No user, I'm sorry. It didn't used to be this way not very long ago but now it just is. Maybe you'll have better luck asking the aussies if there's a good place left there since I don't think anyone is worse off than us even Germany unless they're Sweden or the UK.
Luke Diaz
Why not stay and fight?
Lucas Sanchez
Stay and fight is a LARP meme. The only one who comes to my mind that did that in Europe was Breivik and he's locked in a torture chamber for decades. I have been shat on all my life in Germany. There is nothing left to fight for really…
What kind of fighting have you been doing lately?
Daniel Wilson
How dangerous is it though? In Germany I can't take public transport ever pretty much unless I want to get into a knife fight with mudshits asserting dominance.
Evan Hill
You are joking right? I don't know if you are serious or this thread is meant to be a subtle blackpill…
As far as I know, travel and moving to other EU countries is easier for you, no? I think Austria might still be good because of their right-wing government and since you're German you should fit right in.
Xavier Foster
Germany has no real countryside. You're always a 15min drive away from a mid sized city pretty much
At least Canada has large rural parts. Living in the coutryside is key for white survival imo.
Jonathan King
Austrians dislike Germans for some reason, also cultural differences are pretty huge in Europe.
Eastern Europe is all post commie hellholes and western Europe is super enriched.
Eli Collins
I live about three hours east of Toronto in a smaller town (about 2500 people). We're getting increasingly enriched but it's still pretty decent. I've noticed a few Africans (like actually here from Africa in the 21st century) staying year round now when it used to be that they'd only be here for the fruit picking season. They're really expanding the 401 highway out from Toronto, too, and they're building a FUCK LOAD of homes pretty much everywhere as people move away from the city and then just drive to it for work. My little town is set to have about 500 new homes this year so that's going to really change my childhood home I expect.
As for BC I've never been there but a good online friend who isn't even Zig Forums-tier is increasingly becoming annoyed with the place (he's always lived there) and is saying it's pretty much just a better California with Asians and Indians instead of Mexicans but with a heavy dose of retarded SJW bullshit, etc. He sent me an article (I think it was from The National Post or something - not some site like yesterday and apparently BC will be banning foam cups and plastic straws by 2019.
Either way you're likely fucked.
Leo Hill
Levi King
Pretty much this, Germanistan is a real life concentration camp.
Brayden Butler
I live in Germany, and what you just said is 100% true. It's fucking insane.
Samuel Jackson
Canada is pretty cucked. But I dont think theres a place that isnt. If they let you in you should come. We need all the productive european immigrants we can get. Just be prepared you kind of have to go along to get along here. I feel a rennaisance is coming though. Canadians are getting fed up you can feel it bubbling. Theres going to be a cultural shift to a form of nationalism here. Trudeau and Wynne are making it really fashionable to hate liberals. And their policies of immigrants first Canadians second are really unpopular. Neither of them will be elected again.
Adam Perry
We're less white than fucking Germany AND the USA. What on earth are you smoking thinking of coming here?
Fast Forward 2017 >Vancouver Whites will be Nobody really knows why this is happening so fast, govt always touts (((250-300k))) "reasonable" immigration a year Now
JUST a friendly reminder that Canada was 53% White in 2016 and will be 49% White in 2019.
JUST a friendly reminder that Canada was 53% White in 2016 and will be 49% White in 2019.
JUST a friendly reminder that Canada was 53% White in 2016 and will be 49% White in 2019.
JUST a friendly reminder that Canada was 53% White in 2016 and will be 49% White in 2019.
JUST a friendly reminder that Canada was 53% White in 2016 and will be 49% White in 2019.
JUST a friendly reminder that Canada was 53% White in 2016 and will be 49% White in 2019.
JUST a friendly reminder that Canada was 53% White in 2016 and will be 49% White in 2019.
JUST a friendly reminder that Canada was 53% White in 2016 and will be 49% White in 2019.
JUST a friendly reminder that Canada was 53% White in 2016 and will be 49% White in 2019.
JUST a friendly reminder that Canada was 53% White in 2016 and will be 49% White in 2019.
JUST a friendly reminder that Canada was 53% White in 2016 and will be 49% White in 2019.
Camden Perry
race war when
Ryder Jackson
As with most problems, the solution is to nuke the urbanites
Jeremiah Morgan
What are you talking about?
Daniel Lopez
Go to Alberta and you'll do just fine.
