Not sure if this is even allowed, but I honestly have no one else to talk these things with, and I believe it touches on general subject matter of Zig Forums. Also sorry for bad English, Im a Slav that absolutely never uses it for anything.
I've been thinking about the law, economy, military, politics, diplomacy, societal values and culture, and the more I think about all these, the more I see one thing as a possible solution to everything.
Let's talk about war, Zig Forums.
War economy puts a stop to all of this shit. If you are in a war, you dont give a shit about funding any of the crap above. War economy makes sense.
Nothing like a war would demonstrate that female of the species can not carry a 20 kilos/45 pounds machinegun uphill for 3 days without a sleep. Or pull wounded to safety. And so on. War would destroy feminism.
War would also put a quick end to pink haired 'men' who cant bench their body weight. Laziness, flamboyancy, undiscipline, anti-austerity, carelessness, these would all quickly disappear.
These would be self removed too.
War would remove all of these too. Being a welder or an electrician or car mechanic in a war economy or in combat would be more desirable, and no one would bat an eye at these fucking journalism or whatever the fuck degree holders of today.
All these things would at least be semi-justified too, however they would have to be much more serious than what you have today.
Would be guarded by gunships, motorized 'shoot on sight' patrols and so on. War would improve those too.
Fascism naturally saw war as a natural state of things. Peace was just tactical, peace is just a time to reload all your guns, ultimate purpose of peace was war, you use peace as you use everything else, to prepare for war.
Big one. Would also be removed in case of a war. Soft power has nothing on hard power. Jew never dominated a host that was on a warpath, jewery thrives in peacetime. Nations in wars have their priorities straight, values in natural order, in war you pursue peak performance and you are getting rid of parasitism, your thinking is sober and not on drugs or confused or war removes you. Jews cant jew a nation in a state of war.
Basically, a paramilitary or para-state similar to Hitler's freikorps (or later sturmabteilung, storm battalions) needs to be set up to rival the kiked up zog state. And all states are zog-ed. The states we have now, and the taxes we are paying today, are all used against us. What we need are alternative police, alternative military (paramilitary), alternative media, whole fucking state really.
After all of that is set up, you need some sort of a (civil) war to wake up the population and make it run to you. Just like Hitler had communists (leftist faction, jewish led), zentrum (center, Weimar democratic official ruling faction and its police, jewish led), and criminals (organized crime, drug and prostitution, non-official jewish faction) all fighting it out in the streets of Weimar, general white population found refuge in Hitler's alternative party.
What Zig Forumsacks should do is set up para-states, alternative states in their own states, kick off a civil war using false flags between modern jewed states and jewed communists that will make general population uncomfortable and seek refuge somewhere, and be that somewhere for them.
And just this time, no expansions inside Europe. Once these judenfrei healthy societies are formed, instead of invading other white societies, they should help them become judenfrei instead. All expansion should be done exclusively into shitskin zones.