I was doing some research on some of the claims made during the discussion and on Little's campaign website.
I found through Hillel multiple sources for Jewish populations among colleges. However, I can't find anything involving his claim about Jews being 3% of top performing high school graduates. Most resources I found group Jewish and Whites into the same category. Does anyone have a source for this claim?
Also, does anyone have any information concerning Solzhenitsyn's work on Jewish leadership during the rise of the USSR? I had thought that that information was in a book that had not been translated to English.
Are you trying to ask if the high kike IQ meme is a myth? Because it's been debunked 6 million times already. US whites have an average IQ of ~105. Kikes are AT BEST in that range, more likely 95-100 average.
Joseph Price
(((halsey))) is fucking repulsive, would like to see that rat debate Dr. Duke about zog even though Little held his own in the debate, Duke would've royally ass blasted that filthy kike just like he did jonestein on JQ
More of this attention whoring bullshit. There is no way in hell I would vote for a fucking cunt like this just because he is such an attention whoring faggot. This shit began with the "oh gee this guy just randomly popped up on muh radar!" and it hasn't stopped. I hope you and your entire team of fucking jews eat a bag of dicks on the way to the fucking oven.
Ironic then that he defended Elizabeth Ames Friedman, TRS' Mike Peinovich's wife. Saying she had the wrong color eyes to be jewish, when it was blatantly obvious. He's probably B'nai Brith same as them. It's called controlled opposition. No reason to believe Patrick Little isn't part of it.
John Bennett
Little is a plant, if you can't see this you need to get a new brain. Stop being so fucking cucked the second anyone says anything you agree with.
I didn't say that, I said he was a plant. He's not very eloquent and his arguments are not things he has come to personally - you can tell he is trying to recall things, rather than speak his mind. His debate with Halsey was atrocious.
At best the guy wakes a few people up - at worst he says something retarded and makes it an even bigger fucking deal with the leftists.
Having a Jewish spouse is significant in many ways but it doesn't mean you can just include them as part of Jewish over-representation. Unless they've converted they're still ethnically and religiously non-Jewish. Claiming they're spiritually Jewish doesn't make sense either, because everyone in those positions is. The more honest position of counting only genuine Jews and ending up with 1650% or whatever it would be would still be staggering without being a blatant misrepresentation.
I can agree that the 1650% or whatever figure is enough, so for strategic reasons, to avoid accusations of inaccuracy, we might prefer that approach.
However, you're underplaying the significance of the Jewish spouses. The vast majority of Wall Street executives are male. So the Jewish spouses are wives, which means the children of the pairing are 100% Jewish under Jewish law. Any man that marries a Jew effectively ties his genetic legacy to the Jews. And isn't that what it's all about for all of us - out children's futures?
Tyler Young
I agree about the significance of a Jewish spouse, and that it merges the goy's line into that of the Jews, but it's simply untrue that marrying a Jew makes you Jewish - unless you convert, which they evidently haven't as otherwise they'd be Jews instead of merely their spouses. You could make it fair by saying that 2% of the pop is Jews, and 1% (or whatever) are non-Jews married to Jews, and do the overrepresentation mathematics from there, specifying that it's Jewish or Jewish spousal overrepresentation. Otherwise it's inaccurate and the figures are incorrect, as the spouses of Jews don't figure into that 2% pop figure, yet they do figure into the overrepresentation.
Aaron Perez
Except this part: to marry a kike you have to convert to the heeb religion and go worship Satan in a dirty synagogue.
Jace Evans
Stop embarrassing yourself.
Jonathan Sanders
should (((Halsey))) use the last name (((Yiddish))) as opposed to 'English'????!!!! it's just like one of (((them))) to hide (((their))) true origin behind a Caucasian, Anglo-Saxon,Celtic last name!!!!