Since everybody on this board is so adamantly anti-Marxist, you should be familiar with his theories and able to explain them without consulting wikipedia, right? :^)
Since everybody on this board is so adamantly anti-Marxist...
Other urls found in this thread:
He was a kike. Kikes only look out for their own.
>also using (((wikipedia)))
>>>Zig Forums
Yes but what specific theories did he put forward to subvert Western civilization and empower the international jewry? You definitely know them, because you know what you stand against, right?
Yes. Do not build a better mousetrap. Seize the means of mousetrap production from Elon Musk and use his invention to kill Muslim babies.
You've laid out an imperative, not a theory.
What's the theoretical basis of this call to action?
He developed idea that group identity is paramount to individual. Result was going back to tribal warfare and stacked corpses. Same goes for NatSoc racial superiority.
Jews are the chosen. Having great ideas makes the slaves forget that sometimes. Marxism is there to remind the slaves that they don't own nothing.
Is this idea explored somewhere in Capital or the Communist Manifesto?
Marx focused on identity?
Can you really identify as a worker? Or is that more a reflection of your material conditions?
DO NOT GIVE (you)s
Yes and if you had read either of them you would know this. Checkmate, OP.
Since you've definitely read both, you should be able to point some passages out.
The defining idea is oppression: everything in a capitalist society is based on exploitation. In a pure Marxist sense the underdog has always been the "worker" (or working "class"), although novadays it includes all "minorities" (women are defined as a "minority", no kidding) thanks to intersectionality which is basically a clue to tie different (leftist) groups together. If you have any understading of jewishness you would clearly see this is just a projection of their victim mentality.
The problem is that according to this viewpoint everything is seen in a negative light. All the western culture, inventions, arts and philosophy is nothing but systemic oppression of weaklings. To be more exact: white hetero males have exploited everyone else and thus all we have has been immorally acquired. Further, it requires us to radically alter the current structure of our society in order to correct these wrongdoings of the past. It's a paradox: you have to be from a western society to afford to hate your own history and roots.
Marx's economical theories were mostly utter bullshit but that's pretty understandable as Marx had no grasp of Economics (that was Engels' speciality). You could actually present the thesis in a few pages; the 2000+ pages of "Capital" are nothing but provocation and propaganda - just have a look at the writing style, it's clearly not an academic text although it's presented as one. Where Marx really excelled was criticising capitalism and there are some controversial observations which still hold true today. The guy was a filthy jew to the extreme, yet I consider it required reading for anyone interested in economics - precicely for the criticism.
sry for my shitty english (not native) and sage for the lazy nig
No, all I need to know is if you are a fucking kike you are a worthless living bag of water that needs to dry up
Marx calls for a proletariat revolution against the bourgeois. People identify with their material conditions.
I really hope you are here to see how well we know the enemy, and not to convert us.
Because you wont be doing the converting if you stay here longer than a single day. Protip: You cant go back once you know the truth.
It doesn't really matter at this point. No marxists have read marx, and their professors are all pushing modern incarnations based off of foucault and derrida and de beauvoir
The manifesto however is garbage. "We must destroy western society starting with the family unit". The part about how women should be "public wives" reads like something a robot would write.
That's what the manifesto reads like. A fat whiney jew who never worked a day in his life and couldn't get laid.
sage for shit thread made by male with social problems.
so should you
Gib me dats
How many people have to die before I can skip reading his fucking book?
Communists read Marx.
Anti-Communists understand Marx. It is an ideology of selfish materialism, but for the poor.
Yeah, we kind of specialize in identifying you kikes. Doesn't even matter if we see your hooked nose, mouse like ears, sleepy eyes, hostile nostrils, etc.
A lot of the other part is knowing Marx, and knowing Hegalian Dialectics, which you nose niggers think is complex and spend years to learn how to be a fucking weasel that's identifiable with only words and within a few minutes.
Sorry, I should put his real name: Moses Mordechai Levy.
Talmud, the origin of the kike Levy's theories (fake name Karl Marx).
Nigger you aren't even trying. Das Kapital: Capitalism + Democracy -> Socialism -> Red Revolution -> Communism (when appropriate as per Levy). Nigger, read that and any history book. It plays out with the kikes, who are the power, massacring the weak every time. Kikes have played the same game since Moses.