The provinces still have some autonomy, but the Feds are compromised.
Nathaniel Sanchez
So you don't care about your own people. Is it becoming more common for jewish shills to attach meme to whatever they don't like? X is a meme keeps (((mysteriously))) popping up.
Funny that that was your second question after you showed you don't care. Is it really that hard for you to not see a path towards organizing and integrating within your community? By way of doing so you place yourself in a strong position to redpill entire communities. Pointing out the media cover-ups and severing ties between the (((media))) and the normalfag. This primes people for action. All of this is way easier than it sounds to a defeatist.
Josiah Anderson
WTF simply untrue Austrians are Germans you dumb faggot Speaking like a true deserter
Wer hat dir den ins Hirn geschissen? Entweder du bleibst hier und kämpfst oder du drehst den Gashahn auf.
Also post proof that you're Germanon and not some larping Amerismut
Dylan Baker
The demographics in leafland are worse (absolute minority by 2036) and white men are already enshrined as second class citizens with Orwellian wordplay in the laws as well as just general third worldry in selective enforcement. You're a retard if you move to Canada.
Ethan Torres
The country was literally 98% white in the 1960s, too. Shows how fast this shit can happen.
Ian Davis
Go to Marienburg (Malbork), very nice town, completely based, only 40 mins to Danzig (Gdansk). Poland is the proper place to go or other Viesgrad group countries. Im a britbong and considering retiring there if the uk continues to decline, although at the moment there is possibility of a good redress with brexit and the anti censorship momentum.
Daniel Hughes
Much like Bavarians they'll swear up and down that they aren't though.
Bentley Reed
Go straight to the USA faggot.
Jack Sanders
But I am from Bavaria and you're wrong. You didn't provide poof that you're German either. ABANDON THREAD HE'S JUST A LARPING AMIJEW
Austin Morgan
Gotta stay and fix shit at home.
Elijah Williams
Dude don’t do it, you’ll have to be a nogunz or your shit would be FUDD tier so you’ll have no reasonable way to defend your new home nation, yourself or your people. Moving to the Midwestern States of America is a much better option if you want safety, innawoods, white majority and guns if your not scared of Yellowstone.
Colton Clark
Change your name to mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker and you'll basically be fast tracked into Canada, get $1200 free cash per month, and get a house for free.
I'm a Croat who applied in 1992 when the war started, and it took almost ten years until 2001 for Canada to accept me. Despite having a degree in engineering I had to take a job cleaning houses and picking worms out of the ground for fishermen because Canada doesn't accept Yugoslav degrees - despite accepting Indian and Chinese degrees of far lower quality! I got $300 a month loan which I had to pay back in full before they'd give me citizenship. And it costs $350 to get a root canal, so enjoy living for five years with a rotting jaw.
Currently my boss is a "Syrian refugee" from Morocco who rides around in a Jeep more expensive than everything I own put together, who got his own house for free from the government, gets $1200 a month grant (NOT LOAN - GRANT!!) from the government per month!
tl;dr Just change your name to mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker. Do it, there's no shame in it, you'd be dumb not to.
chinese aren't physically dangerous and mainly economically
indians I'd presume are university degree creeps (which isn't saying much but they tend to be stuck up instead of rapey)
muds gonna mud and apefricans gonna ape but how many are around and how dangerous are they?
Joshua Turner
You're fooling nobody, JIDF. Gas yourself.
Oliver Diaz
I think Germany would be better, as you still have a notion of what "German culture" is (I know it subdivides further than that, but that doesn't change the point). There is no such equivalent in Canada. If you ask a Canadian, what makes Canada great, they'll say something about the land and "our diversity". There is no Canadian culture. If Germany really won't work, why not small villages in Austria and Switzerland? From photos, they certainly seem comfy as hell.
Caleb Bailey
Try Halifax. It's got the multiculti disease but the Atlantic provinces are the least pozzed for now.
Lucas Cooper
Don't run. Stay and fight for your Fatherland.
Jeremiah Adams
I don't understand the hate for european, most of you fuckers were the sons of europeans fleeing europe, calling european cowards for wanting to move is the same as calling you grandfathers coward for running away from WW1 or WW2. Which is ludicrous, if you grandfathers didn't flee, you wouldn't be posting here.
Jordan Brooks
Oh god that's a horrible idea. Germany is still like 80-90% white or something isn't it? Don't ever trade that away for Canada.
