Other urls found in this thread:
>They definitely seem to be close to each other. archive.is
Limp wristed video games journalists have no pull and a widely accepted embarrassment thanks in part to the last 4? years on this very site. This is the new gatekeeping to replace the broken and impotent one. The outrage industry smells blood, and there is money to be made.
Standard kike tactics.
While purely in principle I have no problem burning the hentai to the ground, we all know this is just part of the Jewish plot to secure even more control over the video game industry.
And probably to hide their own child sex trafficking and abuse too. These aren't virtuous people no matter what they pretend to wrap themselves in.
Perhaps /v/ shouldn't attempt any heavy lifting.
Starting from the top left and going right
>Joel White aka "Captain nonConsent" - nose is large enough, last name is "White," smile
>shabbos goy, maybe a kike need other anons to confirm on this one
>jesus have mercy that's a fucking kike feminist fatty all rolled into one but I repeat myself
Best case scenario there are three actual white people involved in this, but I'm willing to bet that those people are married to kikes themselves, if not outright cryptos. Has anyone looked into other connections these creatures may have?
Fakku has already said they'd take all the games Steam threw out.
Fakku's founder looks like pic related.
This is being done by jews and jesuits user. They were behind the FOSTA shit too. They aren't good guys.
So if a jew told you the best thing for your child was to not throw it off a cliff, you would throw it off the cliff just because?
This is all about control and censorship being hidden behind"muh think of the children". Don't fall for it.
No to mention that if you're a parent and you are allowing your children access to the internet then you are a fucking idiot in the first place.
This was one of the key issues, next to being pro-Israel, in the Trump platform that I did not particularly like. I will be interested to see how this plays out. On the one hand, speech laws are an issue, and I generally support freedom of speech but on the other hand Jewish undermining decency laws has been how they have eaten away at the bull-works of our civilization. Conceding contested ground does not also seem like a prudent action, so one cannot afford to not fight this if it means giving "them" more control over allowable speech.
While adults, having access to pornography seems sensible and I also don't hold to the general pro-degeneracy liberal consensus on the matter. Therefore promoting degeneracy for the sake of "free speech" is not a hill I am willing to die on.
I tend to generally agree with E. Michel Jones on the issue of decency laws.
as for free speech, broadly speaking, the CFR is pushing forward in targeting image boards. Not good.
These people are also behind helping refugees. They are snakes in the grass.
Do you think Hitler would let you fap to anime girls?
that's not the issue Uncle Moishy.
Yeah, it has nothing to do with your desire for degeneracy and to keep it readily available to all. Nigger.
A jew would never tell you not to throw your child off a cliff.
Fucking kikes.
Yet that is indeed what they appear to be doing right this moment, nigger.
They always seem to target the weeb or emulated jap stuff first for some reason. Seems they dont want goys have access to entertainment that isnt 100 percent pozzed.
When you filter the shills looking to get Zig Forums to support degeneracy, the thread empties quick.
>Nothing to see here fellow goyim guys.
They're doing it so they can assume control and make it worse dipshit. Do you not see ? This is not new for them, this is years old OC.
Uh huh.
It is a large culture full of NOT degenerate things as well. Sadly these cunts don't realize there is a difference and it's an all or nothing false dichotomy with them. Typical kikes.
It's funny how you've done nothing but defend jews this entire thread.
Miscegenation propaganda is worse then all of that combined, idiot. Keep defending the kikes though.
And then there are the samefagging niggers that clearly can't read. kek
is that the 1488 Pajeet?
Porn aside I guess I could see this as a excuse to just going after anything Japanese looking. Could be western devs running to regulate the market , cause they haven't been doing to hot lately and losing to Japanese industry.
Stuff like Mass Effect Andromeda , Wolfenstein 2 has failed to indoctrinate customers. People aren't buying triple A Hollywood garbage unless its a overhyped sony exclusive but that is different argument altogether.
Tldr Jews Hollywood 2 isn't working out so censor Japan
FOSTA 301.
That's exactly what it is. AAA pozzed shit isn't being removed or censored and neither is lefty indy shit with sex in it. Just Japanese and Japanese styled games. Even ones that were already voluntarily censored by the developers.
So Jews are angry nips are edging into their degeneracy market?
Well jap degeneracy doesn't have the propaganda angle to it, so maybe, who knows.
A filterable 18+ category should exist though. I shouldn't see my 11 year old cousin looking at some porn-actress grooming game.
