IG Report Has Found Crimes in FBI Clintion Investigation: Comey, Lynch, etc. Could Go to Jail


?BREAKING: IG Horowitz has found "reasonable grounds" for believing there has been a violation of federal criminal law in the FBI/DOJ's handling of the Clinton investigation/s and has referred his findings of potential criminal misconduct to Huber for possible criminal prosecution

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they won't

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Wow, he must have had to do some real digging to find this. Citizen peons like me believed every word our wonderful Comey said. How could I have been so blind.

This is great. Now we need the IG repkrt that the NY Times is desperately trying to get ahead of

needs a bump

Sessions already hired a prosecutor, the prosecutor will get the criminal referrals form the IG. Read the article, shill.

Not shocking given the damage control the New York Times was trying to run yesterday and (((Avenatti))) suddenly saying there's two more women. Also the Cohen garbage trying to get dumped (that no one cares about)

There's obviously something big about to drop and a bunch of people are having heartburn and sleepless nights waiting for their indictments

The reason why Peter Strozk wasn't fired yet is because he's working with the IG on the case against Comey and was successfully flipped against him. Comey is going to get butt raped by this report and then be criminally prosecuted by Huber, the prosecutor Sessions hired for the Clinton investigation after he gets the criminal referrals from the report. Comey is also Mueller's star witness, which means this will also sink the special council investigation beyond repair.

You kikes are at your most audacious when you know you're screwed.

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They won't spend a grain in jail. And, nothing is surprising anymore. It will take a colossal asteroid strike to change this hell. I am so demoralized. It's an act of some god I have not killed myself yet.

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Yeah, probably not a good idea to write a book and then give interviews where you contradict your sworn testimony if you're a star witness.

That was his quick cash in until he gets buttfucked by the long dick of the law

Been reading posts like this for the last year and a half, shit, I was even posted a couple myself. Stopped holding my breath awhile ago. If it happens, great. If it don't, whatever.

This. It's called jewdiciary for a reason.

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over 9000 hours in gimp

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Sessions already has a prosecutor for it. Charges are going to be filed.

There's going to be charges filed. There's already a prosecutor for this case.

He's already pardoned, Trump will pardon Comey and Clinton and himself and arrest the rest Comey was in on it from a long time ago while he was US Attorney in New York. Trump came to him after what happened with Epstein. No one becomes president with out calling in a few favors maybe Comey was his plant from the inside.
He'll have to pardon Clinton to avoid a crises but it will give him what he needs to take out the rest of the network.


Meant for you

You're a dumbass.

This all goes back to New York before 9/11 I will lay out a thread with my research when I get a moment but I agree it sounds like schizo ramblings when put so bluntly

I know right. The new york times and cnn were constantly assuring me that comey went through all the proper procedures.

Obviously this doesn't mention the counter-intel operation against trump run by brennan and comey; because that is clearly 100% above board too, like the new york times just told me. If anything, all these investigations *helped* trump. I learned that today too.

Gee, if only the drumpfkins would lighten up and read more objective journalism…

pic saved

reelly makes u think

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Ugh …
I am getting so sick of this fucking song. Wake me up when the cuffs are snapped on.

Not really. People use VPNs to post something they know will get them a ban.

They'll bring him in for a closed door meeting and we'll never hear about it again.

heil'd, true that. only newfags think reality means being blackpilled.

Yup, checks out.

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Well well well

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It's called a "VPN" you stupid nigger. Allows me to express my distaste without having to deal with your ban-happy ass.(Always a good sign when shills are this asshurt)




88 confirms do not be a faggot.

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This news appears to be having detrimental effects over at David Brock's basement a.k.a. the Shareblue office complex

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Not really, you ban happy nigger. Half the posts ITT are me. You ban one, two more take its place. I have more VPNs than you have (B)s. The fact that you think you're important enough to warrant more than one dissenting voice makes me laugh. The fact that you think you're important enough to attract paid shills makes me laugh even more.

Now hit [B] like a good goy and earn your shekels.

People should just use TOR to shitpost like a normal human.

Anyone notice that the source is Breitbart?

CIAniggers and FBIniggers aren't sending their best demoralization shills, but god bless them for trying before the arrests start coming down on them

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Reminder that the entire website is compromised and that absolutely no discussion that violates (((the narrative))) is allowed to happen here.

Reminder that you'll have to block Tor entirely to get me to stop posting the truth, you filthy fucking proven paid jewish shill.

Reminder to take your meds, Moshe

When you elect a man to reinstill the rule of order you don't expect him to chop the head off the serpent without going through the proper legal channels. That's why we elected him in the first place, to do things by the book.


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someone is suffering from a severe pain in the posterior.

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Hey, skeletor, just a friendly FYI. No matter how long you make the bans, the system maxes out at 90 days. All bans over 90 days end after 90 days. It's hard coded in the system. Also, damn you busy son.

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This has literally become "(1): The Thread".

Hopefully this time, these corrupt kike loving maggots get thrown in the slammer. Without any more people getting a (((suicide))).

I'll believe it when it happens.


Reminder that the entire website is compromised and that absolutely no discussion that violates (((the narrative))) is allowed to happen here.
Reminder that you'll have to block Tor entirely to get me to stop posting the truth, you filthy fucking proven paid jewish shill.

