People who live in small towns and rural areas are happier than everyone else, researchers say

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More diversity = more unhappiness.

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fuck people tbh

water is wet

Until we're forced to pay for everyone else's shit and we can longer afford our own.

Gee I wonder (((why)))

They admit it right in the article

Who would have thought that in CY+3 people haven't accepted the richness of "diversity"? It's almost as if the communist cbc hasn't quite brainwashed the entire country to believe that jamal and achmed are just like us (never mind the fact that they only want to destroy everything that our ancestors have built).

And the elite wants to urbanise every square mile of land on earth and fill it with people. Makes you think

I find the trend perplexing. I feel like I spent the past several decades being lectured to about overpopulation and over-crowding - but now all I ever hear about is boosting low birth rates and needing to urbanize.

Enjoy your lunch, kike.

In Australia, we have destroyed and outsourced all our native industries but agriculture so all that remains is endless construction and land exploitation. We have ended up with such a situation that our economy is on life support through importing a million people a year in a country with 26 million people and our land and accommodation is among the most expensive in the world despite our access to a whole continent. It's all built upon the unnatural foundation of the cities. It's a case of the largest stakeholders cannibalising their own nation for profit.

Define small towns. How small does a small town have to be?

Anything > 98% white will suffice i'm sure

live around people YOU KNOW
humans is a pack animal seeing familiar faces reduce stress.

Kill yourself yid, I was created to hunt your kind to extinction.

Are you retarded ?
Jews thrive in the anonymity of cosmopolitan areas.

You can jew people once in small communities then your reputation precedes you, or your grandfathers ..
So they wandered..

this is all it is. since ive moved to the city my stress levels have increased a thousand fold.

forget giving people the benefit of the doubt. the population is large enough that people dont care about honor. once youve been screwed hard enough , enough times you start screwing people yourself to make up for it and its a vicious cycle. businesses are meaner to you without repercussion. landlords dont fix anything because in a year, there will be another schmuck that doesnt know any better that comes along. because housing is often a revolving door, neighbors dont give a shit about each other, littering and being loud. etc etc

Problem is, Lib/Left/Dem/SJW with a plan by Soros, etc. move into those small towns with Cat Rescue Non-Profits, Restaurants that umpteen Food Trucks use as a "commissary," LGBT bathroom laws, and etc. all colluded with each other on how to F over the county/city/State on paying taxes via SBL, LGBT Farms, Forestry, a pond so fishery, and etc. then run shit into the ground and move on like a plague.

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I just started a manual labor job on a farm in a small rural town and it's the happiest I've ever been.

I live in a very small town and it's great. I don't ever see brown people except that one Japanese family who moved out here a while back.

They hate niggers too.

Of course. Luckily Canada is mostly rural so theres a million places to find peace and quiet.

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Who would have thought that living in tight spaces in close proximity to all manner of subhuman filth would make people less happy? Better take your (((pills))) for that, goy!

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class warfare is terrible.
I know communities with thousands of million dollar homes, where you can just sneak in and utilize the amenities.

Bonus: you're unlikely to run into a jew since the Talmud forbids kikes from manual labour

It is just like William Luther Pierce said, small, white, semi-industrialized communities are the best for our volk.


according to the georgia guidestones that's precisely the opposite of what the elite want.

Further studies show that: The further away you are from jews the happier your family is.

Don't trust what jews say, they're liars. What they've worked to accomplish was to boost the birthrates of sub-civilized races and then cram them into white nations to turn the world into one giant favela.

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maybe its you, homo

Innawoods: Advantage whites.

Translation: Rural whites are happier among rural whites.
Despite jewish efforts to fix this clear display of racism it continues unabated! Oy vey!

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if they'd have done the study with diversity as one of the dependent variables, i wouldn't be surprised at all if the effect of urbanization on happiness disappeared.

Knowing what is happening to white countries outside of the rural bubble brings misery while all the rural whites surrounding you are blissfully unaware of their ongoing replacement.

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Dr. E. Michael Jones discusses his book The Slaughter of Cities -

Strong ethnic Polish, and Irish (both Catholic) neighborhoods were systematically destroyed in the US by the Jewish elite and wasps by moving niggers into those neighborhoods. Then white flight happens and these people moved into the suburbs and became middle class "white Americans." It was a way to ruin their society and to slowly transform them into the isramutt without a strong ethnic and moral environment. Detroit is one example of these cities.

