Giuliani: Mueller's team told Trump's lawyers they can't indict a president
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Batten down the hatches and hold onto something. It's going to be spectacular.
Pain is coming.
1488D Chinese checkers
HERE ME OUT TRUMP SET THE PORN STAR IN AS A DISTRACTION THEY WILL change LAWS take TRUMP TO COURT HIS plant will confess that she lied he will then DRAIN THE FORMER PRESIDENTS AND ALL OTHER TREASON FAGS FROM SWAMP using their backhanded SYSTEM TO HIS ADVANTAGE…reasonable possibly '''now what is his play for ISRAEL ?
fuck you TOR posters, all you do is post promises. Not a single god damn fucking thing will happen.
remembering history fondly
pretty sure 90% of TOR posters are kikes.
tfw: waiting for storm to come, that may never come
Trump is gonna drop 9/11 truth when he gets back from Singapore.
That's out of left field.
If he was going to tell the truth 9/11, he wouldn't have hired Jewliani, who played a major role in it.
This is a good thing right?
I was doing very okay at the start of this thread. Now I've had cold water poured on me, before the storm, and I'm confused. What are you talking about?
Actually, don't answer. I'm going back into my celebratory dance!
screencapped for good luck
These particular torpedos wandered away from /qresearch/
Q predicted this, btw
It's a very good thing.
Now do some autistic hand flapping with me at your desk.
(ノ‥)ノ \(..\) (ノ‥)ノ \(..\)
1776 baby!
Come on Zig Forums, where are the rest of you?
Read, grasp, understand.
I'll check your timestamp trips
Praise Kek and pass the ammo
Also the 1776, remembering history.
Making history.
so does this mean we'll see a kike go to prison in some way?
oh, nvm
100% false, kill yourself.
Banned. Look at the log.
And what (((group))) is primarily responsible for that, (((Mark Levin)))? What (((group))) infested the upper echelon of politics, entertainment, press, education, etc. and degenerated the United States into an overwhelmingly corrupt banana republic? What (((group))) has been expelled hundreds of times throughout history for engaging in such unscrupulous activities over and over again, (((Mark Levin)))?
Pretty sure that's obvious to anyone who understand impeachment. Any criminal proceedings against a sitting POTUS need to be brough by the legislative branch [house I think]
Pretty much every post now is rah rah cheerlead. That's because Zig Forums is run by the deep state trying to convince people that no matter what they see in front of them–a completely criminal, corrupt banana republic overrun by shitskins on the path to complete Brazil status–things are being taken care of! No need for direct action goy! We the people isn't a thing, goy!
This site has become an embarrassment. Maybe endchan or 8ch zenpol are alternatives.
Nice buzzwords filtered shillposter.
Kill yourself, you retarded sack of shit. Open your eyes or suck kike cock somewhere else.
Filtered. Nice buzz phrases, triggered much?
This must have generated some salt, right?
Post it if you have it.
That could explain the sense of disappointment I get when I read posts. There's been a huge deterioration even in the past week. This thread is so empty. It seems nobody gets it, yet here I am so excited it's almost like I have a constant imaginary corgi-like tailwag going on.
This is big stuff, and barely anyone seems interested. Am I deluded? This can't be so obscure and hard to understand.
I have noticed weirdness afoot around here in the last week or two as well. Something just seems off
Yes, something's off. There was a disturbing absence of shills in the NXIVM thread. I've noticed fewer shills overall, and whoever is around doesn't seem to making much of an effort.
If a thread rises in the catalog, and there is no one around to shill it, does it make a point?
Also in the news, Harry's jew inlaws were uninvited from the wedding, and her "father" suddenly came down with heart trouble that required a stent and US treatment. He will be unable to walk her down the isle.
Oh dear the kike is attempting to fit in.
Kill yourself on the way back to cuckchan, cunt.
Release the ghoul
Can't indict, and they can't get enough traction to formalize an impeachment process. Darn. It's almost like the jews lack the foresight to see their best laid legislature can and will be used against them.
Or is that foreskin…
I would almost feel sorry for the poor bastards if they hadn't caused us multiple epochs worth of problems.
Tor works to separate IP from routing.
That is why feds use it and it is shit on here BY JEWS.
