Someone else seeing how this fits in?
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Well, no. Babylonians didn't "invent" right angle triangles; the tablet shows that they developed a system of trigonometry years before the Greeks did. Wildberger will be pleased. His system of rational trigonometry is based on much the same principle (spread and quadrance vs. angle and distance).
It is Wildberger. Kek.
The Babylonians shouldn't really be given credit, the Amorites there had simply become the dominant regional power, but the actual tablet is from Larsa in Southern Mesopotamia and is derivative of Sumerian culture, this was the cult City of the Sun God Utu.
jew controlled BO confirmed
Fuck, they even have the race mixing/cucking in statue form. Nigger male, white female.
The hivemind grows stronger
The Sumerians just considered the Semitic Amorites/Babylonians violent buffoons, it's sad they are given credit for the inventions of the culture they conquered, the highly complex systems predate the Babylonians by well over a thousand years.
That sounds needlessly complicated.
A consistent numerical and calender system is universally superior as it makes it easier for people to understand the information being conveyed and makes it easier to spread the information.
Anything that makes information easier to comprehend and spread while still remaining accurate is to be applauded and desired.
They were even interested in measuring stellar distances/ratio;
Of course these distance ratios are derived from Earth based relative observation perspective, but even so they indicate the scribal interest in the configuration of the Heavens as containing numeric ratio in terms of pattern and order, it also demonstrates their readiness to ascribe Gods numeric values, the most common version of this having 60 - Anu, 50 -Enlil, 40 - Ea/Enki, 30 - Nanna/Suen, 20 - Utu/Shamash, 15 - Inanna/Ishtar, 10 - Ishkur/Adad, were the sum total is 225 or 15 squared and were 225 is the number of days in the orbit of Venus/Inanna, the 15 squared.
someone remind me on why the fuck should i give a shit about this crap please
listen, if pentagon or darpa or i dont know who isnt investing in it, you shouldnt care about it, it has no applied use, it is useless, it is not important, it does not matter
exactly as useful as niggers being proud of their flying pyramids: even if true, it is still absolutely 300% useless and unimportant
if you wanna focus on intellectualism, focus on intellectualism that actually does something to the survival
you know, drones, automation, computers, missiles, satellites, shit like that, stuff that actually matters to modern survival and has a fucking use at mining, agriculture, killing people, transportation, etc
screw histories of right triangle discovery
But they tended to develop their metrological systems based upon observation of natural phenomena, for example the Base 60 likely developed from observation of the 12 year orbital periodic of Jupiter and the 30 year of Saturn, were 60 is the first common denominator and 120 year triangulations were also observed, thus their systems complexity reflected the inter-connected complexities of the solar system they found themselves in, and the ideal was towards learning and incorporating such rather than just keeping it simple.
No one forces you to compulsively click every thread because browsing Zig Forums as your mildly edgy news aggregator is your hobby.
Intellectualism is cancer you reddit spastic. Go back to Zig Forums no one gives a shit.
Yes, and most of our geometric theory is Mesopotamian based, but the memetic triangles you posted are equilateral. So what memetic triangle is right?
Language is a good thing to compare this too.
Compare English and Chinese in the written form.
You take the latin alphabet that English uses and you can make any word in the language, with phoenetic pronounciation and the general rules of the language and its word construction you can even figure out what a word means if you don't know it or at least have some idea. And you can vocalise the word (if mangled a bit) to ask others what it means.
No one person knows every word in the English language but we can at least read the word.
Meanwhile the Chinese language group has no native alphabet. It relies on rote memorisation of symbols and their associated word. It is not humanly possible to know every word in any variant of the Chinese written language.
If you see a symbol you are not familiar with then it is extremely difficult to glean any meaning from it, you might get something based on similarity to other symbols but those instances are rare.
By making the terminology used to describe the world universal we can better relay information about the world to others.
Golden ratio right angle trangles.
a good engineer goy without interest in general culture
American, German or simply stupid?
