/Patrick Little General/

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youtube.com/watch?v=orUfmL1G5cY ~*ALWAYS NEW**




Arizona jewish Post (5/14)
Cleveland jewish News (5/14)


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Other urls found in this thread:


Bumping for a kike-free first post.

As if you needed any other evidence of this kike shilling

Amazing how you cunts pull this shit when most of the US anons are asleep.

this is getting dangerously close to eceleb thread

This is cuckchan cancer.
5/14? Has there been nothing published since then?
Even I knew not to post it here.

You got in just before the shills, nice work user. Have a bump and a meme OP.

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I see no problem here

Ok Joshuah Goldberg, nothing to see here then, we'll just accept a fucking jew attempting to lay the fucking blame at our feet. Not like you cunts haven't been doing this every chance you get.
Eat a dick.


Go be a jew somewhere else.

Close? The fucking kikes have been spamming this shit as hard as the shitskin nasim bullshit. This fucker is legitimate controlled op. He's alt-KIKE by his own admission.
No one gets their ass thrown out of the GOP convention kicking a pissraeli flag without a fucking ulterior motive. I mean really? How the fuck would you EVER expect to be voted in doing that? White people are smarter than that.
You get into the position first then open the oven doors you fucking twats.

Why does liking or disliking Patrick matter?
How many Patrick threads is TRS allowed to have here?
This thread is cancer. Saged.

Keep proving me right reddit. In the end you're still getting gassed.

I'm not going to tell you to kill yourself
I wouldn't do that

Attached: happy-yom-kippur-2016.jpg (300x209, 10.7K)

Both TRS and reddit hate him, same with the Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack. Either way there are several Patrick Little threads, they should be moved to one thread and the others anchored so there isn't a new thread made every time the guy does something to mess with the kikes and TRSodomites publicly. He is legit, but some cuckchan refugees might be coming here, and making one containment thread would be a good idea.

I know, Hitler was fucking stupid to think he could just come out with his views and get elect…. oh wait.

Case in point for house OP struck gold and the Kikes are up in arms that they're being ousted in public, in their own blue fortress of cuckafornia. This shilling is incredible. What impresses me most of all is how much effort they're going to to pretend their legit anons and not just dead men walking.

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for how OP*

I wasn't even phone posting, I'm just retarded

polite sage

No, you can fuck off you lying fucking jew cunt. The charade is up. Even one fucking thread for this kike beyond dreaming of ways to strangle the jew, is too much. This isn't cuckchan, this isn't reddit. kikes don't get a platform here.

The head of TRS hates him but his staff of volunteers is made up almost completely of them. Probably an ex DS or two as well. Is Enoc/Anglin calling the shots? No. But their sodomites are D&C from the inside.

Same fucking D&C kikes keep at it as if we don't know it's them. Like it's a big fucking mystery and the "OOPS MUH PHONE" from the same fucking jew over and over.

Fashwave started here, kike.

Learn to sage properly or fucking clear the field you newfag fuck.

The threads are too big to fit into one, break the limit several times, multiple threads are appropriate.


I meant to clear the field but ffs lets not worry about the content.

Thank you for making it so much easier.

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Maybe if you jew fucks stopped bumping your bullshit it wouldn't.

Attached: Deal With It.gif (545x250 2.95 MB, 2.22M)

So start a new thread when the old one fills up, nigger. Everyone knows who Pat is by now, so there's really no need to saturate the board with multiple threads. Really what we're after from here on is updates on his campaign progress, for which a general thread works best.

They have openly came out against him, or just ignore him. Patrick Little openly calls them controlled opposition. Patricks volunteers are literally from here or cuckchan. Also learn to sage a thread TRShill

Have to post direct link since the file exists somewhere else and it is in the limited state censorship

You don't even put any fucking effort into your lies. At least niggers TRY.

Yeah, just like the jews on twatter are openly out against him because OMG NAZI. Fuck off.

weu matzo

Little should be an inspiration to us all to get involved in grass roots politics. Run for Parliament, run for Senate, run for your local council. Get involved, smash your neighbourhood with posters, hand out flyers.

As a man you have a choice:
Lay in despair and become a destitute, hollow, shell of slave morality.
Or fight and die for your cause, your people's cause, your family's cause.

If you truly believe in what you think, if you know the truth like we all should then you will not fear being questioned, being ridiculed, being attacked for holding the truth.

