Spics and Marxism

Why do we allow spics to spread Marxism in the United States?
It seems like a big portion of DSAers in my town are full blown Mexicans.

Socialism failed in Brazil, Venezuela, Cuba, and Argentina. Internally the people in that continent are fighting against the Marxists.
We cannot allow the demographic shift to continue and shift our democracy into a failed communist state.

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Not all of us spics are that retarded. I like food, big tits, guns, and not having my fucking legs amputates by cartels. I may not agree with natsoc fags on everything, but i'll help you gas the kikes and degens so we can have am honorable war in the future.("Not all of us spics are that retarded" says the spic as he posts on a nazi board somehow expecting not to be sent back)

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America as a failed state eliminates israel's viability. Unless there is a genuine and radical shift in REAL US geopolitics, destroying the country and its attendant kike crafted ideological idiosyncrasies is unfortunately the path of least resistance. That's an extremely bitter pill to swallow, but it is what it is. It's not set in stone, but it's on the table like it or not.

Go fuck yourself.


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There is only one guy in that picture that doesn't look like a weak fuck.

Agreed. Only soyboys smile in pictures.


In every marxist system, somebody gets to be in charge of the masses. Guess who that is, and therefore who is in favor of more agitation.

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The same reason we allow women and muds to vote.
Of course, they're merely acting in their own rational self interest. If you could vote to take resources from those who are more successful than you, and have them given to you, woudln't you? It's not like you can avoid paying up when the state holds a monopoly on violence and the result of you not paying is you getting kidnapped by men with guns and locked in a cage, or killed on site if you resist.

So what do we do? Fuck if I know.

Fuck off cuckchan, you know it's jews.

Clearly, you are.

Good one.

No one here 'allows it'. Zog does. By not enforcing existing laws so that they get votes and their financiers receive cheap labor. Spics seem to have a genetic affinity towards commie shit. Chaulk it up to another flaw in their mongrol DNA.

Blame the pathetic boomers who wanted to have their homes remodeled but didn't want to pay a decent wage to a white man to do it. And blame the kike-infested ZOG that thinks these shitskins will be better voters for their crimes than whites.

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Oops. Cleaned-up version.

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We do not directly allow them to. It is our degenerate school system teaching an anti-white curriculum pro-shitskin curriculum backed by decades of marxists politics and corrupt politicians, ngos/banks/intel community/globalist fuckbois raping our nation of its resources.

Also, marxism and socialism are taught as the only political ideologies where "change" can happen. (((They))) attempt to weaponize those ideologies to destroy our western civilization and way of life.

What you are perceiving is just one corrupt cog in the entire system. However, these spics need to be deported and will be deported. Our nation will retain the phenotype of our founding fathers.

I can spot at least 1 communist handler in that photo.
Also, the crowd is multi-nationality.
How is your face recognition project going?

No matter how much it fails, socialism will be popular since envy is an inherent human flaw. However, due to their very collectivist nature spics are especially prone to this issue. But the "capitalism versus socialism" argument is pointless, Ian Smith in Rhodesia argued this point for decades and it fell on deaf ears because ultimately this envy is dealt with most aggressively in a society with a large White population because even though they won't admit openly, shitskins are jealous as fuck to mighty Whitey… it's absolutely a racial thing, and that's it.

Mestizos were never meant to exist, they are hideous mongrels. Rape babies of Spaniards who then bred more and more and filled up Latin America. They are a hideous race of people

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And not a single one of them are hygienic or are fit.

The commies import commies. Mexico doesn't want them, californian commies do.

Why do we allow an invasion from a former enemy of war? I think we both know the answer:

Our mods admitting what they really are:

Colombia and Chile seem to still remain anti-Marxist strongholds, but the Marxism is starting to make a comeback with the youth, I'm told. Looks like another Pinochet is in order.

Spics are predisposed to communism like niggers are predisposed to crime. It takes a dictator to get the commie out them.

Lack of abstract thinking.

A spic is vulnerable to the concept of future gift: when someone tells you that the marxist revolution will bring you great wealth, your mind conjures a POSSIBILITY; when the spic is told the same, his mind understands a PROPHECY.

They will believe any marxist propaganda because in their mind, it is literally 'already happened in the future'.

There was this news story a while back in Mexico.
A bus full of students were detained by the federal police and handed over to the cartels. They all ended up in a mass grave. It resulted in protests in the state that it happened, media outrage, all that hot garbage.
As it turns out, the bus was full of students from a openly Marxist "school" (It was more like a cults compound) that had a history of stirring up violence. I guess the feds were just about done with their shit.
I wonder if the Commies and Narcs have some kind of vendetta against each other.

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OP: baby's first day on Zig Forums

How does pol feel that the only successful right wing and left wing dictatorships were all done by spics?

Neither the Nazis nor the Italians were able to cash in on their "investments" in Spain. Franco saw Hitler only once and, as an old specialist on criminals from his days in the Tercio, he immediately sized up his partner.
Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn (1974). Leftism: From de Sade and Marx to Hitler and Marcuse, Arlington House Publishers, p. 271

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That was a funny way of phrasing "don't shoot, I'm Che!"

