Found this on /p01/ while board-surfing, figured it would make a good read here.
The most important and pertinent part is at the very end: >On a related point Royal rumour has it that Prince Harry is under great pressure, especially from the Queen, to marry a black woman to help promote the racial genocide of the indigenous British people through mass immigration, cultural Marxism and Zioncorp promoted miscegenation
But you'll want to read the whole thing anyway. Unless ousted and replaced with the true Royal family living in exile in New Zealand, the Rothschild family will one day be considered part of the throne. This is precisely why Kikepedia considers them a Royal family and yet don't openly reign over any lands. Mark my fucking words.
Your subject is a tad misleading, it predicted Harry marrying a nigress, not specifically Megan. Good find anyway though.
Yes, this shit is transparent to those of us in the know. I wouldn't be surprised if she is some MK Ultra bunny to use whenever they need. She's been acting since her childhood, shilling all the usual Cultural Marxist talking points.
Grayson Howard
wut i am from New Zealand can i get a quick run down i have never heard of this theory
Jayden Sullivan
So who killed Diana then if she was a jew?
Wyatt Turner
"She" wasn't killed. She's David Furnish. Take a look at the White House Gala in September 1985, Reagan called her out!
Elijah Scott
Diana was 100% murdered
Joshua Gray
Shes not black. Shes like 5% middle eastern looking.
Eli Stewart
Tyler Hill
Disregard, I suck cocks. Turns out it was Australia. Swear I remember reading it was NZ though.
Anyway, the people I was talking about are the Abney-Hastings family. Current patriarch is Simon, was Michael until his death in 2012. Just look at that family photo. Not a nigger, kike or mudslime to be seen. Maybe it was for the better though, if the Judaic corruption suffered under this regime is unavoidable.
Yeah, the link some user posted on /p01/ was an abridged version written this year. I followed the trail and found the original from 2015.
James Harris
Mudkle is a US nigger. We have a 46% divorce rate here. Niggresses are gold diggers. Also the US is not a monarchy and this mudshit cunt is not our American Princess.
William Nguyen
hope she gets Diana'd
Mason Collins
She was sacrificed.
Carson Gomez
One of the kids calling himself "the rightful King of England" made threads on 4pol a while ago, pretty funny
David Jackson
This originally came from Endzog's blog some time in 2012
Grayson Bailey
Funny, the left was all about being against monarchy and that heirarchy sistem, now praises royal family for being inclusive.
The ones how supost to hate capitalism, especialy corporatism, praise it if the giant have inclusivinesm and suport gun control or something.
True, but that's just a covering layer of the psyop onion. The core reality is that "Diana" is an elite transgender. All the Royals are transgendered, this goes back at least as far as "Queen" Victoria. But back to the matter at hand, Meghan is male, Harry is female. This is easily verified through biometrics, which sadly the majority of anons are too lazy or too invested in consensus reality (they can't overcome the cognitive dissonance) to learn. They're transgendered because being transgendered is mandatory in their satanic religion. Same applies to "celebs". You only get to progress in celebrity if you were born into the cult.
Liam Taylor
Tell me more about this. It is about satanic reversal of natural order yes?
Charles Cruz
Yes TORfag, please link us to your totally grounded and reasonable Youtube channel where you outline how every famous woman since Cleopatra has been secretly a man. Unfortunately, I'm clearly a member of the global elite, so you should obviously disregard my futile shilling attempt
just because two people are gingers doesn't mean they are father and son harry's ears are the spitting image of charles ears totally different than hewitts
Lincoln Reed
No they're not. Charles has bigger ears that stick out and are a different shape. Harry doesn't just have ginger hair, his nose and chin are identical to James Hewitt's
Harrys ex GF was at the wedding, maybe its his real GF and Markle is just a shame marriage to get the nigger vote long term.
Daniel Cruz
I'm sure this tranny elite theory isn't a psyop in itself, considering how many Youtube videos I've seen on the topic. It's most definitely accurate, otherwise why would so many (1) and dones reporting this incredible truth have showed up on this board in recent months? Surely, this is most definitely not an attempt at well poisoning to discredit and distract Zig Forumslacks dedicated to shining light on the dirty world of elite politics. Normalfags are absolutely more likely to consider taboo opinions on Pedowood and Pizzagate when they're also being told that their favorite celebrities are trannies in disguise. You probably have loads of evidence to support your hypothesis, and are not just going to make unsubstantiated and highly unfalsifiable claims. I doubt your proof boils down to the visibility of an Adam's apple in cherrypicked photos and pixelated videos.
I'm positive your appeal to the skeptical and open minded nature of anons is all in good faith and not an attempt at astroturfing another CIA falsehood like flat earth.
Poisoned food, poisoned air, poisoned water, poisoned vaccinations, toxic dentistry, toxic medicine, toxic programming…. the list just goes on and on. It’s depopulation. You’re being murdered, err genocided, no, culled by talmudic turds who think it’s their job ordained by G-d.
