BLUF: Men have bigger, more specialized, and compartmentalized brains with greater variance in specialization than women. This means all the experts at the extreme of the distribution of any activity will be men. And this is exactly what we observe in the world. This study yet again confirms it is due to biology. Again, nothing new but great ammo for the upcoming Meme War pt 2.
Volume doesn't necessarily determine IQ. At least not by itself.
Chase Jackson
< sex brain differences
well, which is it?
Jaxson Bell
Holy shit it's this much? It can't be a new study. How come there wasn't one on this before?
However, if using that graph, expect the quite likely
Matthew Smith
Who knew? At least there's hard measure for this now.
Chase Hughes
I-it's what you do with it that c-counts! ;-)
Hudson Richardson
Gender is for grammar reasons. Sex is for biological, non-newspeak reasons. You only ever should use "sex" for whatever you talk about in a daily basis, and only use "gender" to grammatical discussions.
Jackson Lopez
"More efficient"
Angel Stewart
It has a high correlation though faggot. That means it plays an important role.
Adam Cook
There was a study done where they tracked the brain activity of variously smart people doing hard problems. The smarter people had way less brain activity. it's all about efficiency
Hudson Morris
There probably was but not as accurate. This uses some advanced computer techniques.
Kayden Rivera
I really do love it when I have facts to back up something I have observed/long believed. I see this in pretty much in every category where a distinction between male and female can be made.Any category I was thinking of; degeneracy, work ethic, emotional stability, financial awareness, political bend, EVERYTHING.Women are just as scared of being truly successful as they are scared of failure.
Wouldn't building and maintaining robots. Then having to teach them about building, need extreme intellect more so than just having people work construction?
Of course (((they))) try and redefine the results and put a spin on it but this isn't anything new.
Caleb Lee
Correlation means that when one variable changes, it changes as well. Which way is the causative feature can go three ways: Likely it makes sense that the larger brain sizes are at least one factor in causing higher IQ, but other variables (like race, upbringing, nutrition, education, etc) likely contribute something to IQ. Too bad they got these 5k participants and then didn't measure each of their IQ's along with the brain size. I'm sure we all know why they didn't do that…
Sebastian King
Well, yeah, studies have been known to show men are more logical and process oriented rather than reactionary hysterics.
Michael Powell
Frankly, as this article shows, if even more women are to be shoehorned into tech (which is still the goal of the left). Then the likelihood of any kind of innovation in robotics would never get far or would at least take twice as long, or more. Making the debate itself moot. By constantly trying to shoehorn women everywhere it seems like kikes and progressives are doing nothing but assuring that men will never become obsolete.
Winning even in hard times, does feel good.
Gabriel Nguyen
But now we know why. Women lack the brain structure to process the information faster than their emotional centers have a chance to process.
Mason Walker
Kind of a stupid way to go about studying the brain of people, not trying to measure their individual efficiency. Thing is: If size was the main or only contributing factor we'd see a strong correlation between large people and IQ. So all those overgrown genetic freaks that reach 2m+ would also be smarter than average. I don't think anyone here is willing to argue that literal basketball Americans are smart?
Carter Moore
I agree, they left out a very important factor that would have been very useful. Larger brains are not the only determinant of IQ, but they likely contribute to it. How much and among what other variables is the question, and that question was not explored because I'm sure their funding would have been pulled for not being (((sensitive enough))).
Juan Cruz
… Height and Brain size are not the same thing lol.
Brody Bennett
Checked x1000, and this new test makes it 10000, time to be claming women are undeniably lesser than men, because this is the proof we use lul.
Kayden Ward
Exactly. They took the term from linguistics then used it to validate people's mental illnesses and sexual quirks.
As a bio aside: the other day I heard an OBGYN (female) say to a nurse "She doesn't want to know the gender yet". So be careful out there.
We have known why. These aren't exactly new studies. It's just a matter of putting out a "new" one they can point to for propaganda purposes as soon as they figure out how they can spin it. Look for the minute differences between the studies for the attack vectors they will use. It's also less about their processing speed because it's fast as fuck but there is no stop and think and reason, it just hops right the fuck to emotion and a decision due to the location of their connections. Men have processing speed but we also have error correction. We evolved with different purposes. Women are to RAM as Men are to CPUs. If they would just shut the fuck up and do what they are told it all works fine and efficiently. It isn't their job to process, just to make sure the man's will is executed.
Kevin Thomas
Raw volume doesn't equal intelligence otherwise elaphants would rule the world. A portion of the brain is needed to run the body. A thing that matters more than raw volume is brain size compared to the body size or the comparison of the thinking portion of the brain or neuron density. Simply saying brain volume means intelligence is ignorant.
