I'm reminding everyone to get ready to vote, I seriously fucking hope you registered to do it (or was already registered) since deadlines went back to April. You gotta vote people in if you want to help clear up shit in the government. Voting will be taking place in the next few weeks in most states for governor, etc. Shitty op but I haven't been seeing any threads on this board about it so I just wanted to alert people. I only made a thread since the Patrick Little thread is over 750 posts.
I'm reminding everyone to get ready to vote...
Other urls found in this thread:
good thread
This thread is pinned.
Ticking a fucking box with some pen at the off chance it puts /someguy/ in there is not a vote of confidence against the futility of it. it's just one thing you do because there's many small things you do to increase the chances of your preferred result in this world; like shitposting online. Spend an hour or two looking at your choices and then vote. Pro-tip do mail-in ballot so you waste less time, then it's literally just sending that shit out in any mailbox
if you can't do an hour or two, do 10 minutes while you're on the shitter - the ballot is literally delivered to you when mail-in
So why the fuck can't you take the god damned time to make it better you useless shit?
Kill yourself reddit. Don't bother posting a stream, just fucking kill yourself.
be a lazy faggot somewhere else
Smart Girl
Why don't you go back to >>>/reddit/
I've got my mail in ready to go. Just have to put a few more finishing votes in, still trying to figure out a couple of people.
Voting changes nothing
▲ ▲
On the off chance voting works, like it did with Hitler, get off your asses for an hour. If I recall correctly this board ws pretty fucking active when Roy Moore was running. Yes, stock up on ammo, conspire to create the 4th Reich in your own way. But taking a little time to fill out a ballot is at least something you can do to help. I post a thread about the Ohio primary and all I hear is 3 posts about bitching. Next day you know our only choice is cuck-rino DeWine vs some faggot socialist of the marxist variety + two other unmentionable faggots for govenor, some fag independent and a (((green party))) member who is acutally just a SJW. Ohio is going down the toilet on Nov. 8th and Mary Taylor was it's only hope. DeWine is pro-amnesty and has signed pro-immigration things in the past.
I'm not a fan of democracy either, but on the chance I get to vote towards further accelerating the removal of such, and preferabbly a little bit in the Right direction, count me in.
Inb4 JIDF flooding.
Your script is 5 years old and the wrong board.. how little are they paying you faggots now to be this bad?
JIDF Flooding means they probably have some illegal interest in the vote results. All the more reason to vote.
Wew lad how far this place has fallen. There's no voting out of this mess, retards. How many years do you need to be fucked up the ass by traitors who promise the moon during campaigns and then serve you shit on a platter once elected? We are dying out as a race because morons like you insist on playing by the rules set out by our yid enemies. Voting is a placebo designed to keep your dumb ass from picking up a rifle and doing what our forefathers saw the need to do way back when White men still had balls and a vision of the future.
Okay, let's see what my options are… I'm in Pennsylvania… So what am I looking at here?
Well, first of all, the state was subject to redistricting earlier this year, thanks to the state Supreme Court striking down the old map as an illegal partisan gerrymander, which I'm sure many of you will recall, and its replacement is gerrymandered as fuck on several levels in favor of Democrats.
Additionally, the confusion caused by the change will undoubtedly fly as cover for voter fraud on several fronts, especially in the urban centers. I've yet to be able to find up-to-date demographic profiles for the new districts, which makes me quite nervous - I suspect, though that information must be readily available to those in power, they are not being presented much as analysis will not be kind to their claims of having conquered gerrymandering.
You can investigate for yourself if interested.
Let's start with the Senate.
Who is the Democrat?
Bob Casey is a catholic potato-nigger from Scranton, which is a 12% spic shithole.
Aggressively supportive of Obongo, learned to use social media just so he could bitch about Trump, to the point that even the media has called him salty. Actual quote as saying his new strategy for 2018 was "Oppose Trump ever chance he gets."
Fucking kek.
Usual tune: Muh Entitlements, Muh GOP Tax Cuts, Muh Social Security, Muh Obongocare, Muh Minimum Wage.
Outright supportive of amnesty for ALL illegals.
Went to the airport himself to 'protest Trump's travel ban'.
Personally shills for immigrants on social media.
Started pro-gun, now aggresively anti-gun.
Called for Hezbollah to be declared a terrorist organization, shills for Israel alongside Rubio.
Co-sponsored PIPA.
Supports Common Core.
Pro-Life. Wig on a pig.
Who is the Republican?
Lou Barletta is a spaghetti-nigger from Hazelton. You might be asking, "Oh, do you mean Hazelton PA, which recently was covered in a National Geographic story about how its become a completely mudded shithole full of disgrace and non-White vermin?", to which I would reply: Yes, that Hazelton.
