The lisping faglord Trudeau is preaching hardline race denial / egalitarianism right now and it's making me cringe hard.
Livestream here:
The lisping faglord Trudeau is preaching hardline race denial / egalitarianism right now and it's making me cringe hard.
Livestream here:
God I hate him so much.
I'd really rather not.
At least thumb the vid down. They disabled comments and live chat despite the faggot saying in his speech to find people that think unlike you and to talk with them.
He's saying listen to viewpoints you don't agree with and see if maybe you become convinced. Yet he will never have an open debate with a fascist.
god everything he's saying right now is totally insincere and unpracticed
He's saying anthropogenic climate change is real and female genital mutilation (never mentions male genital mutilation) is wrong.
Soyboy ban just started singing. Would post webm I just recorded but I forgot I'm on Tor…
http s://archive. li/Eon4o
exposing the religion of cuck
still no weed lmao tho
Save us.
They're legalizing it this summer or some shit, are they not?
That would be convenient, right before the (((elections))).
I think it's supposed to be legalized in July here. and yeah, it did get pushed back. Conveniently we're in the midst of the provincial elections. Coincidentally.
The liberals who wanted to legalize it years ago have cucked themselves into being against now because of muh natives. It probably will just get kicked down the road and used again for their next prime minister election.
He has that face that just makes you want to take a belt sander to it.
He takes after his father in that regard, if you dont believe the Castro theory.
I want to punch this faggot through the screen.
until now i'd never heard him speak, I wasn't prepared for that, I'd thought he'd sound more like john kerry or something, he sounds like a complete and total ass goblin. Gayer than 3 faggots climbing a wall of kike cocks in faggot, like exaggerated super homo.
If there is a god and he has a sense of humor, having a few returning ISIS kidnap and behead this piece of shit would be money
I'm more apoplectic about him getting in honorary law degree while I struggle to get a near perfect lsat score because as a white guy I have to jump over flaming hurdles just to get an acceptance letter to some shitty state school. Fuck this fucking drama teacher faggot
Get some fucking rifles faggot and save yourselves
We got shitskins and jüden filth to clean from my land first
Sure thing, I'm sure we'll do that any moment just like you guys.
In case you haven't noticed shits turning the fuck around at a startlingly pace. Outside of the nigger areas we have a FUCK TON of rifles and ammo. Keeps wannabe truedoes right the fuck in check.
Trucuck ran on legalizing it by canada day 2017 if I recall. They ain't gonna do it.
Trudeau cucking out even more than Trump?
That sounds highly unlikely, can we have a source pls
200% confirmed kike-lover.
JUST in:
You have no idea how bad it really is
He really thinks this is as natural as can be, because nation states are an illusion and people are all interchangeable. This is the end result of multicult and globalism on the brain. There is no finer example.
If there was a god, hed let one of the tax terrorists have to opportunity to rape gis wife and kids live then kill them and then have the courts somehow find that turd gave them legal immunity for the crime by accident forcing turd to man up and kill them himself or (more likely) suicide.
It would be nice if we at least had the option to filter torpedos globally without having to do it every fucking thread.
Is it just me or is this the pajeet version of Varg?
When he gets voted out, you think he'll hillary and run again despite not being liked at all by even his base, or run to america and try for a kikewood career? Because everyone I talk to agree that he definitely acts like he would rather be acting.
Fuckin lul'd user.
lel'd more than I should have.
ment for
I watched the whole speech and I have to say, apart from his blatant, uncontested, massive faggotry, he is a commendable speaker. A shame he doesn't put his skills to good use.
The hypocrisy of people saying that is so common. I don't believe that even normalfags believe that when these hypocrites say that. They nod their head because they agree with the sentiment but know it's about putting up a front rather than, "coming together to have a dialogue."
They can't because they would get destroyed.
He most likely was training to do so from a young age. Even a monkey can do that with proper training. It's essentially just going through the motions of picking the right words, phrasing, voice-tone, voice-volume, etc.
They usually refuse over bullshit reasons and try to act like they're taking the high road.
>I would talk to people who disagree but I'm not going to engage with trolls
Translation: "Everyone who disagrees with me is a troll." The offline version usually just substitutes that accusation with Nazi/racist/homophobe, etc. and then the other person(s) ends up doing the retarded thing by then trying to deny what they've been accused of even if it's not true.
I can imagine that he was trained at a young age. But you have to be above a certain threshold of intelligence to become proficient at it. If you take an average nigger, you will never get him to become a good speaker.
