Alright fellow Calanons now is the time to fucking act. I know we are a bunch of left coast faggots but it's time we make a BIG change with some little actions. Drop redpills all over this blue state, this may be our one chance
Patrick Little
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How normal is it for non-chan-browsing people to use the word "anons"?
I mean I guess we could just do nothing for the only candidate that is literally naming (((them))) like a bunch of worthless faggots if that suits you
Naming is half the battle.
This guy is not a faggot. I agree, we should vote for the jew Feinstein instead.
What the fuck do you want? Really?
Did I say that, faggot? How dumb can you be? What are five autists that still populate this board, most of whom ''aren't' even in California going to do?
Is Patrick even a mongrel.
Not in those exact words, but yes, you did say that. Also, why the fuck did you put "aren't" in quotations?
If I didn't need any other reason to tell you to fuck off with this kikery, the cringewave faggotry was simply a bit much. Kill yourself cunts.
shut up jew
Mr Little if you are fed and Little is field position please fek off.
If you are legit user then run as American and not member of any party.
I was meant to put it in italics but I mistyped and missed a '
You smell like a jew.
it's so fucking easy it's not even fun anymore
because if the only thing that happened was removing feinstein from the US senate, that would be nothing.
We should just copy Trump's online campaign for this guy. We need Little General threads every day, hordes of people making memes for this guy, our own subreddit, people making compilation videos on youtube etc.
Love that one
just look at him. You have to ask?
wtf i'm demoralized now!
Top kek, can't wait to see those balloons of justice!
Terrible idea.
You sound deeply concerned about naming the Jew. I wonder why?
Who says he's non-chan-browsing?
The Land of Little which is to say the Fairie Realm or the Quantum Field for those with modern pretensions supports Patrick Little.
He posts here, you can't get more /ourguy/ than this, seriously.
Think carefully about this.
If this shit goes wrong people will point their fingers at Patrick.
There's easier ways to spread redpills.
A good warning.
The balloon idea is perhaps better if the balloons are widely spread out not just released in clumps.
Here's your (you).
I personally think this Silver dawn character is mentioning balloons as a subtle way to sabotage him.
You see, One cubic foot of helium will lift about 28.2 grams.
He mentioned it making the news which raised flags for me and drew me to that article I mentioned previously, I'd read it before.
And then he mentioned putting a toy for kids on them which would only further weigh the balloons down and give the wind more chance to drag them back down into the city's air streams.
Maybe I'm just concern trolling here, but it comes from a good place, people are shrugging off Patricks apparent anti-semitism from what I can tell and I feel like (((people))) are looking for a new reason to for people to hate him.
I know you were being sincere about your warning because the case you chose to illustrate your point is well known among professionals in finance related industries. The balloon disaster is easy to avoid: if you really really want to do this then make sure you give balloons to children on the street as well as letting the occasional one fly away far from power lines or restricted zones.
Giving them to kids on the street, that's a much better idea.
(((They))) might screech about using children for political gain, but I can't imagine that'll get anything other than an eyeroll from the silent majority.
get fined for loitering … do not follow this thread … OP is an idiot and this will do nothing
get on your feet and make flyers and put them on legal posts, wear a shirt, dont be afraid to discuss and stand your ground
but do not do what OP is saying … you will be fined for loitering
OP strikes again
kids dont vote idiot, you are wasting your time
Kids fucking love balloons and Uncle Adi would be proud that we are trying to make their lives a little less depressing while helping their parents maintain order.
you talk to their parents dumbfuck, it's door-knocking sans the door
What is a parent?
Handing out balloons gives the flier a better chance of reaching the parent with a "Look mommy whats this?" or something to that effect.
We're trying to take a creative idea and make it work.
These posters are fucking dope.
http s://archive. li/Eon4o
exposing the religion of cuck
BayAreafag here.
I ain't getting balloons, but I'll post stickers around
What is Little's position on the high speed rail project? I've had at least three people ask me whenever the subject comes up.
He is against special interest jew projects. California needs high speed rail, and once the jew is removed from power the right decisions can be made for the people of California. Currently the project is NOT aimed to benefit the people who need it most, the lower class. Giant facilities are being planned in the deserts and suburbs that literally only help rental car companies instead of placing them where the common citizen can access it. Why? Who is behind some of the financial decisions and planning? Who is profiting from high speed rail? Californians need it. They need traffic relief. It's time to get rid of the jew always trying to make the most money he can and help the common person. (not official policy but it should be)
I get the feeling you aren't too well read on it. The entire point of CAHSR's current US-99 alignment over the original I-5 alignment was to hit up downtown Fresno and Bakersfield (ie places where people live not literal desert), this fact has doubled the cost of the program and caused at least six lawsuits against it. It's also why the opening date got pushed back from 2027 to 2033. Also the entire point of tunneling under Pacheco vs Altamont was because the train can hit more people this way, and is why Palo Alto (yes the one Zuckerberg lives in) tried to sue the HSR authority multiple times.