This nigger was the mayor from 1999 to 2010. He 'vowed' to make Hazelton ''one of the toughest places in the US for illegals'. He was undermined at every turn by courts, including the ACLU sending some Jews down to help shove the non-White dick up Hazelton's collective ass.
The city is now 43% White and 50%+ Hispanic.
Started sucking Trump's dick after he appeared to have a bigger dick than Paul Ryan, who had previously been residing in Barletta's mouth.
What a complete fucking failure.
These men are both worthless faggots and I will not vote for either of them.
Next up, governor.
Who is the Democrat?
Tom Wolf is a philosemite and the Platonic form of ethnocuckoldry.
Who is the Republican?
Scott Wagner is some boring fuck born on a farm in rural PA.
He owns a waste management company.
He is 'pro-business'. Which means he's awful in the direction of capitalism in the same way that Wolf is awful in the direction of communism.
Dude DID get into the State Senate in 2014 as a write-in though, which is impressive - especially since Senate Republicans supported some fag who tried to cuck him though, even ran ads against him - or it would be if it weren't that this was a special election after the previous guy resigned, wherein only about 14% of the electorate showed up.
Rejects the 'scientific consensus on climate change' and made some statements demonstrating he's basically scientifically fucking illiterate:
>In 2017, Wagner referred to billionaire businessman George Soros (a U.S. citizen since 1961) as a "Hungarian Jew" who has a "hatred for America."
Tip Top Kek. You've got my vote Scott, even though you're going to get your ass fucking handed to you by that cuckolded faggot Wolf.
Lastly, the House rep. I'm going to look at two disticts: 17 and 18, both newly formed during the redistricting from several other districts.
Basically, the rural Southwest of the state used to be one big district, but its not anymore… Or rather, it still is, but in a different orientation.
Likewise, Pittsburgh's urban center used to be its own district, but its not anymore… Or rather, it still is, but in a different orientation. Pittsburgh has basically been split into North and South, 17 and 18, and now, in 17, more-rural/suburban folks from North and West of the city are going to be voting alongside people from the urban fringes, most of which had previously been grouped in with the city; and it seems to be much the same for District 18 on the South side of the city, with folks to the East and South meeting the same fate.
In fact, checking the racial dotmap, they basically just split the nigger population, most of it in the South (18) while juuuust enough to be offsetting is left over in the North (17).
In the Northerly District 17…
This is going to be nasty. Keith Rothfus ran unopposed, as did Conor Lamb.
Who is the Democrat?
A White Democrat. Irish Catholic. Fucking Kek. I've seen a fair measure of support for him, based on yard signage and such, North of the city.
He was born in DC and his family has been involved in politics for quite some time, always as Democrats.
Served as a Marine JAG in Okinawa, prosecuting rape cases (presumably against a lot of niggers).
Has a good record in being able to claim pursuit of combating the opioid epidemic in the region, but it seems the claim might be somewhat dubious, given Republicans accused him of having a weak prosecutory record on the subject and cited specific case examples.
On the issues, its pretty obvious what the Dems are going for here:
-background checks, but no further firearm regulation
-fight the heroin
-more yabs!
-"muh unions!"
-"muh GOP tax giveaway!"
-"muh obongocare!"/protecting medicare/social security
-SUPPORTS Trump… on tariffs
-'personally opposes abortion, but recognizews the Supreme Court's decision'… "Once you make something a right, its a right. And its like that for a reason"
Fundamental misunderstanding of the fucking concept of 'rights' as enumerated in the Constitution.
-"muh green modern energy!"
-"let's forgive student loan debt!"
And suburban White cuck Dems North of Pittsburgh, especially the old ones and young ones, will eat that shit up with a spoon.
They're putting a lot of stake in this guy, and rightly so.
Who is the Republican?
Born in New York. Worked as a corporate attorney his whole life, aside from a brief stint at DHS.
Not good.
Very not good.
Very very not good.
He's a mega-cuckservative Zionist.
So, in the 17th District, you havea choice between a mega-cuckservative Zionist douche, or a mega-cucked potato-nigger catholic-nigger faux-moderate-lolberg.
Were these my options, and I'm not saying they are, I would not vote for either.
And now the Southerly District 18…
Who is the Democrat?
Born in Swissvale, an old mill town that is currently an absolute shithole full of niggers and old Whites.
Potato-nigger/spaghetti-nigger hybrid.
Former mill-worker, former Republican.
Voted against the Iraq war, co-founder of the Congressional Autism Caucus, pro-abortion but only wants the tax payers to pay for it in certain circumstances and doesn't want to defund Planned Parenthood, promotes climate change rhetoric.
Total cuck on firearms.
Supports DACA amnesty, 'perfect scores' from the American Immigration Lawyers Association and the National Latino Congress.
But, he's White. And there's a whole lotta niggers and other muds in that district now.
Which could potentially be a problem…. Exceeeept…
Who is the Republican?
Wew lads.
