It is character assassination no doubt. I wonder if he was put under psychotronic weaponry (silent sound treatment)? A very real threat now that must be tread with caution. All active duty user: stary saying no to Mr. Moishe. With that said, God's eye becomes a little more present through technology everyday. There is no sense in hiding your intentions anymore. We must form bigger rallies nationwide. And, by God, get in contact with your local militia. They may save your life.
An example of many to come. I certainly dislike feeling like a coward. I certainly dislike sitting here like the sitting duck as is watching my people die, and with it, my country. In God, there is no right or wrong:you are given this life and all it holds in nature. Heil
What ISIS (CIA+MOSSAD…CNN) got right was marketing murder, for one thing. Of course, they do urban warfare. I think anons need to learn the important lesson from the Afghanis: hold out an insurgency in the foothills and develop tunnels + strongholds + observation points: get to know the area better than any geoimager ever can. This is where whites are being pushed and it is where whites have always been pushed. The browns come, we white men raise higher in elevation. This is history.
Good. Do not guilt the left. Encourage the left! Encourage every leftist to kill the white man. Engage in dividing any second-thinker to pieces. Tear them apart.
Again, God's eye becomes a little more present through technology everyday. There is no sense in hiding your intentions anymore. Just avoid premeditation: just do it.
We are all heading to prison as "Aryan brotherhood niggers", brother. Who is trying to turn us into niggers? Who runs these prisons?
This is the piercing strike they have yet to see: multiple-manned, kike in the middle (KITM) attacks. Some people want to get caught, some people know losing this body is just part of life. Make some homemade mortars (mortars not martyrs) and blow that pinko scum to kingdom come.
Hey, even devils are part of God. Everyone and everything is bendable. It's why I under if he and the people he knew became targetted by psychotronic weaponry. At least, it's why I'd use on kikes 'til their heads expode. I'll kill thy body like
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