Fucking /v/ is the new old /b/ Zig Forums for getting information
user, (you) being a huge jew, clearly don't want this discussion happening. As you can see, by my ID I am not in favor of degeneracy. This issue is a bit more nuanced then a false dichotomy.
Seems to me the issue is more with Steam needing to properly implement a functioning parental lock feature. Why they don't do this is bizarre.
This to , typically during gamergate the people who virtue signaled the loudest throwing a fit against offensive content it turned out alot of the loudest virtue signalers were like closet pedophiles or did some fucked up shit in the past. A good example of this was neogafs moderation staff before it burned to the ground and had some actual clout before.
Valve allows its employees to do what they want and work on what they're interested in.
Since nobody's interested in doing it, support is nonexistent, and since designing and implementing a parental lock is boring, nobody's doing it.
It just shows that any organization needs a strong leader.
Have you seen the shit that's on Steam now? A lot of those games Sonic fanfic tier. Nothing of value will be lost.
Not caring about hyper-sexualized children? (((Bizarre))) indeed.
I am starting to hate the echo meme. At least how its been abused into becoming meaningless. While its true the Jews are certainly at the center of most revolutionary and dissident movements that undermine the west there is a more then significant portion of the gentile population that act voluntarily in this decadence. In fact to ignore the sin of the gentile only provides shelter for the parasitic jew to thrive.
Are these kikes really going to attack video games again? Don't they remember what happened last time?
Zig Forums was right yet again, kikes subconsciously want to be exterminated.
Like all good memes it was only a matter of time until clueless idiots run it into the ground. I don't see Zig Forums calling people who use the echo wrong out.
This is advanced kikery, since it's the kikes who want to "teach" primary schoolkids about gay sex or becoming trannies.
Jew has no business telling me how to raise my kids.
Also, might as well ponder "If jew offers you free money should you take it" since jew would never attempt to stop a white from getting hurt.
Watch McShikse getting triple anally fisted and facefucked until she pukes instead, goyim! courtesy of Silverbergsteinovitz Pictures instead!
Hey rabbi, 99% share in pornography industry is not enough for you?
Pornogaphy is a weapon of war and I have no problem banning that garbage entirely on all fronts. The left controls it after all. However, it's interesting to note that they aren't targeting Jewish owned/created pornography. Why are they targeting goyim first when their demographic earns millions from it.
It seems that they want to wrestle gentiles out of their industry. Here's ADL's recent motto to tackle hate by influencing game jams and game developers:
I need some sauce on that pic's claims user. I really do.
This is the level you are operating on
It's called "a joke"
Nice try, but Huniepop and Sakura Spirit weren't "rape games".
Naw lad, there better be some actual source for it. I need to have my autism validated.
Sorry, user. I saved this cap from a previous thread. Although the amount of Ritalin and other A.D.D. drugs they were pumping into kids during the 80's and 90's, it really wouldn't surprise me.
>>>Zig Forums has picked up on this here
I just wanted to play video games
Kikes want you mad about drawings instead of their exploitative and degrading porn industry that involves living people.
Schlomo and friends will help get rid of those icky underage drawings so you can enjoy blacked.com videos featuring drug addicted sluts with peace of mind.
Be sure to ignore "muh degeneracy" shills.
Falseflaggers and D&C niggers trying to cause disruption on /v/ and /vg/ are using similar tactics to try and downsize the issue at hand.
Except that it's not. Stop jacking off to porn. START MAKING WHITE BABIES.
Fuck off varg.
Video games first, the world second.
one of the goon is taking off his mask
look at this >>14810787
An user from /v/ here. Can you help on the digging effort regarding Operation No Nudes No Peace?! The more hands on deck, the faster the engine would be.
This is a terribly laid out thread, so I'll try rehashing it for those who can't follow this mess: Valve started going after weeb games per the request of Horizon Government Affairs. /v/ found evidence that this group had been pushing FOSTA since before it was even public knowledge. Now the kikes are in full panic trying to SHUT IT DOWN. /v/, however, is not dissuaded and is continuing to dig. It would be useful for Zig Forums to get involved too.
indeed, the shill flood is already happening while i typing this. Get some focus in the threads.
Good post. I am also divided by this.
That is the actual point. Jew porn has actual people doing the filth, it ruptures into reality, and it has the enforcing propaganda and degeneracy angle.