This. I got banned for basically nothing. Just because I said I watched black panther and it was stupid.
Fuck this website hiring retards that censor the same way liberals do. Such hypocrite faggots

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Trump will pardon Comey, Lynch, etc to go after pizza jews.

Reminder that the entire website is compromised and that absolutely no discussion that violates (((the narrative))) is allowed to happen here.
Reminder that you'll have to block Tor entirely to get me to stop posting the truth, you filthy fucking proven paid jewish shill.

say the biggest pussy in the world hiding behind deep web. I bet you feel special.

Enjoy. your. ban. You posted against the narrative. You cannot post against the narrative. You are a jewish shill.

I posted a white pill. Comey is a goon, the real mob bosses are the high level pedos he was covering up for.

Reminder that a hangman's noose takes four steps to tie, faggot. And you need a stool or something that fits your manlet height.

How about you prove your horseshit accusations about the m0ds and stop wasting hitlerdubs, faggot?

You should be removed, you shill niggers. You could bunker up at any time and leak your so-called truths, but none of you ever did. I visit and read up on anything of that nature (which is how we all got here in the first place, you newfag), and you have nothing.

You posted the opposite of the narrative. You cannot post against the narrative. You posted a blackpill. You are a jewish shill.

thats rich coming from a tor-pedo


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hint: the synthetic hormones make you more emotional


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Shills are going insane lmao

Also, can only a mod show my post history? Or is there a way to check for myself? I wanna see if there are other people posting on my IP.

Reminder that the entire website is compromised and that absolutely no discussion that violates (((the narrative))) is allowed to happen here.
Reminder that you'll have to block Tor entirely to get me to stop posting the truth, you filthy fucking proven paid jewish shill.

Enjoy your ban.

lol let him be mods. His kvetching sustains my soul. So many shills crying today.

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And you expect anyone but imkikey to agree with you?

judging by the amount of butt hurt derailing in this thread, I think this development hit a nerve

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Oh, by the way, I'm calling for the execution of every fucking individual in the (((government))) BY THE PEOPLE, because the ZOG will NEVER arrest or punish the ZOG. And I get banned for saying that. I get banned for saying what Zig Forums believes.

Muse on what your opposition to my position implies, you fucking yid.

it is fun to watch.

they don't even act like anons. bunch of faggots

you have no power here juden, we see through your lies.

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You must be smoking crack if you think they will end up behind behind bars.

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behind the barred windows of their marble maesoleums


no such thing shlomo

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>Sorrolt Lever Goodt.webm

Yes, I know.

Enjoy your ban. You knew you were getting one when you read the thread.

After all that has happened this is unlikely because the state of the state is just too far corrupt. If anyone who was not HRC or Comey and Lynch did what they did say a low-mid level government employee common FBI agent or whatnot they'd be locked away for decades long ago but these are high level politics tied up in the deep state. There isn't any justice in the US.

Jews and shills are incapable if being happy, they are eternally butt-hurt. only the cold embrace of death can give them peace.

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Good, someone else has learned to tell the truth from tor, because all other IPs are just instantly banned.

Comey might end up in jail. Not even Hillary will save him considering how she blames him for opening and closing her mail server investigation in the middle of her campaign.

Sessions purposely brought in a prosecutor who wasn't part of the FBI system for this reason. I think it's likely Comey gets indicted and some of the other clowns as well. Seeing as how the IG isn't actually investigating the Clinton e-mail case and just the probe of the case, Hillary will get off, but taking down Comey would be enough to throw a huge wrench into the deep state's plan's considering he's Mueller's star witness.

We are about to find out what Trump got us in return for moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem.
It feels like Christmas

To be fair this asshole could have a point. If the fuckers go straight to the gallows, technically, they won't go to jail. kek

I want to watch them make a (((plea bargain))) and point fingers at clinton, perhaps even obama. I want to see their ivory tower collapse like a game of jenga, with no survivors.

You're fucking retarded.

The Clinton Cabal needs a fall guy to help cover up the fact they orchestrated all this horse shit. While it would be great to see Hillary behind bars, Comey behind bars would still be fucking satisfying as well with how much of a fucking snake he is and how much people like Colbert and the media sucked his dick. It will also be a lethal blow to the legitimacy of the Special Council.

At any rate, there is no jail for federal crimes. It isn't jail, federal holding in Marshal custody until conviction.


Art of the Deal, user.

How about indicting HRC's uranium mule himself? From last October:

>“Although federal agents possessed this information in 2010, the Department of Justice continued investigating this ‘matter’ for over four years. The FBI, led at the time by Robert Mueller, required the confidential witness to sign a non-disclosure agreement. When the witness attempted to contact Congress and federal courts about the bribery and corruption he saw, he was threatened with legal action. By silencing him, Obama’s Justice Department knowingly kept Congress in the dark about Russia’s significant and illegal involvement with American uranium companies.

FBI planted people in Trump's campaign to lie so they could wire tap him illegally. Comey and John Brennan going to jail.

And? Ain't no trustees where these fuckers are going. kek

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Jesus Christ. They really fucking outdid themselves.

YOU'RE. FUCKING. RETARDED. Go suck ZOG cock somewhere else.

stop talking to yourself, spergtard


I like muellers pic, where do you get such eyes and smiles.

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