Baby Bust: Fertility is Declining the Most Among Minority Women

>It’s true that some people in the right wing have flirted dangerously close to, and sometimes engaged in, the kind of racialized thinking that has tarred pro-fertility initiatives throughout the 20th century, complaining about “other peoples’ babies,” or quietly suggesting that if African Americans have fewer kids, maybe that’s a good thing.

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In racial or ethnic terms, America’s “Baby Bust” is kinda, sorta, a little bit racist: it’s hammered Native Americans and Hispanics particularly hard, and hit even African Americans harder than whites generally, and certainly harder than non-Hispanic whites.

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does this mean that all the purple drink and mcdonaldos that niggers have been eating is finally preventing them from pumping out more nigglets?
doesnt seem like minorities are having less kids

we're importing more minorities

I think a lot of these new black people in my area who cruise in the left lane forever going 54 mph and never use turn signals are actually african. There's something about their robotic movements that I don't see in american blacks.

Who would've though.
It may have targeted Whites, but those know how to hunker down with the family for support in waiting for better times. Comes with their history and climate they evolved in.
Muds are all very fragmented (hispanics are from the whole latin america and many hate each other) and have kids with little preparation. The only thing that mitigates it is religion and we all know how Marxism infested these groups.
And I think that there's a factor of being in competition with white women which is lowering their fertility due to men rejecting them in hope for better mates.
Not that I'm saying that white women are going for them but it's wishful thinking of muds. AFAIK white women by far prefer white men.

That's why the jews have been on a full-court press to stop the Wall and any changes to immigration or refugee laws. Fire burns dry wood better than green wood. They know that the methods they use to destroy one dumb white out of ten will destroy 19 idiot muds out of 20 in the process, so they have to continually import new muds to compensate.

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never really thought about this - assumed that minorities were able to live in relative squalor and that affirmative action and welfare in conjunction with their sexual proclivity meant that they were having lots of kids; the poos around the gta in toronto sure have a lot of kids

This fucking article

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