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133,612 edits to Wikpedia have been made in the name of “Philip Cross” over 14 years
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What is particularly interesting is that “Philip Cross”‘s views happen to be precisely the same political views as those of Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia. Jimmy Wales has been on twitter the last three days being actively rude and unpleasant to anybody questioning the activities of Philip Cross. His commitment to Cross’s freedom to operate on Wikipedia would be rather more impressive if the Cross operation were not promoting Wales’ own opinions. Jimmy Wales has actively spoken against Jeremy Corbyn, supports the bombing of Syria, supports Israel, is so much of a Blairite he married Blair’s secretary, and sits on the board of Guardian Media Group Ltd alongside Katherine Viner.
The extreme defensiveness and surliness of Wales’ twitter responses on the “Philip Cross” operation is very revealing. Why do you think he reacts like this? Interestingly enough. Wikipedia’s UK begging arm, Wikimedia UK, joined in with equal hostile responses to anyone questioning Cross.
Wikimedia had arrived uninvited into a twitter thread discussing the “Philip Cross” operation and had immediately started attacking people questioning Cross’s legitimacy.
I am cross posting this from cuckchan because this blew my mind. Is there any more blatant example of the censorship and distortion from the elite technological left than this?
It doesn't get more Orwellian than this.
I'm a longtime Wikipedian myself.
I don't think Philip Cross is some kind of agent or shill, just an extremely dedicated and probably biased editor. If you dig through the website you'll find hundreds of people like this.
A little known fact outside of our community is just how much bureaucracy happens on Wikipedia. I'm sure you anons would know the gist of it, but it's a lot worse than you imagine.
It's all hidden in plain sight, as well. No special IRCs or deepweb chatrooms, it's all right there in talk pages beside every article. Most people don't bother to read those because they're usually not very interesting, but at times the level of bias - on political articles especially - is absurd.
Can confirm. I've had my run-ins with wikipedia editors. If you think Zig Forums is autistic just try to offer a credible edit to a page there. Niggers sit on their turf and immediately dispute any little change that doesn't conform to their narrative.
So is Philip Cross Jimmy Wales himself or an influential jew that Jimmy must protect? A Hasbara operation composed of multiple kikes?
Just look at every single fucking plant on wikipedia. They actively censor out constituent lists and put in disinfo to protect the income of the pharmakikes.
Fucking check'd. Targetting (((wikipedia))), rolling for the lock. Is Wales doing edits for the pharmakike?
No joke arguing on Wikipedia edits and page deletions redpilled me on what Uncle Adolf described a century ago.
What's the time card supposed to be showing? That he is a wikipedia fanatic? I'm sure if you measured the time I spent browsing imageboards / watching anime you would get something similar (albeit shifted to the right several hours)
This. Wikipedia editors are like fucking gang leaders defending their turf. I notice it a lot around historical pages in particular. Not just WW2 but the middle ages when they give enlightenment accounts that are outdated or just pure bullshit.
From the consistency of the edits it is very obvious that "Philip Cross" is a (presumably state-level) group. From the response of Wales it is obvious they are connected. Ergo, Wikipedia is totally compromised. May still be news to some.
Here's their donor list. Arcadia is Rothschild. Erasmus is Blackrock through Robert Torretti. Don't know about the others. Have fun digging into it if you want.
Jimmy Wales got a nice job on the Guardian. About that.. >>>/gamergatehq/330337
Holy checked user. Yeah Kikeipedia is ridiculous, and the people who commit (waste) their time doing all that is astounding.
Perhaps state-level, but you could only really suss that out if you had no activity on bank-tier holidays like President's Day and Columbus Day. In any case, it looks like two shifts that run from 7 AM to 11 PM, which would cover first and second shift, leaving third shift empty. If it actually did average about thirty edits a day, there would have to be at least three of them active at a given time, with two reserve employees to cover days off and other such interruptions. With an HR rep, a pair of supervisors, and a computer whiz, you're looking at about fourteen employees on an operation like this.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that the limit a given company can reach before they start having to kowtow to various diversity quotas and being forced to contend with hiring discrimination lawsuits?
