in light of the recent school shooting, there is an influx of anti-gun retards, shilling more than usual. Share your best memes to counter anti-gun shills.
ITT: counter anti-gun shill memes
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Shitty photoshop user here.
I already single handledly won the fucking internet today with 1 shitty meme that took 3 minutes. kikes and leftists are demoralized and arguing about a god damn hat now instead of guns. Bow to me, faggots.
I mean the kikes are gonna call us liars even if we post verifiable fact.
* >>>/reddit/
No, there's a difference between pointing out that he wore commie stars/memorabilia and lying to make out that he was a Hillary supporter or some shit, people like you are the reasons leftists are so quick to call us liars.
What we need to do is play to the psycho-left's "Trump is an evil dictator that wants to kill all trannies" bullshit and ask why they want to be left defenseless when evil racist white people are coming to kill them all.
Just start talking about societal issues that need to be addressed. Schools are unnatural, impersonal institutions, men are killing themselves at record rates, etc. taking away guns isn't going to fix these issue.
Shut the fuck up you dumb faggot. I'm laughing my ass off and you've got shlomos cock so far up your ass you give a fuck what "kikes this about my internet board"
Hang yourself. Tonight.
I don't know about you guys but one time there was a translated report on (((MEMRI))) about the Iranian website "Qodsna" saying that the shooter during the Connecticut incident back in 2012 was a Jew shooting other Jews and had a second article talking about the "The Zionist Lobby's Gun Control Plan For America" but then (((MEMRI))) somehow decided to show political cartoons from the Fars News Agency detailing America's "gun problem". I don't know anything about Fars, all I know is that "independent news agencies" tend to have completely left leaning stances on social issues, I don't why this always happens but still. For further details:
Any meme which reinforces the idea that the shooting actually happened, ultimately serves only the jew.
How long do you think we have until (((they))) take yet another one of freedoms?
You could have taken a bit more. It's a really shitty shoop.
yeesh take it easy buckaroo
My personal favorites are side-by-side graphics of:
It would be a momumental psyop to get a boycott of all movies and music that have guns in them. Give 'em the old jew-a-roo.
(I don't have any examples: might need a crowdsourced effort.)
Kyle Kashuv, pretty much the sole pro-gun Parkland survivor, finished at the top of his class.
The National Academy of Sciences has once again also proven that gun control does not work with hard irrefutable facts.
The meme: Gun Control Advocates are Brainlets
I hate newfags who can't greentext properly.