I'm a burger but I've visited Canada and I'm familiar with the dense urban hellholes that are American & Canadian cities. There's barely a white person to be found on a day-to-day basis, and the extent to which it crushes your soul and spirit cannot be underestimated. It's this soullessness that will ruin you over time.
I've never been to Germany but I think you're exaggerating how bad it is compared to the living hellholes that are American and Canadian cities.
Carter Allen
You'll be surprised how shitty everything else is. Germany literally, unironically, has been and is still the best country in the world.
Have you watched too much anime in the past decade or something and forgot all the cool shit we have? You'll miss it eventually I'm sure. You'll miss the amazing language and it's brain developing verbosity and "sound". You'll miss the architecture unless you've always been a cityfag, which would explain your frustration. There is no better place than Germany in this current timeline.
There's also Austria, if you want to just get away without really getting away. If your heart is true, if you're not a faggot then you will miss Germany. And I'm not saying that in a manner of "traitor, come back!" but if you can stand it anywhere else after growing up here then you might just be a shit tier human with a subpar soul.
Niggers from all over the world are beating themselves up to get here first and you're leaving for something inferior. Got an asian girl, too? Etc.
Brody Brown
You know?
David Collins
I've lived all over BC. You're right. Actually glad when "SJW" came out because there wasn't a better term for the mouthful "BC passive-aggressive authoritarian hippie bullshit." (I've since learned "Marxist" works too.)
The Island is the best place if you have money because of the $75 cover charge (the ferry). Victoria used to have a huge hard drug problem but that seems to have cleaned up a bit. Still way too many fucking bikers for my taste.
Lower Painland? LOL, I used to live in Burnaby and while I can afford downtown (just like I can also "afford" a coke habit) no thank you.
Blake Jones
Go to former Eastern Germany, except for Berlin it's almost mudfree and with the AfD rising in power, or being in charge already, it will only get better.
Nathaniel Cooper
Europe in itself, too is pretty cool, you know?
Simply make the following calculation: Drop a magical nuke on whichever place you are thinking of and think of how much of world treasure it would destroy and how much of a detriment to the world would it be.
Nicholas King
Canada is a dump. Full of Asians, shitskins and anything else you can find. Whites are a minority in major cities. Everything is so taxed it is unaffordable.
Noah Long
He asked why your all tough talk, and you confirmed it, greentexting tonejew
All these city fags talking about how non white Canada is. Drive north 2 hours and it is white paradise. I work in a large store where we literally have 2 inidians, 2 asians, and 3 jews working the rest totally white. The downside to living in cottage country though is that's where all the jew's come during the summer and the towns tend to survive off of jew bucks during the summer. So you have to serve jews during the winter but the towns and communities are pretty safe. We do deal with some natives though, but they are generally tame. I'm planning on moving to swastika ontario some time soon. Beautiful little town.
(heavenly) Leaf land is 99% rural there are 30 million for the 5th largest? country in the world. But to live innawoods takes huge ass work the further north you go the more work and less time you have. And always remember Ontario is the Florida of Canada.
Sebastian Thompson
Too much blackpilling in this thread so it's time for a pep talk.
Canada is a nation of explorers and dreamers. We have celtic and germanic roots, and deep ties with the various norse and american tribes that made their homes here centuries ago. For every molochian edifice they erect and fill with brainwashed foreign flesh golems there are a thousand square miles of poorly mapped forest inviting you to return to them. White men are of ash trees, we belong among our kin.
If you can get into Canada, come. The main cities are hellscapes right now, but keep your head down and congregate in places of nature, municipal parks, beaches, gardens and so on. The CIA/Mossad grip over Vancouver, Montreal, and Toronto is slipping. Talk openly about "distaste for tiresome molochian imagery in advertising" in subways and malls to witness whole crowds of people flinch and then try to pretend they didn't just flinch. It's magical to behold. The whole theatre is crashing down around them.
However: Be aware of Deep Underground Military Bases, and the network of tunnels in north america that connect various deep state assets. Be deeply suspicious of any and all McGill graduates, as that place is mk ultra central and a CIA recruitment school. Many people you speak to are informants. Many people that you speak to are actors. Toronto is almost as fake as North Korea, but with a vast herd of good goyim to wear as a disguise and an extremely well groomed media empire to present itself with. The constant low level programming of Canadian citizens is intense, and difficult to resist for the uninitiated so steel your will against television and excessive drug use. Be more wary than ever of dopamine feedback loops. CSIS and RCMP like to use honeypots and loveint infiltration strategies, and have a general strategy of using women operatives to degrade trust over time, and to cause long term psychological damage to selected thought leader males. CSIS girls are crazy submissive in bed though. Worth pretending to fall for them at least once, but don't let it become a habit or compromise any real opsec.
