Literally. I see white girls with black dudes all the time and it's kinda sad and depressing because I can already tell you what these girls future is gonna be like
I feel like they should know it as well. If you date a hood nigga & get pregnant you should have the mental capacity to know where youll end up
Are they just plain dumb?
Why are white girls so dumb?
They're not dumb user. They were just fooled by the kikes.
You shilled this all day on cuckchan.
Get banned, eh?
got banned for this: sဝybဝy
aka. dumb
Nice demoralization attempt you subversive piece of dog shit. Hang yourself tonight.
this thread offers no value cuck chan shit
Niggers being niggers op is a mutt absolutely disgusting
no joke 4 chins filters "soyboy" into "basedboy" now.
admit it. white females are sucking off black dudes. thats a proven statistical fact
i dont like it as much as you, but it is a fact
yeah. so i decided to put burmese "o" instead to troll the mods
This is why I'm not lifting a finger to help the kikes if pogroms against the kikes happen. In fact, I might even join in.
more like…
it's not a ghetto thing, it's an american thing. you americans hace accepted niggers as people, so this is the price you pay.
I'm not even mad, fuck america.
i dont get this?
Get lost, kike.
just what
Those look like backpage whores tbh. Not even whores want to fuck niggers.
yes they are … now dont make any more threads
most do before their even 20
also, most american blacks are lightskins
itd be pretty hard for you o find an american who looks like pic related
you yanks are so fucked and disgusting, enjoy your new brazil then, cunt.
if you have problems with race mixing in america, you should talk to the white women who do that shit, not me lol
IDGAF what race the girl im fucking is