reptilian in chief has bought tsla debt bigly
is a a savior or is is doing simple cap arb
short equity/long credit play to extract elons blood
what happens if there is no blood and he has bought yuge legal liabilities
Other urls found in this thread:
What if Elon Musk was setting up a ruse specifically to drain capital from the jews? Just wait until Falcon Heavy is making routine manned trips to ISS. What if he backdoored all the cars and rockets just so he can crash them and the ISS with no survivors?
what if his entire empire is based on stolen IP, immunity fm law and tax, subsidies, money laundering…
Subsidies are always a sign that he has jewed out somewhere. My theory is that inst. investors back him due to Uber/Airbus automated driving softwares and the ability to control the movement of the car remotely. This is invaluable for assassinations (remember: BMW hacked mid drive by assassin year or two back) and political/movement control.
none of my vehicles have sim cards or are wired
but i saw gonna be eu required
hassan nemazee
SAGE for useless actor who doesn't have the technical skills to tie his own shoelaces.
SAGE for hoaxing the globe with (((Hollywood))) movie magic.
SAGE for useless auto that can't go around a city block more than once with stopping to charge the battery.
SAGE, SAGE, SAGE and SAGE for the disgusting hooker bitch he found at Main & Hastings. You absolute soyboy beta cuck motherfucker.
Whenever I see the word BIGLY, I think about some reddit faggot trying to sound important. You should throw in SNARKY too next time.
najib lost
1MDB back on the table
did najib and obongo have reciprocal protection/laundry pact
how does this relate to human traffic and the hawaii hotdog stand
soros directed what…emails
euro banks
So much for a company of the future.
Everything that is propped up by the jewish media completely denigrates as soon as the lose their supports.
Soros is just a front man for oligarchs and central bankers endless fake money. Every project that Elon is working on has no real viability as a business. He is the new nasa (spacex), new electric transportation (tesla/the boring company) and power generation initiative (solar city) under the guise of a collection of private companies. He is the Agenda 2030 poster boy.
Aren't we dealing with another of the chosen here as well? If not he reeks of crypto.
Did you have a fucking stroke while typing that, OP, or is this a chink bot?
afghan opium
Elon Musk is a FtM tranny.
All elites are transgendered in childhood. You can easily see the bio-markers if you cleanse your perception and look with fresh eyes.
Of course it's going to be required. The EU plans all new cars to have remote shutdown ability by 2020.
Google EU document ST-17365-2013-_INIT
Screenshot of relevant info:
The jews are at the poisoning stage trying to get us to turn against every white accomplishment and piece of traction by throwing their support into it or pushing alt-kike false flags.
Don't be such a faggot next time and learn to make a proper OP, nigger.
Take a guess.
Wouldn't be surprised. There's something feminine about him that is really unsettling.
he can always launch himself into orbit
OP $35 is jack shit for a company like Tesla. That's not even 2% as much as Tesla's losses. Why aren't you talking about the deal a few years back where soros supported musk's side gig for over 10x that?
What is going on in pic #2? Drugs, or just goofy?
40% safer
soros is buying
fraudulent liability
they just finished a heavy ceremony
she was impregnated rosemary style
he was roughed up a bit
I really hate to say it, and support this idea… but I've met my share of those types doing business in weimar vienna… or was that Portland Oregon? No difference really. Point is, that facial hair that he grows, fully supports that theory. The hormone treatments sually lead to that chinscruff that they tranny covets, while only creating improper growth on the upper lip and some trails down the jawline, but rarely anything that can be trimmed into any thing resembling a real beard.
Elon has a tranny beard…
And what would the purpose of creating a "Tranny Elon" be? If that got out (and it would), people would take him less seriously than they already do.
SpaceX is just an offshoot of the global jewish psyops program
Jewish science fiction doesn't get any more real just because you want you believe in it
What would happen if OP took the dick out of his mouth for one second to make a proper OP with decent grammar?
Sounds very markovian, for sure.
To control him.
The cabal that supports him controls the whole media apparatus. And if some alternative sources broke the news, nobody would take them seriously since the lie is so great.
Or the media would applaud it considering how far along the Weimar line we are.
my guess is Chink bot
The redditors might get confused?
getting him to diddle kids or making him rich and famous in the first place is more than enough to control a corporate stooge like Musk you fuckwitted shill.
The only possible tranny in world geopolitics hiding the fact is Michelle Obama, now fuck off with your retarded shit to reddit.