It's almost like there is an office of employees all working full-time under a single pseudonym.
That isn't a lot you know. Pretty much every change that you do you do in a separate edit, that way if it needs to be rolled back it won't roll everything else back with it.
Serious question: Do people really look to Wikipedia as a reliable source of information? I've always used it to get a general idea of an unknown topic, then gone on to primary sources. And when I was teaching it was NEVER accepted as a reference; I suppose that could have changed by now.
Yes. People will rarely check a different place for info or to check if what it says is true.
Why would they do that, though? There's more than one IP in Tel Aviv.
The context is the UK… the edits concern reinforcing a globalist narrative of UK politics and participation in international affairs.
They spent Easter Monday (bank holiday in the UK) editing articles on antisemitism and Labour.
Has edits all through Christmas and the New Year period too. What an ironic tell.
It requires specialist knowledge and some level of competence to edit on this level, so I can't see it being outsourced outside the UK - the office hours are also those of the UK. A privately run operation would surely not run in office hours 365 days a year. My guess is a British intelligence service like GCHQ or MI5, and we all know who their masters are.
Yeah, if that were isolated for one article you worked on, perhaps I can see that as you added corrections. Can you imagine sustaining that average rate for a long duration?
Never forget Abbie Hoffman as he leaves Federal Court
Honestly, the only thing I use wikipedia for is to track whether or not a newsmaker is a Jew. It seems pretty good for that purpose. For things important to me, such as mathematics, it is practically worthless.
child molestation front man and pervert JEW Abbie Hoffman
fuck these JEW cunts
these fucking hebes have been working for more than 60+ years to fuck up your life. if it's not one hebe it's another always willing to step up to the plate
frankly it can be said they have been doing it for thousands of years in all honesty
put a knife in your own throat
I do this too. Whoever is naming the Jew ion wikipedia is doing a great job.
Can someone explain to me how any of this has to do with (((communists)))? (((Communist))) are just a dum dum Jewish controlled posse who are not in the know about higher level Jewish plans like this.
All the communists do is dance around naked with rainbows and create brand new PC terms every day with the true purpose of hiding in the middle of all of those words the word (((anti-Semitism))). Worst word of them all, and the true motive behind all the other words
An American JEW icon
unless of course they are assassinating the entire royal family of Tarist Russia or instilling a Chinese dictator like Mao Zedong, then they are not dum dum….. right you fucking kike?
This is how the Goyim tries to survive in the world. The men fight in the military while the women become junkie whore for niggers and Jews.
And American Classic
What self-respecting autist obesses only during working hours every day? They would be doing it late night, sporadically, with many gaps.
And in any case the content of the edits are in no way autistic - all pertain to a cohesive attempt to reinforce the narrative, not the minutiae of manic obsession.
And suddenly the thread is full of irrelevant babbling about Hoffman.
good point
Shouldn't surprise anyone - Wikipedia is a Jewish op from the ground up.
nigger what the fuck are you doing? we have IDs here you fucking samefag. What are you even posting about?
Leftist special interest groups pay certain companies to train armies of leftist wikipedia shills. I can't be specific due to personal reasons, but you can find proof of this if you search for it online. They don't hide it, and are actually proud of it because virtue signaling.** The magnitude of this astroturfing campaign would blow your mind. Our institutions are completely compromised and full of these little wikipedia cancerbots. That is all I can really say, just wanted you all to know that ids habbeding.
ITT cuckchan refugee finds out the kike running kikepedia is a kike
What part of Operation Mockingbird don't you get?
Try updating something with evidence from little known official declassified documents and you'll soon see how that site glows in the dark.
Can't be a jew, though.