She's worked so hard riding the cock carousel to become the token mongrel royal by way of morganatic marriage? Aren't you proud of this isramutt negress whore that was thrust into the arms of an Aryan spare prince by her Jewish handler? Look how far the British royal family have come: once the leaders of the most powerful Empire in world history at its height, now the miscegenated laughing stock of Anglosaxons around the globe.
The end couldn't come quicker to this disgraceful lot. Out with the old, in with the new, that's the way the wheel of history turns.
Haha the whole world knows he's a bastard user. No use shilling on hate chan of all places. You should be redeploying your efforts on Reddit where they're saying the same thing, but more people are listening.
Connor Peterson
Tucker is pretty good at telling viewers when to frown.
Hudson Bell
It's a counter op like the earlobes thing. You keep pumping it and people wonder. Conspiracy theories in general lead to credulous behavior, a natural defense by those in power is to spam the message board world and fuck us with signal-to-noise-ratio problems. But this is old hat, it shouldn't bother you.
Some female actresses like that chick from true lies may have been born with androgen insensitivity syndrome, an exceedingly rare condition that causes a chromosomal male to develop physiologically female in most all discernible ways. That gets spun into "she's a trap!" for everyone, not much different from Electric Universe theory, flat earth, moon landing is fake, etc.
Ask what never gets randomly shilled in annoying, derailing ways by people who use Tor but misuse our lingo. And you end up with what we are used to: pizza tavistock, mkultra, Masonic symbolism, full-on hoaxing (not false flagging) of media events.
Why didn't that ginger cuck speak out against it then? He chose a half nigger to try and not make his life a living hell but in doing so he has wedded with a nigress roastie whore who literally fucked a pornstar before him.
Angel Morgan
Imagine living his life: You are an extremely rich entitled fuck who supposedly has an entire country as sort-of-subjects and has received an education tailored to teaching his how to be one of the most superfluous, liberal, anti-racist and easily controlled person on earth. Through most of your youth you were a degenerate party-rat which probably has experimented hundreds of different drugs in your lifetime. Then you hit your 30s and there is an already present pressure for you to marry due to the whole nobility tradition thing that you don't completely understand. To make things worse, your grandmother, the queen of fucking britain, the woman who you probably feared and respected through all your life wants you to marry a negress because she thinks that's the best for you. What would you do?
Nathan Reyes
Who would that be exactly?
Luis Wilson
The entire illegitimate Royal Family needs to be hanged.
Carson Peterson
Would that be an honest to God quadroon? Or a simple high yellow?
Kill British heritage, kill the British. Simple Cultural Genocide that these fuckers have subscribed to and allowed.
Hunter Robinson
Yay ! Magic jew numbers confirm. Fucking trannyposter and lobeposter are stupid jews.
Ryder Phillips
she is jew and harry is celt jews hate celts because celts are better
Who was predicting the jews would give back the money they stole so white Christians could prosper and there would be no need for a jungle fever story line to explain white genocide?
Is the lapel pin supposed to remind of the gansta roots?
Elijah Sanchez
As an observer that doesn't give a rat's ass (in the U.S., we don't play any childish "royalty" games), I would say, that if I were told to guess, that Harry is Hewitt's kid. They have almost identical features, and it's been proven many times that people can match children with their fathers, just by looking at them. You could ginger up Charle's hair all you want, he still doesn't look like Harry's father even close to the extent that Hewitt does.
By the way, Britbongs, your "royal" family are I am a d&c kike, ban my stupid non-white asss, now…how does it feel?
This I am just astonished how every single subject on this board is completely dominated by hasbara kikes on every topic in question.
Zig Forums now actively promotes ZOG, pretends every jewish false flag is any theory possible in the world except mossad kike false flags, plays along with every single jewish controlled opposition narrative.
Essentially Breibart 2.0
Tyler Johnson
Q predicted this
Jack Richardson
That's a bit far taken. I'd say they are fighting us and we are winning because we point them and their shrivelled dicks out. Keep calm and continue posting on topic and calling out shills.
Josiah Hughes
Ignoring the fact that Charles is a Rothschild, and the royal family are as kiked as the rest of the (((aristocratic elite))), sure.
Nathaniel Barnes
I'm curious. How often do male fags adopt girls? Neil Patrick Harris' adopted daughter doesn't really count as she's her brother's twin. It would be a bit obvious if he said "No thanks, I just want the boy." after they were born.
Jaxson Perez
Who the fuck cares? Jews had this shit planned ages ago. Wake me when one is willing to stand by their (((principals))) and be choked into a coma.
Logan Ross
kill yourself reddit cunt, you fucking nἱgger
Owen Thompson
She's clearly a mulatta user, believe me, I live in huezil. I know better.