In all justice to Justin, I'm pretty sure the egg cell that was inseminated by whoever to produce him had already suffered a fuck tone of damage to the parts of its DNA that ordered his neurological tissues thanks to mommy Margaret taking shitloads of LSD and MDA and cocaine in her youth.
He was trained well by the Jesuits..
ridiculous. It's already effectively legalized with a pot store on every fucking street in Vancouver.
What a shitty meme. Do better.
If Trucuck can't even force his agenda on the people then where exactly is the power in Canada?
Like seriously I want to know how power is distributed in Canada. Who is calling the shots? Where is the power centralized?
But the power comes from the Liberals and NDP in the House (and provincial houses) wanting to fuck Canada up to the point that the Cuckservatives can't even alleviate any of the damage in 5 years.
This is what Canadian politics is.
Remember, The Liberals and NDP are Communist Traitors that should Hang for their Degradation of Canada
Let me fix that for you… The Liberals and NDP and Progressive Conservatives and Green Party and Bloc Quebecois are Communist Traitors that should Hang for their Degradation of Canada.
This is correct and is even more correct.
Also the Conservative Party is about as conservative a a liberal from five or ten years ago.
This is pretty off topic but it's really funny to me that typical leftist "progressive" college kids usually have anti-Israel sentiments, to the point were they would compare the Israel-Palestine conflict to the holyhoax as of it ever happened. It's not like said "progressive" college kids actually care about human life, though. Because if they did they would have cared about lost White lives but they would rather see the White race being genocided by the shitskin hordes, which is a good thing for both the Zionist Jew and the Marixst Jew. I honestly don't understand how this benifits the Jew. You make some goyim believe in something you've invented (Marxism), only for said goyim to start despising another thing you've invented (Zionism) because of muh racist apartheid. All of this bullshit is literally a kike vs. kike scenario, and no one in the end wins. Also second pic doesn't have anything to do with their protests, I just think that looking at that feminist whore's face is solid proof why women don't deserve rights.
And on this note, I'm surprised libshits don't get bother by the Israel-Palestine conflict. The kikes are constantly murdering innocents, yet do nothing.
It depends on what kind of leftist we are talking about here. If you're talking about the David Horsey-tier libshits who read Occupy Democrats all day, of course they wouldn't care about the Palestinians. Only the extreme type of leftists, specifically the Marxist ones care about the Israel-Palestine conflict, not that they actually care about White lives because of the "all Whites are racist just for being born White" sentiment. Instead of believing in the Zionist Jew like the neocohen golems, the Marixst golems follow another kind of Jewish invention, as I've said before. This Jew vs. Jew bullshit dates back to (((Karl Marx))) himself being against some Jews who supported capitalism during his time. Stalin and the Soviet Union as a whole starting to be against Israel back inthe day is also the reason why the Marixst golems have anti-Israel setiments but not anti-Jew sentiments.
Yes, but as revolting as he is, you have to realize that straight white men are not the demographic he appeals to. The guy is chick crack for liberal women, the embodiment of the attractive effeminate/homo archetype, spouting a load of fuzzy, meaningless platitudes that disengage all logical reasoning and make them 'feel' the world could be a better place, if only they listened to Turdeau.
They don't give a shit what the useful idiots think, as long as they're not reproducing, and if they do, ruining the child into a faggot or transvestite monster or ethnomaschist weakling and generally being a menace to society.
Trudeau calls for independent investigation into Israel’s excessive force against civilians
Article goes on to say how America used its veto power to block any investigation into human rights abuses by Israel. Its hard to believe that this is the state of the world. Trump can't say anything negative about muslims without getting lambasted by the establishment/MSM, but Israel can shoot babies. And the very same establishment/msm will help to cover it up.
Speech was completely written by group committee method. Says lines like talking with your opponents. How identity politics is wrong. After unironically having his most defining moment being "My cabinent is 50% women because it's 2015". Followed by, making military leaders and other posts as many foreigners like east indians as possible.
This is what happens when you cuck so hard to "progressivism" (i.e. feminism, homosexuality, trannyism, third world immigration, etc.). Suddenly you start to question why Israel isn't multicultural like the whole West because you outta know Jews ARE Westerners, they're "White" aren't they? In the end the "progressive" leftists like the indoctrinated college kids in (((uni))) are still considered to be useful idiots for the kikes so they can destroy any form of the White man's culture IN THEIR OWN NATIONS. Just another case of the ideological opinions of the Marxist Jew clashing with the ideological opinions of the Zionist Jew. I remember this cuck being really in touch with George Soros, too. He was a Marxist kike who actually wanted #OpenBordersForIsrael but the Zionist kikes like Bibi and Ovadia Yosef's son hypocritically doesn't want any of that shit.