2 NYPD detectives were killed mid 2017.
Today, Trump attends event to commemorate police officers killed in Line of Duty.
Many emails in wikileaks about Chris Cillizza
2 NYPD detectives were killed mid 2017.
Today, Trump attends event to commemorate police officers killed in Line of Duty.
Many emails in wikileaks about Chris Cillizza
Other urls found in this thread:
There was a time when this would have really shocked me. I'm so numb to the media's disgusting antics by now that nothing they do surprises me anymore. There are no lines they aren't willing to cross.
good find
The comment of CNN having it's WH press pass revoked is a good idea.
After that CNN is a direct threat to the physical safety of WH staff, including the President.
If you still have a twitter be sure and report him for inciting violence.
Paranoia: 500%
I wish they would chain these people together. Like Chris Cillizza should be chained to Philip Mudd should be chained to Oskar Eutis (Julius Caesar Trump play director) should be chained to Kathy Griffin should be chained to Snoop Dogg and so on until the end of Trump's presidential term(s).
This (((reporter)) ) sounds like a beaner
why is there a sniper aim on trump? I don't get it
If anything I'm surprised they aren't being more brazen and outright saying he needs to be killed for commemorating conspiracy theorists or some shit.
Nice damage-control.
You know the game is rigged when high profile politicians get away with suggesting assassination on twitter.
its just a prank, bro!
Pssst! You're missing the bigger half of the story here.
2 NYPD detectives were killed mid 2017.
Secret Service will be at his door tonight to scare the shit out of him and his family
What a badass mother fucker
They had better. This is a brazen threat against Trump. And his pissweak cover story doesn't lend him plausible deniability at all, given that he a) clicked "post" to submit when the image preview showed the cross-hair; and b) didn't retract or correct the post immediately, as one would have done in case of a genuine error. If someone had posted such an image of king nigger, Secret Service would be all over it.
If any Secret Service guys are on the board, I have a request. Can you please make this Chris Cilizza go into work tomorrow with a black eye? That shit would make my day.
I would equally like to see that
Chris Cillizza and the employees of CNN have by their actions engaged in sedition, treason and to encourage a conspiracy to assassinate a president of the USA. They are a clear and present danger to the safety, security and function of the Republic and have to be handled with extreme prejudiced. Their children, relatives and all known associates need to be tracked down, I.D. and contained.
After the Gabby Giffords shooting, the media (especially CNN) went ballistic about "gun sights", and even whined for days about a poster Sarah Palin put out with vulnerable dems in crosshairs. Yet they'll find no fault with this. Hopefully the Secret Service will ruin Cillizza's life for a bit.
check'd 4 based SS administered disciplinary facebump
This faggot is dangerous to our democracy
This interesting sequence of digits confirms, good luck and prosperity will come to the agent who makes Cilizza wear a shiner tomorrow.
In CY+3, anyone who doesn't immediately release and disseminate information over the internet and sneakernet is a fucking retard.
Bumping for a lovetap for Cilizza.
Perhaps that picture has something to do with covering one eye/all seeing eye symbolism shit in their spirit cooking.
Chris P((izza)) Cillizza?
Imagine in the dying seconds of your life, you decide to upload sensitive data to Zig Forums which sheepstate is about to kill you for, only to be greeted with the Zig Forums capture.
What part of "immediately" do you not understand?
Someone is getting a visit from the SS.
I hope they smash his faggot blue glasses during the raid.
>OY it was an (((accident)))!
fucking cunts.
Oh more than his glasses are getting smashed if the SS is making a visit. They got plungers and shit.
Probably something like 20cm of wood on those handles. At least.
The lack of autism is why normalfags fuck everything up.
Secret Service is in on Pizza Gate.
Reminder that CNN did something like this once before with Steve Bannon, although they were much more subtle about it. They framed him in a shot behind the grille of a window, forming the cross of a cross hair with a vignette around him, recreating the look of a rifle scope.
Faggots are getting sloppy.
Everyone knows why Obama's detail was suicidal, kike.
I don't know what gifgrabber is, but is it true even?
Doesn't matter if it is. They know what they post when they post it. It isn't obscured until they post.
Of course he would! We've found a link between Stormy Daniels branding and the Catholic church!
This shit is huge.
I also linked Spirit Cooking with the Order of the Eastern Star, and a disturbing (execution?) video.
Ok, but they use make-up, user.
More like, 'Chinzilla' amirtie guise? I have no idea who this fat fuck is, but he's probably butthurt about his wife fucking niggers and that he isn't getting blasted with a face full of simian man love, live on the air. Why the fuck is this stickied? No pun intended it just worked out that way xD.
I wouldn't even think about posting that shit as a joke in this day, the gall of these fuckers…
The main point here is user, that piece of shit knew exactly what he was posting when he did it.