Cause "christianity is the worst enemy of judas" or something ,right?
spazoid, I'm talking about you, the Jew. I know ID's are used here, look up my ID and my IP. I name the JEW. I say you are a fucking JEW, everyone needs to do that. What are you talking about nigger?
I pissed on your baby thread, put your mouth to the curb and I'll piss on you too.
really makes you think
derail what faggot, everyone knows wikipedia is kiked. Are you telling anyone anything they already don't know, yeah sure, 133,612 kiked edits….. we all know that already. Come the end of the day, it's JEWS to you?
Do you even know what an imageboard is for, you fucking mongoloid?
They would do it to conceal names, probably. They shuffle kikes all the time–into pissrael, out of pissrael, whatever.
One can hand out new identities and all, but those can also get undermined pretty easily if someone actively digs.
You're a nigger, and if everyone thought like you, nothing would get done.
>we need money. Even a small contribute of 1$ will help us paying (((people))) that talk shit about characters opposed to the narrative.
Wikipedia's utter dissolution may be old hat, but the other Wales op - Wikia - deserves more scrutiny. They are now in bed with Disney, busily co-opting, copying and subverting independent fan wikis onto their platform so they can control goy consumption of their mainstream trash…
I hate Wikia, they're a cancer in the video game community.
Games like The Elder Scrolls, Doom, Fallout have all had their own fan sites for years, but Wikia pages get mad for them and they end up being higher in search results because of how much of a Juggernaut it is. The absolute worst thing is how they all just steal content from the other fan sites.
*made for them
You are of course assuming anyone cares? Jimbo Wales has a Jewish girlfriend who somehow manages to do 100,000 edits per day, and has no sleep interval. Almost as if she's a honeypot backed up by a room full of heebs in Israel.
It's likely a fake account used by multiple people from a media company.
The fact that wiki and Jimmy defends it demonstrate they know that's what it is.
What's her nickname, on Wikipedia?
OK, this could get funny, because the UK has tough anti-libel laws. It would be so amusing if they destroyed Wikipedia, instead of Wikileaks.
Poisoned food, poisoned air, poisoned water, poisoned vaccinations, toxic dentistry, toxic medicine, toxic programming…. the list just goes on and on. It’s depopulation. You’re being murdered, err genocided, no, culled by talmudic turds who think it’s their job ordained by G-d.
OK, this is very interesting, because it seems to be a UK spy operation, not particularly a kike operation. Of course, the UK is all kiked up.
This is actually extremely interesting. It offers insight into how intel operations are fronted.
Also, it appears you can make $1,300 USD at today's spot price, if you can produce a certain fellow's real name :^)
So Wikipedia shreds their logs :^)
A cocksucker tattles.
And the admin noticeboard post in question.
OK, this is rather interesting. Vid related shows Finkelstein (/arekike/ of The Holocaust Industry fame) getting attacked by a certain Oliver Kamm. The very same obscure Oliver Kamm that is propped up on Wikipedia by "Philip Cross". And so now we have a kike connection (in addition to the constant attacks on Galloway, who is pro-Palestine).
Oliver Kamm and Philip Cross engaged in a coordinated attack against the author of the article in op.
Maybe it's already been said, but look up EncyclopediaDramatica's article on (((Wikipedia))). Everything you need to know, and why I'm still grateful they're around.
Or, perhaps, someone making 30+ edits each day – for a decade and a half – which conform to a specific narrative is doing so because they're receiving some tangible benefit from the action.
Jimmy desperate as hell in these posts, typical gaslighting and associative damnation re:
The millimeter waves used by 5G will be highly absorbed by the skin
as shown by the Israeli study below with our skin pores acting
as millions of tiny antennas for these new millimeter waves.
The ease with which the jew lies is so alien to me.
This is some kind of masonic shit going on I guess
Yeah, no.
Pretty much says all I need to know about whoever wrote this lol.
wew, long day at the office, datamining wikimedia kike?
accidental sage; polite anti-sage
Have any of you heard of Ryulong?
