Jewish dreams of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital go back thousands of years In the Second century AD, Jewish rebels who had stunned the Romans and liberated a portion of Judea, overstruck imperial coins with images and a message of their own, “Year One of the Redemption of Jerusalem.” The Roman emperor Hadrian had planted the seeds for the rebellion with his ambitions to remake Jerusalem, including the planned construction of a Temple to Jupiter on the site of the old Jewish Temple. The leader of the Jewish rebellion, Bar Kokhba, was fired by a vision of a united Israel with Jerusalem as its capital that had been the exception during the prior millennium, thanks to the depredations of the Assyrians and Babylonians, among others. But such was the power of the national idea — and his messianic zeal — that Bar Kokhba ventured all on regaining it. And lost. Not for nearly another 2,000 years would the vision come to fruition. At a ceremony in 1982 burying bones of some of those long-ago rebels with military honors, Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin declared, ‘’Israel and Judea are reborn. We have redeemed Jerusalem.”
The Jews have always been a terrible menace to Europe.
Even the Americans have suffered at their meddling hands.
A race without a nation. A people without their own creed. A religion without borders to contain it.
Give the Jews a home and the threat ends.
Give the Jews a nation, and they will never need to meddle again.
But if they do…
Caleb Turner
Daniel Gomez
They will just use it to spread their influence more and commit crimes while judging themselves to be innocent. They will never leave US or Europe since not all of them believe in zionism to begin with.
Brandon Hall
Jews are Kiked by their own religion. You can do business during prayer. You must lie to the goyim gentile dogs. It will never end until the last jewish text is burned and Rabbi executed for crimes against humanity.
Samuel Smith
The Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque have to be destroyed and leveled for there to be one true Jerusalem and a Third Temple built.
These religions are cults that subvert our natural instincts and intelligence.
I abhor all three, but the world has already been dipped in the sewage. There is no hope of purging these dark cults from the minds of humans.
The belief in a "god" is to believe in an ultimate authority: This creates fear and obedience, while promising immortality.
Humans were too weak to resist the sirens. The beautiful lies of "immortality in heaven" and "justice for evil" were too much, and now we cannot ever escape.
But if you have strength of mind enough to understand my words, know this: There is no paradise except what we ourselves build. There is no justice except that which our own hands deliver. And there is no god. Only man.
Cameron Butler
This, it's literally in their religion to commit every atrocity known to man against anyone or anything not a part of their tribe. "Goyim" or "Gentile" is essentially their "nigger" slur for everyone else.
How proud Americans must be for Christianity to be such an important stepping stone for Jewish world domination.
John Russell
neanderthal fairytales
Michael Hill
If there is a God then the same thing will happen. Within 20-30 years kikeland will become so degenerate he won't have a choice.
Levi Miller
Evangelicucks are lovin it.
Xavier Sanchez
Kikes have an internal war brewing between the orthokikes who refuse to work and join the mil, degenerate kikes, and the run of the mil kikes trying to hold everything together. Like all commie platforms they'll destroy themselves.
Hudson Hernandez
We did it guys. Mission accomplished. Their lives were not lost for nothing.
Exactly but that would require them to do the dirty work themselves which goes against their evil deeds via goy proxy talmud rule. Forget the fact that those mutts are breeding faster than niggers. Can't wait to see how this plays out.
Samuel Davis
I find it funny how the orthokikes have always been a needle on the side of the (((tribe))). They are the ones who follow the Torah while the more evil kikes (Rothschilds ect.) follow the Talmud that gives them expectations to the many rules. Who knows if the orthodox actually worship Moloch and sees the other jews as heathens.
Jaxon King
No. We need to preserve their books and records of their existence. Whites who aren't raised with daily exposure to them never believe that they can be as nasty as they are. If we burn their books and records of their misdeeds, future whites will be taken all over again by some surviving germ of future jews. Are you implying that you think if we just burn their books and rabbis, the remainder will become good citizens? That the problem with them is just a minority in their leadership? The root of jewish behavior is jewish genetics. They are all bad. Records must be kept of them and what they've done.
Leo Anderson
and why they were eradicated from the rolls of humanity.
Oliver Cooper
yay!!! Christcucks love the idea
Landon Young
Best video showing that the new Temple of God will be built in the city of David
Jared Kushner is the Messiah
Owen Butler
you know, i changed house a couple of times in my life. i guess i can reclaim those places back on the grounds that i lived there once, right?
Ian Cook
pls do it. and while i watch your sunni dogs turning against you and biting you hard, i'll also enjoy your pet politicians who are so fond of reminding us that #notallmuslims trying to convince us that we need to side with our greatest ally.
Christopher Rodriguez
Then you've made them all the stronger. And that's exactly what happened. Now we have jews peddling degeneracy all over the world and they have a bloody headquarters to boot. The jew will never be content, it must always corrupt and deform that which is beautiful. Israel is a blight upon the Earth, and the only cure is to exterminate every last jew insect in the planet.
Wyatt James
No one will do anything, this is what has been planned, there is a 25 year plan, a 50 year plan, and a 100 year strategic plan in place, death will come to all goyims by attrition. Robotic workers are the next key step, along with AI. Trump is assisting in this as have the last 8 shabbos Goy US Presidents. The future is aNew World Order.
Ethan Garcia
What confuses me more isn't that jews do this. It's that whites and another groups don't have these 1000 year plans for world domination, passed down to each generation.
Hudson White
people don't, but nation states do, and this is a perfect example of how you exploit a nation state to your own ends. Think USA and EU. Corrupted to the core, serving the interests of (((others))) and not their own citizenry. Seriously can no one not say Merkel is not a traitor to the very core???? And then what about France? these stragetic plans are laddered over several years, knowing the political process so one they go into effect, 10 years later, no one is going to go after Bill Clinton, or John McCain, or past UK leaders, or Presidents in France, …..why chase after decisions that were made 15 years ago, when they destroy you today Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump….. no one is going to chase after these people in 15 years, everyone will be retired. Their pension will be 10-15k a month, maybe as high as 25k a month.