This is the only District in Pennsylvania wherein no Republican even bothered to file.
Granted, the old District, which is largely equivalent in terms of content, went to Hillary by 25+ points in 2016, but were this my choice, and I'm not saying it is, I… Wouldn't have a fucking choice. Because niggers.
Yet another reason to stay home.
So, in conclusion:
- The mods are faggot shills of the Trump administration or worse
- That shit at the bottom right is cancer and all you glow-in-the-dark faggots should kill yourselves
- This election is totally unappealing to me aside from support Scott Wagn- wait, I forgot to check something…
God damn it I hate this timeline.
Fuck the midterms.
What would be different, exactly?
Stupid jews.
Nobody listens to you.
We want the world and we want it.
Oh they are scared.
They are scared of the midterms and what they will bring.
Once the democrats and RINOs get thrown out of office, Trump is going full steam
Almond Status: Activated
You're another naive young retard who's in the same place I was ten years ago thinking a goddamn thing will be changed by voting in the ZOG kabuki theater. The difference is that when I went through my rude awakening there was still a bit of time left to turn things around. By the time you wake up it'll already be all over. One more duped rube clinging to the fantasy that voting in the system that the kikes own whole cloth matters a damn. They made it special for you to feel some hope for the future while they constantly erode your chances of survival. I can't stop you from voting so by all means, have at it. Pull the lever and feel real accomplished. Just remember my post when the moment comes that you realize how fucking silly you were for thinking it would actually change anything.
All that matters is blood and soil. The rest of it all is all jewish garbage. Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed.
all you have to do is filter the obvious (1)'s and the other 3 retards posting "there is no point goy" and the torpedo and its almost like a normal thread.
>vote for our AIPAC funded (((Republican))) politicians, goyim
Interesting. They aren't going to allow the same thing to happen in PA that happened in 2016
Hitler was elected. Orban was elected. jews like you are here to demoralize gentiles.
did you just compare republikikes to Hitler?
Germany was 99.9% German and had proportional representation.
Hungary is ~95% Hungarian and has proportional representation
America is 50% White and we have a two party system where both parties are owned by the Jew. Voting will not work here. The best we can do is redpill campiagns like Pat Little, that have little real chance of winning. But there is no point voting for establishment politicians. Vote Little. Vote Nehlen. Don't vote for AIPAC, Adelson, Koch bros, chamber of commerce, etc. funded candidates.
OP here (different id), for people like Paul Little I mean. I want more people like him running. What said, we really do not have any fucking time at all to fuck around with cuckservative right winging bullshit. Promote people like Little.
Patrick Little I mean, I haven't even gone to sleep.
I was actually thinking about making this thread. Glad I was beat to it. Voting and democracy are bullshit but necessary at this juncture. Democracy is the tool of the jew, and if the good guys don't use it, the bad guys surely will to our detriment.
I filled out a voter registration paper and sent it in, and still never got registered. I'm heading out to do it again today.
Not sure if incompetence or jewry.
All I see it is as an excuse and a platform to promote anti-zionists, which sounds fun to me. I wasn't even remotely interested until Little popped up.
Dont vote and rather read SIEGE nyawggers
Why not both.
Dude, just go shoot up a bunch of government building already. We all know you're going to at some point anyway. Be the change you want to see in the world.
I'm not saying don't vote, but we voted for an 'outside man' i.e. Trump and we still have yet to get any immigration controls that actually do anything to stop immigration. I'm not saying it's his fault, though he does shoulder some blame, but thinking that this can be won by voting in cuckservatives makes me laugh. It really does reek of newfaggotry.
ID keeps fucking changing. I just made the thread because I didn't see any specific Patrick Little threads, what I really think you should do is promote figures like him, see if you can't get anyone else to copy him if you support him like crazy, the only problem is that the governor vote is in a few weeks for California, it's earlier in other states, it just bothers me a lot, this is the perfect time to get a foothold with anti-zionists.
Doesn't help that the m-ods keep strangulating all the people making good threads/posts so no one wants to post anymore. I keep wondering when they're going to go mea culpa but none seems forthcoming. I warned you fags that not policing newfags would kill Zig Forums.
Fuck off. I see no jew-wise candidate in my state, no one gets a vote.
Vote for whom'st'd've?
That had absolutely nothing to do with my post.
Given the quality of posts in this thread you may as well, it seems to make them pissed off at the very least, but then again that always happens with threads stickied here.
I mean, push and punch, whatever works, I like punching though, and if we don't punch (((they'll))) flood us with shitskins instead.
You know, except your time, and pride that you got duped by another pro-israel politician.
Ok CIA-kun you brought out your best today but you still can't fool us.
Go vote lads filter all (1)'s and think for what will free us from the parasites. Be strong, Always remember November.
