Are you happy now?

Digital PTSD is real

Other urls found in this thread:

In my case, continuously watching videos of the rally only seemed to exacerbate my body and brain’s response to the incidents of the day. My heart would start racing, my chest would tighten up, and breathing would prove difficult. Sometimes I would get so anxious that I would vomit. Usually, these episodes would culminate in a feeling of uncontrollable rage or panic, followed by periods of dissociation, an extreme defense against trauma that causes a disconnect between a person’s thoughts, memories, and body, which I also experienced in the immediate aftermath of the car attack in August.

Over the phone with The Outline, Ramsden compared the state of the brain on trauma to an overworked muscle that cramps up. “The brain has the same issue, and just wears itself out and becomes much more sensitive,” she explained. Once this happens, she added, the hippocampus — or the part of the brain at the center of emotion and memory — becomes more sensitive, and “the smallest situation can even trigger” a reaction.

Journalists and activists looking to cover far-right movements arguably have more access to them than ever before, from the thousands of leaked Discord logs released by Unicorn Riot — a decentralized, independent media collective — to social media posts on Twitter, Reddit, and Gab. Fascist groups like Patriot Front, whose members split off from Vanguard America after last summer’s rally to form a new group, and the recently dissolved Traditionalist Worker Party often chat and organize on forums like Discord. But that greater access can also entail regular exposure to violent and hateful content.

“You dig through [Discord logs] for hours and hours and spend a lot of time seeing what they say, and watching them formulate plans, and the weird, sick jokes they make online,” said freelance journalist Elizabeth King. “Seeing them in real life or knowing you will because you cover them, it’s super jarring.”

While reading up on the alt-right for an upcoming book about fascism and free speech, Moskowitz remembered coming across some particularly violent and triggering conversations online. “I was trying to do research on how the alt-right was trying to frame Charlottesville and was seeing pictures of Heather Heyer’s body and people making fun of her weight,” Moskowitz said. “To see what was so traumatic for me be turned into a joke and a fat-shaming session was like ‘Wow, really no one cares.’”

Chris Schiano — a reporter with Unicorn Riot who covered the Tiki torch march on UVA’s campus — also worked on the Discord leaks. Schiano’s work involved going through all the messages to redact anything that targeted specific people before publishing, and reporting on the details of the discussions taking place on the app.

Speaking with The Outline, he recalled that going through the violent logs was stressful — even though, as a white man, he knew he wasn’t a target of these groups. “I think my ability to be cool and keep doing it is a level of privilege,” Schiano said. Still, he said that he avoided violent content of the night of the torch march, where he was concerned for his safety. “I’ve had to re-watch it at other points in my own work,” he said. “It wasn’t until a month ago this year that I went back and watched the stream. I still need to process more of it.”
Moskowitz said they also mostly tried to avoid graphic content of the rally after they came home.

Anna Merlan, a Jewish journalist who writes for Gizmodo’s Special Projects Desk, told me that the first time she interviewed a Neo-Nazi, she was mostly “surprised by the depths of their ignorance and what they would say” to her. Allowing them to spread misinformation was not something she would allow, however. Merlan said that while covering Neo-Nazis, she has felt obligated to tell them she was Jewish. “I let them know when they say something that’s not true,” she said.

The Raw Story’s Al-Sibai said that in the course of her work covering the alt-right over the past two years, her personal information was once found and shared by right-wing trolls in a body-shaming Reddit thread. “They found my OKCupid and were saying I looked like I photoshopped myself,” she said.

“When I first learned about the r/FatPeopleHate thread about me, it was honestly more devastating than others because rather than finding out about it myself, I was alerted to it by someone else,” Al-Sibai said. “I was driving when a friend texted me about it, and I definitely had to pull over because I started having a panic attack about it.”
As many journalists I spoke to expressed to me, when you’re writing about the far-right in 2018, it’s easy to find yourself in a kind of catch-22: you have to be online to do your work, but the more of an online presence you might have, the more likely trolls are to glom on.

After the events in Charlottesville, my immediate response was to get back to covering these violent movements, because I didn’t want to feel that I’d lost my ability to do my job. Journalists are exposed to violence all the time and continue doing their jobs, I thought — so why couldn’t I? Often, I’d get to the end of the day and drink too much, rather than take a break from my work.
Al-Sibai told me she’s had a similar response to her trauma. “Especially in this job, I find myself drinking more than I want to. It’s not a great coping mechanism,” she said.

For those journalists who do continue to do this work, Merlan explained, it’s important to prepare for the potentially traumatic impacts of covering violence on the ground and online. “I encourage people to know about trauma, how it can affect you, and how being a target of hate can feel, and to be ready for it,” she said.

In the months since “Unite the Right,” I’ve had to work on putting my mental health first. I’ve made a conscious decision to take a break from attending and covering protests, and to limit my exposure to particularly graphic content online. Most importantly, recovery has meant accepting the reality that putting my sense of safety and my health first is OK — and that contrary to what I’d learned from colleagues in the past, journalists don’t always need to be tough.