Don't buy poutine when you come here, make it at home with chicken based gravy. See you at game night. Carry on lads.
Don't come here, I plan on leaving this shithole in 5 years where I'll be even smaller minority, when I'm set up. I have zero roots in this shithole of a country, I feel zero connection to it, even when I was a kid and didn't know better I felt there was something off about Canada, all my girl friends were gay lovers, most of my guy friends were chinks or niggers or mudshits. Canada is a non country, there are houses in Europe that are older. There's no saving it, only North American country worth saving is the US and I feel given enough time whites will rise up.
Aiden Clark
The government has announced it's going to really start to spread the streetshitters around meaning even if you're not a cityfag it's still going to be in time I was in a smaller town that wasn't very fucked up until recently but boy it sure did fill up with Chinks, Arabs, Pakis and other third world invasives quick to where they're probably a quarter of the population now.
It's not just Toronto, Montreal, Hongcouver etc. anymore. Get your head out of your ass. As long as the immigration continues, it will reach your location.
Ryan Edwards
It depends where you live and the Chinese organized crime gangs are in Canada now too.
Anyway Canada is less than 70% white now, probably closer to 60-65% and likely skewing older. The mudshits born and/or raised here are probably worse since they're getting gassed up with antiwhite propaganda.
Joseph Reed
The thing is, the entire West is cucked. The difference is Canada has more untouched land than anywhere else in the West, and our rural communities are still 98% white. We're losing our cities, just like every other Western nation, but most rural land is staying in white hands. In addition to that, I agree with you that there's a nationalist rise on the way. It can be really white-pilling just talking to normies up here nowadays.
Where are you getting these numbers? 2016 Census reports only about 22% are visible minorities, which would make Canadian whites at 78% (although it's probably closer to 70%, given that the percentage for immigrants and for visible minorities are essentially identical. But as low as 50%? I'd like to see sources on that).
The northern parts are probably alright, especially if you go offgrid like My Self Reliance on Jewtube, but I wouldn't do it. SHAMELESS SALESPITCH INCOMING Come to Maine in the United States if you can, Germanbro, it's the second safest U.S. state, lots of lakes, forests, small mountains, over 90% white, ocean down half of state, you can legally conceal guns if 21, can hunt/fish/farm in most of state, too. There are also whole areas in northern Maine that don't even have names still (most land owned by logging companies). Oh, and there are anons all over the state, several from here (that I may know of) and a ton of tards on half; We also had a town representative get busted not too long ago for his being a white supremacist and had to step down. Maine could be Whitetopia, there is nothing venomous (other than coastal kikes and occasional HIV-riddled fags) and it is too cold for niggers and kikes most of the year. Oh, the one bad thing is most young white people leave here for (((cities))) elsewhere, and most people are old as fuck here, but other than that it is good. Ever eat lobster? You can buy it off the boat here for less than beef at a supermarket. Great place with many different settings for someone looking for a change, and I don't want to see any fucking shitskins and kikes fleeing here anymore, so white chad anons look at Maine.
Owen Campbell
Ixnay on the Aritimesmay I've been enjoying my mostly unpozzed homeland, don't ruin it. In all seriousness though we may not be ethnically enriched but we've regressed to parasite form all on our own, with half of our people on welfare.
Criminally underheil'd
In terms of land and water, Canada is second largest. In terms of just land, Canada is third largest.
Good words, user. I recommend everyone visit the nearest rural community farmer's market. Not only is it 100% white people, but there are loads of white children. Very white-pilling.
You've clearly never stepped foot outside of a Canadian city.
Jace Nguyen
Sure thing bud, Ill give you a beer and find you some farm work. As long as you have the means to enjoy your own company and see the same faces usually every week in the town to get supplies you are more then welcome to live with me.
Also every single "Canadian" thread is either blasted with jealous mutt kikes are just D&C kikes in general. Canada has the same fucking problems as the rest of the fucking world but the catch with the fucking leaf is its fucking MASSIVE and its fucking a lot more empty then the rest of the world when it comes to populated areas.