Scientific socialism is just rambling on about economics and the revolution, it's a pipe dream that leads to bureaucratic tyranny. Culturally, Marx wasn't a jew, as much as he came from a culturally jewish background, and as such his thinking was heavily influenced by them, hence why Marxism is a messianic system that promises to reach an utopia once "bigotry" is abolished. It's essentially the jewish idea of tikkun olam, which is why most jewish bolsheviks considered Marx a jew, even though Marx ironically didn't like jews all that much and called them niggers and suckers behind their backs. The most important factor that classical marxism has introduced, is the concept of the class struggle in combination with his own dialectic theory, which has to divide all interest in class interest and proposes progress as the inevitable clash between these interests. "classical" Marxism in itself isn't the "ultimate" problem even though it's still hot garbage, but what is spawned. As all things, jews didn't invent Marxism, and neither did they invent capitalism, but they quickly turned it into a tool for their interests, already beginning at the time of Marx himself, when Moses Hess was inspired by Marx to revitalize the concept of Zionism. Modern marxism begins, as far as my knowledge goes, with the rise of Jewish intellectuals at the beginning of the 20th century, people like Freud, Hirschfeld and the Frankfurt school, as well as non jewish philosophers like focault or derrida, that were completely funded by jews, established the core concepts of cultural Marxism and post modernity by building upon classical Marxism and taking it a step further with the idea of a total and complete cultural revolution which would destroy all mechanisms of the old system (e.g. Family, Gender roles, Sexual Morals, Ethnic identity) in order to establish the new marxist utopia that had failed in the soviet union when Stalin purged most of the Jews from the administration and reverted back to Russian Nationalism with a centralized economy. This entire idea is really fucking Jewish, Jews have been writing this shit for centuries, it's just the manifestation of their grudge against the goyim and western society that rightfully excluded them for most of it's history, and as always it never applies to themselves, the authoritarian personality is the perfect example, written by Jews, financed by Jews, yet it criticizes all the things Jews hold dear, such as having an in-group identity as well as cultural and religious continuity from parent to child, but of course it only applies for non-jews.
There are many heuristics that allow me to fully reject Marx as a waste of my time. Kike is #1 and the rest don't matter.
Of course and Labour Theory of Value is fucking retarded and long debunked by everybody who understand basic economics.
he was a jew so fuck him && everything he ever wrote goes directly in the trash where all semitic screechings belong, disregarded as manure for eternity.
I'm simply adamantly anti-anti-Natsoc, against anarshitism and "traditionalist" faggotservatism. Don't know Marxism as well as I know social justice, lolbergism or r9k. Know there are plenty of claims on Marx and marxism that are BS, so I tend not to take any claims on that subject at face value.
I guess this is part of leftypol. They have at least some knowledge of what Marx and Engel actually wrote so when confronted with critics that obviously doesn't know jack shit about them, they just won't take them seriously (the irony) and stick to believing marxists.
I told them Nazism and Communism are basically the same thing because of Identity Politics and Individualism and stuff and they didn't believe me! How stupid, hahaha!
I have muh 100 millions killed by communism and horshoe theory arguments so I don't need to have any other one, OP. Don't need to think and that is how I like it, too lazy to even use toilet paper.
T. Lolberg.
That worship of the weak and stupid did not start with marxism, tho.
Marx tries to mislead the goyim blaming the owners of the means of production for all the woes yet when you look at history of economic woes and collapse (medieval and ancient roman/babylonian/etc crisis, great depression, 2008 financial crisis…) it is virtually never the fault of the owners of the means of production. It is the fault of the (((owners of the means of finance))), the ((((banks))) and (((finance))). The very same banks the owners of the means of production must bow to every single time there is a deal involved or to even start their businesses, they who have existed and caused woes to the proletariat long before the rise of industrial revolution or capitalism and these money changers who have existed since biblical times destroying the proletariat.
These very same banks also funded the (((bolshevik))) soviet and so many communist revolutions and did nothing except murder countless innocent gentiles and bring even worse ruin upon them than when they were under the kind tsar who would share his own personal pantry with the peasants. Even WWII was caused by the banks, confessed by Winston Churchill himself in his own words quote, "Germany's unforgivable crime before WW2 was its attempt to loosen its economy out of the world trade system and to build up an own exchange system from which the world-finance couldn't profit anymore. …We butchered the wrong pig."
- Winston Churchill, The second World War (Bern, 1960)
Finally, communism is a disgusting materialist ideology no different from capitalism using failed Hegel to convince moronic pseudointellectuals in the 21st century it was never meant for; the proles would sooner tear you, your fancy bourgeois well-read learning, and your "theories" to shreds.