Watch out internet bullies the
are on the case.

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Why do faggots use words they don't understand? Dissociatives physiologically disconnect the brain from the body. In another word: anesthesia.

She didn't even get hit by the fucking car her fatass had a heart attack

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Oy vey, what a shoah!

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It's always heartening to see the iron wills and steely dispositions our opponents possess.

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If you think thats bad, imagine how the guy feels who drove the mustang that was surrounded and attacked by people with weapons.

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I know, this whole thing made me lul. These "people" are so dillusional, and it pleases me that these faggots get so asshurt over the things we do.

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It is true that these fags are suffering from crippling fear now that the realization that they're not invincible has crept into their minds. I wouldn't call it PTSD as much as just a loss of innocence, though. Vid related is a great example of this happening very quickly to a bunch of cunts trying to block off a freeway. They start out with the mindset of complete and utter confidence in their safety, despite the fact that they're walking onto a goddamned road in the middle of the night. Some of them aren't even looking for oncoming traffic as they walk out. Then one gets hit, and the realization that they can actually get hurt instead of just getting faceberg likes comes into their minds. The chanting stops, the panic sets in, and, most laughably, they instantly obey someone in a car yelling at them to get off the road, which is something they would have refused to do if they still had the invincibility mindset.

I think this is also why we don't see as much antifa shit anymore. They got their asses kicked in Berkely of all places, and suddenly it's not fun for them. Because that's all it is for them: fun and games

snowflake syndrome is real.

Every snowflake needs to get parachuted over African with two bottles of water, 6 energy bars, a knife and a Map, and then told to get to the rally point 60 miles away.

Would fix their shit really quick and the weak would never make it.

Sounds like "Strong Male Deficency disorder"(SMDD)
As a doctor, i recommend non-Anal and non-oral sex, if you get what i mean.

What a faggot. I have it, and it was from years of abuse, not looking at shit on the internet


Reverse psychology.
The author knows how to make you work for him.

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Maybe THEY should have thought about what happens after they return home from ruining lives BEFORE they left to ruin lives.
The jews gave me PJSD (Post jewdaic Stress Syndrome) through their constant badgering and fuckery for decades. They gave PJSD to every fucker out there getting up and making noise about their fuckery. These cunts are deliberately triggering those with PJSD so they can make a shekel. Time to start suing the cocksuckers for jewbux.


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Well, you wanted war, you got it, and this is what it looks like, so, suck it up, buttercup.


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They should have never fucked with NEETS. Leveling up is in our breeding.

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It's not just that: we are the Umman Manda of the modern age.
Our numbers are uncountable; the time and place of our gathering unknowable, except to our own.
Our arrival is heralded by the trembling of the Earth, and we strike from the shadows, then vanish into the night as though we never existed at all.

Fuck that cuckchan meme. They were stopped by Cyrus humiliator of the enemy in verbal contest OY the kike from the TRIBE OF GAD. He let the jews return and build their temple even.

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Jesus Christ this is fucking cringe worthy.
I'd be pathetic even for a woman to be so mentally destroyed by an event she didn't experience herself, let alone was actually affected by, but for a man to feel like this? bitchboy might as well kill himself, no testosterone to be found there.

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Don't feel too bad user, think of all the victim points he is earning right now!

Guys… you know these faggots are liars right? It's literal nigger tactics. Muh victim bullshit over something they went seeking out and NOTHING HAPPENED to them. This is just a spin on, 'micro aggressions'. They went looking for shit to rat on as much as write about. They found nothing illegal and only things they won't repeat so the story becomes them and their feelings.

Dead libs can’t get ptsd

See, I know this but at the same time I've encountered soyboys of such caliber that finding a "man" that genuinely felt like this faggot does wouldn't be that surprising.
I think it's just I'm too old-fashioned in my mentality in contrast with modern sensitivities but I can't wrap my head around the fact of a male intentionally pretending to be such a sissy and honestly expecting to get sympathy and praise instead of derision and snide, but that's the modern world, I suppose.

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Messed up audio, shit.

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Well fuck it, I guess I'll just get the docs to fix my fucking EVERY PARASITE EVER syndrome when I get to the rally point.

You could just stab a cow and boil it's blood. It's not like it's India where they'll bury you in cow shit over it.

Meh, I guess I'll have to be satisfied with this for now. Still waiting for punch face over standard TCP/IP.

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This isn't even the war yet. War is even more fun. They will never actually assemble for war though.

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Poisoned food, poisoned air, poisoned water, poisoned vaccinations, toxic dentistry, toxic medicine, toxic programming…. the list just goes on and on. It’s depopulation. You’re being murdered, err genocided, no, culled by talmudic turds who think it’s their job ordained by G-d.


I heard this on Cantwell's show. It was one of the biggest "the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you" I've ever heard.

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All SJW media is just that. Feelings.

