German Green Party Leader: Germans do not exist so they cannot be betrayed
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German Green Party Leader: Germans do not exist so they cannot be betrayed
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Par for the course. Of course I'm sure he thinks volk is a completely legitimate concept when applied to T*rks and niggers.
Jews do not exist so they cannot be gassed.
It says it all that he is not immediately assassinated for these genocidal views. Gun control killed democracy in Europe.
I'm convinced.
Very interesting video. A good representation of the ultra-liberal, ultra-individualistic mindset embraced by the left.
when has the "right" ever pushed back on this?
they seem to embrace it even more these days than the left
You heard what he said. Germans aren't people. That means you can kill the German Greens and any other race traitors with impunity.
Another artifact from the downsizing of "right" democratic parties from blood and soil to economy and individual. The gatekeepers are the neoconservatives.
You could turn this back on them and say that the "Nazis" thought this of the Slavs, they were un-people and could not be discriminated against, use their hate speech laws as weapons against them.
Yeah, and "Volksverhetzung" does neither exist. Idiot greens.
Lefties are so stupid - the word "Volksverräter" was invented by the (((socialists))); Marx, Lenin, Luxemburg etc. used the word which was then used by the NatSocs after WW1 to describe the Weimar degenerates (stab-in-the-back legend). How can there be no Volk but there's a "Straftatbestand Volksverhetzung" (criminal offence of incitement of the Volk)? This has to stop
I don't think this works beyond a tool for promote awareness, much like the thread on declaring the quran hate-speech the laws are decidedly only applied to the detriment of native Europeans and furthermore would only serve to generate victim mentality. They're immunised against their own hypocrisy in their righteousness.
Individualism and National Socialism are not mutually exclusive. You can pursue whatever destiny you like as long as it doesn't harm the collective. That means that, even if it is frowned upon, you could still technically and legally still do many of the degenerate bullshit things you call living like playing games or taking drugs.
You will find that culture is protected and non-degeneracy rewarded, other than that the details of individualism and your own personal liberty are highly dependent on the national racial and social contexts since those will determine the acceptable range of behaviors and your own innate ability to take part in various activities.
To give you an example, I'll use the gay bestiality fetish called being a furfag. Consider the effects of dressing up as a furry in Nat Soc Latin America. Now the same in Nat Soc America, where there are millions who had prior experience with these degenerates. The chance that you will be arrested for such sick sexual deviancy is near 0 in a Nat Soc USA (at least early on) while in an identical government elsewhere it would be instant. Even so, it would eventually go underground as norms and then laws change, bestiality being a good example again of such a counter-culture being a taboo topic and thereby existing outside of government control and social discourse.
Culture/media propaganda is our biggest target, as society is downstream from it. White society needs authority figures and rhetoric to remain placated and cooperative because that is simply the nature of mass psychology and human leadership, spontaneous uprisings only occur when basic Maslovian needs are no longer met. Multicultural "society" needs Machiavellian tactics and a tyrannical police state to enforce the artificial Marxist chaos and anti-White paradigm.
I long for the day when we can use "hate speech" as a legal cudgel against the left when they disparage whites.
They want to be world citizens? Then they shall eat as much as the average world citizen does, have as many cars and as big of a house. These useful idiots benefitted their whole lives from being born in their respective countries, yet they claim to be world citizens without a country nor a people.
They also claim to be pacifists, but they supported the bombing of Serbia and they still support bombing Assad.
Being "anti-German" is thing among their potiticians.
Never, really.
I don't really agree as a whole, but Libertarians for example count as "right wing" yet are ultra liberal and ultra individualistic themselves.
Yep, just like the French revolutionists who, as soon as they had won, dusted off the guillotines and massacred royalists.
If the Jews have taught us anything then it's that by killing free speech they can enslave the world for decades. No more. I'm not giving my rights away to Marxists and NWO Jews to misuse. Let them scream, let them whine: I'd prefer to have to beat up subversive Commies than becoming a yesman in a government which cannot exact self-criticism or improvement due to excessive anti-free speech laws.