Fast forward to today. Now you can't live anywhere without niggers, gooks, pajeets, spics, mudslimes, etc. They have a plethora of heathen to throw at you. It's absolutely disgusting.

For example the biggest movement going on right now is in moving Asians and pajeets into California. Even into semi rural white areas. They are showing up more and more. The white flight is happening here as well but the whites are now leaving to other states like Arizona, Texas, Colorado, and the Carolinas.

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Live in 99% white town of 750. Can confirm. The other 1% browns come and go as they don't fit in. We are mostly Swedish and German. Towns like mine may be our best hope of beginning a real movement. Move to the country my friends! Country folls are already in agreement with most of what we say, and the crazier the Left gets, the saner we look. Our position doesn't change. Its solid. And solid is what attracts the sheep when shit gets crazy.

What general area. I'm sincerely interested…. I hate this globalist project I live in.

We put the mid in midwest you could say

I posted this on the same thread on cuckchan but I am one of these people. Had a high profile career where I lived in and travelled to big cities. Wound up wanting to blow my brains out from dealing with socialists, niggers and all manner of lunatics.

Moved out to a 90%+ white rural Trump county and bought a little farm about four years ago. Could not be happier.

When you live in a liberal shithole. You develop cognitive dissonance to deal with all the illogical, corrupt, evil, horseshit that living in one of those Jonestown like cities entails. However when you leave and you live in peace and quiet. And making eye contact with people isn't a threat anymore. People smile. Things work. Your officials and county actually gets shit done for half the taxes it costs to live in a Jonestown. It's fucking glorious man.

And with Amazon Prime and the internet, fuck do I need with a city? It's the best decision I ever made to escape the lunatic asylums. Your life instantly improves and you can start thinking clearly.

For the love of Christ if you're a free thinking person, figure out how to live a rural life.

your town is being targeted for diversity as we speak. It's only a matter of time.

Everyone knows this, the city ideal is something created by kikes. Small, tight knit communities are where it has always been great.

Shut the fuck up kike. Your plan will never work. It might work in propaganda infested shitholes with swarms of humans whos only desire is to be "in", less than half of folks own any guns, and everyone falls for your (((trends))). But out here, where 99% of us are white, 95% of us are Christian, and we're talking "jews are just too dumb to realize they missed Christ, and penny pinching scammers, and Muslims are evil" type Christians. We all own multiple guns and are trained in their use. Nobody blinks an eye at the word nigger. Ive had a Reichsadler on my car clutching a Benz logo for 2 years and noone has questioned me about it besides occasional compliments from Gen Z kids. You know if we further unite we can easily annhiliate your soft sissy sheep who you thought we would be too by now. Its all falling apart isnt it?

except in africa because niggas gon nig

Imagine how bad it would be in a big city.

My family lives in a less than diverse town. They don't know the shitstorm that is coming there way. Subsidized housing doesn't bring out your best.

Pretty sure that was a warning, not a threat. And a valid warning it is.

(((They))) know the results of this. That's why (((they))) continue to push for it.

Here you go faggots, this is a section from The Holy Mountain. I think the symbolism speaks for itself

Can't this effect be explained by the fact that all of civilizations dregs migrate to urban centers. There are no homeless wandering the streets causing mischief in podunk, pa, pop. 666.

Not only that, but all the mentally-deranged leftists either leave to the cities or kill themselves, making life happier for everyone else. Why would a Trans-lesbian-genderqueer psycho that wants to kill cis white culture live in a rural area? they wouldn't. And the rural areas are happier for it.

I used to live in one of the biggest southern cities which is predominantly non-white. Now I live in a midwest small town on the lower end of 5-10k population and I'd never trade it for the shitty city life, EVER.

Can confirm that living in a liberal hellhole makes you miserable, live in a 27% nigger city and 8% (reported) spic. It is a shithole.

Possibly. But i dont think they understand how deep the divide is between country and city folks. We are where the buck stops. The next civil war will have no North and South. It will be one huge outbreak of guerrila warfare. Systems will be down. And without those they will be helpless. I only hope the majority of Whites have woken and left the cities before it happens, because when it does, no traitor will be overlooked.

No fucking shit? If I had to live in the city again with all the smell of piss, homeless, and some rich coming down from his penthouse suite d-bag revving his lambo of course I wouldn't feel anywhere near as good in a comfy small town or acres to do hickok45 things.

