The Japanese-American senator from Hawaii, Mazie Hirono, tweeted support for Yuri Kochiyama, an anti-white feminist activist that supported Osama Bin Laden
Ermmm Osama Bin Laden was supported by all of America at one time. izAGdoPxGcwnqBMMirPMxMWBetFUCncmibIpkHtXpOXXRVgnuzbJGGRJTjVKYwWc regards, anons who want fileposting through Tor enabled.
Camden Moore
Let this be a lesson to all of you yellow fever faggots who think a mix between Jap and German somehow preserves the qualities of both races. It does not. You get hapas - people with mental problems.
Treason is not protected by Muh Free Speech. Try again next time.
Dominic Hernandez
Ask Dr. Michael Scheuer about Osama and stop thinking like a good goy
Jonathan Morgan
Yes, but this is no reason to shield the enemy. Regardless of the veracity of the claims against Osama, the opportunity exists to make gains in the political sphere.
Can we get the fuck past this already? What is she, the third generation of survivor (of whatever, German or American internment, I don't give a fuck)? I swear to fucking god, there will be Jews on the Starship Enterprise kvetching about their great- great- great- great- great- grandmother being gassed 6 million times in a 200-meter-tall electric chair mounted to a rollercoaster track with a shaft of wood up her ass while she was only 3 years old. This Jewish lieutenant will be entitled to benefits and a special yellow star lapel pin.
For the record, my own grandfather died in France during the war and is buried in Belgium. My other grandfather came through and never talked about it. My parents and their siblings didn't give a shit. I cared more about the war stories of my old German neighbor, who spent years in slave labor in the Soviet Union before they let him out. I guess you could consider me a Holοcaust survivor in that sense. Where's my gibs?
Anthony Brown
there's nothing wrong with it
Jason Robinson
It will only stop when our society turns away from slave morality cult of victimhood (good and evil), and returns to traditionalist aristocratic values of good and bad. People claim victim status or inherited victim status, often falsely, because they benefit from in it how our society has been conditioned to view victimhood.
Carter Jackson
Japs are friends not breeding partners.
Grayson Cox
Praise Kek, may the volcano kill this cunt.
Levi Diaz
Asher Young
When will you yellow fever niggers learn your place and there's a reason the kikes keep working together with them?
Easton Powell
So while a volcano is burning her constituents up, she's tweeting this shit? GREAT. That's game over for this dumb motherfucker.