The common approach of Holohoax skeptics is to dispute the official statistics, narratives, sources, etc. An avenue that is less often explored (except by first generation skeptics like Faurrison and Rassinier) is to point out implications in the official figures that are damning in/of themselves. Not that we shouldn't question (((official))) figures, just that there are problematic implications in the official figures themselves that get overlooked. Rhetorically, its obvious why this is not the most popular approach, ie, because it implicitly accepts the validity of the official claims. That being said, in some cases, it might be more subversive to accept the figures in order to point out their troubling implications, even just to make your Jewish opponent spin their wheels, or to bait them into disavowing their own numbers.
For example, reading through the (((Official Numbers))) of Jewish deaths during WW2, one might notice the conspicuously high survival rate of German jews compared to the global Jewish population. It seems that Jews had (roughly) a 70% survival rate, despite being sent to so-called "extermination camps". According to the (((official))) record, the survival rate for Jews in the German Reich was roughly 3/4ths, or 75% of the Jewish population who lived in the year 1933, within the Reich's eventual 1939 borders, before the outbreak of WWII (so Jews from Austria included). At six million of fifteen million Jews worldwide, this represented 2/5ths of the total Jewish population. So Jews in the Reich were 25% more likely to survive than any given Jew.
I'd say even though it was surely a lie, it's best to let them think you believe in it.
When you think about it they rely on their audience being historically illiterate since they sell the Holocaust as the most violent and traumatic event in History.
When even if it was real or not, as an event it isn't that big a deal compared to other attrocities - attrocities that happened in the exact same century that were far crueler and out-bounded the Holocaust in casualties.
Our best angle is exploiting how little of a shit the average person already gives.
Nicholas Nelson
Bump, I want some good holocaust facts
Nolan Smith
REMINDER People who outright deny the EVENT of the camps are alphabet spooks spreading disinfo to make you look like a fool in legitimate arguments. The actual death count of kikes by german hands is between 600k-1.5mil, which is less than what hitler allowed to leave to palestine before Britain sperged out and declared war. The soviets killed more jews than hitler but that'll never be kvetched about.
Ian Butler
Normies don't respond to this kind of autism.
Simple things like "Isn't it strange that it's illegal in many countries to discuss historical facts?" and "The 19 camps inspected by international observers were all certified normal prison camps. The 6 that the soviets didn't allow to be inspected are the ones claimed to be death camps. Isn't that odd?" are much more effective.
Tyler Ward
I like your approach + adding emphasis to the way jews have used their supposed plight to extort money from everyone while others silently move on with their lives.
The simple math of the Auschwitz numbers can't add up considering the length of time Auschwitz was allegedly operational and the number of ovens in use at any one time.
IDF shills attempt to get around this by claiming multiple bodies were stuffed in ovens at once (easily debunked with a picture) and that multiple bodies burning makes them burn faster, which contradicts basic science. As well as greatly exaggerating the length of time required to fully burn a body, also easily debunked through scientific fact.
If you know your shit when it comes to cremation, the holohoax will always be a joke.
Benjamin Perez
Much like the Holocaust, those people aren't real.
Aaron Taylor
Also pointing out how places like Auschwitz were actually built before Germany invaded to rescue ~3 million Germans that the Treaty of Versailles put under Polish Jew persecution. Or the simple fact that 99% of all the camps were built in Poland before Germany invaded.
Show people maps like these that show the Germans ran concentration camps and the Communist jews ran the death camps in Poland.
6mil (sometimes 11 or more are cited) -> 5 years of regime -> ~3600 kikes need to die every day without a single day skipped. 2.2 kikes per minute.
It's impossible. Infrastructure is a thing. Physics are a thing. Thoroughfare are a thing. Area that people take up is a thing. All the things are a thing, it's impossible.
Dispersed "people" in a country that has religious freedom and no enforced ghettos are not just easily killable than cutting off an entire region from supply lines, leading to mass starvations.
Muh 6 million and muh poor suffering persecuted jews in da holocaus appeared many times in jewish owned newspapers, decades before it was have meant to have happened.