He is a notorious wikipedia sperg who eventually was banned for drama because of his psychotic policing of his edits on wikipedia.
Usually for completely stupid shit like pronunciation or meanings of lines in Japanese Power Rangers episodes.
Once banned he actually paid or begged remaining post moderators to maintain his edits from beyond being v&.
His post policing was so fucking obsessive that he wouldn't stop doing it at work to the point where he was fired.
This may be unrelated to this but it demonstrates how little one can have a life when obsessed with minutia like wiki editing.
Never underestimate the power of autism.
might want to look into the connections here.
really deep things happening
another place to add to the list of CHARLIE HEBDO style visit, with BATACLAN like torture and mutilations.
Alphabet, twatter, faceberg and this, they should all be EXTERMINATED after terrible violence and torture, all on HD video to show for re-education.
I could believe that someone is that autistic. Not saying he couldn't be lying but it isn't as unfeasible as you think.
I remember that fagot from when I was helping a bit with gg. I have an account that is from like 2003 so I got to vote against him on some shit. He's a total lolcow.
He may be banned from Wikipedia but he's still sitting up rational wiki if your ever looking for a lul
Old video of the Zionist Lying Machine 'adjusting' Wikipedia entries to distort fact and eliminate truth.
Yeah. They make it pretty obvious.
Happy Hunting.
Reminder George Galloway has mixed race Indonesian and Pakistani children, produces antifascist documentaries/propaganda.
He also has £1,000 with your name on it.
There are lots of those, it's true. It's also known that private PR firms and ad agencies will curate and adjust Wikipedia pages as a matter of course. If you truly suspect the "Cross" case is a lone autist, take a look here at OP's image. In what imaginable scenario does an obsessive wikipedo keep this kind of schedule?
oy vey
Heil'd. Just goes to show that jews are batshit insane and utterly relentless in "defending" (read: covering for) jews. They are always right; everyone else is wrong; and anyone that questions that state of affairs is declared an anti-semite. It's not like jewish behaviour is a shock to anyone here, but it's still really bizarre to watch a jew say with a completely straight face that it's their sworn duty to be a filthy lying jew.
The free Encyclopedia ANYONE can edit
Pay no attention to this is just another attempt by british politician's and the british government to control the internet like china.
Anyone can edit wikipedia to say whatever they want and there is nothing britain can do about it because the community takes down most illegal things on that site within minutes. If they post something damaging to a politician in the uk then guess what they don't have to take it down ==BECAUSE GUESS WHAT WIKIPEDIA IS NOT HOSTED IN THE UK==.
So the British Goverment will add phillip crosses personal website to the IWF state "child porn" filter to censor his site across 95 percent of the uk's isps for wrongthink effectively blocking the site in the uk.
OP you bought the british politician's and the british government's bullshit on this one,everyone has the right to edit and post what they want on sites that allow it even if it damages the image of a washed up politician or two.
Do you want to pay for a special wikipedia editing license or porn pass?
These are the people you are cucking to, $15 state id porn cards,banning plastic straws,facial identification for everyone and a credit score linked to loving the government. Or do you believe in freedom and the fact you can edit and post what you goddamn like on a free internet?
besides how can you damage a reputation of a man who out of his own will on national uk television acts like a cat for attention?
the issue isn't the race its the fact she is clearly with him for the money and he unironically wears a fedora.
if you watch sputnik on RT she backs him up so much in a fake way it is sickening, you know underneath their is a based suhartoist indo housewife hiding her powerlevel.
>burnish the reputation of (((journalists))) and figures who are prominent in ((pushing neocon propaganda and the interests of Jidsrael)))
This is a bad thing, how exactly?
Literally a half page wikipedia article and some twat pushing his shitty propaganda. There is NO INFO on how it's fucking produced, but environmental effect? HOLY SHIT, stop the presses, button cell battery holders are fucking EVIL mate