "dee-mockrazy"
I know well the shortcomings of democratic governments.

And I am not keen on shifting all blame to field marshals. We must not forget that some of Hitler's decisions were not all that great. Declaring war on America was stupid and based on outrageous overestimating of Germany's strength and a fantastical underestimation of America's. He sent Rommel to Africa with no clear objectives at all. This mistake is quite common in war and has proved disastrous to many a campaign. And of course, we must not forget Hitler's pointless "no retreat" orders for small islands or indefensible positions that did not play a critical role in the war effort.
So let's not pretend Hitler was some sort of military genius. He was no dummy and made some great decisions. However, there is no reason to expect a political leader to be a great general. Nor should we be surprised that a man thousands of kelometers from the front lines might make miscalculations.

It is true that Hitler can't micromanage everything. However, he made no effort at all to help the Slavs overthrow their jewish overlords. He promised only one thing; to replace jewish overlords with German ones.
So how can we blame the Slavs for fighting for their motherland? Better the (((devil))) you know than one you don't. This political choice that was made at the highest levels ultimately helped Stalin. Let's not forget that Hitler treated the French humanely and thus many French helped fight against communism. There were thousands of opportunities to declare the liberation of a RUSSIAN state for RUSSIANS. He didn't take them because he thought that he could have ALL of the land for himself. And that was very selfish.
Announcing the liberation of Russia from the hated jewish overlords is not micromanaging. That's macro.

I can't stand Luke Ford. Everything about that guy pisses me off. I don't understand how anyone can sit through any of his content without wanting to beat him unconscious.

America was already attacking German ships before Hitler made it official, so I don't this is significant at all. The rest of your points I'd have to do more refreshing on, but even were I to grant you every point there, I'd still contend that the war's loss could have been prevented without traitors comprising half the Reich.

That is a good point about being the bearer of bad news in the dictatorial state, because that was definitely a thing. There were guys under Himmler agonizing over how to get the word to Hitler about Himmler's jew liquidation program (Before someone throws a fit, I'm getting this from David Irving, not just pulling it out of my ass).

Attacking subs and landing a million man invasion force in France are two different things. Japan attacked the US, not Germany. Hitler should not have made the mistake of handing FDR exactly what he wanted… or rather, of handing his jewish controllers exactly what they wanted.
As I said, declaring war was stupid. If you're in the middle of a fight and some people on the side are insulting you, don't throw a chair at them. Wait until you're finished with the fight you have and then you'll be in a stronger position.
I'll grant you that there were many amoral political animals within the Reich who were more concerned with enriching themselves than National Socialism. This is a recurring problem with any wordism based society. Obviously National Socialism is or should be based on the most organic substance of which society is built; blood.
However it's easy to become lost in particularisms within any political ideology that calls itself an ism.
This is a problem because if the elites begin viewing an ideology on which a nation is based as just another wordism, they lose all connection to what is being fought for and retreat into self enrichment.
Communist countries suffer this greatly. The elites almost never actually buy into the communist propaganda and become corrupt plutocrats who will sell each other (and the country) out for anything. Take China or Vietnam as examples. You think their elites give two shits about the state wordism? Not at all.
This doubtless affected many of Germany's elite and led them to self centered behavior.
However this is all philosophical and there's not much we can do about it because wordism is here to stay and people LOVE pigeonholing themselves into this wordism or that wordism and fighting each other over trivialities. Zig Forums is a great example of that.
A completely healthy society bases its political discorse on just one thing; blood.
Which ties back to OP.
Instead of asking "What is best for Germans?"
Hitler almost certainly would have won if he had asked "What is best for the White race?"
Would it have been easy? No. Not at all.
It would have taken decades of steady propaganda to unite the White world against the jews. But if he had taken this brilliant rout, there would never have been a World War 2. There would have been one glorious White revolution and a real holocaust.

But back to our timeline. Obviously there was a lot of double crossing and petty infighting within the German elite. This certainly caused problems. However I'd say that it was worse in the later stages of the war, when things were not all roses and parades. I mean, you had a group of traitors try to assassinate Hitler. Who knows who else was involved.
One lesson that we can take from this is that no government or (((System))) is as powerful or as unified as they tell us it is. Hitler's Germany was on the whole, pretty unified politically. And yet in times of trouble, many chose to try to sell Hitler out.
Imagine the thoughts that will go through the minds of our own political elites when things get bad for the jews. No one serves the jews because they love jews. In fact, jews are the most unlovable race on the planet.
I expect many elites to change sides long before the Turner Diaries happen.