Hey, sorry mods for this shit-tier thread and for bumping something off the catalog. I just thought you guys would want to know Zig Forums is ready to go. >>>/tv/1350438
Mods can delete this after a few evil internet racists join the fray. I just want to see a debate where both sides give their best. Please respond.
this tbh Actually went there when Zig Forums started to debate them. Exactly how it went, and they've only gotten worse since then.
Nathan Gray
There was a great video debate a couple years back, they got completely fanny flustered when they got asked how many jews they would have to murder for their revolution.
Most of Zig Forums aren't even true materialists anymore, just buttmad subhumans and fair weather liberals that play semantics and other obtuse rhetoric games with self-defeating metaphysics.
Watching Zig Forums debate outsiders is how I gradually became a Hitler. Don't underestimate the power of arguing to the audience. Polite sage since my thread is shit.
Sebastian Campbell
I think that was the KulturKampf guys? It's linked in the /tv/ debate thread but I'll post it here, too. It was interesting, but I think imageboard debates are more meaty than streamfags shouting over each other and looking for gotchas.
How about no? I'm done with leftypol, these trannies are too invested in their degenerate lifestyles to put them at risk by stepping out of the closet sjw paradigm they're stuck in. No amount of evidence you put forward is ever enough, whatever commie author who's dick they figuratively and literally suck, always knows it better. If Rosa Luxemburg says 2 + 2 is 5, they'll believe it and dismiss any calculations you lay out based on her word. They are lost beyond salvation.
Cameron Johnson
It's not about them. It's about stomping them. Play to the audience.
5) Watch documentaries on Mao "cultural revolution"
6) Notice 100,000,000 died due to Commie scum, who were mostly jew bolsheviks.
7) Break your cognitive dissonance and realize Marxism is a scam to have classes fight each other while the international NWO jew infiltrates the government and its finances
8) Turn into a Nat Soc, Socialism without the theft, tyranny and anarchy, because you prefer revolution to being genocided by the alt-right and alt-left controlled jewish cultural marxist opposition
P.S. is right, the leftists are weak manchildren who LARP and take Deep State money, true idealist revolutionaries gravitate to anti-jewish nationalist movements, hence the growth of Nazbol and Strasser segments of our ecosystem, as Bernouts seek a real opposition to the powers that be. Most pseudo-Socialists would become Nat Soc in a heartbeat if they understood the JQ and the obvious flaws behind internationalist marxism (no accountability for tyrants).
Andrew Cook
This. Zig Forums and Zig Forums are not individuals, and neither have "leaders." If Zig Forums and Zig Forums are to debate, it has to be in a forum where everyone from both sides has input. More of a gangfight, really. What a representative of a group may miss during a debate, people within the group will not, so every hole in the opposition's argument will be pointed out, and every advantage in a group's argument will be taken, if everyone contributes.
Debates are outdated in the year 2018. Just ban your opponent.
Dylan Reyes
Why would anyone want to explain reality to people who admit they are too stupid to live without welfare checks, who consider themselves equal to niggers, and when get excited when strange men have sex with their wives and/or personal buttholes?
No, they don't. Debate implies acknowledgement of the existence of objective truth. Liberals, definitionally, ignore the existence of truth. There's nothing to be gained here.
Ethan Watson
No you don't. I've had all of my threads deleted there. Go away, and die olf HIV, you obvious fag.
Julian Cook
What on earth is there to debate? Whether or not traps are gay? What kind of issue could those faggots possibly want to find common ground on, the fabric we use in the ropes that hang them?
Don't forget The Black Book of Communism. It always makes the commies foam out their mouths.
Hudson Hernandez
Caleb Baker
Discussion with kikes only serves kikes. Also, I really need to stop saying kikes, they hate being called jews more than anything, after all.
Aiden Cox
Zig Forums used to be on Zig Forums, then they ran away and made their own poz board because they couldn't handle debate, why should I debate them now? I already wasted my time with those faggots back then, they ran away and cried.
They can't even debate each other, they used to scream "we're not liberals!" except, of course, like all leftist movements they've became hardcore liberals over the past few months because that's all leftism ever leads to.
Mason Taylor
Thomas Roberts
Because of the people who see you debating them from a neutral perspective. Commies made up their mind, they would even accept a fact if god came down from heaven and told them. But normies who observe them behaving like 5 years olds spouting "NO IM RIGHT" while accepting no facts given to them will wake up here and there.
Luis Jenkins
Anything identifying them as jews makes for good ammo. Where's that quote of Goebbels about calling jews jews?
It's also pretty amazing how you can spin that quote for about anything.
Zachary Ross
Well, if it ain't broke…
Colton Rivera
I love gahoole.
Camden Ramirez
wtf is Zig Forums I thought (((they))) called themselves Zig Forums ? Also why on /tv/, do the kike mods of /tv/ need more users?
Gabriel Clark
Hey newfriend.
Cooper Wright
of course they want to debate; after all, we're in charge. face it faggots, your pph is abysmal, you read shit-tier obfuscatory texts written by gay french jews and you think it makes you smart. You literally think chimping in the streets is going to save us. vid related. also information flow is what I'm after. I could give a fuck about another 500 retards' opinions on a planet of 7 billion.