When you're young you think the city is magic with all the places and nightlife but that's only true if you got money to pay off the absurd living expense or else you're stuck with the hobos and cultural enrichment then suddenly finding yourself joining some commie fuckheads because you forgot the rural and real prole areas exist (irony) which will only further fuel your unhappiness.

hickock45 is quite possibly the comfiest man alive

If only I could speak French and had a medical degree or was an illiterate African fleeing persecution from more violent niggers, I would gladly move there.

and Hell is other people.
This is known.

yeah…he's also sadly soft on niggers. He had a video with a based nigger in a trump hat and I commented that they belong in africa or some shit and he actually replied to me butthurt.
Harvard professor of political science Robert D. Putnam conducted a nearly decade long study how multiculturalism affects social trust.[134] He surveyed 26,200 people in 40 American communities, finding that when the data were adjusted for class, income and other factors, the more racially diverse a community is, the greater the loss of trust. People in diverse communities "don’t trust the local mayor, they don’t trust the local paper, they don’t trust other people and they don’t trust institutions," writes Putnam.[135] In the presence of such ethnic diversity, Putnam maintains that
Even Harvard knows this is all a pile of feel good shit like religion and like religion it relies on persecuting those who dont agree to keep itself mainstream thought.
Full disclosure: After the study was released Putnam was intimidated and harassed (same as Professor E.O. Wilson before him) because he was accused of helping racists with this study. He later came out and gave a very vague statement saying diversity "had problems but was worth it in the long run" to keep these morons appeased.
This statement gives no indication of the long run is and in fact is not quantified by anything.
tl;dr fuck diversity

He literally doesn't have to live around them, or anyone else for that matter. It's not surprising he doesn't know no different from the libtards in their gated neighborhoods.

ooowww weee 27% WOW
Try 65%, where I live. I am personally "gentrifying" this entire neighborhood. The nigger lovers that run our (((government))) push section ape housing on white neighborhoods. You all know this. There is no place to white flee to. I say take over nigger neighborhoods. You can buy them out really cheap, and we can take back cities. It only requires balls. Imagine even a small amount of white city.

yeah, that's why I kinda give him a pass, but i can never watch his videos the same after that. Seriously

This seems like a good idea but then you realize that most whites with families don't want to move there, just childless hipsters who want "lofts", "studios" and other overpriced hipster shit everybody else knows is just poorfag shit dressed up for morons. The best thing you can generally do is rent out to Latinos who ethnically cleanse the negroid infection but then you're left with another. It would be nice to take back Detroit, the suburbs are already okay…ish

Why would anyone be surprised by this?

I live in a small town of about 500 people. It's like living 24/7 in high school. People are so goddamn bored that they take special interest in everything (EVERYTHING) anyone else does. If I'm buying a little too much alcohol and cigarettes, everyone finds out about it. The pharmacist tells everyone what meds I'm taking. I once told someone that I don't like to eat octopus, and some other guy came up to me later and asked me why I don't like octopus.

Don't live in small small towns unless you're deep in the woods. Ideally, 10 - 20k people, so you can have some goddamn privacy.

Seems to me like this is social engineering to encourage non-whites to move out into majority White rural areas.

That's the whole point and benefit because there's a sense of community in small towns which would increase happiness for most. If you're a guy after privacy you need to buy a large plot of land for yourself in the middle of nowhere where the nearest neighbor is miles away.

I always assumed the long con was to replace the whites then rapid mass depopulation of the rest once all of us that would put up a serious fight were dealt with.

This is the key. It's really hard to feel a sense of community in a big city, when all you see is soulless career women and non-white filth; all while paying exorbitant rents for the privilege, which go to some kike property managers, operating a complex owned by overseas chinks. Seeing ugly nigger faces on your commute to work isn't conducive for overall happiness.

Wow, it's almost like your community actually fucking cares about you. How is this a bad thing?

I agree. But you can belong to a community where not everyone knows everything about you. That ideal size depends on the culture. Based on experience, I'd say that number needs to be at least 5k. I don't have adjacent neighbors and I have a decent plot of land, but these small town fuckers always find a reason to drop in. Also, in very small towns there is a long history of inbreeding, so the average IQ can be as low as 90 (where I live). So you need to keep an arm's length distance from everyone before you can detect if they're bad-news IQ.

Ahh that would be a problem for me. I spend a lot of time alone tinkering with electronics, and the last thing I need is for half the town to spread a rumor that I'm building a bomb. Right now I live in upscale suburbia, and no one even talks to each other.