Vanilla Tor is blocked because the .onion services have two unfixable identity leak vulnerabilities and are exploited to identify you.
Weiner's indictment has been unsealed.
What will a Search and Seizure Warrant tell us and how to find it?
You're posting on Tor? What's vanilla Tor and tell me about these two vulnerabilities? I know the onion is not over HTTPS.
Not all Tor posters obviously are fedposters. I know I am not one.
Frankly, as if they can't identify clear posters by IP. Why shouldn't I use Tor to avoid advertising, Facebook, Twitter profiling?
Are you a concern troll shill to get people to stop using Tor?
HootchandCootch on Twitter:
Yes, grab pitchforks and demand DOJ release Mueller documents
Rouse the people, CNN.
Exquisitely refined salt and shitposting.
DOTR can't come quick enough
Heil quints
Kek'd, checked and Heil'd
The numbers demand it
Immediately kys, Boomer.
How can boomers be dumb enough to believe the Q LARP, but somehow function in society?
>the feels, Jack!
so what's the takeaway here? i never thought trump would get indicted for this bullshit.
Democrats are good at wasting money and playing up hysterical histrionic nothings.
but thats not news
Oh I get some shill love.
I'm aware, it's just the take away.
Imagine a world where I still give a fuck about a muh russia investigation that will produce 0 high level arrests or laws to prevent it again in the future. This is (((their))) way of revealing their crimes to rub it in the public's face.
This investigation will go on for as long as Trump is in office.
This is all a charade designed to make the US looks like fools so nobody thinks it is worth wasting nukes on.
No. But judging by the quality of your post, an argument could be made.
You're beyond retarded.
Or maybe our sarcasm radar needs recalibration.
Actually, if you just want to be a whiny faggot and bitch about everything, I highly suggest Meguca. I got banned there not long ago for pointing out that they have no evidence for any of their bitching about hatechan. There you go. Enjoy yourselves, you worthless blackpill faggots.
Checking these sick-ass digits + hitlerious image, kamerade.
Wow guys, it's confirmed happening this time!
You got trips, you done fucked up now.
Here's how Q predictions work:
Good work.
You put some effort in.
The quality of the shilling has gone up some since we complained.
I commend your commitment to improvement.
Unfortunately, your argument is still worthless as it is plain not true.
I'm afraid IT'S A FAIL. Sad!
Challenge: name one time Q predicted something explicitly, unambiguously, and it came to pass. It has to be something that never happened before, ie, that wasn't a Trump phrase or campaign slogan, and wasn't announced by anyone prior to Q.
I know I'll just get another memespam reply, but it redpills lurkers to see you be a fag.
If you've paid any attention, you'll realize he is someone very close to the President. I'm not sure what your disbelief is - whether he is a confirmed insider, whether he's LARPING, or whether what he says is really what is happening. From your question, I'm guessing you think it's all a LARP, in which case it's a very low level observation and very easy to disprove. All I have to do is mention one of his first posts where he writes +++, then hours or a day later Trump tweets +++! This is true. Look it up. Then another time, he posts a photo of the sky over Hong Kong when Air Force One was over Hong Kong. If you want time stamps, one of the more recent ones is Trump honoring fallen officers that I've copied below. Aside from that, he tweets about the Rothschilds before the helicopter-plane mid-air crash over their base and home at Waddesdon Manor, then names the pilot before his name is released. And so many other instances. I'm not going to stay up for this - I'm going to bed. You've no idea what you've asked for because there is so much proof. So I may or may not give you a full list later - it's not easy to recall every detail and pull up the relevant posts and timestamps and I'm sure you've all the time in the world to pick holes. In the mean time, read up here instead of being a lazy, skeptical baby who needs to be spoon fed. old.reddit.com
May 15 2018 01:41:09
Q !4pRcUA0lBE
Find the [2] NYPD detectives [187] mid 2017.
Did they view the insurance file?
Threats are real.
This is not a game.
Trump makes speech same day (ten hours later?) and brings Police Officer Miosotis Familia's family on stage. Killed July 5, 2017. Ambush.
May 15 2018 12:20:08
Q !4pRcUA0lBE
Did you catch it?
What NYPD detectives were [187] mid 2017?