Siemens and Deutsche Bahn who are contracted to operate and supply it and Dragados USA, Tutor Perini and Harris&Associates who are contracted to build it.
Really my question is more about whether or not he's willing to raise taxes to finance it's construction. For context the lone Republican who voted for the recent gas tax was Anthony Cannella who was given a billion dollars for rail projects in San Joaquin County.
aka illegal aliens who shouldn't be here.
Also, deport all the illegal aliens and suddenly you don't need to waste money on a train.
It's the biggest construction project in California in the past fifty years, with a projected cost around $70-80 billion. It's specifically designed to be within 10 miles of half of CA's population, it's a topic for most people because it's designed to be. This is why there's so much liberal opposition to it in the Bay Area, because the train will be going through their community rather than sticking to the East Bay.
I dont think you know what loitering means. Is english your first language?
A unique campaign stunt like this would reach far beyond the 5000 flyers that were flown. The news coverage would circulate regardless of the msm desire to supress awareness of Littles existence. The more people who Littles message reaches means the more supporters he gets. If you love your country why wouldnt you take the risk of getting a 500 dollar fine for 'loitering'
see board rules
t. Single-issue voter.
Dont do the balloon thing, I can already see the "the poor sea turtles you fucking monster" now.
What does california need a north-south bound high speed rail, to bring more spics and niggers from the south northwise at a faster rate to where white people live in northern california?
loitering and littering are not the same thing retard
If any of you idiots are actually going to do the balloon thing, do it for the other candidate so they get blamed for the property damage afterwards.
The spics are already there and the niggers are getting kicked back east which is why they oppose housing in Alameda County (which is exactly why SF, San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties all manage to have higher population densities because there are no niggers around to call developers racist). Also figure that if you want to do an actual immigration crackdown making everyone reliant on mass transportation then requiring ID to board is a good way to filter them out.
Also if you want more on black anti-gentrification efforts see how the LA [black] Bus Riders Union cucked Villariagosa in 2012 when they opposed Measure J since it funded trains not buses. Measure J failed with 66.3% of the vote, as Prop 13 requires a min margin of 66.7% for tax increases. The Bay Area MTC is facing a similar problem this year with Regional Measure 3 (the $3 toll increase) because it funds BART and the remaining niggers in Oakland think BART is racist. RM3, like all tax measures, requires a margin of 66.7% to pass.
How do you explain the carpark in Victorville?
Why is California avoiding extending pipelines into Texas?
Who benefits from isolating California?
How well do you know George Soros?
Only because it was a 20-year program that was ended halfway through. It was envisioned as being the next step for the Dept. of Defense after GPS, which itself took about 20 years to build.
To understand the significance of this, it's why the high speed train will go up the peninsula rather than through the East Bay. Jews ran the numbers and niggers had fucked things up so much where they had to put it through the second most liberal county in California. The same applies to Marin (the most liberal county in California) who is getting a train station at the Larkspur ferry terminal, which they cried over because trains are scary and they know SF will send them homeless people by ferry.
Xpresswest was a separate Chinese funded project that was going to have a huge Air China airport right next to Edwards AFB. Both projects died because they couldn't obtain US government grants or low-rate construction loans which come with Buy America restrictions. Which is why I mentioned Siemens above, they have a factory outside Sacramento that is Buy America compliant.
water or gas?
Nobody, the entire point of CAHSR is to bind together all the major regions of California into a single transit network. Such a thing naturally lends itself to rail projects to other states, like XPW was originally going to do.
You need a permit for a "mass ballooning" I think.
Something parades have to get and shit for all their confetti etc.
10 balloons per person isn't mass ballooning if there's no central organization.
Where there is smoke;
When a non-jew funded project die,
and a few funded one goes 10x over.
There is fire.
Water is another topic but equally important. Patrick is going to be a Senator, not the Governor. His responsibility will be to protect the interest of all Californians and represent them at the National Level. Strongly advocating for all projects that benefit California will be his job, and his background proves his honest determination to do that free from the corruption that is Washington, DC. If California is going to meet it's energy needs in the upcoming decade it will need to rapidly expand it's oil & natural gas infrastructure eastwards.
The people in charge want to secede. The same people who are funding separatist groups like Antifa are behind decisions to isolate California. Who is behind all movements designed to divide, conquer, and control people? You are trying to make high speed rail this nice feel good future project unironically not understanding the politics at play in the world writ large and it's effect on the (((Golden))) State.
More than half of CA's population are illegal aliens, deport them and you've halved your traffic congestion so no need to spend 320 billion(no way it's going to hold to the budget) on a rob and murder you transport.
Into my oven you filthy maggot
The entire point of building an Air China only airport and train to Vegas would be to allow China's state-owned aerospace and train builders into the US market while giving them a way to quickly funnel Chinese tourists into Chinese casinos. I'd also give China's military a surveillance post right next to where America builds and parks stealth bombers. That's pretty jewish, or at least subversive.
