Investigators said both victims are females
Investigators said both victims are females
boy them zionists must be getting real desperate to disarm the people.
incel rebellion is really kicking off
Fox now reporting it
The kikes REALLY don't want us talking about the FBI agent in Trump's campaign. Or about the charges being brought up against Hillary.
Their sheer desperation is exciting.
Another shooting? There really is tons of people wanting to reach the high score. That and the kikes must be really desperate to make the US like Britbongistan.
quick sticky,,
who else is comfy?
Something big is being covered up and/or the kikes are going full retard and trying to brute force gun control legislation.
The Incellion
Houellbebecq's new novel
Yeah they are really wanting to brush this investigation that will lead to many mass arrests and imprisonments under the rug. (((Their))) joyride of collecting money from citizens to go into their hook noses is over.
Interesting to note, both shootings today were in art related locations. Mt. Zion is a arts High school.
inb4 no pictures or recorded video from the scene but just wild made up stories from actors
For really nigger?
This story isn't getting much traction yet. Memory holed when it turns out to be niggers acting like niggers.
Reports say it was a graduation of sorts.
Tbh 1 kill is extremely weak and not even trying material
It's most likely niggers so don't expect too much from them.
I've heard that most art patrons these days are Jews and they always ask the artist if they are Jewish before buying their work. Sam Hyde talked about it in his Rutgers stand up video. Sage because I don't know if this is true or relevant.
Who did this shooting, Elliot Rodger?
-performing arts center shooting
-art class in texas shooting
nothing of value lost?
Fuck, living in a 67% black zone. I couldn't even.
henry county user here
the performing arts center isnt even actually on the grounds of any school. its just a public theater hall that all of the schools in the area use for school plays. im not sure this can qualify as a "school shooting"
It's like they mashed the distraction button or cranked it to 11.
Expect the usual faggots like Hogg trying to increase the distraction by picking away at our rights.
Have the Jews heard of diminishing returns?
maybe there will be copycats everywhere and angry teens will start the race war and be the RWDS.
So we have the left, the MSM, and Jordan Peterson pushing this incel meme and sexual socialism now. With these shootings its really going to kick off.
What does schlomo have planned with this???? They are also pushing to control video games right now.
What the fuck is up with all these shootings? If (((they))) did set these up (even by proxy) not only does that mean they're trying to distract from the Hillary bullshit, but they'll also be unable to cover any mistakes they make in all of these.
Another one jesus (((they))) really want your guns Americunts
They're not sending their best….
I can't wait until this devil we're up against is destroyed for ever
They're trying to get the goyim to throw away their guns. Instead, what's going to happen is that the goyim are going to leave public schools.
Remember to excersise your second amendment rights aptly if they come for your guns, American anons. Once they take them there is no going back
Way to promote the narrative, redditfaggot hotpockets.
These are an obvious coverup for more serious events and should not be promoted without continuing to call attention to what that is.
They can be given one bullet at a time
The amount of unbelievable criminality, brazen treason, extreme corruption we've seen already proving there is no accountability whatsoever in government and voting does not matter, because surveillance tools and spying are used to keep a party in power that is looting the system, so you can't even change it if you wanted–that is far beyond Soviet, beyond Stasi, beyond any extremely authoritarian power the world has ever seen already.
When they take guns, that will remove the last bargaining chip the people have for any ability to change their government again. Therefore, it doesn't matter if they have 50 mass shootings a day or 100 a day. Whatever they end up doing, you have to exercise your 2nd Amendment rights. Every single person must exercise their 2nd Amendment rights when they come for guns. There is no other option at this point
(((Mt Zion)))
why americans love kikes and their fairy tales so damn much ?
You mean the Comey/Lynch et al referrals? Any links with non-fantasy, non-Q-larp info listing specific names?
Clear they're covering something up, but it would be nice to have some real info on exactly what that is beyond the referrals for DOJ etc
Wtf is this shit going on, all these false-flags pouring in?
What a time to be alive, lads.
Those poor fucking white kids
They really aren't, this amount of bullshit is even excessive, even for them (((them)))
That's what I'm thinking, people will get scared to even send their kids to school. On top of that, sane people will go buy More guns because of this shit.
is that farge
Three happenings/attempts in a single fucking week.
Maybe we can meme homeschooling. What for keeping the kids safe and all. Wouldn't want them getting shot, after all.
give up your guns and you become like Europe. It isn't fun, trust me
The Royal Wedding demands American BLOOD!
Shit thread, shit sticky.
It's just niggers doing nigger things.
This is America!
I mentioned this in the other thread earlier today and think it's an excellent idea. The harder (((they))) push school shootings, the harder we meme home schooling.
Just remember user: It's the poverty and not the people. If we gibs them gibs they will become space niggas and sheeeeeit.
Those free lunch statistics.
gone beyond that, spics and nigger now need to be killed, along with other minorities. America is for WHITE people.
>Yeah they are really wanting to brush this investigation that will lead to many mass arrests and imprisonments under the rug. (((Their))) joyride of collecting money from citizens to go into their hook noses is over.