Oliver Thompson
I didn't ask for this shit.
Christopher Roberts
Please do, we need more right-wing white people.
Samuel Hernandez
truth is the wont let you over even if you have a million points because
Try marrying a canadian woman, its more reliable and you ought to be having kids anyway. Good luck but you'll need it due to currentyearman's government.
Just say you are coming to visit and then stay here illegally and do cash jobs. Canada talks big shit at the boarder, but that's it. Once you are in the country you can do whatever the fuck you want.
Cameron Garcia
Thank you for the facts user I cant always remember the top 5 geographic order but Canada is less dense and almost all woods or prairie vs cities CANADA IS FUCKING HUUUUUUGGGGE t. detroiter who looks south into windsor
Kayden Myers
I'm in Alberta, and the cities here are tanking as fast as anywhere else. Whites are struggling to get jobs, it's 80%+ non-white out there if you leave your house. There ARE still lots of whites, but they tend to hide away in their houses, drive everywhere, avoid public areas, etc. Many of the malls in my city are basically already Little Africa. I went to a mall out of my way this past Christmas to try to track down a hard-to-find gift, and the state of it raised the hairs on the back of my neck. Absolute seas of screaming blacks and muds with huge families, barely a white face in the entire building. And it has hugely heightened security compared to the "whiter" malls near me, you can sense all the shopkeepers on edge. Constantly watching you. Thing is, the "white" malls are dying, they are ghost towns. That's just one small indication of how bad the cities are.
The culture here…as someone else said, there isn't one. The culture is multiracial Tim Horton's commercials. People just randomly inform me in conversations that they "really believe" in diversity as a Canadian value, it's utterly Orwellian. I do agree some of the normies here are getting fed up, but I don't know if that's happening fast enough.
That said, as others have pointed out, we have huge swaths of essentially untouched rural land. Canada wouldn't be a half-bad place to make a stand IF we could get enough nationalist whites out here.
Oliver Barnes
The problem with Alberta having little to no culture is in fact due to the presence of a centralizing federal government, coupled with the dilemna that arised that a decentralized Canada would strenghten Québec's nationalism and that Canada was created exactly to fight Québec's will to be free (and white).
Owen Ross
Sasuga, Germany.
Jason Hill
Rural Canada has plenty of culture, and it will be in rural Canada that Canadians ultimately make their final stand. Once they're chased out of all the cities and can't get hired in urban areas due to diversity quotas, everyone will move to rural communities, people will set up small businesses to cover all essential needs, and everyone will load up on guns to hold off the inevitable wave of non-whites that will come once the whiteless cities begin to collapse.
>Québec Found the Quebecois. I'm sorry for what my Anglo ancestors have done to your people. I hate that your people are dying as much as I hate that mine are. I wish, at least, that Quebec could have survived, for your people have had more of a spirit to live in recent decades than mine have. In my defence, if the Quebecois hadn't been under constant pressure from the Anglos for most of their history, they may never have developed their passionate dedication to preserving their culture. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Leo Bailey
Ontario is pretty good. High cost of living in the city, but you're close to the coast, the US. A lot of people like to buy local, which means good farming areas.
Toronto is basically little EU, and the liberals have taxed shit ridiculously in the province. However, (((minimum wage))) is $14/hr, and I rent from my family and live in a conservative area, so I know my neighbours and get along well. I can even save money on a part time mcjob, but only because I have no car and few expenses.
John Smith
If you can stomach learning French, Quebec is in a better position than most of English Canada. It has all of the advantages (based rural areas) but simply less poz.
Quebec City is a second-tier city (~650k) but still ~94% white and the economy there is overheating. You'd have to really try to not find a job in the area. Montreal is pretty much gone but it's the cheapest of the major cities. The rural areas are just as nice as rural areas anywhere. Plus, there's a "migrant" crisis occurring there which would normally not be a positive, but they're all going on to Montreal and Toronto, which are already shit. Even though nowhere else's really affected, it's still raising tempers all over the province. I'd say it's the place most likely to resist and last if you're looking for something like that. Downsides are taxes are higher, salaries are lower and the government's inefficient. Quebec has control over its own immigration and the party in the lead right now wants to revamp that to be able to kick out ghetto muds and lower the quota. It's not much but it's a step forward.
Alberta's pretty good too. It's richer and the taxes are lower (= more money for you more quickly to enable you to fuck off innawoods sooner), but it's getting worse very rapidly.
