Some places are alright on reddit. Not because they are aware or such, but because another front on this war against the yids and shitskinns can be waged subtly there. I wouldn't suggest anyone get infused into that cancer culture of signalling shit many parts have, but you as user, can jump in and drop some things into the discussion with a finesse that should be second nature to you after a few years on the chans. HFY is at its heart white people vs the universe written by a bunch of soft belly children indoctrinated by liberal education, the right pushes, the right points delivered on their posts and ideas, and one redpill after another starts to take hold. And the lovely thing about redpills, once you take it, its there forever, you can never forget it. Such opens the path to another, and another, and perhaps it will take them years, but each person whom took it will eventually become us at some level.
This is how this war is currently being fought user. I am user, I don't need an fucking echo chamber. I live in an world of shit and piss, and waded into the dregs of our society online to find some humor in the abyss I was born. Now, I step into the lands of the normalfags and wreck their shit with the lessons learned on the chans and the fire Zig Forums has stoked in my heart. I can stride into the valley of the shadow of death, and call em all weak cuck faggots, unabashed in my own strength and mission. You should be finding your own way to strike back at this system user, each of us are different, each of us have strengths and powers others do not, and each of us are user. Final boss. Stop waiting for them to come to us, bring the fight to them in their safe places.
These little redpills op points out, its what cements the truths we lay at the normalfags feet. The fools can see in real time, with their own eyes the truth. It takes time for many, but our enemies give us the ammo needed to crush their own armies, blinded by hubris and greed. Embrace it. OP's shit, while vile, is OUR victory, not our enemies. It just takes will to drive yourself to action. Each step on the road to victory is one more step forward, if you wait for the victory to become easy and come to you, you wait forever and be subsumed under the rising tide of shitskinns and kike attacks. Op is not an faggot in this instance.
You apparently are. Get gud.
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