You want to know what we should do. We should start making our own games. Clearly the gaming industry doesn't care about the audience so what is the point of supporting people who genuinely want us dead. You can support Japan they are a different case entirely but the west doesn't care if we go extinct so what we should do is start making fan games. We should make them in a peculiar way as well. We should make the games simple but we should also drop subtle redpills in them to try and convert normalfags to our cause. This could be a effective and efficient tool in making our views more widely accepted because as we all know propaganda is the most effective form of population manipulation their is.
Here is how we can do it by spreading subtle redpills. We can make an RPG which is about a group of evildoers who want to eradicate the planet or some other shit like that. How do they get away with this they use the media to take about other things by someone who has infiltrated the media ranks. How do we get away with this you wonder? Well its actually pretty simple make them cover it up calling it a "terrorist" attack or some other bullcrap. Its subtle and it could get some normalfag brain's ticking.
A simpler more efficient thing we could do is give the main character a stable and happy family. Then say that the main villain only had a single mother. This will hint towards that being a single mother is a bad thing and will convince normalfags who play games that having a single mother's is bad because the games they play say so.
Normalfags hate SJW garbage in their product because it is very blatant and they simply don't realize this. It also lies which is another can of worms but we can talk about SJW's and their utter retardation for years. What I am proposing is that we flood the market with decent functioning RPG's bonus points if the game is legitimately good and then tell people that the games are genuinely great and they should give them a try some time.
Why do we care about porn? Let /v/ drown in their own cummies for all I care
Shill are coming in full force
No male spaces are allowed to exist.
A lot of it comes from the schizo conspiratard crowd that colonized Zig Forums and it's a waste of time to try to change their mind on anything.
Don't support the gaming industry. Just pirate their tutorials, software, and resources from sites. This one is one of them:
Because it already exists, but what else do you expect other than retardation from Current Year+3 parenting?
One user made a VN a couple years ago with redpills about niggers and jews with just changing the words they used but more than enough information to put together what they were talking about.
Aaaa teh jews are censoring muh anime porn games. By Kek, I won't let them get away with it. #gamergate
Took a while for the KYM shitter to show up.
I'd have more fun if they were less blatant
Devanon here. Been working on a title for 3 years. Greenlit, fleshing out final details before releasing early access. TBS, historical-based (no fantasy). Its hard. The industry is flooded with poor products and when a desert flower blooms in a sea of shit (see Kingdom Come) people completely dismiss it. There should have some alliances in Zig Forums and /v/ to stop the triple-A garbage from appearing. Steam has a lot of crap titles, but also several great gems scattered around.
/v/ is full of cuckchan retards user, they would rather talk about how bad NuManSky is than actually talk about decent games.
The old fanbase is mostly gone, I still remember talking about embed related there and the last thread about it was immediately derailed.
Most of the good games these days are the ones they release as betas or alphas on steam and then develop the game with user feedback.
Squad for example.
He's talking about Azurea Juncture. It was made by an /a/non from here, it was a VN about the kikes and they didn't appreciate it very much.
Thanks, I couldn't remember the name.
While just making a game is nowhere near as hard as you might think it to be, making an actually fun game always is. It's why a lot of the left's games are so shit - they're propaganda first and foremost, and gameplay is not once taken into consideration.
Your best course of action is to read up on /agdg/ and the general /agdg/ thread on /v/. While a lot of people will shit on tools like Game Maker and Unity (myself included, as I've used them for years), most people will never realize what tools you used, they'll just see the final product.
If you actually want to make a game, just do it. The motto of /agdg/ is Just like make game. I'm sure there's a lot of interesting ways to portray such topics in subtle ways. the first idea that came to my mind is making a game where the central plot is inspired by that one user's NPC theory
Now, selling it, gaining attention and traction is the hard part, as you pretty much have to use SOME form of social media for that, and it's as soul crushing as you'd imagine. But making a game? You just have to do it.
>(((Jewcob Grady)))
I know I said we should just make our own games to compensate.
I remember when that doujin came out, everyone lost their damn minds, it really is a quality work.
It all circles back.
Pic related
what does Speedev have to do with all this?
This is pretty blatant though if you really want good effective propaganda you should put it into an easily digestible package. For example lets say the main character has a family with both a father and a mother while the main villain doesn't have a father. Then say that the main villain's goal is to kill your father. Just don't blatantly say that its because he never had one and its because of jealousy. This gives the normalfags a good feeling as they feel as if they figured out some deeper meaning to a product while also subtly redpilling them.
Try harder.
Was meant for
Speebot is fun