Are you a scarce man? A brave man?
Or are you timid and slow to the cause?

I know which one Patrick Little is and I know what my duty is.

Attached: Fix your eyes.png (2560x1600, 6.5M)

Did you even see the video, what about the 24 hour ops the fuck shack was running to try and get Patrick sued to ruin his campaign. You were called out on being a TRShill and you not only will not deny it, you keep ignoring the fact both him and TRS have bad blood and you pretend they are allies just to get anons to hate him even there is mountains of evidence to the contrary. You controlled op TRSodomites are going down and there is nothing you can do to stop Patrick Little

None of the fucks pushing this are Americans. Same yiddish bullshit, different day. Still won't be white, regardless of this fucker's attempt at poisoning the well.

We know what your duty is as well.

Attached: (You) Dropped This.jpg (723x1024, 207.99K)

It's not one person making the threads.

How is Patrick Little poisoning the well by naming controlled opposition and the jews? Fuck off back to your bog TRSodomite opticscuck

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16/37. Do you think anyone is even listening to your tiresome shilling at this stage?

I know. It would take the Mods' cooperation to steer people towards a general thread.

Does anyone else see anything wrong with an image of Patrick sodomizing a jew?
Can TRS project be faggots any harder?

When the first Little thread was posted the board was filled with forum sliding shitposting threads, that continues vs the handful of Little threads you're "kvetching" over.

Yeah, totally legit. kek

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Why would he fuck a jew? Why would he fuck a jew in the ass? Who the fuck posts an image of a "white man" fucking a jew in the ass?
I just filter the one and done jewposting, who the hell posted a jew buttfucking another jew?


Answer the questions TRShill, also how is Patrick Little a jew now? Your shilling is blatantly obvious.

Can't see it but I'll take your word for it. Fucking yids, man.

Can you TRSodomites be any more obvious in your coordinated shilling against a guy that openly calls you controlled opposition that must be destroyed?

You are promoting an image of Patrick shoving a pole into a jews anus and you have the audacity to call him a shill? This thread is dead to me/

This is where they use the general eceleb faggotry to create a "division" amongst Zig Forums. Dividing the line by pushing a false narrative of "oy one of you!" knowing they will not need to convince Zig Forums of the truth (because who would actually be fooled by this crap) while trying to catch the newfags and push them to the alt-kike because they have to catch the cringewave.
This one is being shilled hard and heavy in the official channels because the kikes need America to stop pulling off that pissraeli dick and what better way than to claim actual fucking NAHTZEES are in da government! OY!

Forgot to check IDs, that was me just beong a retard. I would still like the earlier questions answered however.

And this is their ELITE team. Oh my fuck.

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Is anyone divided by such emotion based attacks? Been around way too long to be affected by such tactics, very much a pissing in a sea of piss scenario.

It is an AWM drawing newfag, learn how to sage.

You are openly trying to cause that division with your claims of him being pro TRS when proof to the contrary was linked. He is openly against the Alt kike that you are openly shilling for. The onpy groups against his campaign are the usual lefties and jews, and TRS and the fuck shack. You are spinning a false narrative because you know Zig Forums hates your kind. Where were you when he did an AMA here a few days ago? Half his campaign staff comes from this board.

I'd give anything to see Senator Pat debate that old kike cunt Finestein.

You're a fucking idiot.

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It's sodomy. Your're projecting your inner faggot by even suggesting it's possibly acceptable.
That's an outright lie.

We have a lot of fucking jews shitting this place up user. Technically they're here even if they're not FROM here.

crude and ugly is jewish anti-aesthetic.

Fucking this
Even if he doesn't win this would be a victory

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I hosted the AMA you retarded inbred trailer park fucksticks.

You're the kike in question? How was temple?

Fine, but step back and look at that graphic. It's crass and ugly, sub/conscious first blush reaction of people to it will be revulsion, and it's being associated with Little, intentional or not, that's conditioning a revulsion response to thinking of Little.

5 and a half months of naming the kikes and the crimes Israel has commited agaisnt America on a national scale. The only people against that are TRShills and the Daily fuckshack groups and their paypigs who don't even know who AWM is.