I mean, wasn't Zig Forums a cancerous enough containment board for you faggot? Now that you got your (you)s, go away. Shoo, shoo little pest.
fuck me
Can't ban me now kikefy
Funny how no one has an argument. You're all husks now, too defeated that Trump is ZOG so you just gave up free thought entirely.
Literally this thread
So vote then? I mean I would love to vote for more legit anti-zionists but they have to come out of the woodwork first. And if you don't vote they may fuck the vote with their computers to give positions to even worser faggots.
Yeah, it looks like the people saying not to vote are kikes.
You don't seem to understand that any politician who is not openly anti-israel is not worth your time. Call them what you want; conservative, liberal, republican, or democrat. If they are not anti-israel openly then they are worthless as a politician.
Not even a Vol tornigger.
Nobody was fooled everyone here has free thought, we just happen to be of one specific mindset in one place, you and your office buddies are merely being paid to post here, I have a strong feeling you feel the same way we do deep inside. You know exactly what is happening and you will see the truth through our eyes very soon.
Voted for Little. Can't wait for the "greatest ally" to be obliterated by Assad.
Where did I mention Little? Of course it's great if you vote for him. However, I have not seen any others like him running for office, and most people who go out to vote as Trump supporters will just tick every box in the "Republican" side because Trump said to. That's where the pro-israel side of things comes in.
Deny that if you wish, but you're only making the problem worse if you do.
you also make the problem worse if you don't. Pick the least kosher option. Otherwise you are just leaving it open for the worst cucks to get in, and they are open about their treason.
I am. It's called not voting for pro-israel politicians. Again:
Choosing not to vote is only less kosher if you replace your inaction with some other form of action. You haven't claimed that you have done such or plan to do so (unless you count posting in this thread as "action"), so what the fuck are you talking about, yid?
Voting is about as passive as you can get. Get off your high horse.
they don't like when you ask that type of question, as you see he deflected and didn't even answer.
Right. My work here is done.
I didn't answer because he will immediately say what I do is not as important as his almighty godlike voting powers.
Really though, I've probably done more than most people ITT. Bought 100 USB drives and uploaded TGSNT to them with my jew folder, and have left them all over the biggest mall in my state, as well in random places. On top of that I have conversations about National Socialism with my friends and family, but that's more personal action.
both parties are pro-israel
No shit, read my posts.
Threadly reminder.
Actually I'm using TOR because 2 days ago kikefy stickied a literal gibberish thread, posted in it, and then banned 80% of the replies he got.
Why not both? It's not like voting takes long or requires that much research
Read my posts.
Patrick Little for Senate
Some of them have serious skeletons in they're closets bro, can take some hard digging to find.
Both >>11586239 left with their tail between their legs
Unless they're being viciously attacked in the jew-media, they're completely jew-owned. It takes 0 effort to figure it out.
"The Jew is really good in their denial of what has just happened."
Paraphrased by a Hitler's speech actually. I said go back to your hole filthy kike. Your tricks don't fool anyone here.
Reminder only a handful of candidates who are naming the Jew are worth voting for at all and everyone else is just slow genocide. Little is good, vote for him, but dont go voting for shit like Paul Ryan, I know hes stepping down but just the first example that came to mind. Dont vote for establishment garbage, its worthless.
There is confusion between the perception of there being a "never vote, ever, under any circumstances" position and the people who think voting is their only hope. I say vote for Little, Nehlen even has his flaws but hes doing good work (I wouldnt talk about Spencer that way so Im conflicted about saying it about him, he has downsides).
The point Id make is that we dont have political representation in our countries which isnt how democracy is supposed to work, we have been cut out. Whites who want to have white children and for those children to have a future are not politically represented anywhere except in Poland and Hungary, a couple others. Think of it in terms of Canada. Who should they vote for? They have the communists, the social democrats and the zionists. Its cancer, cancer and cancer. Some of them still want to vote for an openly pro-gay career conservative politician who is a figurehead for brown people in the party president position and such, just a white figurehead for a bunch of poo in loos and such.
What needs to be done is for a multi-winged group to set up a political arm and back up that politicking with real on the ground physical action. We take action, then our political wing says why, and how to stop it. Thats our future, our future at the ballot boxes.
Its called the armalite and ballot box strategy.
inb4 large groups of niggers and spics do their typical ballot box tour across every state
inb4 rigged voting machines owned by mega kikes
inb4 controlled media tells everyone what to think and feel
inb4 slanderous campaign ads and false flags to tar opposition
inb4 zero repercussions whatsoever for proven mass voter fraud and media collusion
What is the definition of insanity ?
Daily reminder that we can and will use the jew tools of democracy against them. Fucking retards and low energy shills forget that the Weimar republic was a REPUBLIC.
Get out there and vote, just to spite these glow in the darks and jew shills.
to the lurking jew: I hope your next baby is stillborn you disgusting whiny kike slimeball.