Na, try way way way earlier.
but those don't really have much symbology…
Right so we don't use symbols we use descriptive terms, which the Egyptians developed in terms of hieratic script and without which we'd never have translated their hieroglyphic symbols, the usage of symbols always required frame of reference and the benefit of that is information can remain exclusive to the group that retains such, it can be used as a form of secrecy and exclusivity.
Basic geometry like that has been known for hundreds of thousands of years. Kike "scientists" are arguing about which of the remnants to call "the first civilization", when in fact human civ. existsed for eons before the great flood.
Most of the old myths are stories of actual historic events.
Miners regularly find man-made items buried in coal seams.
The elite purposefully conceal the true history of our race and others.
This is one of the only decent threads on Zig Forums at the moment, go shit up something else
This. Persians knew how to make fucking batteries, they were much more advanced than we are told.
You also have the stories on nukes and mech armor in ancient Indian stories, maps showing Antartica without its ice, and a satellite orbiting earth that is supposed to be thousands of years old.
Think of where you are before you suggest something so semetic as being desirable.
Secrey and exclusivity are hardly virtues in the eyes of anons. At least in an information context.
Seems to be some kind of nod to the satanists who worship this symbology like the Freemasons.
came here to post this
that is all
Hence why it was lost.
We're wiser. We know things they never did.
The cycle never ends does it then?
But you do not know the origin of the signs, the worlds oldest such as Danube script and Tartaria which the runes were based upon, you do not know the secret.
All of you subhuman filth need to stop breathing.
And we never will because the ones who made them were idiots who wanted to keep secrets.
Referencing who I think they're referencing?
Yes the first signs were taken from the geometric patterns seen on the suited and booted definately not subhumans, a cargo cult of sorts or at least making the association between those patterns and the transmission of knowledge.
I don't suppose you have any references to the claims you make?
If would have been better if they had kept secrets a little better from the Jews.
Well, there's the Baghdad batter.
Is that like some kind of explosive the sand niggers make over there?
Battery, I meant.
And, no I don't think so. It was just a battery.
Still have no idea what you're talking about. Got an archived educational document?
Ancient Babylonians were aryans.
Anyone can make the claim of (place)+(thing)=(real)
God tier post
The ignorance is too much for me. I'm going to repeatedly bash my head with a rock until I die now.
I think it's quite possible it was but then race mixing happened and only some runaway nomads who developed hatred for Babylon survived untainted.
You know their tribal leaders were known as Sheiks, the first evidence for the term right?
Babylon was under Aryan rule during the Kassite period
I think that I do.
Failing to miss the point entirely.
kek. amirite?
It's a long shot but until we rule this place out, it's possible (((they)))'re keeping records of ancient knowledge in the vatican libraries. That's where records of information from places that were conquered in the name of semitic worship were transported.
vatican city
washington dc
we know they know we know
And if said information was more widely known and literacy heavily promoted and practiced then the only records would not be sealed up in the Vatican.
Though the semite god is a shit.
We must thank the Protestants for one thing. Their heavy promotion of literary as the most saintly of virtues. As a result the English speaking world is not only obsessive about people learning to read but also autistic as fuck about record keeping.
All information must be free and widely spread. Limits on the free flow of information only lead to Jewish tyranny.
Why all the butthurt about this? Traingles are what makes the world go 'round, see Pythagoras.
None of the triangles in your pics have a right angle. Go back to 7th grade geometry pls.
You're a fucking loon m8
Were Sumerians some sort of proto-Sweden that got cucked and stolen from by neanderkikes?
Good, you'll save us the trouble.
Funny you should mention kikes.
Sumer was in tight with the Akkadia. To the point where most of the population of both is believed to have been bilingual in terms of language (Sumerian and Akkadian)
BUT the semitic language speaking kings of Akkadia wound up conquering Sumer.
Also Sumer gave us Uruk and Gilgamesh.