To be very honest with you, if you plan is to work in a pozzed area to make money then go innawoods you'd be better off going to the US, especially if you're a techbro. Tech salaries in Canada are ridiculously low compared to the US (like an engineer fresh out of school might get 45-50k CAD, which is 35-39k USD), taxes are higher and the cost of life (especially groceries and housing) is also higher.
Jason James
I've heard Quebec is reviled as being "backwards and separtist", but is it not the most conservative province? That is, it's moderate/right leaning, and because it's not taking left loads of Tyrone jizz, its considered bad by the government?
Luke Perry
Hongcouver will destroy your soul, but there's 0 crime at least. Unless you live in Surrey, but that's just muds killing muds anyway. Whites and Asians float by like ghosts stuck in their own lives, while Pajeets and Abbos kill each other.
Isaac Diaz
Come to Minnesota, cousin. Unlike our syrup chugging neighbors to the north we aren't ever going to repatriate ISIS fighters. Our population is still 85% white despite Bill Clinton signing NAFTA in 1994, and importing Soymaliniggers.
Connor Ramirez
You should come to the US. We still have guns. Also, a shit load of jews live here, so they won't let us get shoah'd before robbing us blind and evacuating back to their "Greater Israel" once we're done killing all the muds and helping them build it, like the good goys we are. This is gonna sound like peak faggotry, but since they legalized gay marriage in the US, come here and husbando a single Zig Forumsack to get your citizenship. Rinse and repeat. We can start importing all the remaining white men from cucked nations. Come to the US and get an AR15. Maybe our white great grandchildren will be fortunate enough to die in a pile of empty brass instead of a gulag on the day of white extinction.
Call it gay all you want, but if it's not us exploiting that loop hole who else is it going to be?
Brandon Turner
Dubs check. Agreed. They made this loophole and we should exploit the shit out of it. If they refuse to marry us, we can call them homophobic and anti-immigrant. Intense butt hurt would ensue. :^)
Andrew Wood
Yea and their BLM wants reparations.
Gabriel Mitchell
"Don't talk to my husband Hans or his girlfriend ever again!"
I know it some cucked and gay and crazy, but you could flip the degeneracy that's been forced upon us and weaponize it against them. After he gets his citizenship, divorce, like everyone else does. Maximum lulz when lefties start trying to repeal gay marriage and halt (white) immigration.
Quebec is reviled because most Canadians are smug assholes. They imagine they live in the best country in the world and they can't understand why everyone doesn't emulate them. So when people want to leave it, or implement anything that goes against their "values" (lots of Canadians were whining not so long ago about a proposed French language and values test and were demanding that we lose control over our immigration), they just can't understand. Most Quebecers on the Internet gave up explaining to Canadians why we want to go.
That, also we're poorer than most of the country and we receive money from the federal government and in their eyes that ought to shut us up. The reason why we're poorer is that we finally stood up for ourselves against the Anglo-Jew merchant class that controlled Quebec's economy and the Catholic Church and threw them out in the 60s. Since then the remaining members of that class and the newer poz vote in bulk (along with a few brainwashed Quebecers) for a party whose aim is to keep us poor so we don't leave. It looks like in 6 months, government will be formed by a party whose platform expressly mentions making us richer and getting us off the Canadian dole, as well as immigration reforms. That will be interesting to witness. They say separatism is dead but I guarantee you that if we ever become a "have" province we will be out so fast that Ottawa's head will spin.
Quebec is not that much more conservative than other places. We have plenty of progressive policies other provinces don't have (like cheap subsidized childcare). We're just more xenophobic, which as anybody here knows is a completely healthy and natural attitude. People will tell you the language acts as a barrier against American collegiate HIV loads, but I don't think that's true because most people under 30 have some command of English. The truth is we're simply an inwards-looking people and we like to do our own thing. As enamored with "diversity" the average urban Canadian is, they don't like diversity of opinion and that's why they hate us.
Angel Jenkins
This, the Great Lakes belong to the White man Wisconsin is the same way, but with Hmong instead of Somalis, and better gun laws
Matthew Gray
Easton Morgan
Checked. We have Hmong as well (the ones in that Eastwood movie were actually from MN). I can't say on the gun laws other than I have my CCW permit, and MN is a "will issue" not a "may issue".
Luke Gonzalez
What about the poz in the cities? When will Quebec nationalism take care of that?
