Before the abominable reddit and alt-kike parasites that plague our board fill this thread with trash, allow me to draw a distinction between what is currently recognized as "Atomwaffen", post alt-kike e-celebs screeching about satanism, and what was once Atomwaffen.
Mini TL;DR history:
For multiple years, AWD was not satanist in the slightest, but 100% National Socialist.
You can read the official AWD statement on the muslim incident here:
Being discussed here is only pre-satanism AWD, as the current status of AWD is not publicly known and no one cares about faggy (((satanism))).
In what way were AWD right?
AWD was not perfect, but the pathway on which they were heading was superior to the direction of most other organizations, especially those of the alt-kike.
Their aesthetic was strong, spooking both pathetic lemmings and cucked PRfags, attracting only those truly dedicated to the cause. People who advise "appealing to normies" are completely delusional and filling your mind with cancer. To appeal to a normalfag, you must present to them a version of reality that is so removed from the truth that it is almost not worth presenting. A normalfag lemming can go from A -> B, lie to smaller lie, they cannot go from A -> Z, lie to truth. A normalfag is, and will always be, completely reliant upon the system, a pathetic, helpless newborn suckling at the teat. Would they willingly bite the hand that not only feeds them, but ensures their survival? Of course not. The nature of the normalfag is why we are in this mess, they will not get us out of this mess. See William Pierce videos and articles on normalfags:
Creating a decentralized militia consisting of cells across the entire country is a tactic that should be adopted widely by national socialists. We currently live in enemy occupied territory; no single element of the system exists to support us, beyond making us entirely reliant on suckling upon the teat of the system which poisons us. Everything is against us. We cannot make political headway, and, if we did, the system would Samson Option. Understand that we are ruled, in totality, by an occupying force that has, more or less, already secured victory.
This is of the utmost importance. AWDs activities, including, hiking, hunting, camping, urban exploration, hand to hand and firearms training, etc, will all be absolutely vital in the coming struggle. To make genuine headway in our fight against the kiked system, we cannot exist purely as shitposters, even though we have been staggeringly effective over the years and changed culture to a large degree. The culture war is merely a phase of action.
You must create groups with redpilled friends IRL, train well and become strong, healthy, dedicated and fanatical. Only people you can trust, reliable men. If nothing exists near you, then create something.
If you have not done so already, it is also absolutely imperative that you distance yourself (at least mentally) from material pleasures and the meaningless grind. Deprogram yourself, distance yourself from a materialist worldview. Again, if you have not already, I recommend reading Evola, or at least researching his works against materialism.
National Socialism is the best political system that has been created by the white man to date. Not perfect by any means, realistically, Hitler barely managed to begin his project before the kikes of the world came crashing down upon the German people, but even in its infancy, National Socialism proved itself to be superior to any system we currently know of in recorded Aryan history.