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This is a Motivational, spiritual energy blast into your memetic Sphere!!!
A pep Rally!!! A call to arms!!! A return to God and a destruction of the VILE ones!!!

Well get cured and watch this Panacea for your mind!!!
You are not worthless Goyim Shit you are loved and appreciated and waiting for you to come home

Even if you dont believe in God there is alot of redpills in this video and you WILL FEEL BETTER !!!

Dont be!!! RISE UP

Are you contributing to mankinds DOWNFALL or resurection???

Now is the time to join the fight , the enemy has
There is an industrialized, organized evil afoot

An ancient order of evil video

We have a psychotic, artistic aristocracy called hollywood involved in SEX CULTS, CHILD SEX SLAVERY AND PURE EVIL

What you have is the shadow cult is trying everything they can to stop Trump and stop the Neo-Renaissance



Join the ARMY OF RIGHTEOUSNESS and let's expose these DEVILS
A Digital Prohpecy from the futureScape


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Its a special kind of feeling becoming these assholes' boogeymen, and I love every second of it.

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Hahaha, the information war unfolds!

Die Flut Kommt!

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I got pepper sprayed bad by a couple antifa at the battle of Berkeley, and having never been sprayed before- it was an awful experience. Hasn't stopped me from enjoying capsaicin in any form or impacted really anything else other than created a burning desire to fuck up antifa and the realization that planning/team organization is far more important for both your own safety, and effectiveness, than anything else.

The left is weak, but I also wouldn't make the mistake of thinking this represents all of them. There are plenty of stone cold ideologues like that bike lock professor who are more than willing to maim or kill you given the chance at these events, mixed in with weaklings like in the OP.

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Digital PTSD is real

so is RNM/remote neuralmonitoring which ties in w/ gangstalking (50% are victims and 50% are perps but 100% are human testsubjects). can somebody confirm this?

how does it work? I know the perps use triggers on victims so the victims are spied with electro-magnetic frequencies… to map their brains (EEG clone) ?

how does that work? can they insert thoughts or stress you on thoughts?

RNM is interesting tech but not if they do it to you without consent or being a testsubject without pay

it looks like the NSA can follow patterns of thought after months of analysing your brainwaves matching with your communications. they are active on Zig Forums too. they send back copies of your brainwaves (RF) to induce pain. this is the ultimate thoughtmonitoring which is interesting for researchers but the RF gives you cancers before your time

they don't care about these inhumane experiments which is why it's secret (im victim not perp)

No they do not. Brainwaves are not RF but instead sodium and neurotransmitter based. Learn how to neurobiology.

That being said, it would be possible to have directed energy weapons targeting specific parts of the brain if you are really modern.

it really is amazing how they live in another world and then snap when reality comes crashing in. to get mad about "racism" and "nazis" means you truely live in a fantasy. then when confronted with reality, they panic and try their best to retreat back into their comfort zone.

My ex girlfriend told me about this guy in her brothers band thats in a cult. A straight up acid tripping alien worshipping cult. So I go talk to him out of curiosity and honestly it felt just like talking to a liberal, how disconnected they are from reality is flooring. But instead of saying "racists" are even (but race doesnt exist), people shouldnt own guns (unless its the cops which they hate), he thought aliens communicated with your minds while we sleep, doing acid makes you a god, etc. Just like liberals laughed at the thought of Trump being elected because they are disconnected from everyday people, he too was disconnected like that. What about the human condition makes it so easy to be a space cadet like this? How did this evolve or help humanity?

"Neurotransmitters" are electrical systems too, smart guy.

At least post the webm

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Nothing is beyond our reach…
OC related

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I see this in more "people" than just antifa , the npc syndrome ,The easiest way for me to describe this are the kind of people that believe the red light will physically stop the car from hitting them ,it's like they live the fucking scripts and "we" are the only one able to see that
"Hi, I'm Peter. I'm a journalist, writer, dog owner, nice person in real life, mean person on Twitter, kombucha maker (like once), queer thing, Jewish thing, uh, yeah. Hi!"
"I use they/them/theirs pronouns."

Well I didn't find anything saying that directly but anons with better jewradars will help you

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This Earl Grey is exceedingly refreshing.



War, war never changes

An idle mind is the devil's playground, perceived abundance and the belief all basic needs are covered opens the tavistocks to unnatural cravings that translate to "FUN", when you aren't worrying about your and your family's sudden death, what you are going to eat to survive the night, how to fight or flight or about continuing your lineage to leave something real behind and have a chance at existence beyond yourself, your mind turns into a puddle of feces, you start doing things not to survive but "to live life :D", you lose sight of reality by shaping your priorities to eat cum and entertain yourself to death.

this experiment didn't prove the dangers of unchecked population growth as the narrator said, it proved the dangers of unchecked abundance.

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Terry looks like Epstein there

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Tis not but a thing. Digital PTSD =/= losing side of a psyop

Yes, very. Terror, shock, and awe, these have always been the white man's best weapons.

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