Owen Ramirez
My friend, have you heard the good word about our lord and saviour? He brings his own peanuts. Seriously though, elephants are actually really fucking intelligent and if they had thumbs we would be dealing with them rather than niggers.
WOW color me surprised. Its almost like genes are real and not a (((social construct))).
Brody Sanders
It's a polite way of throwing a bone. They still have less interconnectivity and volume in basically all areas. Most those claims seem to be "in proportion to their other areas" ignoring that with such a smaller size the end result is still less.
Easton Walker
What we need right now is endless bloodshed, not even more calmness and cuckoldry.
James Harris
That's like saying height is no longer an advantage in basketball. Because giraffes are taller and they suck at basketball. Are smaller brained elephants smarter than the big brained elephants? no? Then your shit is all retarded.
Colton Edwards
It is really a same, altough they did take numeral-verbal and reaction time tests,in which men outscored women in numeral-verbal cognitive tests and women in reaction time tests.I think we already have plenty of evidence that men dominate the extreme high end of intelligence quotient testing.
Cameron Rivera
Friend of mine was at a major crypto conference this week because he was invited by one of the dev teams. He said that most of the teams had a token woman at the booth who was pretty much clueless and just directed people to one of the men so that the guys could avoid the "why don't you have women complaint". Then the after parties were at stripshows or had hookers.
Hudson Reed
Reminder that it's a great time for NatSoc anons to study STEM. Those slaughterbots ain't building themselves.
(((NEVER MARRY AND REPRODUCE))) Quote from They Live 2: Yes, They Still Live, For Now
William Clark
Its one difference chromosome out of 23. That's not a 50% difference. Small variations of genetics make a big difference. Thats why the "more the same than different" argument is stupid. We're more the similar than different to pigs too.>>11589618
Alexander Russell
I wonder why men also have more mentally handicapped people? Its not just the high end we dominate, white women have a much narrower bell curve than white men. Oddly enough its reversed in niggers.
Andrew Williams
Now imagine having to promote said woman to leadership position to avoid the new "glass ceiling" complaint, and that stronk womyn leader increasing the percentage of females over time regardless of overall performance.
Colton Reyes
Yakubs mistake was releasing us into Europe in the first place. Even after honourable Yakub gave us his European garden to roam free in, we, the jealous race, never forgot the sheer shame Black imposed slavery put us through… once we mixed with the sniveling, semitic Neanderkikes natives we only got more barbaric, more cruel, more inhumane… soon our rage would overwhelm us, and we would return to steal the very technology that fashioned our melanin deprived race… the once noble Black people learnt rage of the primeval man… and thus, Wakanda was no more.
Should probably correlate intelligence with brain size as a proportion of weight-normalized body size. Like brain/body mass ratio of a BMI 31 man, should be calculated as though he was 20 - though obese people have smaller brains… They should do a study where people with a range of heights all with the same BMI (or similar metric) have their brain sizes measured and their intelligence tested to get an idea of how much brain size influences intelligence. (Did that make sense? Lol, I'm slow because I just had a large meal of lambs brains. I promise I don't practise psychiatry or anything like that.)
Dominic Murphy
Is Kali an elephant, no she is not my friend. Ganesha is the supreme peanut eater. Elephants were brought up. Learn to read and get into context.
Thankfully they know who butters their bread so its not a huge concern for them, they do that just to minimize media complaints and they know it won't bother their investors. One SJW dev team just copied some feminist community code of conduct that talked about oppressing women and men and specifically said that claims of "reverse sexism and racism" would not be addressed, when that was found out it dumped by 60% and there was enough outrage that they got rid of the reverse sexism and racism part, meanwhile in the rest of tech shit like that is constantly tolerated.
Kevin Flores
There was no mistake, it was divine providence, surely my mensch. kek
Noah Reed
I say again, shoehorned. In a sane motherfucking world this idiocy would never have to occur. Time, effort, money, attention is wasted on these vapid cunts that could be applied to anything else. I don't look down on the men that keep a token woman around, it's better to take a small jab than risk having to deal with a diversification shitstorm that could end your entire venture.
However, silver lining around a dark cloud it may be, stories like that still show that out in the real world, men are still doing all the actual fucking work and making the smart decisions. It just goes to show what a giant lie the "progressive utopic ideal" is, even after all this bullshit that is promoted, forced legally or otherwise, it still hasn't changed a god damn thing about how the world works. Fuck it feels good to be a white man.
Kevin Stewart
In that case, dolphins are our intellectual superiors
Henry Moore
Christopher Williams
No, in fact there's no evidence to suggest brain size is related to intelligence period. Which invalidates your retarded argument in the first place.
