What, Me Normie?

I don't have the gear, programs, skill nor time to give in way of Memetics for the cause. I'm an ideas guy. So here's one, Alfred E. Normal - What, Me Normie?

This is a play off the mascot for Mad Magazine.

It's a clever and apt use play of words to further our status as the rising counter culture.

It's a traditionally anti establishment meme, as is.

We can use it well to mock current cultural trends across the spectrum.

It can make being a "Normie" uncool, unhip, unpopular and usher in the non-conforming conformists stage in the counter-culture evolution into the cultural Zeitgeist.

Ideas, thoughts, critiques?

Attached: MEIN WORRY.jpg (236x293, 15.32K)

Lurk for 2 years, but I like that moxie

fuck off cia nigger, you glow in the dark and sound like a middle-aged boomer. we know what you cia fucks are doing with MK Ultra and with child and drug trafficking and we know the (((alt-right))) and alternative media is run by you guys.

the enemies of our civilization are: jews, freemasons, international bankers and communists and your cia works for the rothschild elite capitalist class that wants to push us down to keep themselves in power,

don't think we won't forget about the pedorings you guys operate

OP sucks an impressive amount of dicks, other than that it was predictable and low energy

fuck off cia nigger, you glow in the dark and sound like a middle-aged boomer. we know what you cia fucks are doing with MK Ultra and with child and drug trafficking and we know the (((alt-right))) and alternative media is run by you guys.

the enemies of our civilization are: jews, freemasons, international bankers and communists and your cia works for the rothschild elite capitalist class that wants to push us down to keep themselves in power,

and don't think we won't forget about the pedorings you guys operate



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It's shit, fuck off.

The fuck is your deal?

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What they'll never understand is that I love you

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Normalfags can't even comprehend the concept of normalfaggotry because they don't consider not-normal to be a good thing. We are weird. We are creeps. We are what they've spent every moment in their lives carefully avoiding to improve their social status. We prefer solitude and thought, they prefer standing in the middle of a crowd of 60 people and drinking themselves retarded. You're not gonna convince normalfags to stop being themselves because they lack the capacity to be anything else.

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there have been a number of cia whistleblowers that have come out and said that they were involved in human trafficking, i'll try and find the videos if i can

This is the right time to do this, if we will it

The idea is to instill our counter culture into the youth before they are too infected with pop culture to resist falling into normiedom.

Why bother? These are human conditions.

I'm over 18 months in, not waiting till after the midterms.



It's weird talking directly to you, but *insert apocalyptic declaration here*

that wasn't mistake it was emphasis

I just kind of want to fight now

I concur.

Its time to reclaim, thats my intuition

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They're called the kike-right, normie

How many people did I just infect? Not only do these things gum up your machines but also I actually love her

I like it

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Why are both of you using earlobe spacing?

That's the spirit.

I type shit out on notepad and I abhor text walls

lurk moar or go back to reddit

I don't use reddit. They shadow banned me for my South Africa post.

Trying to shove your way into places you aren't wanted is what niggers do. You are a digital nigger, a digi-nigger.

not helpful, not funny
the dude is obviously a tru/pol/ despite being green

Fund it. Godspeed user, ignore the screeching jews, who are always shilling here in full "shut it down" mode. Any action is preferable to inaction, since it interrupts your enemy's OODA loop and forces them to scramble to react. That goes for shit actions as well.

= If enough anons fling enough shit at the jew and the jew control of the society for long enough, they will drown the jew in shit =

I like it

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Memes are r-selected. Throw it out there, move on.