But if you start blaming the owners of the means of finance and the banks, I will join you. You were so close during OWS, too bad a communist is just so blind.
he didnt even write the shit, its all rosthchild nwo bullshit mind virus for retards
When you boil down (((marx's))) drivel to its essentials, it is a convoluted next generation agitation piece. Jews incite revolt and cause agitation wherever they went. They repeated this practice throughout history and constantly spawn dissaray.
What (((marx))) did wasn't new or unique, it was just what jews did before. The only difference is that he used his dad's money to do it.
Goes like this.
1) Marx wrote something about jews.
2) Jew read it.
3) "Silly goyim, trying to turn us jews against him like that!"
4) "See, fellow American? He was a dirty antisemite!"
Also, Stalin wanted more than just Russian nationalism, he wanted some sort of European Imperium and the Soviet Army was being readied to attack (including mobilization) when Operation Barbarossa started, is why the latter worked so well.
Gottfried Feders points against Marixsm are great. Marx on purpose left out or ignored things like interest slavery, loan capital etc.because Marx doesn't know how finance works and removing those things instead of finance or a currency completely will hurt the jew where it hits them. Sounds all well and good on paper but never worked in reality, but that's the point.
And here we see dialectal materialism in all it's degenerate glory.
Equating free market exchange I'm not using your meme word commie, an economic system and communism, a cult.
Going further in your dialectical bullshit and drawing even more false equivalencies by attributing the "materialist" label to a FUCKING ECONOMICAL SYSTEM YOU FUCKING MORONIC COMMUNIST PIECE OF SHIT. FREE MARKET EXCHANGE IS NOT A CULT LIKE YOUR GOD FORSAKEN COMMUNISM IS.
You are a disgusting commie and you should fuck off the board.
Join Satan in hell commie.
You should also stop changing your IP and replying to yourself with dumb posts.
I don't really get what you're on to? Are you saying that Marx considered himself jewish, or that jews always play all sides? In the case of the former, he certainly didn't, but neither did a lot of jewish bolsheviks, even Trotsky, but their thinking and ideas still remained jewish in nature, so it doesn't really matter. The later should be well known to everyone
At that time Russia was already an empire in control of various ethnic groups, Stalin just purged most non Russian, mostly jewish, elements from the administration, and once again established the cultural dominance of the Russians in the empire, in this sense it's more of Russian imperialism so I get what you're onto, my main point was that Stalin no longer pushed the jewish version of the soviet union, but his own, the Jews however took over again after he died.
Yes I've read Das Kapital and afterwords I hated communism even more.
Marxism and Marxists fall under the same category as the fool who believes he can fly. You can debate him for a lifetime but the only way you will ever prove the fucker wrong is by throwing him off a cliff.
>Marxism named after Karl Marx
The man himself is the problem. The beginnings of it anyway. Read his life and who he was. His best friend, his father, his grandfather, his financiers, his relationships, his marriage, his infidelities, his "jobs", everything. Is this a man the proletariat are to trust and find kindred with? Or how about the modern vanguards of Marxism, the ivory tower "intellectual feces" as Lenin called them?
As an intellectual, you should know full well even infamous contemporary intellectuals ridiculed and tore apart Marx's "theories" long before Zig Forums had to. One is the infamous :spookman: Zig Forums itself memes incessantly, Maxwell Stirner destroyed Marx so much Marx would not stop his autistic kvetching. It's time to move on from his outdated error-filled theories. Perhaps make your own, and proceed to sinfully narcissistically name the theory after yourself. Better hope you have a friend who is a rich son of a factory owner of a means of production.
Spookman was a cuck and Marx said he loved capitalism, but that things could be better if they just gave the Jews full control of the mop.
I spy a kike. You lolbergs are such a fucking joke no different from the commiekikes. Notice the insane and I mean insane amount of kikes over represented among lolbergs same as commies and caps? The only ideology free of this jewry is NatSoc.
The truth of the matter is that Marx wasn't even all wrong about his analysis of capitalism, what is basically what his book was. He analyzed the problems of capitalism, or pretended to, he didn't really "invent" communism. That is what his other jew buddies did as a follow-up.
What we have here in reality was a jewish false dichotomy, or rather, offering a false solution, a controlled opposition if you will:
>Oy vey goyim, you noticed we have been raping and ripping you off you were raped and ripped off via our the banking system and subversion of your royalty since hundreds of years now. You know what goyim, you are right. But we found the solution! Come to our communism, where in the end, a central commitee of kikes and kosher goyim the people will keep ripping you off watch over you.