Jordan Gomez
Brainlet detected. I'm saying that people should keep in mind that men are larger and could have bigger brains Same intelligence. I'm not saying that male and female intelligence is the same. I'm saying that you should keep in mind that differences in brainsize don't always mean differences in intelligence.
Matthew Barnes
Misunderstood curve that is now used as propaganda. The larger curve is for kids under 7-11 taking iq tests. They know puberty erases it completely and moves the male average higher in every regard than females. More geniuses, less retards. Same with other races besides Japanese. R/K selection theory, smarter animals develop and hit puberty slower. White boys will be less mature than their class mates in the earliest years or on par. Other groups hit puberty 3 years younger and are fully grown up to a decade earlier. By 30 the differences between groups are extreme. Prey animals can be fully grown in a month. Where all smarter ones have longer gestation and growth to maturity ranges.
Except they've proven it's not height and frame that provide brain volume. A girl with the same weight and height will have a smaller brain by 20%. Same with an African vs European. Protesting that obvious fact makes it seem like you don't want it to be true. See For tldr explanation.
John James
Maybe but without thumbs they'll never reach the stars. It's about how the mind maps on the world via the body that dictates complexity of dispalyed interaction.>>11589688
Alexander Sanchez
An very clear step one seems to be acknowledging there is a lobby obsessed with not letting people talk about gender/race differences. That ruins peoples careers like the DNA sequencer laureat or the asian 'warrior gene' guy. If we look at heights across the world Europeans are the tallest group. With Scandinavians/Dutch being the tallest. Follow that with a tiny population group of east asians that are shorter than most all groups. Groups with agendas will use that as a lens to suggest it's height causing brain size. When they're just taking advantage of northern european success to skew results. Tall sub-saharan africans are still below retards tier. Girls being 3-5 inches smaller on average out of a total 80 inch average, doesn't justify having 20% smaller brains. Which doesn't even go away when you find a girl of equal height. Actual biology studies have never even made the results seem fuzzy or confusing. Stats studies misusing a lens to distort results are doing it out of incompetence or agenda. An example: "Brexit was only the old people and the younger smarter ones didn't have a say!" - The older population of the UK is white. Where among young generations the most common name is mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker. Being an extra 20-30% amount of that demographic, when they actually vote it affects the results by 3% and media runs with it saying the old racists need to die.
Parker Harris
Here's the PDF of the study. >>>/pdf/1019
Ian Garcia
Body to brain ratio is kind of a thing. Then there's the encephalization quotient. >The emergence of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has made it possible to compare brain sizes of living humans, and in the ongoing hunt for a physical metric of intelligence, several researchers eagerly sought to correlate MRI measures of brain volume with IQ. Ten years ago, a meta-analysis that examined the results from 26 imaging studies concluded that the correlation between IQ and brain volume is consistently in the 0.3-0.4 range. More recently, a genome-wide association study which included 20,000 human subjects was widely reported by the media to have discovered an “IQ gene.” According to their results, certain variations in the HMGA2 gene, which codes for a protein that helps regulate DNA transcription and cell growth, are correlated with increased intracranial volume as well as enhanced IQ And there is a jew kvetching about the study because it shot their favorite scientific thief Einstein out of the fucking water with his normal-sized brain. Oy but he's a genius! Nah. Not really. etc. etc.
There is so much kikery in the sciences and they have their claws on just about any paper that ever hopes to be published, it's sad. Look at the majority of jews, their heads are rather small with the exception of an odd overly-large forehead (which explains their psychopathy and tendency towards violence) or overall larger craniums from stolen white genes which ups their game slightly.
Pilot dolphins not only have larger brains than humans but also more complex gyrification, bow down to your dolphin overlords faggot
Easton Ward
tfw convinced a very close female friend a couple months ago about gender intelligence differences and she entered a nihilistic depression spiral that has never abated and is getting worse
Sometimes victory is bittersweet. It's to the point that I worry about mass suicides if it's ever accepted culturally that women are inferior. We've propped up intelligence as de facto humanity and certainly actual economic value. Women have always been, while totally vital, nature's second class citizens, and we trained 4 generations to reject that.
Ryan White
Who is 'they'. I'm not protesting anything except the rabid jump to conclusions. If what you say is true then it is true and I have not said anything to try and discredit it. I've seen some anons think raw brain size is a good measure of intelligence. Maybe it is. In response to that claim I said that brain mass to body mass plays a role in determining intelligence of species which is a fact that can account for some discrepancies. If what you say is true about same weight but different brain size then I am defeated but I need to know who is 'they'.