Frankly I would be okay if all the arrests of these kikes and kike puppets takes place while the media smokescreen is in effect because the whiplash from the absence of kikes & kike puppets means more. Let the kikes keep spinning their wheels. Their time is over.
nigger tier spray-and-pray at a party, don't expect this to make headlines
yes, he showed up during the HWNDU events to raise his glass to shitposters around the world.
The greatest of us was an artist user.. never forget the beauty we fight for.
We got it all wrong nigga. The kikes were always after abolishing art. Those greasy bastards, YOU AINT TAKING MY PLAY DOH, YA FILTHY KIKES
mmmm paper boi yea, satanic black magic fuck.
Rabbi, what are you doing?
I think the UN made a statement recently where they wanted to put regulations on ammunition sales, now. Since its the part that makes guns lethal, they think they can get around the 2nd amendment by not going after guns directly anymore. They're getting desperate, so make sure you stock up well, anons.
What are the odds yanny and laurel were MK Ultra trigger words.
sauce on hrc? are you referring to the doj/comey etc referral?
ha ha paper checked
Excellent kike-free first post! Yep, the Mossad is working overtime in an attempt to disarm the goyim.
get out of here rabbi, your nose is showing
Good. People should be homeschooling anyway. The kikes destroyed the public schools.
Free lunch, free housing, free phones, free checks every month; do these people pay for ANYTHING ffs? Christ.
I forgot: free healthcare.
wanna know how i can tell you're a nigger?
Will normies brush this off as a coincidence? An outbreak of school shooters?
Illinois had gun activists recently promoting the 2nd Amendment a week before shootings. Kind of like how there was that teacher with the gun when Trump was discussing arming teachers.
California has many odd incidents surrounding home schooling and torture. Has me curious if there is an agenda related to online classes and A.I.
I was never one to believe the "It's all stages" meme but this shit is suspiciously out of hand now.
The only one I'm aware of is this
Guns aren't the problem. It's the culture. Think about it: There are plenty of ways to kill people. Anyone driving to work could easily turn their wheel a few inches and go on a rampage. It's so easy, but they don't. And that's because it's not in our culture. But right now, teenage shooters are. The issue wasn't nearly as prominent as before, which is why there were less shootings even though we had the same exact laws back then! "Teenage shooters" have entered into our culture for the time being. It's a culture problem that needs to be fixed with awareness, support, education, and the combined effort of the entire community.
It's the culture that needs to be fixed, not the laws. This is only happening because of copycats. Change the culture with public and government support, support and promote mental health/therapy/counseling on campuses. And if car rampages were to enter our culture, then the community should focus on that in exactly the same way. It's about proper education. Fix the culture that right now says "This is normal" using the ways mentioned previously, by doing that (changing people's mindsets) and you fix the problem.
Im gonna politely reply to you.
Modern art has no meaning whatsoever. Maybe you misinterpreted your comrade's words but he didn't refered to modern art.
Art has a value and it is not subjective, it can be objectified or quantified, whichever you prefer. Even if art is a resonance of between a piece and personal aesthetic values, good art, pure raw emotion materialized will always outshine and outlast this measly attemps that modern faggots make.
To sum up, proof read before making the wrong assumption, art is precious, most modern art is shit (music, painting, theatre, cinema, etc.).
t. a faggot in love with music
One of my old talking points was that school shootings are so rare and doesn't even begin to match up to inner city crime by niggers, so there's nothing much we really need to do about it.
Now that these are happening every week, that ruins that argument. While it's still not as bad as nigger crime, the consciousness level of "this happens all the time!" will increase big time.
Gee, I wonder (((who))) is behind the current cultural shift we have been experiencing.
I second your opinion, fast food culture ruined these children, and thier parents stood by, eating the same garbage their sons and daughters did.
DotR can never come a day too soon.
All shootings occur in public schools. Shut them down. At this point, there's no justifiable reason to attend a public school. If you can't afford private schools, you homeschool, which produces better academic results and you don't die.
what did the bitches do? you know they did something to set someone off. females don't have an inner voice to tell them to STFU and control themselves.
And we're not usually allowed into (((art school)))
What the fuck do you niggers think art classes are like these days? And this "arts center" is basically a small theatre for school plays and band concerts.
Pic related is the retarded shitty "art" sitting in the lobby right next to the entrance.
My bad. Polite and humble sage.
They're saying an argument broke out, seems like it was just some autism argument. This isn't a mass shooting or anything.
the word you're looking for is beauty, user.
I've been pointing this out recently, because I think it's a tactic to obscure the white decline in the country. Because all these spics call themselves white, there is no figure given for Anglo (or other European) American. You have to subtract the Black, Amerindian/Alaska, Asian, Hawaiian, Other and Multiple race from the Not Hispanic/Latino to get the real figure for whites (10.8%) This means that 26,000 "Whites" were Latino, or rather 3/4 of Latinos considered themselves white…which we know is bullshit.
I live in Savannah and I didn't even hear about this until now. what do
Good job UN way to be retarded and get people who are paying attention to go out and finally buy that reloading bench.
But user, students are already disarmed, so that makes no sense. What you're really looking at is diversity being diversity, which you already know all about.
The event depicted in the art at the top is the root cause for the "art" at the bottom.