That being said, free speech does not imply your opinion has a right to be heard. No more nigging around will be allowed. We will finally introduce fines for loitering and public disturbances as the nigs, for example, like to do constantly, to the detriment of our economy, health and societal well-being.
I'm not interested in killing free speech user i'm just interested in destroying leftshits like the greens by any means necessary.
Free speech is fine in theory but only when it is restricted to certain individuals. For example a jew never should be given freedom of speech.
or groups, rather. Groups such as native military officers of good character for example.
If you give freedom of speech to everyone, subversion followed by chaos and destruction ensue sooner or later.
Yes, only those who have sworn and proven their loyalty to the jew and their ability to mindlessly follow orders should be allowed to speak.
Police too, amirite?
Except no, no it doesn't. We are not in any past historical age. This is the internet era. Once we assume power our control will be better their control was simply because of the inexorable march of scientific progress.
Agree with this user. Selecting arbitrary groups to be superior to the common worker is backwards. National Socialism is about placing the citizen's rights above that of any supremacist group. The only supremacist group allowed is the entire nation, regardless of its characteristics.
Never said that. I'm talking about a military in a non jewified state such as NatSoc Germany for example. The average German in the Third Reich didn't have freedom of speech because there were still too many liberal and communist moles and you can't vet a country of dozens of millions of people. In the Third Reich you couldn't just slander NS officials nor could you peddle foreign propaganda, like you can in America. And that's exactly how it should be.
Freedom of speech only for the vetted.
*better than their control
I should slow down my typing -_-
It absolutely does and your own country is the perfect example of it.
The German people are some of the greatest people of all time.
I wish them strength and resilience, and the fury needed to overcome this disgusting treacherous treatment of their people and country.
Never forget who you are, and never believe them when they tell you you are helpless.
They fear you because you are a threat to them, they fear you because you can destroy them in a day if you organise yourselves.
Don't you think ideological repression will lead to more dissidents than allowing them free speech? I do. The best way to get people on board is to inspire them and be positive. Build, design, lead and the people will follow.
Right now it is our priority to win popular support so we can begin implementing our mandate, or if necessary, carrying out right wing coups. That means adopting 'common sense' popular positions such as free speech. Afterwards you can debate the best way to keep people from being corrupted by jewish and communist scum. I think rather than taking away their speech, we should deport all "serious" marxist subversives to the mines on Mars.
When you put it that way…It seems like a nice counter argument…
If you spare your enemies, they keep coming back.
hes is correct in the sense that if the people do not exert themselves as separate then they this group is moot
a meaningful german group must be like a meaningful germany nation
If you cannont defend your borders then the idea of you as a nation is meaningless?
Can the german people defend themselves as a group of people? Keep outsiders away, and assert their existence? If not then the idea of german people is meaningless, maybe it was true at one point but is it true now.
Hes challenging you, maybe its bait to demoralize and just get favors from dark skinned races (probably) but in general its kind of an interesting claim in general.
How do a people or group prove they are a group? Is it just by a flag and words? It must be more I would think. And if its not , who cares.
Tradition , it is there. But the past is the past if tradition is not maintained in the present then it may be gone.
Germans, dont lash out … but fight, for your existence.
Dont people know not to wake the german bear. Once these fucks put their mind to something they see it to the end.
I'm a very kind Nat Soc. "0 white deaths if possible" kind. Hitler also showed copious mercy with the mischlings and strasserites before the war. Marxism is an ideology, we can try to kill it, but do not put the cart before the horse: killing a generation of scummunists will only lead to their family flipping shit. Deportation works a lot better as it moves the problem onto a competitor who may be a better fit for the person anyways.
Get the fuck out of here with your useless philosophy.
It amazings me that we literally police in the anti-hitler world.
Everything he spoke lf, we live in the opposite.
Trudeau: They kill us we win.
There are no Germans!
Hitler killed more civilians than the Comm- no wait, Alli- ummm Jews! He killed Jews!
Multiculturalism and Tolerance
Religion of Cuck™.
AI and company rights.
Marxist police state.
Partisan banana republic courts and two-tier justice for (((NWO))) and the rest of us plebs.
thats what Im saying … the german people cant just be trees falling in forest
what is there to show, they "need" to show it
if americans dont use their 2nd amendment right to defend the 2nd amendment then there never was a 2nd amendment … understand?
