The Chinese Social Credit System, despite being Orwellian, would be very useful to a society - especially ones with large amounts of minorities. It is inherently pro-white and I will explain my point of view.
Social Credit is tied to behavior and impulse control. Our FICO Credit Scores behave in much the same way: it correlates to good behavior - the better your score, the more likely you are to not only be WHITE, but have high IQ, higher education, better driving record, better at planning for the future, less likely to be a criminal and so on.
While the Chinese system explicitly rewards and penalizes behavior, the FICO score we have implicitly does, due to its correlations with what we typically associate with white behavior.
Under a Chinese Social Credit System, niggers, beaners, muds, mixed race abominations and so on would all be penalized and most whites would be rewarded (one reward is getting your dating profile promoted so you get more hits for better women).
Another correlation with credit is gender: men have better credit scores than women. This is an opportunity to crush feminism by using the score to give better opportunities for men.
Honestly, if I wanted a National Socialist society, I would use the Social Credit System as an abstract to reinforce good behavior, reward it, and punish the muds.
Links about the Chinese Social Credit Score.