This is why you morons keep getting killed off before you release anything. I swear if every one of you just posted everything you find on Zig Forums, twitter, some obscure imageboards, reddit, what haveyou the moment you do, you would survive in at least half the cases. The deep state loses the rational reason to kill you, the moment you post what you have. You are genuinely asking to get suicided.
it's the Jews. Get the stick out of your ass and see the writing on the wall, better yet, ask a rabbi. They don't even keep it a secret, they advertise it. Ask a rabbi to tell you all you want to know about the Jewish kabbalah, how to do it and what it's history is. You will recognize all the deities the circles are dedicated to to be figures you consider satanic.
could you explain user?
They're all the little bitch of some person with anger management issues. The picture implies it's the same one with all of them.
This has meme potential
start drawing crosshairs on ((( them))) - not like the can complain about it
I'm trying to find these two police officers
Detective Miosotis P. Familia is the most obvious suspicious death, from an ambush one shot in the head. Perp was killed in subsequent gunfire. - shot just after midnight July 5 “assassinated in an unprovoked attack on cops”
Not so obvious is Trooper Joel R. Davis, New York State PD
The second police officer could also be Police Officer Robert J. Johnson, but he is Northville Police Department NY, struck by a car while getting his gun to shoot a deer that was already hit by another car. struck July 3 9:50pm died July 4
Of the 13 deaths, 1 was K9, 1 drowned, 6 9/11-related illness, 1 died from complications from gunshot 31 years earlier, 1 single-vehicle crash.
Would the second police officer be Northville PD, or the NY State Police where an army officer also killed his wife before shooting him?
army officer killed wife vs Northville (population 1099) July 4
Has anyone figured this out already?
Also, Detective Shaniqua Osborne, 42, died on duty of a heart attack at the 9th Precinct in Manhattan on March 20, 2017.
Why of all races only K9 is specifically mentioned?
8 died of heat exhaustion. :(
President Trump honors Officer Miosotis Familia by bringing her family on stage.
Police. Active Investigation. Evidence.
You suggest upload to Zig Forums?
Otherwise yes, put it out there as fast as possible, but who unless they're somehow involved or journo would have information like that. Not most of Zig Forums keyboard warriors, oh unless also hacker.
The same police that can't stop a school shooter when everyone the shooter knows, including himself, tell them a shooting will happen for months? That police? Not an excuse not to post the evidence on imageboards. Active investigation? Like on the official channels? The official channels that never fucking get the job done because all investigations get either stalled indefinitely or warded off from causing any consequences through the court system? Bullshit. Post it all. The more, the better. You're just asking to get killed off. The average keyboard warrior did more for your nation in one year than you will your entire life at this rate.
Disagree. Besides, imagine Huma's "Life Insurance" folder on Weiner's laptop would be hefty GB. It's Seth Rich level stuff.
Ha, I got hit with a captcha.
Comparably recently, someone popped up on half/pol/ and here hyping up how he supposedly has video evidence of Hillary engaging in pizzagate levels of child abuse. Yes, instead of posting shit, they made threads about wanting to 'prepare to launch it properly'. Spent two days doing that. Then they vanished. Had that person not been a faggot like yourself and posted proofs if they had any, they'd still be alive. Instead, they are now the sad memory of someone spending their life working hard in an attempt to be important and getting their accomplishments overshadowed by those of random people from behind anonymity. If you get good info and you don't post it, you might as well put a gun to your head and pull the trigger, because a day or two later, someone else will do it for you.
That's a good excuse to take a few hours to upload it on various hosting services. Not days. Days is suicide. In fact, if you're going to go through the world with this naive boomer mindset, you might as well kill yourself to clean out the playing field. Whatever job or position you hold irl, I'd rather a kike or a nigger hold it in your stead as they'd make the same choices as you, but the lines are more clear and obvious for undecided observers.
I didn't disagree with you about posting in other cases, but I'd imagine police evidence is under lock and key. It's hard to imagine what's on it, that they only saw it and were allegedly killed because of that. Why even?
I thought the mask-cannibal video was a psyop. The woman in the "dominos" mask is a hush hush vegetarian supper club host? Maybe it's a front for something as the address is secret and a questionnaire was required of each one attending.
Also her blog mentioned she found a red spot on her that she thought was blood when she's vegetarian. She used to work for the World Bank too. Wait, should we be digging this? I remember seeing on her blog or somewhere that she would take her mask off in a tourism/promotional video somewhere in the past but I couldn't find it. This is actually also relevant to the thread, as the video you mentioned was rumored to be on the laptop.
It's far more simple.
If it's so simple, explain it, faggot.
Is the agency actually employing mentally challenged individuals such as you, now?
Don't answer, it's rhetorical.