'The Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle
of Nature and replaces the eternal privilege of power and
strength by the mass of numbers and their dead weight. Thus it
denies the value of personality in man, contests the significance
of nationality and race, and thereby withdraws from humanity
the premise of its existence and its culture. As a foundation of
the universe, this doctrine would bring about the end of any
order intellectually conceivable to man. And as, in this greatest
of all recognizable organisms, the result of an application of such
a law could only be chaos, on earth it could only be destruction
for the inhabitants of this planet.
If, with the help of his Marxist creed, the Jew is victorious over
the other peoples of the world, his crown will be the funeral wreath
of humanity and this planet will, as it did millions of years
ago, move through the ether devoid of men.
Eternal Nature inexorably avenges the infringement of her'
Mein Kampf
name 20
What on earth you talking about? Even Das Kapital makes basic errors and of course the way capitalism evolved with things he did not predict or even exist during his time like time preference.
To redistribute our own wealth we make by own our work to ourselves rather than Ahmed and his useless eater children, who are worse than the un-industrialized Slavs and others that Marx said need to die in his writings.
Hope this helps friendo.
Engels: "Hey Karl, wanna go see what the actual factory worker's job and life is like?"
Marx: "No thanks, too busy gazing at my own butthole and writing gay ivory tower theory. Miss me with that shit."
marx used hegelian dialetic to split the worker and the business owner into polarized opposites instead of co-operative parts of a single productive machine. through this dumb logic, the fucker came up with the concept of surplus value as a way to explain why the worker was exploited in the capitalist relationship, completely ignoring the influences of technology, tools or training as factors of value generation. the fact that a machine can change productivity for a worker and create more value per produced unit past the point of covering its own initial value completely torpedos marx's justifications for the inevitability of socialism.
marx later recognized this and released papers stating that his labour theory of value was flawed, but whoops looks like the commies just wanted control of the reins for themselves and didn't actually give a shit about the worker, ignoring his later works (and works that directly disprove his theories) and waving outdated leaps of logic as economic theory ad nauseum.
it's not like marxists are the only ones to cling to old and outdated economic theories in order to justify retarded garbage as well. Neoclassical economics is a scourge on the western world and one of the key reasons jews have managed to gain power and hold onto it for so long, with endless hordes of good goyim parroting observations from a hundred years ago as if they are still relevant in the information age. anyone who actually says the emperor has no clothes gets shouted out of the public sphere, while any serious company on the international scene would be gutted like a carp if they tried to put the kind of economic theory they teach in universities into real practice
KYS shill.
They can believe Marx's quotes on jews are piss-weak efforts to turn them against him but that won't stop them from using these very same quotes to deceive gullible right-wingers.
You are correct, there is a reason why there is so much propaganda against him today. Kikes are mad he took the Soviet-Union from them.
Rather, a degenerate traitor took over after he died and this re-opened the way for jews.
He wanted more than cultural dominance, he wanted a Pan-European Union that included Germany and Poland at the very least (hence why the Polish officers were killed, so they would not trouble the future Polish SSR). A Russian-dominated Soviet-Union wasn't enough for him, he had bigger plans than that.
Hitler's own war was in response to the Soviet demands for bases in Bulgaria, right next to Germany's remaining source of oil, convincing Hitler that Stalin intended war. On the other hand, the Soviet economy was mobilized right after Operation Barbarossa. If he mererly had wanted a Russian Empire, Hitler would have won WW2.
Well yeah sort of. I guess it wouldn't hurt to read up a bit… let's see. Hmm this seems like a reasonable definition of value. Actually everything I'm reading seems totally airtight. I never thought I'd say this, but I might have to reevaluate my just kidding commie faggot, stick your own dick up your ass and fuck your family too.
His theory is that every human being is born the same, that there is no difference in quality between humans. Therefore he build a bullshit system around that. Turns out that we're not all the same and praying to the false God of equality will only lead to suffering and destruction.
Everything else is just unimportant filler because the fundamental assumption of his worldview is already fucked, so starvation is the only thing you'll get out of him.
Or maybe he's just a kike who wants to destroy everything good in the world.
Marxism is judaism as a political system. Everyone is 'equal' is the frontward message, while the kikes run everything and believe they are the chosen people to rule over all.
Marxism is judaism for the goy.
Ask the same question in Zig Forums, you'll get equally retarded answers. Not everything that Marx came up with is bad and/or a ploy to enslave the goy, his thoughts on what constitutes "work" and what doesn't are important even today since there's still no generally accepted definition of the term. The main problem is his outlook for the future, which didn't turn out true at all.
Read pic related.