Criminals are considered something called "lumpenprole" in marxists analysis.
These are proles that are frozen outside the economic system but make their money illegally.
They are bad people because they collaborate with the bourgeois.
There are stories of the CIA trying to use the mafia to assassinate castro for instance

Communism just sounds like state enforced slavery, like feudalism but not as cool.

No need to be insulting here, in a brutal way feudalism at least actually worked.

Oh, yes, then enjoy the wage slavery of being a free man under capital. As the capitalist slowly replaces you with third worlders in order to attain cheap labor and drive down wages.
Thats the real reason its happening pol, not the jews.

Which is why it's much cooler than communism.
With feudalism you had kings and courts.
With communism you had some dirty old cunts with shitty facial hair

Why not just live off the grid?

Communism and fascism are revolutionary, this means fighting, violence, overthrowing the state and seizing power.

Go hide in the woods then you little coward

True, rather fight "for king and country" than for some cocksucker larping as a worker while living better than everyone else. At least the kings are honest about their desire to own everything, and on top of that they have neat crowns.

I get to keep my toothbrush under wage slavery. You are right about the capitalist replacing us with third worlders in this case. Boiling frog kind of deal, in this case it is better for you fags to try to bring in all of the third worlders so even normalfag conservatives like my dad are against it rather than slowly bringing them in through worker visas.

Please overthrow the state and seize power. Seeing my two most hated enemies fight each other like retards trying to be first down the water slide would do my heart good. Or are you just going to fuck with actual working class people and knock over trashcans as usual, tranny?

You are side stepping the issue here, but whatever. Revolutionaries are faggots.

What does this shit even mean.

Its such a nonsensical argument that doesnt address anything.

Good luck being a cock sucking peasant with your neo feudalism you stupid dipshit.

Looks like a struck a nerve with that one.

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Either youre being retarded on purpose or you never finished gradeschool. You're about as bright as a week old turd.

The use spic is targeted towards the disgusting mestizos rapebabies south of border. Not Whites like Spaniards. Much like a Jamaican and a British person, the only thing that links them is a (watered down and niggerfied) language.

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DSA is funded by the Chinese and Russian governments to overthrow democracy.

wow, good job OP. Im surprised to see a post like this and I am in total agreement. They are disgusting, they are controlled by cartels.

they are totally stealing jobs. you could go into mcdonalds with a business attire and BEG them for a job. They wouldnt
not to mention this garbage that the jews force them to read at the community colleges.
It's all about hating white people

Spics are spics.
Regardless if they have mostly Injun or Muslim admixture.

Pinoshit was Chilean and another dude from Argentina was AuthCap, so fair is fair. and besides the only based leaders to come from S.A. were Salgado and Peron.

An interesting thing to note is that there is an overwhelming slant towards the right wing in Latin America, especially towards Christian Conservatism. I think the reason why the beaners who come to the U.S. support left-wing movements is either because they want to abuse the weakness of the American left or because they were driven out of their homeland for being commies.

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Mod, gas yourself.

And another Jew shows up.

I enjoy laughing at how much spics embrace communism and fail over and over. Brazil was among the most fun. They should have just followed Chile's lead who turned out to be the best country in the region by going the opposite of being a bunch of commie retards.

What did you think about the latest Murdoch Murdoch episode?

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What is on that flag?

DSA logo

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it was pretty sweet. quality content.

No spic country was officially communist. Brazil fails because it's mostly a bunch of monkeys.
Cuba is officially communist so it fails despite their high amounts of pure Spaniards.

have you seen that video of david rockefeller being yelled at in chile?

I can't speak for the rest of the country but as a native Texan and political consultant for the GOP, Hispanics are pretty divided when it comes to politics. Most of them may not like Trump, but I know that half tend to be pretty conservative leaning.

Understanding the difference between Mexicans, Tejanos, urban Hispanic youth and those who are more rural in their upbringing is key in understanding how complex the Hispanic vote really is. Most who are generations separated from their immigrant ancestors are already pretty Americanized and are actually more "redneck" than most whites down here. Even those who despise Trump and would be more likely to vote Democrat are actually very conservative in their personal beliefs but don't even bother voting because they see it as a waste of time.

That's just Texas though, I don't really have much experience canvassing other border states with a large Hispanic population.

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Who's "we?"
Jews allow this and the government allows it. We have no power.

Good point.

In seriousness, you should be glad that spics are marxists in your area. That will redpill your neighbors faster because the more obnoxious mestizos are, the more racial White people will get. Mestizos are obnoxious. Marxists are very obnoxious.
Combine the two and you get a strong reaction. I wish to God that we could get brown people more interested in marxism. It would be a very educational experience for the White middle class to see gangs of black and brown marxists screaming for their blood.

• Franco
• spic
Lol, no. Pinochet was also white. Maybe it's something in the Spanish culture that allowed for more radical politics to thrive. Chile's armed forces were also heavily influenced by Prussia from the German immigration.

children misbehaving?
tell their parents

The GOP needs cleaning out, as does Texas. Maybe share pic related with somebody at Cuck HQ, so you and the other DREAMers can drop the Based-Spic dreams you have.

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