>You are trying to make high speed rail this nice feel good future project unironically not understanding the politics at play in the world writ large and it's effect on the (((Golden))) State.
If you look at the California state rail plan it explicitly states that Caltrans will continue supporting the handful of long-distance Amtrak lines that terminate here, rather than spending that money inside CA exclusively. A quick inspection of thruway bus expansion shows expansion to the north and east alongside existing Amtrak lines, a clear indication that the state will move towards rail expansion in those areas once buses fill up. Caltrans also offers grants to freight RRs to make their lines more efficient, this is explicitly done to promote interstate cargo.
Also if CAHSR is successful then the next and obvious step is going about 300 miles north to connect with Amtrak Cascades in Eugene, Oregon and 300 miles east to Las Vegas (as Xprseswest planned, and built an empty parking lot in anticipation for).
why not deport them and build it for the convenience of choice? Or better yet why not deport them, build it, then offer a tax credit to white families so we can have enough population growth to require mass transportation? Or better yet why not just tax whites who refuse to have children.
I'd like to see the sauce on that, because from where I'm sitting it appears every attempt to make additional connections to the surrounding States is being blocked. Using the thread of a 3rd world country invasion for cover reeks of kikery.
Saying and doing are two separate things. Saying you support something while blocking it via permitting ect. is hardly being honest. California is being isolated by the jews in advance of secession. If you can't understand that reality you really shouldn't be here.
Can we get back on topic here and actually discuss how to help Little?
I personally think shilling this Alex Jones video comments with VOTE LITTLE (no URLS) is a great idea.
People are really mad at Jewnes for supporting Israel and want an outlet:
Oh, and for the record, I think Pat should just take the OPPOSITE position to Feinstein on the High-Speed Rail, whatever that is, so he solidifies people with more of a motivation to vote for him.
However, you're free to ask him at Patrick_Little on his Gab what his actual position is.
Sorry forgot to embed.
Shill Little in the comments here.
Everyone's mad that Alex Jones is a Zionist stooge.
Remember the days when Jonestein used to try and hide the fact that he was a ZOGbot?
Wew lad, here's some screenies so user know the size of the grenade that just went off in Jonestein's fan base. I can't believe he suckered me into ignoring the Jews back in the day. Never again. Fake greedy and cowardly controlled oppo. I hope Jones is suffering under his own betrayal of his supposed principles.
This would have worked with the Chinese funded casino in Vegas, which filed for Chapter 11 earlier this year:
I can't find any sources on Air China's attempt to build an airport at the moment but I know they exist. It wasn't widely reported on at the time, which was about 2008-2013 ish.
CA hasn't blocked any sort of Amtrak permitting. I don't know where you're getting this.
Remember that when people see him on their ballots all they see is "Republican - civil rights activist". So make posters to the tune of "Patrick Little - a Republican civil rights activist, helping your community fight the banks" etc and put them up at bus stops. If you're on a college campus then make posters referencing how Fienstien's husband is trying to ban criticism of Israel in public schools. Use a picture of a dead Palestinian to prove the point with "Patrick Little for Senate" underneath.
because there are still niggers to contend with.
Somehow I don't think most parents would take too kindly to one of our autistic neckbeards ranting about (((them))) in front of their kids.
Maybe Little has the social skills to pull it off, but not the Kekistani Kringe Krew.
I have probably read most of these at some point. My point is a non-jew funded project collapsed and took a non jew casino down with it? At the same time jew backed projects are being funded and running over budget, behind schedule, and are intended to further isolate California from the United States. Saying I am wrong because of some sort of tie to a Chinese invasion you can't find the info for? Forgive me for being skeptical.
regardless if you actually look at CAHSR it's not isolating California from anything else. If anything it's creating a trunk line so the parts that connect to other states can connect to the entire state better. It's also not jew backed as it is government backed since banks refused private financing unless they were guaranteed a profit from Obama.
Come on americlaps. Having a politician that actively names the jew is so rare in this day and age that you need to seize this opportunity with all your might. Every man that opens his eyes to the jewish subversion of his nation is one more who will fight to defend his land. I believe in you Zig Forums
Initially you asked about what Patrick's campaign message would be, and I tried to assist with what that may look like. Going further into what actual policy is after going to Washington is another story. The reason (((they))) are building an insanely expensive "trunk line" instead of investing in connecting what they have is part of the goal of the jew, to create an independent state where pedophiles and absolute democracy ie. degeneracy runs rampant.
you're making this into a mutually exclusive situation when it never was
You are going to need to expand on that.
PSA: jews jewed Californian election laws so that non citizens can not only vote but hold office in California, deliberately don't verify ID, making everyone in the world able to vote in Californian elections. As someone pointed out can use a mail forwarding service so can register and vote from anywhere in the world.
You refuse to lurk more, you have never read Mein Kampf, and you are openly promoting breaking the law. Reported.
I like these, but maybe change the red "x" in the third one to a green checkmark
means the same thing but has a more positive connotation
It's "legal" in California for non citizens to not only vote but hold office in California.