Angel Jones
What was the actual stance of Hitler's government on jews? How was it supposed to treat them? Send to Madagascar or Palestine? Put in labour camps and gulag them naturally without intentionally killing? If Palestine, wasn't that the original starting point for war with Britain? Was it true that Hitler received money and goods from US during war? Ford? Did Hitler become frustrated with jews after their attempt to push bolshevik revolution in Germany in 1918 or does the general antisemitism has pre-WWI roots? Why do all Nazi commandment and top officials don't look like blond aryans? Were they self-hating jews all along? Is "Der Ewige Jude" film a fake? How could Nazis "be friends" with literal kike, slav and mongol bolsheviks when those guys were no-good in German ideology? Was it true that USSR trained German pilots and tank crews between 1936 and 1940? Are pictures with muslims/niggers in nazi uniform fake? Did Hitler had any plans on those cultures/nations?
Tyler Campbell
Read Nürnberg laws. At first there was the idea of deportation but Britain and France refused. Later Jews were rounded up and put into labour camps. Not during the war definitely and I'm not sure if he donated any money for Hitler's election campaigns but he was highly regarded by Hitler himself and received a German medal. Read Mein Kampf. Retarded or bait? No. Germany only allied with Slavs and a lot of the stuff said about Generalplan Ost is lamp shades and gloves-tier. Nope. Actual military cooperation did indeed happen but it was under the Weimar. Germany was a global pariah with a military reduced from 10mil to 100k and no tanks and airplanes. Guess who the other pariah was in international politics? No they were not fake. There was an SS division of Bosnian (white) muslims and there were a few niggers in North Africa. Italy had ambitions to colonize Libya and Saudi Arabia.
Owen Reyes
Poisoned food, poisoned air, poisoned water, poisoned vaccinations, toxic dentistry, toxic medicine, toxic programming…. the list just goes on and on. It’s depopulation. You’re being murdered, err genocided, no, culled by talmudic turds who think it’s their job ordained by G-d.
From the records released when the USSR fell we discovered 403,713 deaths of all types of people between 1935 and 1945. As for Auschwitz, 38,031 jews perished.
Connor Hernandez
The Hello Klaus Happened 15 MILLION GERMANS MURDERED #neverforget #jewsdidthis
Jace Turner
Why the fuck should we lie about the truth?
Eli Flores
I think he meant to say all people within the camps
Cooper Miller
yes. bump
Aiden Parker
We know that. It's no different than about six to nine months after 9/11 and some of us were exposing that back in the day, and then in come the obvious fucking alphabet shills that we had never heard before saying shit like "the planes were holograms."
If you're new, learn it well. When it pops up out of nowhere and makes no goddamn sense and has nothing to do with what you're exposing, it's a shill. It's easy for a Zig Forumslack to see, but the idea is to fool dumbass normalfags and to give the weak cowards of that label an excuse to deny truths that make their little bitch minds uncomfortable. Remember it, newfag lurkers.
Great point. Low effort and short is better because normalfags watch TV and have no attention span.
This is an old classic tactic, honestly. If you concede everything your opponent says and blow them the fuck out anyway, you win on a massive level. But yes, they're kikes, and kikes always lie.
I don't know about the rest of you anons, but I live in burgerland. Over here, we had Asiatic red savages (some tribes are part White ancestrally, but whatever) and a whole hell of a lot of them got killed off in early America. It wasn't a genocide campaign either, but plenty of brutal warfare and getting raped hard by disease and spreading it by running to the next tribe over rinse/repeat will do that to you. Not only that, but if you've ever seen families with an individual member get murderered or whatever–no group of people would EVER use the deaths of their own race or relatives to try to get fucking shekels unless they murdered them themselves. Think about it. It's absolutely fucking disgusting and despicable. Now point that out if you're new to the game and want to talk about the holohoax.
The way I would consider doing it is to concede every claim and still say Holohoax, lel. Blow them the fuck out anyway. Let them scramble and namecall. Fuck these kikes. They have nothing except tyranny and greed to "offer."