2nd class citizens my ass. When properly functioning society protect and safeguards women such that they can enjoy beautiful and tranquility among children. Men are the outside and women are the inside.
Landon Myers
Of course, but they do it under the control, guidance, and protection of men. You wouldn't let a woman vote, for example. That's second class citizenry. It doesn't mean it can't be a meaningful and comfortable experience, but anything less than borderline anarchy (toting the banner of "rights") is treated as slavery itself.
Blake Bell
Absolute brain size means nothing because mammal brains need a ton of processing power to micromanage body mass. More body mass = bigger brain.
What's important is ratio of average brain size for species over average body mass for species. Humans have the highest value of this metric BY FAR (order of magnitude increase over #2 which is other primates that have an order of magnitude increase over everything else.)
So it's not right or wrong to say that brain size matters for intelligence - important to clarify that relative size increases intelligence, absolute size doesn't.
Human brain size compared to body size had such high evolutionary pressure that basically everything else was sacrificed. Our entire development was shifted because of it, the brain got so big it became common for females to die giving birth, even that wasn't enough, the development was shifted to continue after birth with the bones of the skull not fully forming until long after birth. Humans have to care for years of deadweight liability, other mammals shit out offspring pretty much fully ready to go. These MASSIVE disadvantages would not have been adapted if they weren't associated with increased intelligence
If she is a friend, you could do the right thing and remind here she evolved that way with her own specialized functions that men can't do very well. She needs to stop falling for the apple and orangutan comparison. White women are not and will never be second class to white men. It isn't a class issue to follow evolutionary gender roles. Don't be a nigger.
David Barnes
I would very much like to take that route, but she's sterile due to a birth defect. Leaving her with nothing.
Josiah Jones
You would be surprised how little of the fucking thing a mammal NEEDS.
I'm honestly wondering how much this info is going to btfo the lgbtwtfbbq community if this information isn't just swept under the rug and called a "sexist fact."
Dylan Jones
Bullshit, nigger. She is still a woman. She can still raise a proper fucking kid with her own head screwed on right. God knows there's enough white kids being lost in the system because of the jews, every bit of effort from white people helps. Oxytocin is a hell of a drug and once she bonds she will defend her "child" like a damn bear.
Justin Anderson
This is old science. This has been known since the days of harvesting bodies from cemetaries to draw brains and organs. Later confirmed by the rise of MRIs and other imaging tools.
The point is that this doesn't confirm something completely new, it's confirming something confirmed so many times before.
I think the argument goes that the differences in male vs female brain size is because men and women are different body sizes. However this doesn't hold up because we know that male IQ is a good 10 points higher than female IQ. It's only the same average on paper because they gender normalize it. That's right, they gender normalize IQ tests so men and women have the same average. When in reality, in terms of raw scores, men are smarter my almost a standard deviation.
Except realizing the difference between "races" aka subspecies, and difference between sexes is heresy. Just like thinking the earth was round back in the day.
Gavin Sanchez
I wasn't making that argument, I specifically referred to the species level. Differences between size between two individuals of the same species don't necessarily correspond to differences in brain mass required to manage that extra body mass. Probably because despite the different size there are roughly the same number of nerves to process data from
Cooper Lewis
Just you know, Pajeet, the ground and the floor are different for us first-worlders.
Most people knew or assumed the Earth was round 'back in the day'.
For the sake of the future educate yourself.
Parker Thompson
B-b-but professor goldberg told me it was all a social construct! Looks like I wasted daddies money for nothing! :(((
Daniel Reyes
Google has many examples, here's just a small one that came up as the second result. " For males, body height accounts for no more than .04% of the variance in brain size. The relation between brain weight and body weight is even less clearly defined. "
Bentley Barnes
This takes the cake for dumbest comment of the thread. IQ is higher in europeans/japanese vs africans vs asians. Brain size is also proportionally bigger at the same time. IQ is higher in males than females. Brain size is proportionally bigger at the same time. That's like claiming you don't understand that a denser more trained organ like muscles have higher output. Or that you dispute the brain is the organ responsible for intellect.
Jacob Edwards
you lazy fuckers need to look it up. THERE IS A DIRECT CORRELATION OF BRAIN SIZE (CRANIAL CAPACITY) TO IQ *WITHIN A SPECIES*. On average, if you look ONLY at elephants, the elephants with the largest brains will have the highest "IQ". Same with humans.
Zachary Rogers
Is that really a dolphin dick in a fish's mouth?
Lucas Gutierrez
I measured my skull. The volume above the plane stretching from the brow to the occipital lobe is 2286 cc. How do I find my brain size from this?
Noah Price
Jason Reyes
Hit your head against a wall until the yoke comes out then weigh it.