These things have to be more than just words.
If all we are is a bunch of words thoughts and symbols that we have become the jewish sorcerers ourselves
Germans are still an occupied nation, their whole political system is designed to hinder the raise of one man and their leadership is chosen by the CIAniggers.
They can do exactly jack shit.
think about how the word "singularity" is the same thing as everyone together and youll understand the double speak that is going on
user is correct … but youll sound stupid just trying to talk about the craziness that is being pushed
they can fight and die user … they can fight and die
there are many bible quotes and war speeches about these type of things but ill say simply that when you punch the bully in the mouth you often see the bully is not so tough
one man never did anything … it was the summation of strength of all the men that is the reason you know of that one man
it will take more than one german , but a spark can ignite a kindling
kindling juxtapose with the word "kin" … brothers who flames burn together
Im not in germany , I dont know how bad it is. Usually political idiots just like to make trouble. Maybe its not that bad or maybe its so bad that this guy feels theres no reason not to say this shit.
Any germans in the house can attest to the scale of oppression? Like if you feel anger , what do you think would put you over the edge? And is there any politician trying to prevent that from happening?
Nothing wrong with the Individual, but they have to recognize they are part of a group or family.
American founding individuality was never about this progressive mis-interpretation of it, it was more about the divorce of the individual from the state aka the crown.
fick den Tuerken. Sie sind alle Tod sein.
Reminder that the german green party had massive influx of pedos (and other social deviants) in the late 80s and early 90s.
No offence, but you're never going to succeed with that mentality, it's just not realistic.
If you leave the traitors be, they will come back to get you eventually.
I know 0 isn't possible and I am advocating for violent revolution if elections prove to be rigged/controlled as they have been.
Don't have to agree with me, but you have to understand that this is a team: you won't agree on everything with a majority of your colleagues, but the meme bureau needs you to cooperate in order to succeed where it counts, which is removing ZOG. Everything after that is Terra Incognita and we shouldn't worry about it yet.
http s://archive. li/Eon4o
exposing the religion of cuck
Hey Germans, what about lynching this motherfucker just to remind him that german people do in fact exist and are sick of this shit.
You know what is beautiful about the current year?
Back then, you could not always be 100% sure that persecuting a certain person was within rights. That person might have not said those things and you might have just sentenced innocent person who was hunted down like a witch for merely being disliked by another being who caused his/her demise.
Today, you have it all on film. Everything is open and you know exactly who said what, said where, said when, because they are so proud of themselves that they would 3D print their statement and hang it around their doorbell.
Today you can just 'google' a traitor that lives around your area and be 100% certain that they are guilty.
That meme is not really a thing, though.
Sure, their constitution, Bonn's Fundamental Law, was initially set up as a document to organize how an occupied Germany would be under the allies, including a series of laws of occupation, but ever since it has underwent a constitutional mutation to exclude all aspects of the occupation laws from its regiment.
Does that mean I cannot persecuted if I kill this idiot?
It's more about unity than individuality. You can have many individuals, but if each one of them works towards a common cause like for example the betterment of their nation they're united. The left is the exact opposite, they also have individuals although much less than the right, but they're not united as all of them work for their own selfish reasons. The left is together for convenience but not united.
You can tell the traitors are getting really nervous these days double downing on the propaganda lies told to them that they knew were lies all along.
I thought those were mostly baseless and unsourced, since it has him talking positively about Religion of Cuck™ and other disagreeable notions.
Yes, the table talks are fake.
Not baseless, just written down hours, days later by men with perhaps good, but not unfaulty memory. There are also some indications that things have been edited by men like Bormann, but it's not the pisslam quote. Most likely it is the Christianity quotes.
There is nothing in except those who reside within the confinements of the german prison state.
The end goal of communism is absolute individualism. The fact is that Lenin and co knew that they had to create a brutal regime to supposedly reach that utopia. The same contradiction exists in liberal circles post-60's where they don't believe in race but at the same time really hate native Europeans.
A left-wing German politician denying the existence of Germans?
What a surprise.
