All enemies, foreign and domestic

All enemies, foreign and domestic

I was on cuckchan a few weeks ago in a thread about Ben Shapiro. OP had asked the board what we thought about the man. Naturally, I said he was a traitor and said so.

"What do you think of BASED Ben Shapiro?!?", said OP.

"He is a traitor.", said I.

I was asked to defend this statement and my reasoning was so triggering to the mods that one of them literally banned me from the board for a week. Here is what happened:

I called Ben Shapiro a "traitor". In reponse, someone asked me to explain why I thought him a "traitor"

I argued that, not only is Ben Shapiro a traitor, ALL of the American Jews are traitors. In North America, the Jews have literally set up an organisation named AIPAC whose primary purpose, whose only reason for existing, is the subversion of the United States government on behalf of a foreign power, Israel. This is the very definition of the word "treason" [pic]. To wit, "Betraying the State into the hand of a foreign power." And AIPAC does this with the blessing of literally every Jew in North America.

"What, were you red-pilled yesterday?!?", squealed some dipshit, "Shut the hell up you dickhead!"

"What a nice argument", I sarcastically replied. "Very compelling."

"Buh buh buh buh but my Russian Collusion!", posted some retard, "Whaddabout Russia?!?"

"The Democrats are yet to produce any hard evidence of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign", I said, "AIPAC, on the other hand, is very real."

"You fucking retard!!!", said a Jew, "Don't you know that the government of Sweden spend more on lobbying during the 2016 election than AIPAC?!? You Dickhead!"

"But, that is not what the word treason means…", I explained, "The members of the government of Sweden are not US Citizens. By lobbying and making their interests known, they are not betraying their country. The Jews in North America, on the other hand, are all citizens of the United States, and have literally set up an organisation, AIPAC, whose primary purpose is the subversion of the US government on behalf of a foreign power, Israel. This is the very definition of the word 'treason'".

At this point I got banned from the board.

A wise RAF pilot once said that "If you're recieving flank then you're over the target". And that got me thinking. How the hell did my arguments merit a ban? I argued in good faith and answered their questions punctually and honestly. Why does the word "TREASON" trigger these Jews so much? Is it because the truth hits too close to home?

Dr. Goebbels said that the most effective forms of propaganda are those that lie closest to the truth.

Here is the truth:
The Jews who reside in the United States mostly have US Citizenship and swear allegiance to the US flag but their true allegiance is elsewhere. Their true allegiance is to Israel, not the country of the citizenship. Jews in the US have literally set up organisations and lobby groups, of which AIPAC is just one example, whose sole purpose is to subvert the US government on behalf of their homeland, Israel. Their subversion of the US government on behalf of a foreign power, Israel, is an act of TREASON against the United States. This is what the word "treason" means. AIPAC performs these treasonous actions with the blessing of every Jew in North America.

Maybe it's time for us to lead a revivial of that word, "TREASON". Because that is exactly what the US Jews are doing. They are TRAITORS to their country. Literally.

And in the United States, the punishment for TREASON is death. Death.

Well, Zig Forums, how to we test to see if the meme (that Jews are traitors to the US) is effective or not? And, if it is effective, how can we spread it?

This is a meme thread:

Attached: DefinitionTreason.png (584x262, 36.87K)

Other urls found in this thread:

kike free first post

I would argue that it's not an effective line of reasoning, although it is valid and true. I think the important component here that you might be missing, cant' say - would be that the reason we're enemies is simply because we have divergent interests. We're interested in the growth of our own society, culture and states - they're interested in subverting our power, in order to prop up their own ideas. Why it's treason is because they do so under the guise of compatriots.

I don't want this to be taken the wrong way - but I think we can be too moralistic when trying to scrutinize their actions. They oppose us because it's in their better interest to oppose us - simple as that, it's why we oppose them.

This rock ain't big enough for the two of us.

Nice blog post.

Start a move to have All US citizens renounce dual citizenship.

Which board on halfchan?
If /pol thats pretty fucking embarrassing

frankly, subverting whites is in no one's best interest

we're the only race that invents stuff or will ever get life off this rock, most likely

sometimes hard to tell if troll or serious :(

Checked trips

Nice story. But since you used earlobe spacing, you might as well end it now.

*earlobe spacing

Oh look, the edgy teen fuck demanding everyone rise because, ZOG WON'T ARREST ZOG AMIRITE, it at it yet again with more obvious as fuck kikery. LEave and don't come back cunt, pissrael will be glassed before you turn 18. Try instagram.

Attached: 947[1].jpg (296x322, 33.36K)

Milkers thread?
Milkers thread.

Attached: 1509733904003[1].png (556x435 107.17 KB, 195.98K)

Attached: Khazar Shake Brings all the Yids to the Yard.jpg (664x651 15.84 KB, 683.56K)

Attached: Dairy_farm_in_israel_33[1].jpg (640x360 40.85 KB, 15.14K)

You are hereby guilty of browsing 4chan
You are hereby guilty of blogposting

Got milk.

Yeah but you're assuming that they acknowledge that fact and are capable of grasping it.

Maybe "perceived interest" would've made more sense for you.

I understand the point you're trying to make, but no jew has ever "owed allegiance" to the Unites States. They're spies or infiltrators at best.

If you've not been called a traitor at least once, then you are doing something wrong.
Ask ten people to describe a traitor, and you'll receive ten different answers.
At this point, the best you can do is describe what you want a traitor to mean.
I've heard leftists attack people as traitors for not going along with the consensus poz opinion(the same people who push mass immigration).
I doubt the word traitor ever had a meaning for anyone with an above average iq.
Your founding fathers were most definitely traitors.
For the good of ever white person on this planet, please let the US die.


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Don't stop until you crack it. Show these fuckers what happens when you fuck with us. Show them we refuse to be censored by them by censoring them!


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Don't stop until you crack it. Show these fuckers what happens when you fuck with us. Show them we refuse to be censored by them by censoring them!


hej, dis is breddy gud. i lik d sound ov dis :—DDD

Attached: gondola_medicine.webm (480x360, 768.17K)

This is why 4chan can never even compare to this place