This is why you should have something in your dead man switch would would at least implode a G7 country. Nothing less.
that template overlay apparently creates a translucent green film over whatever you put under it is a sniper lense template overlay in that gif app which in combination with the image of trump is not pleasant. I have noticed the mainstream media has started using graphics of a computer terminal and the matrix cascades in their Russian news bits so that could go into the whole "key" font in the gif overlay which symbolizes a mechanical scope.
As far as trying to stop pizzagate I think CNN is more mad at their legitimization but maybe it is.
regardless it is childish that this anchor feels so entitled he is going to put an image of trump under a sniper template in a gif app.
I don't think children dream of armed revolution against white patriarchy. Only drug-addled kid-diddling big city Jews tend to have such free flights of violent fancy against white man, then again, they are the only "gatekeepers" of truth out there right? TOP KEK! Salty low IQ jews will never fetishize white genocide, no matter how hard they try by spamming us with niggers. Niggers will never cause white genocide you dumbfucks. White women are the key and we are winning them back from you psycho cunt murderers.
These people are childish because they are like the rich kids who have powerful internationalist kike daddies.
In that sense yeah. Spineless and soulless twerps wouldn't last a day outside their hugbox, let alone under a few minutes of white scrutiny.
To me they aren't children, but cowards and degenerates, plain and simple.
If you want to do business in New York, New Jersey or many other parts of the east coast you MUST make the Jewish population like you. If they don't like you then you WILL fail.
This is a lie.
You are not very good at it
did you just hatch ?
Those are spic rats.
Now they just have to point here and blame da NATZEES, isn't that right, moshe?
point is they cant
tfw: waiting for file to drop, that may never drop
Point is it is exactly what you fucks do. You keep coming back with your "Articles" and "evidence" from the bullshit you jew cunts create on your own trying to blame white men.
This is why you fuckers will all burn.
I think you are the jew here
see if they go around painting crosshairs on trump they cant go oyvey if they get crosshairs painted on them.
If you still think of them as people then you're making a grave mistake.
Reporters are demons whose mission is to annihilate all beauty, truth, and virtue in the universe.
6602 Rockmont Ct
Falls Church, VA 22043-1846
(703) 992-7189 - Landline
(703) 299-0636 - Landline
(860) 295-9997 - Landline
(860) 295-8981 - Landline
(202) 363-7056 - Landline
[email protected]
can i send him za?
be my guest
Someone make an ad on some gay hook up site saying there's a kinky Jewish-Italian fuckhole available for the first 3 men who show up. Tell them to just come around the back of the house and enter through the back door.
That dickhead better like pizza.
And that's why they let nigger crime run rampart.
man I expected CNN to give him a bigger house but meh. I'll call him soon, why does he have so many numbers?
Just looked it up, it's an Apple app that lets you "screen cap" videos to make gifs. Looking at their website, it shows the screen capture as a square box, while cnet shows it as the scope reticle.
Important to note though, is that gifgrabber has been combined into the giphy family since 2016, while the cnet article is from 2015. To me, this seems like they're either using a very old version on purpose, or they changed the "new" defaults to the "old" ones. I don't have a iphone or mac to download it and check myself, however.
Either way, they did this on purpose. That isn't the only program available to do what they "intended" to do. He purposefully used that and now is backtracking like the shitty kike that he is.
can i post?
This song was the single biggest Meme that unified the North to win the Civil War. The Spirit has inspired me to update it for the times we're living in.
Never forget, this is actually the 3rd Great Awakening in American history, you should study the first two. My dream is to see as many versions of this as possible in every style (from Punk to pop, Hip-hop to Electronic to more Traditional renditions), this has the power to stir, make this the Song of the Summer. Awards given to the best 3 vesions.
Godspeed Patriots, Godspeed Q, Godspeed Freedom and Justice for All.
Battle Hymn of the Republic, 2018
by The Match
Mere words can't tell the story of the Evil that we face,
Satan's Army is preparing putting all his Fiends in place,
The Son of God was sent to free the Trusting Human Race,
The Sword of Truth shall slay
Glory, Glory Hallelujah
Glory, Glory Hallelujah
Glory, Glory Hallelujah
The Sword of Truth shall slay
The Plan is rather ancient and it leads right to the Banks,
Selling Human Beings as Chattel, charging lethal interest rates,
A private group of families print up all the cash; It's Fake!,
Then send the Bill to Us
Education as presented is a fraud from A to Z,
Your Enslavers never wanted you to see reality,
Years and years of memorizing ain't the way to set One free,
The Sword of Truth shall slay
The 'News' our Tyrants feed us is as Fake as it could be,
They are twisting our emotions, paint a False Reality,
They want All People fighting they're afraid of Unity,
God's Troop a Family
War's the biggest Business but there's more at play you see,
They use killing of the Innocents to praise dark Entities,
Only God can save you once you see you enemy,
The Christ His earthly name