With Sumer you're only talking about a relatively small but elite scribal group that dominated the indigenous population of Mesopotamia, and the same for Elamite and Indus valley civilization, they differentiated between themselves and the black headed ones.
In origin from Anatolia and responsible for Halaf and then Ubaid cultures pre-dating Sumeria, there were numerous archaic language isolates in the region as diverse population groups had moved South into Anatolia during the Ice age and created a genetic bottleneck from which the new Indo-European type emerged, but there are certain issues involved with that in interventionist terms, and the Neolithic revolution that also emerged from that region was all about the importance of selective reproduction.
The Sumerian language is considered perhaps a very distant cousin of Uralic, that they were originally of Northern Eurasian stock.
Yes you are.
But this one isn't
They were just the semites on top at the time and wouldn't let what people classically call jews/hebrews/israelites, pull their bullshit. They kept records of financial transactions and the kikes kvetched so they got the boot yet again. While doing so they sabotaged the tower.
jews jewing jews.
In their mind, the "chosen" were clearly in the right so it was "Anu's will" the tower be destroyed. The entity didn't come down and destroy the tower, the hebes did it because they couldn't take over Sumer for their own. While the tower was a grand project it didn't reach the heavens and the only thing language had to do with the reason it was destroyed was because Neb told the jews to stop spitting and start speaking like humans.
There'd been a long ongoing conflict between the City states of Lagash and Umma before the Akkadians moved in at the point were Umma had achieved victory over Lagash and dominance over all the other city states, so the whole region was weakened and resentful of the power of Umma, in that context the Akkadians sort of presented themselves as liberators.
If you only use the triangle in it's base form..
They form the great pyramids of Egypt in base form. Beyond that they form a Fibonacci spiral and that plus the golden ratio length is used for almost all natural
Forms including our own. Most plants and animals are also subject to this ratio. It's also how phase conjugate scalar waves bridge the energy to mass barrier. Basically the greatest secret of this reality.
Oh fuck off you shit eating jew.
Karate Champ was so ghetto. Back flip UU, front flip UD, nut punch DU. Win.
If you wanted a full 1k points for the round you would backward roundhouse RL. But the later rounds the nut punch was a guaranteed hit.
Polite sage for sperging.
Babylonians were basically Proto aryans. Although they did completely ruin thier soil and in turn thier region’s economy/trade. of control into a desert shit hole Im open to irradiation/farming reform.(polite clap)
No they weren't. Ashurbanipal was a fucking shitskin faggot descended from shitskin faggots. They were an uncivilized tribe full of Canaanites that shit the place up for oh, 400 or so years just when they were in contact.
Babylon was a conglomerate of shitskins. Akkadians, were shitskins that overran the Sumerians. The only reason we even have a hint of the Sumerians now is because thankfully they were considered sacred at the time and they held onto the language, learning, etc.
If they could have gotten away with it they would have obliterated everything Sumerian like the fucking jews are still trying to do to this day via ISIS.
"aryan" is a concept created and mutated by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and Aleister Crowley. their groups eventually became the nazi party
most of this is good information
Fuck off shitskin.
u gay. faggot
Eat shit, stinky.
some guy recreated it and used grape juice as an electrolyte and got 1.5 - 2.0 volts from it
Nah, just your shitskin bullshit that isn't worth a cuntrag.
u r retarded
- this is a different guy
UN faggots are so stupid this is why they stick out and cant do anything right, u probably work at tsa being a prick
the whole idea of aryans is based on shitskin history and philosophy , god this is why skinheads are just white niggers
What's funny is they got them (the idea) from the Greeks. Greeks knew about "Leyden" jars (capacitors) long before the shitskins got a hold of them as they were experimenting with static charges via various materials long before the stinkys did and wound up making a battery. Of course kikes want to rewrite history, but what else is new.
thats not even true, greek culture is derivative of Egyptian
Don't bother shitskin, you were filtered as soon as you proved your lack of IQ.