Officer Familia [1]
Godspeed, Patriot.
We will never forget.
Never fail to get prompt shout downs by shills.
You'd think they'd have learned to be less obvious.
Also points to what they're afraid of.
Can't believe the same cancer is here as on cuckpol.
I explained it pretty fucking succinctly the first time. Q never makes explicit predictions, and there's absolutely no reason for that. Hi being vague is your first big red flag. Q posts vague haiku-like nonsense, because he knows his "believers" will turn his garbled one-word-per-line posts into explicit predictions for him. Then, after whatever it is has already happened and his audience decides what it was he was predicting, Q re-appears and confirms what his fanbase concluded he "must have meant". Since they are hooked on the Larp aspect, they don't notice this lets him pretend he's making predictions, when in fact, he's making his audience "fill in the blanks" by vague-posting. This is the same technique as cold reading: you let the audience, who wants to believe, fill in the blanks for you then you pretend like "yes that's what I meant". Any time you ask for proofs from those who fell for the Larp, they always list things that were either Trump catch-phrases like "Tip Top" – which Q supposedly "predicted" he would say, then Trump said on Easter – turned out to be a catch-phrase he constantly uses. If morons had, they'd notice that Q only ever predicts that Trump will say things he's already said before, or use campaign slogans he's already used. Every name or phrase Q has "predicted" is something announced in advance, easily guessable by anyone regularly reading Zerohedge, or just likely given that Trump says or does something repeatedly.
Wanna see all the pre-2018 examples of Trump saying "tip top", one of his catch phrases? Let's just see the first page of Google results, which you are too lazy or too stupid to check:
The obvious third option you never consider is that people elgitimately disagree and think you're a Larper with low IQ / mental illness. I realize you're terrified that this might be true, so its easier to pretend there are shills trying to change your mind all the time. Paranoid schizophrenics display the same behavior, which might be due to your jewish genes. Jews have a higher rate of schizophrenia.
Reported for Q-LARP spam.
Interesting. My long post of Q proof got deleted.
And the deletion was logged this time, unless some thread deletions.
Very interesting indeed.
I suppose it would be pointless for my planned much longer post.
Yes this tripe remains.
For those who believe, no proof is necessary.
For those who don't believe, no proof is possible.
You accuse people of the first, yet engage in the second.
Both are equally stupid. I gave you proof after proof.
Repetition does not make up for your lack of good argument.
You point me out for calling you a shill because you disagree with me, yet you call me a Jew and a paranoid schizophrenic for disagreeing with you, AND you manage to post that? Your brain's not very good with logic or detecting your own hypocrisy is it?
I call you a shill because of your patent lies and refusal to deal with the truth, because you refuse proof and demand it only to refuse it again on the flimsiest basis.
Years from now, when you realize you're on the wrong side of history, and you think about this period in your life, I hope you cringe and die inside of embarrassment, and not be able to look yourself in the mirror when you realize what a drag on humanity you have been, if you have any shame left.
unless unlike
And good job getting this thread completely off topic. If that's not the behaviour of a shill I don't know what is.
Well they believed in the holohoax and their money is their guaranteed life-support until they are either dead or no longer useful.
Let me summarize a little story from during/before the election
Well I guess just spamming indictments and claiming that there must be fire where there's smoke, isn't going to work any more if they can't indict a sitting president.
We are being subjected to major demoralization ops. What they do is make you ride the rollercoaster of hope, thus after a few ups and downs you become apathetic and blackpilled.
Let's allow it to work, never get your hopes up unless you see cold hard evidence. Keep working hard to name the Jew (and run for office while doing it) and we will get there no matter what the kikes try to pull.
I really hope I'm wrong, but I'm not gonna fall into the trap.
Could just as well be because he is in debt, in other words another Churchill that the Jews allow to remain afloat.
Yeah, not buying it.
What the fuck are you even saying?
The Trump tax returns may remain withheld because they could actually show that he is in debt. Wouldn't surprise me at all if (((they))) pulled some shit like that.
But they didn't remain withheld, that's the fucking point. If you ask me to make an effort to compile information for you 5000 times and I refuse to do it more than once or twice, that doesn't mean I'm hiding something, that means you're either retarded or desperate to get a gotcha on me.