Jackson Jackson
Fellow German here. For every Person leaving it's get harder for the rest. Not just for statistics, a good vote(still kind of a meme) but also for the spirit of the rest. If we keep fleeing we don't have anything to fight for and if we are at this point we lost.
Liam Sanchez
Isn't Merkel expected to get thrown out next election anyway?
William Garcia
Germanic descendant here, and I agree. This idea can work both ways. Please forgive me for not speaking the mother language (the jews cancelled German language classes for us in 4th grade).
My only issue with moving to the fatherland is my guns. I inherited my grandfather's guns (I am named after him, and there is at least one road here named after him too) so my greatest concern moving to Germany would be leaving behind a German legacy in Minnesota.
Also just FYI, Minnesota was pioneered mostly by Germans so don't believe the Swede lies.
Bentley Torres
Cities in Canada is full fucking poz, specially in the social services jobs. All the non-profits are actually for-profit, and are run by yarmukah wearing kikes and they hire only older catladies, and pajeets and dead-eyed Asians as support workers. They will let a tard rampage in a timmies, smashing glass and attacking patrons and punish staff that intervene. That and Surrey has a commie problem trying to rile up the junkies on 125A street, whalley into seizing the means of production:
You can have guns here as a citizen it's just harder. On top you have to be in a shooting club and they have quiet a lot of tradition. Most right winger I know are in such a club. And I am not speaking about those who left generations ago, stay and defend your new homeland, but those who are here that want to fuck of like a faggot. Those are also the ones that never helped a bit, tried anything and expected that shitposting around other shitposter will do anything.
Evan Garcia
Fuck Canada, I can't even buy raw milk, it's illegal. If you're gonna live in the woods I suppose that's fine, but the cities and people can burn.
Cameron White
Austria is even worse than the rest of Germany:
17 May 2018 Man is jailed for six months for collecting four bottles of Hitler wine in Austria To be clear, even in GDR 2.0, you can have as much Hitler wine as you like and decorate the interior of your home with as many swastikas as you like.
12 August 2016 Austrian who posted Hitler cat photo is jailed
On the other hand, fucking young boys in the ass is totaly OK for Austrian judges if you a smelly inbreed mudslime cretain. How could you know he don‘t like it and it is forbiden?
Yeah German, return to the place were the Poles have genocided your ancestors… I‘d rather try my luck with Turks than Poles.
Germans have totally unrealistic, romantic preconceptions about Canada and Australia and Newzealand… and to a degree about the USA … and many are so uninformed and deluded to think that South-Africa is livable place. Just like you Anglos have about Austria and Switzerland.
Asher Diaz
Where i live, its way too cold for muzzies, indians or niggers to enjoy themselves. Chinks perhaps but not any tropical people. Winterchan keeps the browns at bay.
Angel Brooks
Canada is in a terrible situation, specially if you're considering going to Toronto or Chongcouver. I don't see why you'd consider it, you be better off moving to Poland or Czechia.
Mason Ross
the "Canada is 53% white" meme comes from some survey or census where they automatically assumed everyone that identified as "Canadian" is non-white, which is retarded
Christopher Gonzalez
Especially since "Canadian" ancestry was most often reported in the whitest part of the country.
Mason Adams
hahaha you're a bitch. Who else says, 'asserting dominance'. You want to runaway? Runaway, it's your life.
Elijah Powell
Burger here, getting my BSN in a few years, looking at Alberta. Rural areas still good? I like hunting and fishing and miss the cold North. Murrika is developing like crazy and hell bent on turning all decient places into commiefornia clones.
James Lopez
Hey there,
Have a few friends in Heidelberg and what not and they say the same thing, public transport is a nightmare. I've heard how the women in some places are fed up and are now defending themselves anyway possible. Here in burgerland the idiots keep pushing for these pieces of scum to be let in, going to be interesting when they get their wish and we end up with acid attacks and tucks of peace running over these fools.
What part of the Fatherland are you from may I ask?
Nathaniel Baker
Cuckanada is 80-90% rural.
Asher Collins
You have a good point, but the climate of the region alone is harsh enough though to make anyone go to the USA instead (or Argentina or Brazil before it got fucked), also a whole lot of quebecers had to leave for the USA because the english government didnt want Québec to be very successful or else we'd just declare independance like the american did which scared the shit out of England enough to force the fusion of two different european nations into one multicultural failure called Canada.