Source please? I don't think anybody's trying to rewrite anything, but I could be wrong. Now that we're on the subject, I remember hearing about the Light of Dendera from ancient egypt
Er…not exactly.
More like they plagiarized the Sumerian version of their "confusion of tongues" story, part of the Sumerian "Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta" story from around 2000 BC. But instead of the giant building being the huge Ziggarut temple in Eridu (like in the Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta story) from over a thousand years earlier, they changed it up to be based around the the more recently created Zigguarat in Babylon made around 600 BC. Seems like there were around 30 zigguarats around those parts, not just those two.
That's still the "tower" of Babylon, just not the tower/ziggurat used in the original "confusion of tongues" story.
How about a ziggurat and pumpkin light electrical battery jars from the same location, Tepe Sialk in Iran
Note the quotes they weren't called that at the time. If you do a bit of research like a fucking jewgle search for ancient greeks electricity, you will get the basics starting with the static and moving on from there. They were using fucking eels to "combat" foot pain even.
WHEN THE FUCK WAS NEBUCHADNEZZAR the SECOND born? What did he do during his reign? What's that? He went after neo-assyria and Egypt? Both had jew issues at the time and coincidental rebellions? OY fucking vey.
Stop trying to rewrite history, yid. It was during the "neo" Babylonian period this shit happened. Nebby had to deal with the left over Assyrians and the Egyptians tried to rally some help for them to keep Assyria as a buffer for fear of being taken over. The (((Egyptians))) pushed them back because of rebellions from the Israelites of Judah, the former kingdom of Ephraim, the Phoenicians of Caanan and the Arameans of the Levant.
It is very much representative of the fucking jews and what they pulled and the story is from their fucking experience with the tower that the 2nd was building.
i don't even
Link that calc bra
All the ones I've found after so gay 90s geocities
base 60 was probably out of practicality.
60 is evenly divisible by many numbers.
where as 10 is only evenly divisible by 2 and 5.
Much easier to divide up anything evenly if there are so many even divisors.
the triangle math of Sumer is also based on avoiding fractions
anyone get anywhere with the
foot + cubit + meter = 6 thingy?
how's this work in sexagesimal
no. it is merely evidence of such a system in babylon which predates the evidence we have of such a system in greece.
the evidence just shows the earliest we can demonstrate something existed, not the earliest that it did exist.
so much was lost with alexandria, and it was the goatfuckers that did it.
It was always about counting bricks for the Sumerians, how many bricks could a 120 x 120 cubit field contain, or indeed how many bricks in a seven storey ziggurat
The GAN2 system G counting system evolved into area measurements. A special unit measuring brick quantity by area was called the brick-garden,which held 720 bricks.
A nice system, we can deduce that in our idealized garden we could arrange 720 patio bricks, this also extends to the Field measure which was the equivalent of 100 gardens, the measure for such a field was 60 ĝiri3 × 60 ĝiri3, were a ĝiri3 or step measure was reckoned as 2 cubits, so the field measure was also 120 x 120 cubits with 14,400 area. so that you could lay out 72,000 patio bricks within a field, an even greater unit of area measure than the Field which was the Estate, which related to 1,800 gardens, you could lay out 12,960,000 bricks across your estate if so desired, the area for this was 360 x 720 cubits= 259,200 square cubits.
What the protestants did even if it was in baby steps was move a short distance away from semitic control. Thus the solution is to completely break away from semitic control.
The others as well! FMA is based on many legends, ie. the legend of Faust and the biblical fall of Babylon. Imagery like the "evil eye" gaining more and more power trough human sacrifices (ie. by orchestrating revolutions and wars) is probably no coincidence. Actually nicely shows the parallels. I wish I could understand the original text, the translation is somewhat bumpy.
Kek you are a fucking brainlet who reads (((popular science))) as gospel and should get the fuck off Zig Forums.
That's not true. Look up Babylon or Sumeria. Are they "derivatives of Egyptian" too?