Pat is not controlled by the opposition in that he doesn't take calls and do want they want as far as I know. But I also know who he main allies are and they mostly come from TRS. So kindly fuck off acting like you know something you don't. SAGE and leaving this thread. I have never lost my cool on this board until now. I hate you fucking pieces of shit for hurting Pat's optics to push your own version of cousin fucking ideology. Die in fire. SAGE

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It's only gay if you push back.
I…Isn't it?

The amount of kvetching in this thread, holy hell. Where were you kikes when the initial threads appeared? Writing your script?

Vote for the guy naming the jew.

He has no support from TRS or the fuckshack on any level, those are even some of his most vocal enemies. Another user even linked the short 20 minute video where he openly calls them out as controlled opposition. You are even LARPing as a cuckchan namefag who still can't sage in order to try and turn Zig Forums against Patrick and into the arms of the Alt kike.

Also, the message of the text is trivial grievances as well. tv, flags and lying vs hard hitting information Little goes over in interviews. It's a bad graphic all around.

I prefer this to a bunch of sporadic patrick threads, but i also think this won't do anything but encourage more so i'm against this thread. use the ones you already fucking have

and 'controlled op' shills are retarded

Just laugh at these faggots who try to undermine one of the only guys we have ever truly had. They are mad and I'm not sure by what.
Could be (((them))) who can't stand to be named and blamed
Could be paranoid fags who think he's controlled op even tho he calls out 100% the right people
could just be niggers trying to undermine his campaign
Who fucking cares about them

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You never know a posters' motive, and it doesn't matter, all that matters is what the result is of a post, just like it doesn't matter if this graphic was meant to hurt or help, bottom line it's:

pic related

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>mfw watching (((0ca3eb))) literally talking to himself to prove nothing

Attached: laugh.webm (576x432, 1.18M)

How hard is the fucking JIDF kvetching over this guy! Hilarious.

Based Pat Little, imagine the memetic potential of this guy getting on MSM.

From the Arizona Jewish Post story. Top fucking kek.

By they way, if you are wondering what this practice is called and if jews love to use it, the answer is "yes", and it's called "rabulism".

Attached: jews_loop.gif (489x368, 145.56K)

reminder that these aren't made for us, they're made for the masses

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So? It still started here.

Promote this on cuckchan. They have the bigger numbers.

i rate the third one lad, nice work

As someone pointed out before, change the negative x to a positive green checkmark.

I'm not a graphic designer, but I had some free time so I threw together a flier. You can print 4 to one US letter page and cut them yourself for distribution.

Attached: LittleFinal.png (2550x3300 291.24 KB, 679.49K)

That one's pretty good

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Transcript of a currently unreleased interview. I may have made a mistake on some names. I cut out "Ums" and "Uhs" and that sort of thing.

-Thanks for taking the time.
Oh, you're welcome. [redacted]
-So, you've already gone over your past history, where, how you got to your current position verbatim several other times so I'd just like to skip that and skip right to the main questions I've got here.
-So, I see there are a lot of posts about you on 4chan, Zig Forums, and occasionally reddit. And every time you've come up there's a couple of people who call you a plant or a shill or controlled opposition within a minute, within two minutes. Do you think that's a coordinated effort?
Yeah. Anyone who names the Jew gets accused of that stuff.
[fixing recording issue]
Yeah, of course one of the things that the JIDF does is divide and conquer tactics and the best way to do that is to destroy morale by accusing everyone of being a shill and used it to get infighting. I mean think about how hard this was before the internet to do what they're doing, just infiltrate a group and then point fingers at everyone.You know that guy's a Jew, that guy's a shill, you know it's very minimal investment for them to incite chaos in the ranks, so to say.
Alright. Do you think there are any other? JIDF? Is that a specific organization or do they actually call themselves that; Or is that just a general term for that? "Jewish internet defense force is trained by the Israeli military the IDF and a lot of it is a volunteer force. They do have paid, full time staff but you have to remember that a lot of people in Israel don't work. The average family if you divide all the aid Israel gets from the US the average family in Israel gets $30,000 a year (dividing all the aid and stuff they get from us divided by the number of families) just to exist. So it's a giant welfare state where most of these Jews don't even work. And so they're very nationalistic and they're very anti-white and they're very anti-goy and very anti-Christian so they spend all of their time making sure that they keep getting their tax farm, America, to obey its orders and keep on getting to use the American military force and going and dominating boards and comments sections. This is one of the ways they make sure the goym, as few of as possible, wake up.

Retarded Rebel Media sponsored safety valve p-celeb political celeb.