You just laugh it off tbh. If you are friendly and useful, people instinctively trust you.

Relevant to the OP and your post, the cities are filled with with niggers, kikes, queers, and other undesirables, so they would be in tandem with that agenda. Rural areas are still mostly white in a lot of places. Cities, on the other hand, are not. The cities are the hubs. They'll flood them with non-whites until it's a necessity, as a result of resources, that they begin to spread outwards into the countryside.

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Well user, there's a difference between caring about someone and simply being nosey.


This is already known, dense populations cause people to hate their life. Its the same with animals. In a normal environment the animals mostly get along among themselves, like apes for example, but if they start running into density issues and cant get away from eachother - they end up physically fighting and engaging in anti-social behavior.

"Yeah, but have they tried living in the city while watching ANIME?!
Didn't think so, checkmate. I'm not actually killing myself, anime saved my life.
My life which I now spend as as a recluse being married to a focus group researched fantasy of some japanane guy who gets financed the life he's making me waste by showing me drawings of something I need him for to continue creating it."

Something a guy on a forum pretty much told me. (I added the last part of it because its how it actually in reality)
Also "all the (((jobs))) are in the city".

Don't be that guy.
Just because the bullet you've shot into your head has a quite voice and boob shading and takes years to kill you from within doesn't mean you're not actually killing yourself.

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Not to mention, living in a small town alleviates the fear of getting cucked by a nigger via the "eternal woman".
if you move to a place that doesn't have niggers and other filth then there's no damn niggers for whores to fuck around with.

It's like killing all the kikes and hanging all the nonwhites.
Even if women are irredeemable racemixers (which they are not) they can't mix with that that doesn't exist.

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Am I having a stroke?

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It's still better than living in some ultra pozzed mega city like Toronto, but still. Maybe I'm just in the wrong small town though.

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researchers dont know shit … researchers are shills with statistics

Cities are just giant open air factories for money production. Who woulda thought that living in factories drives people crazy?

I never ever EVER want to live in a city or it's suburbs

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Plebs gonna pleb no matter where you are

no, it used to be an actuall good thing … when movies were just starting to get good. before rap music was rap music. the city was a cool place where you could be smart people

the city around the time of the "great generation" to the 60 was cool.

then came civil rights, then came the disco, then came rap music, then came police hate and more welfare from libs

I wont blame hiphop, its not hiphops fault it was usurped by shitters

But all these things made the city crap. Also with "rual" areas have become far less what they used to be. Homes are hyper modern , a walmart 30 mins away can give you all the goods you need. And the internet can reach you so you have the greatest tool created in your small town.

The convenience of the city is just not as great as it used to be but all the troubles have risen 100 fold.


The millimeter waves used by 5G will be highly absorbed by the skin
as shown by the Israeli study below with our skin pores acting
as millions of tiny antennas for these new millimeter waves.

Multicultural town? Live in a Volkisch town, and there is nothing but happiness and hard work.

You also find out why people in small towns hate you, and hopefully, like me, adapt.

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40 years ago I was using outhouses in this neighborhood. 30 years ago there was a steer who used to graze the other side of the highway. Construction materials, reliable power and internet sure changed a lot of things.

Going to inherit ~8Ha farmland. While currently I'm living and working on relatively large city, I'm not quite feeling at home. Really thinking about settling down in the future on countryside (although new neighbours are popping up like crazy. The location is appealing). Just need to have a plan for sustaining career under these conditions and having a mutual interest with gf for this kind of future. Selling that land would feel like selling my soul

Keep the land, it's the only valuable thing.

Also, if you don't know about it, take into account the coming grand solar minimum.

Wow! The sea is blue!

Not even the kikes have tried to suppress this info, where are you trying to get?

Top kek, what a faggot. I guess you can buy a gun but you can't buy a new set of balls.

Men are more eternal than women when it comes to things like mixing, faggot. Maybe all these men with no loyalty shouldn't have as many options.

Industry can be beautiful.

Q predicted this

How would a loser such as myself move to a smaller town anyway? I have no marketable skills but I am honestly thinking LA is making me miserable. There is no soul here and it's suffocating.

Farm hand/crop picker

enjoy your long lifespan and strong community connections

Only people who want to live in the outdoors live in the outdoors, so they are only asking people who already live where they'd like to live if they are happy where they live.

it's because the towns are white and not run by democrats, leads to happiness among the native population