Denazification is a hell of a drug.
I wouldnt call it a mis-interpertation as much as it is just the ideal taken to an extreme
I think the founders would be ok with trannies and all the liberal cooks because the founders would also be with ok with someone not hiring them.
The problem we have is not the individual extreme expressionists but the meddeling of the state that says you have to treat them equal when in your mind and heart you see the difference and want to act the difference.
Seperation from the crown, religion and the state yes. So let the people decide and take responsibility for their actions. No one gets to tell anyone else how to act , but everyone has to live with the consequences of their decision.
The state forcing people to hire certain types and accept certain types … this is the violation.
Thats why we dont go to public school anymore
Sounds an awful lot like that kike pushing the "no white identity" in Europe, bullshit. Imagine that.
Fuck off Talmuddit, don't come back.
Being "anti-German" is thing among white people, including people on this very board.
South Africa and Rhodesia were likewise destroyed under the thunderous applause of their white "brothers". It is okay though, they were "cucks" after all.
Nor can they be genocided.
why do you larping fags care about some beta male society? The nazis dont care about being replaced, why do you?
we saw his earlobes, thanks for the heads up though
Step your shill game up, Moishe, this is pretty low effort stuff
If the founding fathers thought like that they wouldn't have exempted (((obscenity))) from the protection of the first amendment and sodomy wouldn't have been a hanging offense throughout the states. This whole idea of tolerating that evil exists in your society so long as you can supposedly keep your little slice free of it is just a foot in the door for the traveling merchant.
muh second sedative to make me feel manly about 10,000 nigger rapes
All "rights" are just a promise to LARP really hard and to find some clever way to circumvent that arbitrary rule. The only game that matters is how to grab power for yourself and use that to break and kill the enemy's leading men. That is the definition of goodness.
Y'all need a savior.
(((The green party))) would never say jews dont exist.
How will I contain my shock.
Robert Habeck does not exist, so a bullet cannot kill him. Let's try that little experiment, shall we?
Don't worry, user. We'll supply you with arms when the civil war finally breaks out. I'm sure some Czech and Swiss anons will help as well.
The NSDAP did not hate the Slavs. That's more Jewish postwar propaganda. They did look down on them because of communism, much like the Slavs look down on the cucked West today. The Ukrainians especially welcomed the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS as liberators from Soviet tyranny, and they were.
Full circle.
Reality is a social construct! Genes don't exist! The idea that you can determine someone's ethnic background by looking at their genes is a NAZI conspiracy created by Hitler himself!
America's downfall despite trillions invested in niggers and other poopskins says otherwise.
Why do the Greens exist as a political party in any nation? In mine they are batshit insane as any other.
You know this retard enjoys muslim cock in his faggot ass. Anyway, this line of mental illness is nothing new. The 'green' parties around the world are nothing more than commies in hiding. A little bit of environmental this and that which is usually wrong and a whole lot of socialism.
NS Germany did not cuck for non-Germans, Slavic or otherwise
go fuck your mother
It was recorded by Hitler's secretary up until 1944 (so how would the Soviet tamper with it in 1945?), prove they were tampered with. What he says there reflects upon his conduct accurately.
So hes a traitor, make an example out of him.
Worded that weird, what I meant was that you switched sides everytime someone new came up (thereby cheapening your allience), like when Poles ahem first tried to liberate you from communism, you picked the Soviets, but then you switched sides when the Germans came, then back to the Soviets.
Because environmentalism used to be a popular right wing agend, which they want to boil down to nothing but global warming climate change, radiation and similar boogeymen.
So they were tempered with but they are fine. OK.
The table talks are complete bullshit, much like his "diaries" were.
And they DON'T reflect his conduct accurately, neither do they reflect how he usually spoke. Hitler wasn't a removed-from reality spouter of phrases like the writer of the "table talks" was. When he was talking to people, especially in a smaller circle, he was talking like a normal person. Much more normal than many of the LARPers here and more like real Zig Forumsacks.
He also never said the German people are superior and hence should rule. His whole point was IF Germany wants to stop living as slaves and IF Germany wants to have a say in the world again, then they will have to fight for it. He recognized races and peoples as "a matter of fact", a fact of nature, wherein which the race and the people has to earn the place it wants to hold, not in some magical superiority that fell from heaven.
