95% of all terrorism is committed by South Asian males. South Asia = India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh.
South Asian men are sexually frustrated beta males and they hate white men because South Asian women all want a white husband. South Asian men express their envy towards white people thru violent terrorism.
South Asian males are subhumans who need to be wiped off this Earth. They are only good at raping, stealing, and killing.
I bet pajet is upset that he had to bust his balls to immigrate into the country, but his mortal enemy and his 6 wives are given the easy pass who're now fucking up the place. I bet the mere thought of it makes him want to sharpen his sword to one day render the muslims into brick mortar for what ever hindy god he worships.
Carson Morales
Valid point
Luke Roberts
Michael Hernandez
>faggot OP doesn't realize (((arab))) mudslimes were moved into southern asia and indonesia. Lurk moar.
Anthony Gomez
No, they're sexually frustrated because both the Chinese and Indians have been killing massive amounts of their females due to stupid cultural and government policies.
OP is a faggot and this thread is gay, but the dude in OP's pic was beaten to death for wearing that outfit. No joke.
Mason King
Kill yourself moshe.
Kayden Hughes
Yes goyim it's dose damn doity Indians who do the terror. Ignore all the Je- I mean Arab terrorists dose are not real.
Jackson Edwards
I full agree mate
Carter King
Rajinikanth will make American movies great again.
So you are trying to get us to go after South Asians not Jews? Would explain the Pajeet daily spammer.
Gee whizz must have missed the memo where we exposed that your D&C would be mostly sexual from now on. No matter how many incel/sex related propaganda you put out, it will never obscure your jewish criminality and ZOG.
D&C slide confirmed. Too easy.
Race mixing shilling confirmed, wow is this Yid shill bingo?
[citation required], also so do Jews, we are not changing our priority for surviving the kike genocide
Meh. They are not expansionist. Deport them, but why kill them? Want us to lose allies before our global war against the Jew? Many South Asians love Hitler.
Anthony Stewart
You sound like someone who needs a girlfriend.
James Wright
Ghandi has way better real quotes than that fake one.