I see I misread your post in the beginning - you didn't say they were tempered with, but that "we" should prove it. No, you first have to show that they were indeed "recorded" by his secretary, because I've never heard of that and I very much DOUBT that Hitler had his secretary type down his casual or private conversations with other individuals at his fucking dining table. Who would do such a thing? In fact, when he was having real conversations with other people of import then women weren't even around for the politics, not even Eva Braun was part of those discussions. She was out playing with the dog(s) or the (Goebbels) children when Hitler was engaging in political discussions.
Tampered with is not the right word. They were recorded by Hitler's aides, against his will. The reasons for this is that Hitler would often say things to test out ideas on people, without actually meaning what he said. So he forbade any recording of his words in private. His aides though still wrote it down. Partly because of financial reasons (they wanted to sell it which they eventually did) and in Bormans case, for ideological reasons. He wanted the authority of Hitler to support his ideas on Christianity in particular.
That being said, they still contain an essence of what Hitler said at his private talks, so for anyone interested in Hitler they do have value. But they can not be used as evidence. If something only appears in Table Talk and noplace else, it's probably incorrect.
If you want a verbatim account of Hitler's words there is only his military conferences, which were transcribed by several professional clerks and of which fragments remain (about 800 pages of a 100,000 total).
Either something are the words of a man, or they are not. "Secretely recorded against his will by his aides partially for financial reasons or ideological reasons" EQUALS bullshit.
In fact, what we have here - as far as it isn't an intel psyop outright - is a typical case of lowly people grandstanding AFTER the fact and pretending to have been privy to the most private conversations of a historical figure and selling it to stupid people in post war Germany where everyone "knew" about "the Nazis" but wasn't part of it, yes, whatever you want me to say Mr. American De-Nazification officer.
Also, you can be sure that when Hitler forbade something to his lowly aides, then they DID NOT secretely run a diary on his talks while living with him at the Berghof, Jesus fucks. Also, I doubt there even was a scene where Hitler turned to his "aides" and had to say: "BTW, DON'T YOU DARE RECORD MY PRIVATE CONVERSATIONS HERE", because normal people aren't doing that in the first place and wouldn't have DARED to running records on Hitlers dining table conversations. Imagine the scene when such a "record" was found at the Berghof by Security personel: "Mr. Arndt, we found this handwritten record of Hitler's talk from the xx/xx/xx when the Minister of the Interior was visiting…CARE TO EXPLAIN THAT TO US???"
lol. Some of you people really do live in a bubble. Try to think shit through before you believe any fucking shit, or try and get out from time to time.
German racial scientists concluded the Nordic race as superior, the Germans being a part of this Nordic race, moreover Hitler did want to rule and "unify" Europe, quote
When I said it accurately reflects his conduct (actions) it means that he did, his words proving it further.
You're examining what you consider Hitlers psychology, not facts or history, come back with some proof, as all facts point to them being true.
OY VEY holohoax exposure
fucking nigger word filters by shitskin mods
oy vey ho locaust de nier
It's about as valuable as any person in history who met Hitler and gave a retelling of his words. No they are not his exact words, that much is common knowledge, but to say they do not have value is ridiculous. Personally I find them an enjoyable read because everything Hitler said is interesting, and the Table Talks are definitely Hitler. Doesn't mean you have to take it for gospel. If you have read a lot about Hitler you will immediately notice when the text starts to diverge into fantasy land, and that is not very often. Most of it reads like what everybody who knew Hitler described him as. A brilliant man giving clear and succinct opinions on our world.
This was NatSoc Germany, not Soviet Russia. People weren't fearing for their lives because they had a piece of paper with Hitler notes. This was the country where several high ranking officer's called around to ask other high ranking officer's "hey, you wanna kill Hitler?". This went on for months, in some cases years, the generals were plotting against Hitler already in 1938. The traitor Halder kept his job all the way to 1942, and his replacement Zeitzler joined in the 1944 assassination conspiracy. This was not a regime where subordinates feared for their lives very much.